chapter 10- oh no....
"No way....."
"Hello delirious nice to see you ones again you crazy son of a bitch" I laughed and bro hugged him.
"What are you doing here dude?"
"Looking for shit, and I saw this wonderful lady struggling so I tought I help"
I laughed and looked around. "Where's the rest of the gang?" He made a "o" shape with his mouth and whistle. "There coming" I looked at the door to see the old gang. "Omg no way....delirious?!" I smiled "nice to see you too ken" he smiled and hugged me. "Filex why didn't you call us sooner!" He grin and shrugged. "Where's Marie?" His smile faded away. "She....she is sick....she isn't beaten she is just sick" he looked away and sigh. "Im sorry I didn't know-" he put his hand on my back. "no its fine"
"I can try to help her" his eyes leat up and his smile he pushed me and graved jandy. "Really?!" She nods and he hugs her. She gasped then struggled to get out of his grip. I laughed. "So where is Marie?" He graved her rist and pulled her. "Come this way" and with that they left. We stood there silent until Filex spoke up.
"Well that happen"
After an hour if waiting somone finally knocked on the door. "Come in!" Filex said.
"M-marzia?" The girl had tears in her eyes and Felix just went all in. He graved her and gaved her a passionate kiss. I cough and they pulled away. "Do you feel better now beautiful?" She smiled "i feel much better then I did before " they hugged and Ken came out the door with Marie on his arms. "She is drill pretty weak but you will feel better in no time" jandy explaned. "You have no idea how thankful I am right now, i ow you ms. Jandy" she smiled at him. "Nun Sence you don't have to do nun of that" he smiled "I can never repay you what you did is way more" she laughed. "Just take good care of her and she will be up her feet In no time" she pat him in the back and walked towards me and evan.
"We need to leave"
"We can't it's to late for that" she sighs and looked down. I looked at her and she just took Osiel and left. "Where is she going?" Vanoss asked. "I don't know"
"I'll go check on her" we looked at Marzia "maybe she feels alone without her husband" I sigh "no she isn't selfish" evan put his hand on my back "believe me.....we all turn selfish at one point" I looked at him 'maybe his right..'
Tylers pov
I looked all over the place but I just coudnt find Craig. "Mini?" I called ones again but then realized "maybe his in the roof" I walked down the hallway and ran into nogla. "Nogla, have you seen mini ladd?" He hums a yes and points to my room. "His taking a shower" I nod and pat him on the sholder. "Thank you" he laughs and waves at me "no problem, no go to your lover" I rolled my eyes and walked towards my room but then I heard singing in delirious room. I looked at my door and then at Delirious room.
A/N alright guys you are gonna deside where does wildcat go. Should he go to delirious room and find a surprise or go see if mini was in his room? Choose wisely cause the story will change depending what you put. You can message me alone or comment your choice.
Evans pov
I was walking around the building and i see a the 4 girls dancing and singing
A/N listen to the music!
"This summer is gonna hurt like a motherfucker"
they kept on dancing and I see delirious getting pulled in by a blond haired skinny girl witch made me growled. She started to touch his chest and graved his hands and placed him on her hips. It digested me, but then I saw something I didn't have coming from a married person. There was this other guy and he graved a hand full of her hair and kissed her and the thing that surprised me was that she just let him. I looked at all of them but found something odd about them.
There drunk....
'Motherfuckers getting drunk! And who is this slut graving delirious- DELIRIOUS!' The girl had pulled his mask on top of his nose and kissed him and the thing that made me explode was that I just get to Imagen then things I would do to this guy and she just whent in for it, then I see delirious picking her up and pin her to the wall. "That slut" I growled. I coudnt watch anymore but I remember that if I let this guy keep kissing jandy, this guy sill try something funny with her. I wasn't gonna let that happen. I stomped over and pulled jandy away. "What do you think your doing fuck nugget" I spit at him and hugged jandy. Then I felt her shake. I look down to see her crying.
'Damn she must of realized what she did...' the guy looked at me and flipped me off. "Who the fuck are you?" I asked and he answered with "why do you care faggot" (sorry for the language) I chuckled and looked at him. "If you don't tell me what's your name I will shove my fist down your trought" he smirked and winked at me. "Im chomp" he looked at jandy "but to this hot stuff I'm Matt" she wimpered and I cover her. "Who is that girl dancing around the masked man?" I asked "oh her, her name is Sidney Wilson (idk her last name okay I just made that one up) but man is she great at giving a man his needs"
When I heard that I looked at her and him with disgust "She probably has Aids and all that other shit! And you guys fuck her ugly ass?!" I yelled. He laughed. "She just loves cock, and it seems like she has her eye on that mask man" I glare at them. "And she never did that before, well only with his boyfriend that got eaten by zombies but sydney will do anything to get what she wants.....and what she wants is that man"
"Oh no delirious what have we gotten are selfs into..."
A/N I HAVE NOTHING against sydney it's just part of the plot damn it there's a lot of problems here so as always I hope you and enjoy and stay classy
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