chapter 1 - Delirious
The alchemy of wealth from air will bring a second blight upon mankind. This fog of death will cloak the land and those who are not prepared will succumb to its foul clutches. For god shows no mercy on those who need, not his world. Thus will the end comes and the world made unworthy in his eyes will be purified by black angels, so that he may begin anew......
Delirious pov
I was walking around the streets alone....I went outside to find some shit. I kept on walking then this voice was heard. "Hey! Over here! Come down into the station!" I look around to see a Camara 'the isolation must be getting to me now... I must be going crazy, I'm hearing things talk to me' I say to myself. Then that voice spoke again. "Bitch I'm talking to you!" My eyes widen. "What the fuck did you call me!?" I took out my machete and clantched my fist. "Wow wow wow! Hold on budd- HEY!- yes you we are talking to you" I growl loudly so they can see I'm not pleased. "Don't growl at me!" I flicked the Camara off "I've got eyes on you! Follow my voice" I put back My machete. "wha- how?" He sighs in annoyance. "Just follow my damn voice and we will tell you about this watching you shit! So get a move on before the zombies come!" "I think your attracting them with all your screaming" I smirk and walked to the station. Then I heard sounds. I stop and listen very carefully. It's zombies and there not that far. I walked in the building and checked out the place.
"Stop looking around" I wanted to see more of the place doe. "Don't just stand there idiot! The zombies are coming!" I grown and walked to the place where the voice was taking me. "I can't believe I'm even listening to you" I say out loud. Then the window broke and a zombie came in. "One zombie~ whatever I can take you out" I say proud of my skills of killing zombies. "If you stay and take out this zombie more will come and attack your sorry ass" the voice said. "If you get one bite....will kill you, so don't mess around over one DAMN zombie!" I growl and kept on walking leaving the zombie behind. "Im getting tired of your bullshit" I growl ones again. "open the door" i opened it and I was soon pulled in and thrown inside. I role and stand in a crouching position. "What the fuck was that for?" I ask annoyed. "I wanted to do it" the guy said. "Who the fuck are you guys and how where you watching me" the tall man got closer to me and cornered me on the wall. I blush but I'm glad my mask was hiding it. "Oh because we needed something to jackoff too~" He said sarcastically "cause we saw that you are great at surviving!" He said. I flinched a little as his voice level rises to low to really loud. "So it was you that called me a bitch" I say, as soon as I say that I tackled him down and I get on top of him. "I dare you to call me a bitch~ call me a bitch and I will chop of your head and take all your stuff" I say. He smirks and he mini humps my ass. I gasped. My blush was for sure as red as a tomato. " i see your blushing from that....perhaps you like it~" I guessed he noticed I was blushing.....but how?
"I-Im not blushing!" I defend. He laughs and looks at me. "You are I see's cute, your blush goes all the way to your ears" I blush even more and I turn away. "Stop" I say. Then a door opened and the guys eyes wide. "Tyler!" He says "what are you doing?!" The guy called. tyler laughed. "This guy tried to be tuff around a tall man and we ended up like this" he said. I looked down and I see I was still on top of him. I gasped again and jumped of off him. "S-sorry" then I heard foot steps. "Hey what happen I heard you yelled Wildcats name" the guy with a red jacket Said. He was buff and he was kinda asian, he looked really familiar but.....I don't know who this guy is....or do i? I don't know why I'm I confusing myself more.
"Um we hade a little Accident" the guy looked at me. His brown orbs shined like if they saw fucking 7 billion dollars on the floor. "What's his name?" He asked. "We don't know vanoss we just got him in 4 minutes ago" he looked at tyler and picked him up. He then came to me and gave me his hand. This guy winked at me and I blush. I smacked it away from me. "I can get up myself " I say. He chuckles and it send a shivered down my spine. "Aw your does hard to Crack type~" he looked at me, up and down, side to side and all around. He was checking me out. "What is so special about him? Besides having such a muscular back,buff, well trained and mysterious" I blushed at his comment. "He has a nice figure for a guy in the wild" Tyler said. I blush ones again "enough! Why is all of this happenin?" I say
"Well let me introduce are selfs," the red jacket man said. "Im vanoss, but you can call me evan~" I blushed 'this guy is hitting one me >.<' I think to myself. "That's wildcat aka tyler, mini and basaclyidowrk or marcel, lui, nogla terroriser and Brock." They all said hi to me "and what's your name?" Vanoss said.
"My name is Delirious"
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