Chapter 13: The New Beginning
After the battle ended, Spark found a golden headband on the floor. He'd gained power after putting on the glove, so he tried it on. Blacked out immediately after.
While he was trapped in the darkness of his mind, a variety of flashes popped into his head. The headband started lighting up, glowing around his head. Then it flooded Spark's brain with a wealth of knowledge about the universe, other life forms, and how they interact with each other. Spark grew deeper and deeper in thought as the headband pulled him inwards. More flashes of different information pulsed through his brain.
"What was that?" He wondered. Everything leading up to this moment suddenly made sense.
As he was starting to grasp his new ability, some of the team members entered the throne room with the rebel group trailing slightly behind them. They stopped when they saw Spark standing there, with what looked like a halo on his head, and the king dead on the floor.
"Spark!" Ace called out. "Are you okay?"
Everyone rushed over to Spark, and after making sure that he was okay, they cheered him on. They all celebrated their victory. But before they could get too crazy, Spark stopped them.
"Something happened during this last fight," he said. "When the king died, he left behind a headband. I put it on, and it imparted its knowledge to me. Through it, I've gained invaluable knowledge about the universe and the laws that are at play."
Spark pressed a button on the control ship key that explained that the universe was made up of many alien races. It ranked these races on a scale of 0 to 100 scale of overall strength, 1 being the strongest. Each number was exponentially stronger than the one before it.
The projection changed to show a long list of each alien race in the universe and their ranking numbers, and there were many strong alien races out there. As part of the rules, only one alien race could hold each number on the scale. These number could be challenged however, when another lower ranking alien galaxy has taken over, conquered, or defeated a higher-ranking galaxy.
Humans, being one of the weaker alien species, were previously not even on that list. The alien race that invaded Earth however, was ranked 95 on the chart. Since Spark and his team defeated them, this meant humans and Earth were going to take the 95th spot on the scale of the universe, which was displayed to all galaxies across space.
Spark took out the ship key and inserted it into a keyhole next to the king's chair. A series of projections popped up in front of Spark in a foreign language. Spark made a couple of adjustments and then the new rankings were casted on universal news. All throughout the universe it was broadcasted that the humans had been victorious in the battle against the Reptilians. Not long after, the scale of strength had changed and the humans were now on the 95th spot.
"This is a good thing," Kizaru explained. "A higher ranking will allow Earth's technology to increase and advance as a species. Yet it's also bad because it will make your species a target."
"What do you mean," Diana asked, slightly afraid. "You're telling me other alien races get a thrill from the enjoyment of war and destruction?"
"Yes, some just for money and others for knowledge and power," said Spark. "We have to protect ourselves and our galaxy from harm."
As Kizaru looked at the list, he was inspired by the alliance he and the humans had formed. "You know," he said. "It might be easier to protect the world, if some of us less powerful species joined together.
"I have a good friend from the species ranking ninety six on the list. You should meet him. He could help you a lot."
They started to talk eagerly about that, excited by the prospect of meeting new aliens and learning from them. But there was still a lot to learn about the universe.
"You might want to join forces soon though," Kizaru warned. "The aliens ranked at the ninetieth spot are ferocious. They control all the levels under them and expect payment from everyone below them."
That killed some of the excited buzz, as they all faced the reality of what their new ranking meant for the world.
"I propose we meet with Rank 94 immediately to form an alliance to take down Rank 90," said Kizaru.
"Wait a minute here buddy," Ace jumped in. "We've all appreciated your friendship, but our team works fine on its own. I don't think we need to form an alliance with anyone."
"I think we should at least meet them," Diana argued. "To see what we can do to solve this problem. Earth's safety is more important than your pride."
"An adventure would be fun, Ace," Spark said, pumping the other guy up. Finally, Ace admitted it wouldn't be a terrible idea. "It's settled. We are going to meet with Rank 94."
Once they decided to travel to Rank 94, they had to figure out how exactly they were going to get there.
"Hey, Kizaru," Spark said. "Do you know about the galaxy moving method and how effective it is?"
"I know how to alter the different planets to revolve around the earth and make the earth the center of the solar system," said Kizaru. "By doing this, you could make the earth move through the entire universe while it controlled the direction of the galaxy.
"Of course, this method would mean it'd take longer to make it to Rank 94, but leaving the galaxy alone and vulnerable wouldn't be a good idea either."
After agreeing on a next step, the energy shard users teleported back to the earth. They ended up right in front of the White House, in front of a crowd of people.
As the materialized among the crowd, everyone around stopped and started at the heroes.
Then, they screamed and shouted with joy. They'd been told about the victory, and they were grateful thank the heroes who'd saved the earth. The good news spread throughout the land like wildfire.
"We'll hold a press conference to update the world on our fight against the aliens," Spark promised.
First, they went inside to meet the president who praised them for their victory. They all sat down together for a meeting, and Spark explained everything that had happened in the spaceship. Then he told the president about the universal law and the alien rebel groups alliance idea.
The president considered all of this, difficult to digest as up until recently the thought of aliens even existing had been speculation. Yet now he'd seen them for himself, he had to accept them as reality. He planned a meeting with the other nations but gave Spark the go-ahead in the meantime.
Spark, astounded to see the president's cooperation with his plans, decided that maybe this world was ready to meet a friendlier alien species.
"Mr. President, is it possible for my new friends to come down to earth?" Spark asked. "They did help us defeat the enemies."
The president looked at Spark and said, "There is only one place to take them at this moment."
Spark teleported back to the mother ship and gave the command to land all six ships in the desert of Area 51. Once the landing was complete, the big door opened up and a platform descended to the ground. The rebel group slowly submerged from the ship and touched land on earth for the first time.
"This planet is so different from Reptonia," said Clomox.
He was amazed by the abundance of life on Earth, even though they were still on desert terrain. The human scientists were shocked to see a new, undiscovered species presented to them.
Soon the alien rebels all came down and were introduced to the scientists. They were all eager to meet each other. So they disappeared into the base to plot new ideas for the Earth and the future.
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