chapter 20: finally!
Delirious pov
I use the rest of the signal to talk to the others. 'Come on.....come on!' As I tried to I finally got it to work. My eyes widen and a smile was placed across my lips Ines I heard a weird British accent.
"Um....who are you and how do you know me?"
"Yes do u have to repeat myself?"
"N-no....well anyways do you know where you are?"
"It doesn't matter I'm already scanning your location.....just keep talking to me a little longer"
"Okay was your day?"
I heard a giggle and a soft whisper saying 'idiot'
"Well, I got your location I'm sending mark and Jack to get you"
"Okay mini thanks a lot"
"Wait! I can try this teleportation thingy I been working on!"
"That doesn't sound safe" I laugh he huffs and says fuck you to me "just wait a minute ama get them" I was humming until I heard steps.
"Okay, one, two, three!"
After that a light appeared right infront of me. "Um....what the hell?" The light was there and then BAM! Mark and Jack appeared right infront of me. "It worked!" Jack yelled. I heard foot steps behind me. Mark and Jack took out there pistols. "Delirious?" Evan appears infront of them. The thing that got me was the strong smell of alcohol. "Umm jack, mark?" They lowered there guns and laughed. "Don't scare a brother like that vanoss" mark said holding his stomach. "How did you guys get here?" They look at each other then at me. "Would you belive us if we told you that we just teleported to you guys?" Mark smiled
Evan wasn't moving the he turn to look at Scotty and Anthony. "I think i drank to much of this shit" he laughed. "Evan....did you drink?" He made this weird smiled and that's all I needed to know that he was for sure drinking. "What did you do to him?" I groweld but it was no use cause they where all drunk. "Motherfuckers" I groweld. Then my eyes widen. "WHERE OSIEL!?" they all looked at each other and shrugged. "I don't know" I was pissed. They left the kid alone. I pushed them aside and stormed out. I looked everywhere until I saw his little feet hanging on the tree. "Thank God.....Osiel?" He looked at me and hanged down. "hi Deliwious" I smiled and picked him up. "Are you okay?"He nods and smiled. "Im just looking if I can see mommy" my smiled faded away at the memorie. "Hehe, yea"
I coudnt tell him his mom was dead. Not yet, his to young to know. Then my mind cross to his father....'how would his father react to this' I sigh and brought him back."found him" I growled witch Scotty shivered too. I wasn't gonna forgive them for this. I asked them to take care of him and instead they drank there asses off!. I trusted evan for this. This kid is special and I'm determined to grave the kid with not scratches. "Let's go" I said to mark. They nod and evan sat down. "I said let's go" I order. "Listen here mr. I do the orders around here" I groweld. "Fine, stay here for all I care" I got next to jack and mark. Mark sighs and dragged the three man along. Jack pressed a bottom and in and blink of an eye we where back.
"OSIEL!" Johns yelled and graved Osiel out of my grip. "Don't you ever do that again" Osiel nods and hugs his dad. I look at nogla and I signal him to take the kid. "Berenice? Can you take Osiel he needs to eat" the girl nods and graved the kid. "John...." he smiled and hugged me. "Thank you so much for bringing him back safe and sound" I smile weakly. "Where's jandy?" He looked around and he placed his eyes onto mine. "Delirious?" I couldn't find the world's to tell him. Everyone was behind us watching. John reaps my mask off and throws it on the ground making it Crack. "WHERE IS SHE?!" He yelled. I looked down. "She....she's dead" I wispered. "What?" He looked afraid. I graved his shirt and shook him. "DID YOU NOT HEAR ME! I SAID SHE US DEAD!" He let tears fall down onto my hands. "She is dead....." the taller man graved me and brought me into a hug.
He cried and I feel the tears feel the tears fall into my head. I hugged him back and I let tears fall. "And I just got her back..." he pulled back and looked at me. His face was pail and his blueish greenish eyes looked dull and hurt. "Does he know?" I shool my head. "No he told me that she fell and she told him to run away.....and look for me.....she told him to make her proud and stay alive...." he smiled and looked at his ring. "She stilled tried to act strong.....even when she knew one of them where my gonna survive" he laughed and let tears fall down his eyes. He graved my cracked mask and gave it to me. "Here put it on....then go to my room and I'll fix it" I shake my head. "There's no need" he puts it on my face. "I won't take no for an answer" he smiled and walked to the kitchen. I sigh and slid down the wall. Evan waddles to me but I stoped him. "Get away from me, don't look at me, don't talk to me, don'" I growled. He looked at me and I flicked him off. "Where do you think your going?" He groweld "Suck my ass" I simply said.
I heard foot steps Behind me. I turned around about to punch what I tought was evan but it wasn't it was mini
"Wow! I'm friendly...." I sigh and lower my fist. "What do you want?" He looked at me and sighs. "Let's go to my room" I shrugged and followed him. "What?" I asked. He looked his door. "Is your real name....Jonathan......Jonathan denis?" My eyes widen and I took out my knife. "How did you know, you little shit" I groweld. "Hang on! Let me explain" I lowered my knife but still had it close enough. "Is don't know if you remember but.....evan knows you since you guys where kids...." my eyes widen and I lower my knife. "How do you know that?" I asked. "I read it in his journal" my eyes widen. "How? I Don't even remember him in my childhood?!" He shrugged and showed me the picture of us. "No....this can't be..." he puts it away. "Well you better belive it cause he was you all over his pages..." I backed away. " dont belive this!" He covered my mouth. "Well you better start rembering your past cause what ever happen you probably lost your memories" I looked down at my feet. "I don't even know what's reality and what's not..."
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