chapter 11- stitches
A/n the world has chosen! And it picked delirious room sorry it wasn't what you wanted but don't worry I'm gonna do Craigs point of view to see what he was really doing.
Tylers pov
I walked to delirious room and saw this girl standing in the middle of the room. I took out my gun and pointed it at her. "Who are you?" I asked. She jumped a little and slowly turned around. She slowly turned around with her hands up. After she was facing me she gasped. "Take off the mask" I order and she slowly graved her masked and took it off "It can't be..."
Evans pov
I pushed the guy away and coldly looked at him. "Don't you ever try something with her, if I see you do something to her or the kid I will kill you" he backed away and I graved jandy's hand. I was looking for delirous but I coudnt find him or the girl. 'Ugh, where are they?!' Then I heard a grunt come from the door. 'oh hell no' I could atleast picture what was happening. I graved jandy and made her look at me. "go to are room and go to sleep" she nods and waddles over to are room. I heard a moan, making me growl. I swing open the door to see delirious getting raped by this slut!
"What the fuck do you think your doing?!" I spat out and she sexually turned around making delirious whimper from the loose of contact. She laughs and gets off of delirious. She made her way up to me. Delirious was out of it and started to rap his hands on himself. I growl at the sigh and grave the girl by her neck making her squick. "Don't you ever get close to his body you disgusting walking sex toy " I growled. She started to gasp for air. I smirk. "What's wrong you seem to be struggling a little bit~" she kept on shaking until I tought it was enough for her. I let go making her fall to the floor. I see delirious moaning quietly. I smirk and plasted a kiss to his lips. He kissed back witch I liked but I wasn't gonna get out of control if he doesn't feel the same. I sigh and deside to knock him out. I kissed him and hit him in his soft spot of his neck and made his body go limp. I smelled his body and then my eyes widen. "Was he smoking?" I growled and look at the girl knocked out. "Bitch"
I covered delirious body with a blanket and took him to are room. I saw jandy throwing up and his little kid holding her hair. 'That's sweet' I smiled at the sight and placed delirious on the bed. "Is your mom okay kid?" He looked at me and smiled. "Yea, my mommy is just sick" I smiled and pat his head. "Good job kid" he smiled and gave me a thumbs up. With by the way I found super damn adorable. I smiled and sat down on the chair looking at delirious sleep. "You beautiful basterd...."
Tyler pov
"It can't be....." I cover my mouth and put my gun back in my pocket. "K-kelly" I churped, she smiled at me and see the tears coming outbid her blue eyes. "Tyler...." I pulled her and embrace her into a hug. She hugged back but then let go of me and slapped me. "*Slap* Idiot!" She growled. I cover my cheek "Huh?" tears fell of her face.
"I tought you where dead!"
I stayed quiet and looked at her.
"6 years without seeing you!" She wiped out her tears and sniffed. "You left me and mom alone...." she wimpered. "We where alone and then 2 years later this zombie shit happens!" She let out a cry and looked at me. "I-i tought you where dead! OR I was not gonna see you again! I tought I was hurt enough but I guess not!"
She falls to the floor and cries. " I was tripping over myself, I was aching, begging you to come help!"
"Shaking! falling to my knees! All alone" I was shocked. I didn't mean to hurt her. I was trying to protect them. She cried and cover her face. "Fucker! Just cause of all of this mom died!"y heart stoped. "N-no..." I cover my mouth and look at her. "The last thing that she told me was that she loved both of us" she sighs and looked at me. "And to not be mad at you...cause she knew why you left" I bend over and I hugged her.
"Im sorry Kelly..."
"I meant good things to happen not to make you feel like this" I sigh and forced a smile. "I wanted you to gave everything you wanted so i left to go get a better job..." she laughed and hugged me. "All I wanted was to have you, mom and dad together again" she cried in my arms and whispered.
"But I knew that was never gonna happen"
Mini's pov
I stepped in the bathroom and took of my glasses and looked at myself in the mirror. "Why do I even use this? I could see perfectly without them" I sigh and took of my cloth and jumped in the warm water. I sigh and let the water run to my body. "What if life was different? What if.....there was no zombies,.....what if this was all a dream?.....what if..."
A/N and that's it bois (boys I spell it like that) I was gonna put some more things but you guys picked the delirious room one. If you want me to right what could of happen if wildcat when in his room tell me and if you don't want to that's fine but if you do, put it on the comments below. And in the next chapter we will find out what was Kelly doing in delirious room but as always stay classy guys
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