chapter 14: my delirious side
Delirious pov
As I was driving the car I see evan shaking. I stopped for a second and I looked at him. He pouted for a little and whispered something that made me blush and ponder what he was dreaming about....but for sure I was in that dream.
"Nooo not like that delirious....." my cheeks begin to burn. I see him smirk and that gave me an idea that he was dreaming of something perverted. "Evan...what are you dreaming about you fucking sicko" I turned around and kept on driving. I looked at him again to see him blush. 'Evan...I gotta say you are kinda hott...wait! Ugh mine shut the hell up' as we arrived at the place noble asked me to go I deside to wake evan up. "Evan where here...." he still didn't wake up. "Evan, evan, EVAN!" I shout and he wakes up.
"Huh? Who? What?" I evan begin to look around and then at me. "I said we are here" I gave and 'are you serious look' and looked away. "Why can't I see your face?" I glared at him. 'Maybe because I'm ugly and I don't want you too see me, cause I'm afraid what you may say about me'
"Because I verly know you and I'm more of a mysterious type like you said" he was obviously not pleased with that answered and he grumble something I didn't catch. He got out of the car. I get out of the car to look at him and out of no where his eyes widen and looks down. He begin to look around for something but all he could do was freak out. "Ummm, what the hell?" I tried to get to him to see why he was all worried about. "N-no Stay over there" I stopped my action and looked at him. "Why?" He glared at me and blushed madly. "B-because I said so" I crossed my arms. "Why should I listen to you" I walked towards him and he quickly got in the car locking all the doors. "You don't listen to me but you listen to some other fucker that was about to trow you his animal at you" I growled and hit the window.
"Evan open the fucking Door" he smirks and shakes his head. I growled and punched the car again making it shake. "Aren't you spice~" I cross my arms and stomped my feet. "Evan open this fucking door right now or I'll brake the window" he chuckles and smirks at me for a while. I then begin to feel weird. His hungry stare was so sexy yet it was making me self-conscious. "W-what are you looking at?" He licked his lips and slowly said.
"Your too cute when your angry~" my face begins to flush. "Oh s-shut it" he laughs and looks at me. "You know you like to be complimented" I decided to tease him and I lift up my mask just above my lips. "Maybe I do.....~" he blushed madly and I laughed. Walking away from him. I heard him open the door. Then I felt warm air in the back of my neck. It send chills and my hair stand up. "You have a nice booty~" he slaps my ass and I jumped. I turned around blushing. "W-what was that for!?" He laughs "I tought you like my complements~"I sigh and walked away. As we walked around the place I see dead zombie bodies all over the floor. "Someone must be around here" he takes out a pistol. "We gotta watch out, Stay close" he walked ahead of me and kept on walking. I walked a few steps away from him but then I felt someone grave me from behind. I yelped loud enough so evan could hear. "Delirious?" He looked around and I see him growl. "This isn't funny" he glared at everything. "Fine, if I find you ama fuck you up" then I saw a few people going behind him. I tried to say something but someone was covering my mouth. I bit them and yelled.
"Evan watch out behind you!" He turned around and see the 3 guys behind him. The guy growled and punched me in my stomach making me loose my breath. Ones I was on the floor he tied me up. I look up to see evan jumping over a counter and takes cover. "Where's delirious?" I heard the guy laugh and he dragged me outside. "Here he is~" he pushed me to the floor making me fall. "Sark.... I tought I killed your punk ass!" He laughs and puts his feet on my head. "You can't do that vanoss" his eyes widen...."t-tom" I open one eye to see a purple haired guy. "I-ITS not Tom anymore! I'm syndicate!" Evan lowered his gun. "W-why?" The guy so called syndicate didn't answere. Instead he kicked me. I let out a cry of pain. "F-fucker leave him out of this!" Syndicate kicks me one more time. "Why?~" evan was quite for a moment but answered and point his gun at him. "Because he has nothing to do with this!" Sark laughs and picks me up. "Isn't he a beauty~" they put a gag on me and he was about to lick me until a gun shot was heard. "Don't you dare put a finger on him" the guy laughs. "Why? Is he to inportant?~" he didn't answered.
"Do you not want to loose him like you did with sydney" evan glared and shot Sark in the leg. "Her slutty as can get bent for all I care!" Sark laughs. "With this will be able to do what ever I want....your under my power now evan fong" he growled and sees something in the back and smirks. "You wish~" he shot something at the back that made something explode. We all flew because of the explosion but I was being held by evan. He placed me on the ground and pointed the gun at anything that moved. "What's wrong you have feelings for that guy~?" He smirks. "That's nun of your god damn business bitch"
He took off the gag of and untied me. "T-thank you"
"Don't thank me yet we still haven't gotten out of the woods yet"
"Evan if you come out we won't hurt your lover" I blushed at the comment. "Fine" was all he said. "What are you crazy!" He laughs and gets up. "You can say that" I shake my head and tried to grave him but he already walked towards them. "Like I told touch delirious I'll murder you all" he growled. "Put the gun down" he throws it at the person. "Fuck you tom" he shoots at the wall next to evan Making me flinch. "Please be safe, please be safe, please be safe " I repeated over and over again. I look up to see evan smirking and the syndicate guy really close to evan. It made my blood boil. "I didn't know you wanted me so close to you tom~" he teased. Tom pushed evan to the wall and kissed him. My eyes widen and I see Evans eyes widen. I coudnt take it no more. "Get your body off of him!" I yelled and pounced on syndicate. I start to punch him. "Don't you ever get close to him!" I yelled. I graved him and picked him up making him get pushed to the wall I kicked him making him go the other side of the wall. I tackled him down but all we did is fall out of the building. He spun me around and started to hit me. I see a tube and I tried to reach for it but he had stabbed me. "AAAH" I pushed the pain aside and then as soon as I get an sides clear view of his face I see that it was the same guy that made cartoonz get attacked by zombies. We both stopped and looked at each other. " where the guy that made cartoonz get killed. "Yes.....yes I was" now i had another reason to murder his punk ass. "You son of a bitch! I'll kill you!" I heard all the people come outside of the building I spin him around and I graved my machete slashing his back. I groan in pain but all it did was give me pleasure. He was weak and I graved my machete and shoved it right in his back. I pushed in harder making the sharp object go all the way yo his chest. "You deserve to go to hell" I take out my machete out of his body. I graved him by his shirt and staved it under his chin. I let out my insane laugh and as soon as my machete was threw his skull I graved it and pushed it all the way back making his neck Crack. I heard all the people gasp and some let out cries but I didn't care. "I told you I would find you....and kill you~" I took out my machete making his now lifeless body fall to the cold ground. I graved a match and burned his corps. I turned around and laughed. "Who of you assholes would like to be next?~" my body was covered in blood and I see Evans eyes widen and full with fear. "E-evan..." I let tears fall down my eyes evan tried to come close to my side but I ran. I ran as fast as I could. "Im sorry evan....I didn't want you to see my delirious side...."
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