chapter 19: protect it
Johns pov (jandy's husband)
I was freakin out! Where's my son?! I looked everywhere for him! Oh no.....the only family I have left and I lost him!! What would jandy think of me!
As I cry myself to sleep I heard a knock on the door. "May I come in?" I get up and open the door to revile Simon. I gave her a weak smile witch made her sad. "I think I know where Osiel is at....." my eyes widen and I grave her arms. "Please tell me for the love of god!" She sighs and looks at me. "He is with jandy" I let go of her. "Of can I be so stupid!? He can't stay away from his mother for a minute!" I smile at her and hugged her tightly but tried to not hurt her belly. "Thank you, thank you thank you thank you!" She sighs and looked at me. "Well I must get going I gotta go check on marcel- ugh" she graved her stomach and I quickly graved her. "Hey! Are you okay?" She shakes her head and whispered something. "Simone I didn't quite catched that-"
"OH SHIT!" I picked her up and carried her to marcel. I kick open the door to see marcel talking to lui. "THE BABY IS COMING YOU SACK OF POTATOES!" He quickly got up and started yelling. "BERENICE! COME HERE QUICK!" The girl came as soon as she heard her name. "What's wrong?!"
"THE BABY IS COMING!" marcel jumps. She nods "can you place her at the edge of the bed" I nod and carefully put her on the bed. I was smiling the hole time, their reminded me...of jandy when she was pregnant. I knew this thing already so I was calmer then marcel. I get up and graved marcel. I slapped him hard and he looked at me. "Listen to me buddy cause I'm gonna tell you this one's.....if you don't get your shit together, you will miss one of the most important things that ever happen in your fucking life so you better be next to your wife holding her hand and been there all the step of the way you understood?!" He shakes his head and he runs to heard side. He holds her hand and I smile at the moment. I see nogla putting the camara on quickly recorded but as soon as the baby was coming out nogla fainted so I had to do the job. I look at nogla and I smiled. "Freaken nogla...."
After the baby was born!!!!
Marcel fainted half way amd it was kinda funny. I'm so glad I recorded that. I pat Simons back. "Good job did good" she was crying and gave me a big smile. Berenice came back with the baby. I go by her side and grave the baby. I pour a glass of water on marcel and he wakes up "GUAAH!" I used my other hand and picked him up. "Get up fool your baby is here" his eyes widen as he sees it in my hands. He was about to grave it but I didn't let him. "AY what the fuck give me my kid!" I shush him and told him to sit with Simone. "Im gonna do the same thing that they did to me..." I sigh and smiled at the memorie of the woman thag helped us with Osiel. "This is a gift that God has given to you.....and I will only give it to you if you promise to take good care of it until the ends of your life's... be there to take care of it, support it and Protect it...will you there for your kid and take care of it?" She nods "with all my heart and soul" I look at marcel. "And you....would you protect the kid and your wife?" He nods and kissed Simone on her head. "I'll do anything for them" I smiled "well then....if you choose to protect this can have her" they both smiled and cried. "It's a her!!!" Simone laughed. "We have a girl!! Witch means she will be as beautiful as her mother" they both kissed and I handed her the kid. "What would you name her?" Berenice asked. They moth looked at each other and smiled. "Since you helped us......we will make you deside" my eyes widen and I liked at Berenice who was smiling lime crazy. "M-me?" They both nod and a flash back came to me.
Flash back
If we have a boy ama name him Osiel and if it's it's a girl.....her name will be...
I smiled and looked at the kid. "Her name will be Ailinne (ailin that's how you say it). They smiles. "We love it"
"Welcome to the world ailinne.....Welcome to this world that has only brought nightmares and pain to are lifes...." I whispered
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