Chapter 9: Rebellion Agreement
As Ace finished up his battle, the rest of the team carried on into a long, dark hallway.
"Be on the lookout," Spark warned. None of them knew what they were running towards, or even what to look out for.
As they moved forward, Diana began using her power and sent vines ahead of them that grew quickly into different hallways. They decided on a route and followed the vines to a dark, dirty, cold room. Inside were malnourished aliens stacked in cages. The team looked on in horror.
"Why are you here?" Spark asked, as he walked to the center of the room. The aliens looked to each other. Afraid this was just another test. Another way to taunt them. A young reptonian named Clomox saw the key to the prince's ship.
"A better question is, where did you get that key from?" Clomox asked.
"I defeated Prince Juvall and gained his electricity powers," Spark explained.
"Really?" Clomox asked. Aliens in cages cheered. Fell to their knees in tears. "Finally the fall of their empire is here!"
"It can't be," Kizaru, elder of the rebels, whispered. He walked up to the bars slowly. Saw a muscular young man with the key and gloves that were owned by Prince Juvall. Shocked, he joined in on the cheering. "Finally!" He said, as tears of joy wet his cheeks. "We can finally see the end of this nightmare!"
With a joyful smile, Kizaru started dancing around in a circle. "Thank you so much earthlings," he said, once he'd danced his energy out. "I'm elder Kizaru, what is your name?"
"My name is, Spark and this is my team. What happened to you? Why are you all stuck here?"
"We've been trapped by King Ion and considered traitors for not wanting to follow his rules," explained Kizaru.
"Let's see if I can help you out," Spark said.
He examined the cages and determined that the metal bars were not very thick. With brute force, Spark bent the bars on the cages and made big gaps for everyone to escape. A large group of rebels that had been exiled for many years were once again free.
"Thank you," Kizara said, as he bowed to the group. "We are in debt to you and your people. And we would love to work with you to take down King Ion. I'm sure we can defeat him if we team up together to take over the ships.
"You've probably had nasty encounters dealing with or species. But we were once a peaceful nation until King Ion and his son took control of our planet. They ripped through the land and created large armies that were scattered all over the cities. The strongest reptonians were exiled to prevent fights and wars. The children that had not done any harm, were taken away from their families and sold into slavery. The King soon became stronger and started to enslave other races.
"Yet eventually, he started to grow weaker. He lost one of his main orbs a couple years ago. This is why he is back on earth, to obtain his full power again. But if we can attack him before he gets the orb, we might stand a chance."
"The orb split in our atmosphere a couple years back," Spark explained. "Humans learned how to use the shards in our technology."
"If you've learned to use the shards," Kizaru said. "This is the best opportunity to strike back at King Ion and throw his rule."
Kizaru and the rest of the reptonians collaborated with the team, as they started to plan their revolt against the king.
"We should split up," Diana suggested. "We have enough people here to make different teams. Then we'll be able to conquer each ship before they can warn each other."
"I agree," Kizaru said. "Your team should head to the king's ship, but there are four more generals to defeat until you can get there."
"This sounds fun, finally," Mark laughed. "Ironic when the enemy of your enemy becomes your friend."
As Mark talked, Clomox noticed the shard. He was so fascinated by it, he just had to touch it. He poked it ever so gently.
Mark disappeared into thin air followed by a trail of gold dust that fell to the floor.
"Wow!" Clomox said. "What was that?"
"My shards allow me to vanish any time I choose," Mark said. He reappeared behind them, sitting at a table in the corner of the room. "It's cool, right?"
"Yeah," Clomox said. "Too cool. I want to have a power too!"
"Clomox," Kizaru snapped. "Stop playing around! Sorry for my son's rudeness. Being trapped has made him forget some of his manners."
"No problem," laughed Mark.
"You guys should know the next opponent is Quiillious," Kizaru warned. "I don't know a lot about her, but I've heard she's tough. You'll want to be careful. To get there, you'll need to go down this hallway. Watch out for traps along the way."
"What kind of traps," Erika asked.
"Hidden traps that will try and injure you before you reach the next general," explained Kizaru.
"Thanks for the heads up," Spark said. "And thank you for guiding us to the next ship. This alliance will surly prevail over King Ion and his generals."
"I hope so," Kizaru said. "Good luck to you all."
He got his people prepared and headed down the east wing of the ship to teleport back to the last ship. The rebel group followed Kizaru on their own invasion to take control of the ships, including the one they were currently on. All of the energy shard users began to run down the hallway together.
"Do you guys sense that force close by," Spark asked, bringing everyone to a halt.
Before they could process it, the walls of the hallway opened up with four giant holes that spit out fire towards everyone. With Spark grabbed Diana and jumped out of the way, as Mark helped Erica dodge the blast as well.
"Wow, that was a close one," Erika said, as she caught her breath. "Thank god we have you guys."
"No problem," Spark laughed.
The team regrouped and kept running until they reached a desert type arena. Diana stepped up, ready to battle. The enemy standing in the middle of the arena stepped forward.
"Finally, you've made it. My name is Quillious and I will be your next opponent."
Diana began to transform into a plant creature. Tree branches and bright green leaves surrounded her body like armor. Her whole appearance morphed into something not even the other team members had ever seen before. She looked like a monster. A hero. A formidable opponent.
"Oh, so you turned into a bush and expect me to be scared of you now," Quillious laughed. Quillious loved antagonizing her opponents. Muddling their mental clarity. She tried taunting Diana further, but Diana refused to play into it.
She ignored Quillious' words as she ran towards her. Quillious, now irritated, shot thorns from her hands at Dianna. To avoid them, Diana somersaulted to left side of the room. Then did somersaults again diagonally and one more time to form a diamond shape on the ground.
While doing her somersaults, Diana threw vines at Quillious, that ripped up the ground rapidly. Quillious successfully dodged them, her rapid pace matching Diana's step by step.
"Is that all you got?" Quillious smirked.
Quillious dodged every attack flawlessly and was ready for more. When Diana finally stopped moving, plants arose from the ground and started to shoot bullets towards Quillious.
Quillious dashed away from the plants and dodged all of the bullet projectiles. She was able to run so fast that she came up behind the plants, clawing each plant down one at a time until she destroyed all of them.
"What did you just do, you plant freak?" Quillious asked.
"I can make plant life grow from my energy," Diana bragged. "From my touch. Just give up now, we both know I'm going to win."
Grass poked out of the sand as wind swept through the room. The desert rapidly started to change into a grass land. Into the type of place where Diana's powers worked best.
"I also have extra powers," Quillious scowled. "Just wait and see."
Diana was distracted for a moment by the pendent on the enemy's neck that had started to glow, kind of like how her shard did. But before she could find out what it was, Quillious attacked.
The two fell into close combat. As they fought, the terrain around Diana changed and begin to flourish with plant life. Flowers and trees bloomed from her steps. It was beautiful in a fatal kind of way.
The team was so distracted by watching this magic and cheering for Diana, that they almost didn't see the next door to the next ship.
"Look," Spark said, once he finally tore his eyes from Diana. "Isn't that the door we were searching for?"
The team all looked in the same direction and nodded in agreement. Seeing how Diana was dominating the fight, they decided to move on.
"Good luck, Diana!" Spark yelled. "You got this!"
The close combat persisted and Quillious kept smiling.
"I wonder if you're ready for my next move," laughed Quillious, as she began to drop different poison spikes on the ground.
Diana was moving too quickly to stop herself. She stepped on one of the spikes and almost screamed in agony. Yet she kept the pain inside. Didn't want to give Quillious any satisfaction.
"This is nothing," Diana said. "You'll need to be stronger than that to defeat me."
Quillious poured out a ring of poison, around Diana. The grass died rapidly as the poison touched it. This was Quillious' idea of keeping Diana trapped and hopeless in the poison.
The gas started affecting Diana right away. She knew she'd have to move quick or else this just might be the last fight of her life.
She grew grass walls and bushes to dodge the enemy's spike attacks. Conjured trees to help soak up the poisonous gas. Diana was holding up as best as she could.
"What is this stupid wall you keep creating from the ground?" Quillious demanded, as she fought Diana's plants.
Diana attempted to flee from the fight for a couple seconds to plant a healing plant. But the chase was endless with Quillious. She quickly found Diana and hit her with a poisoned spike.
Diana became weaker as she continued to run away and evade Quillious' attacks. With the ground becoming more dangerous to step over, Diana was running out of space to plant her plants. Poisonous gas leaked all over the ground, leaving sizzling black ashes in its wake.
Diana ran to the last corner of the room unaffected by the gas. She turned to her last resort, set up a trap in a big circle and waited for Quillious. She seized the opportunity as soon as she saw one. Created large roots that came from the ground and held down Quillious.
"You better let me go you grass woman!" Quillious screamed.
At that same moment, five different plants grew at the same time in a huge circle. They began to shoot down Quillious viciously. They didn't cease until Quillious was dead on the floor in front of Diana.
"She talked way too much!" Diana laughed.
As she was about to leave the room, Diana started hearing a light voice echoing from Quillious' body. As she looked over, she noticed the same pendent she'd seen earlier. It shined bright, enchanting. Almost as if it was calling to her.
Without much thought, Diana ran to it and put it around her neck. A colorful spell burst into the air, breaking like a firework over her. Exhausted from the fight, Diana decides to rest for a while.
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