Сhapter 39: Ruusan station
There were a lot things Phantom could think about. Military offenses, economy, intrigues within the Confederacy. At the moment, he didn't want to think about anything of that. It kept happening again and again, and it was nothing out of ordinary. Danny never wished for the power given to him, but he had accepted the responsibility. Despite not needing any physical rest, mental exhaustion wasn't something foreign even to him. The best way to have a rest for your mind is to make it do something different. To read, for example.
Phantom felt something rubbing against his shoulder. His eyes looked to the left and he saw his lover, who was snuggling closer to him.
"It's getting late, you know," he commented softly.
"I know," Komand mumbled with closed eyes. "I'm not a four years old."
"Yes, you are a Senator," Danny turned over the page. "And the tongue has a habit of tying into a knot when you haven't slept enough."
"I hate this job," the Yuth grumbled. "And I hate you."
"Oh, what makes you so grumpy?" The ghost raised an eyebrow, his tone showing that he understood the exaggeration.
"I want to fight, not sit on an uncomfortable green chair," Komand opened her purple eyes and looked into his glowing ones.
Even if they were much more than a Master and his servant, he was still her Emperor, and what he said outsode of their home was an order. Danny sighed, closing the book.
"I understand, dear. But the plan is the plan. We have to follow it through."
"Can't you make at least one little exception?" The young woman made an adorable pout.
"You use. My weapon. Against me," Danny complained, before sighing again. "Is there no way I can convince you to stay here?"
"Well, I think there is a job for you. If you promise not to risk your neck."
Komand nodded and smiled, before giving him a slight peck on a cheek and drifting back to sleep on his shoulder. Phantom meanwhile was contemplating where to send her so it wouldn't be a distant outpost or a massive slaughter. It also shouldn't look like Komand was one of the commanders under his leadership. He was interfering into others' errands more than enough. Granted, mostly with a success, but it irritated the fellow Council members. It angered them even more that they couldn't accuse him of betrayal. Everything he did was for the Confederacy, well, him too in the extension.
The terrorists on Ryloth were 'eliminated' by the General's elite guards. In reality, they were just driven out of the capital, arrested, and freed to go home when no one was looking. However, some had to move to the village, away from the general public's eyes. But that was still better than being sold into slavery. Phantom kept his word, not a single slaver ship made it to the planet. He prohibited their very presence and did everything for that, which made him more popular among the Twi'leks. But Trandoshans and Zygerrians didn't like him much. And they couldn't leave the Confederacy, because their reputation was...questionable.
The day after Phantom had to leave to Hoth. The ice planet, inhabited mostly by tontons, non-sentient creatures which could be used as steeds, and wampas, the beasts which fed from them. As was previously mentioned, it was a hub through which the special synthesised fuel was transported to the Confederacy. It would undoubtedly lead to the planet becoming a target of the Republic when they discover about it. That's why there were multiple ships on the orbit, and, just in case, the Imperial armada was a few parsecs away. If they were to be led into the fight, no survivors must have been left.
"The supplying is going steadily, Your Majesty," the Terran officer was reporting to him as they walked near the huge tanks with ectoplasm. "As you can see, we have more than enough. If only we could refine it on Terra..."
"I said that before, Captain. Your planet is already one of the wealthiest worlds of the Empire. That's why the refineries are based on the planets which have no other ways to earn their own money. Or, as in our case, closer to the battlefields. It's not like we are taking everything you have. Yes, the profits are lower because of transportation, but acceptable. Nevertheless, I'm more than satisfied with the progress you made. I shall take my leave now."
The human hit his chest and bowed as the Emperor disappeared.
Then the Confederacy intelligence found out that the Republic was planning a major offense on all frontlines. And Ahsoka confirmed it, judging from all the fuss in the Temple. Besides, she heard a few words. Another interesting thing was a story about 'Malevolence' - the most powerful ship made by the CIS. It was nine kilometers long, and its main feature was the biggest ion cannon ever made. It could leave the opposing ships completely disabled and helpless against the enemy fire.
General Grievous was commanding the ship, and Ahsoka was a part of the squadron of bombers sent to destroy the ion cannon before it could hit the medical station. It was an atrocious act, Grievous was going to kill the wounded clones stationed there. Thankfully, Ahsoka and her Master Anakin managed to bomb the junction between the ship and its cannon, destroying it completely. They were followed by the Republican fleet, which was ready to destroy the threat, rather expensive threat. But Grievous somehow caught Senator Amidala and held here hostage, hoping to escape. It didn't work out, but the General himself managed to run away, losing the ship in the process.
Of course, it was all spiced by Ahsoka's teenage excitement when she was sharing the story with Danny. Her father was interested in this, not only because he was able to see the situation from different angles, but because he was very amused and proud. Then a message came from Grievous himself. The cyborg said that they needed to create a cooperation plan in preparation for the offense. Despite now having a certain dislike of him, Phantom agreed to come to the Skytop Station, the secret listening post over one of Ruusan moons.
Ruusan was a planet with an amazing history. It was the world where Brotherhood of Darkness, the last Sith organization, long after the Emperor Valcorion's death, saw its demise in a massive campaign. Danny would have loved to explore the place, maybe even found an ancient artifact to put on a shelf. Sadly, it was only the planetary moon.
The moon was covered by the thick clouds of something green. But within the layer was the station itself - a giant sphere floating high in the air. Danny got used to landing the ship by himself, he could only teleport to make sudden visits. It made the bureaucrats fear him. Because the Emperor could walk around the city without a single warning. And if he saw something suspicious, Phantom could start asking questions. And, having the undeniable authority, free the governor from his duties. And if the governors feared the checks, they worked harder.
Phantom wasn't alone, however, Thrawn and Haseas accompanied their ruler. Komand decided against this opportunity, thinking it was going to be another boring meeting. Apparently, she needed something else. Oh, well, the Republic was soon going to give her a chance.
Grievous was waiting for them at the entrance, wearing the same dark cape.
"Ah, General, I see you are in time."
"Yes, quite," Danny said. "Is everyone here?"
"Well, with your accomplices here, we can begin. Follow me."
Grievous coughed and turned around. The other commanders followed him. All the way Grievous kept coughing from time to time.
"That guy seriously needs a pills from cold," Haseas mumbled.
"I doubt that that's the reason," Thrawn responded quietly. "It's unlikely that a ninety percent machine can be vulnerable to such petty disease."
"Says the one who has immunity to it," The Yuth general deadpanned.
Despite being more than a decade older than the Grand Admiral and even the Emperor, Haseas had a note of sarcasm the latter liked the most about him. Danny was busy conversing with the Supreme Commander of the droid army.
"So, I heard about the 'Malevolence'," Phantom started.
Grievous groaned. "Don't you begin talking about it. If not for Skywalker, everything would have worked out."
"History doesn't tolerate 'ifs', General. We just have to learn from mistakes."
The cyborg grunted, but said nothing.
"I can't help but hear about the guy more and more. Quite unusual, do you watch Republican media?"
"I have more important things to do than watch them babbling."
"Well, anyways, I have noticed that they speak about the Jedi...indifferently at least. Like their victories weren't earned by them, who led the clones in the first place. All but one, and that's strange, don't you think? In one review they account the victory to the clones, in another it becomes the sole achievement of General Skywalker. And it's not a one case occasion."
"I'm not interested in politics and intrigues. It's your speciality."
"I wouldn't say that. I started my carrier as a military commander."
Suddenly Haseas choked down the laughter. "Ah, yes, I still remember how you threatened Rylkes with a stick. Wish I could see it personally."
Danny smirked, Thrawn raised an eyebrow, and Grievous just kept walking. The group entered the conference room. On its walls were multiple screens which seemed to have no purpose at all, but B-1s still worked there. In the center was a holographic table, which showed the map of the Galaxy. However, there were no other officials. And Danny commented on that matter.
"All other Council members let me command their forces. You are the only one who doesn't," Grievous responded.
"I don't recall being asked," Danny raised an eyebrow.
"Like you would have accepted," the General gave him a look.
Phantom shrugged, realizing that arguing would have been pointless. Then the High Command got to work. First of all, they needed to determine the points where the Republic most probably would strike. Apparently, Danny hurried too much with Ryloth. Cristophsis was the nearest planet to it, and it WAS taken by the Republic. Thrawn offered to scout ahead and launch a preventive strike while they weren't fully ready. It needed to be done to protect the territories of the Protectorate. It wasn't obligatory to conquer Cristophsis, only destroy the fleet above it.
Most massive attacks, judging from the logic and Grievous' 'reliable source', were going to occur on the big hyperspace routes. They could let the large armadas travel without any troubles. The Confederacy defenses must have been concentrated in the strongholds on the path of the Republic. Yag'Dhul was one of them, if it falls, the cut off enemy forces occupying one tenth of the Republican territory would break the blockade Phantom had organized. Destroying them by pressing an attack from every side was his idea, but now they had to defend, so it was put on a shelf for a time being.
There was a plan of diverting the enemy already thin stratched forces by threatening Repupblican key positions. The main advantage of the CIS was its enormous amount of droids. They could concentrate the forces, make more machines in no time and hit hardly. Haseas wanted to attack Naboo and then push forward to planet Kira. It would form another pocket, and the Confederacy would be able to conquer Malastare - a very important source of fuel. Even if the CIS didn't need any, the Republic won't be getting it as well.
Grievous said that that region was very protected, moreover, their enemy was going to attack Pax system, opening the line to Malastare, so Haseas' plan was also delayed. The Republic wasn't going to push for Raxus, too large distance, too many forposts, too small gain, the CIS could move the capital by a snap of the fingers. Grievous decided to protect the Hydian way, Rimma trade route, Corellian Trade Spine, along with several less important places. It was a wise decision, and Thrawn was tasked with polishing the edges.
What Danny didn't like, however, was that he had to lend half of his ships. He had to protect his territories with so small fleet. Of course, he could use the shipyards in his disposal, but it needed time. Since there were many issues to be discussed, the group had to remain on the station for some time. The Imperials in disguise made toasts in their common living room and drank what was there to drink.
"The situation isn't pretty, is it?" Haseas asked sarcastically.
"Yep," Danny responded dryly. "We can't afford losing our systems. Any suggestions?"
"As the members of the Confederacy you are obliged to help, sir," Thrawn noted. "But the Republic doesn't know that our forces were split in half."
"Well, if they are smart enough, they will be able to understand that if something appears, it dissappears from somewhere else."
"Not necessarily. We can convince them that we just made more of that cheap ships. If they don't know our weakness, they won't be able to exploit it," The Chiss explained, making the Emperor and the Lord General smirk.
"And we will concentrate our forces in order to deceive them!" Haseas said in realization. "But won't that backfire?"
"I'll make sure that it doesn't," Danny responded. "I'll make an announcement that we increase the production of the fleet. The Republic will think that we keep our worlds protected. We have to buy time until the Imperial driveyards will be able to mass produce the completely different and foreign ships. Meanwhile, I'll contact the Keeper. No word must leave this room, and the counter espionage must be the highest priority."
His subordinates nodded.
After that conversation they were very occupied. Since Haseas was more of a tactician, he didn't take an active part in the private planning. Besides, they had nice drinks. When Thrawn asked for some time alone to think up the details, Danny decided to walk around to give his mind some rest. Of course, he could fill himself with alcohol, but drifting to a blissful sleep like Haseas was not an option for his organism. Phantom started walking around the station, passing several patrols and whistling a melody under his nose.
Suddenly he saw Grievous walking through the corridor. He wasn't alone, there was a Trandoshan behind him. The lizard-like alien was fat and small, dressed in the clothes you can see on a plumber. Somehow Danny doubted that the cyborg needed the toilet to be cleaned. Also, there was a blue and white astromech between them, and the Trandoshan occasionally zapped it. Curious, Danny approached them.
"Hello again, General, may I ask where you are going?" He asked in his usual upbeat tone.
The group looked at the ghost.
"Phantom," Grievous greeted without a large enthusiasm. "This is my business, don't pry into it."
"'Private business', huh? Sounds quite...treacherous."
"How dare you ac..."
"I'm not accusing you, I'm saying that we both are military commanders. This droid doesn't look like he was assigned to repair local computers. Neither this stinky lizard."
"Fine. You can come along, but don't interfere."
Phantom nodded and joined the group. Soon they entered the room which looked like a workshop - with different instruments and the workbench in the center. The astromech let out a horrified beep. Danny felt a huge pity for the droid, because he understood the analogy. Instruments and the workbench for the astromech was the same thing as the scalpels and the vivisection table for the living being.
"You may proceed," Grievous told the Trandoshan.
"Will do, General."
The alien used the device in his hand and zapped the droid, now the shock was so powerful that he shut down with a loud whine. Well, at least he had an anesthesia. With a grunt, the mechanic lifted the droid and put him on the table, lying him to the side. The alien got to work, taking the astromech apart piece after piece. Judging from the lack of screams, its pain receptors didn't work or weren't there in the first place. Thank goodness.
While the Trandoshan was working, Danny conversed with Grievous. Trying to get on the Supreme Commander's good side, he asked about the description of the battles the cyborg had won. Grievous was interested to share how he slaughtered the Jedi on Hypori. People have different hobbies, such as being a collector, and Grievous was one - he collected the fallen enemies' lightsabers.
"Generals," the Trandoshan called, making them look at him.
There was a hologram projected from the droid's visor.
"What is it?" Grievous asked.
"It seems that this droid's mission memory has never been erased!" The alien said in shock and awe. "Every Republican formation, every Republican strategy and movements up until now!"
Danny whistled. "Ancients, we got a ticket to Coruscant," he commented.
"You did your job well," Grievous added.
"Yes, but as it seems, the droid is worth more, which means I must be paid more. Now I suggest..."
Suddenly his chest was pierced with a green lightsaber. The Trandoshan took the last gasp, before falling on the floor as Grievous turned off his weapon.
"Here is your payment," the cyborg spat.
Danny narrowed his eyes. "That was uncalled for."
"This lizard was annoying. He raised the price three times by now."
"I would have paid."
"History doesn't tolerate 'ifs', General," Grievous responded a bit smugly.
The communicator beeped. Danny at first thought it was his, but then the cyborg took out the one belonging to him. It showed an image of another astromech droid.
"Agent R3, report," Grievous said.
The droid beeped. Danny couldn't understand this, because it wasn't technically a language, but a series of beeps, only a few words reached him, the ones he knew from experience.
"The Jedi are here?" The General asked, making Phantom perk up. "Delay them until I arrive."
The droid beeped. Suddenly through the transmission was heard another voice.
"Goldie, where are you?"
Danny's eyes widened in horror and disbelief. It was Ahsoka. The transmission was over and Grievous turned around. Even with all her training Ahsoka stood no chance against him. Several Magna Guards went inside the room.
"Guard this droid," Grievous gestured at what used to be a one piece machine.
Phantom wanted to stop him, but then rationality came on the place of parental overprotectiveness. No, he could be smarter, not only save his daughter, but also gain something else.
"I'll watch the droid," Danny said.
Grievous looked at him strangely with his yellow reptilian eyes. But he said nothing, walking off, but leaving the Guards there. Danny immediately got to work, while the droids kept watching the doors mutely. He soon found a spare datapad lying around. Phantom had decided to copy the information. Better be safe than sorry. Danny connected it to the droid and started to transfer the information. After the process was finished, Danny took the datapad and teleported to the living quarters.
Haseas jumped in surprise and woke up.
"Oh, boss, did you need to barge in like that?" He asked, rubbing his eyes.
"Sorry to interrupt you, but the station is infiltrated."
"Do you wish us to evacuate?" Thrawn asked from another end of the room.
"It would be preferrable..." Danny mumbled in thought.
"But you don't want to run on a probably false alarm."
"Exactly. Stay on guard and be ready to leave. Don't wait for me, I can just teleport."
"Understood," both commanders nodded.
Phantom nodded in response and went off down the corridor, leaving the datapad to his servants on the way. He closed his eyes and tried to find his daughter. She wasn't really far away. Danny was about to fly through the walls, but then his ear caught some sound behind. And Phantom sensed as such. Pretending not to find out anything, he walked forward. When he felt the upcoming strike, in a split second Danny ignited his lightsaber and blocked the strike. Phantom smirked toothily.
"Ah, Skywalker, I was looking forward to meeting you in person," he said, before pushing the Jedi backwards, creating some distance between them.
Anakin took a battle stance, holding his blue weapon. His look had changed since they had met on the Geonosis arena. His brown hair were now longer and messier. He was now wearing a dark blue plastoid armor, which covered some of his vital parts, not hidden under the red, black and blue robes.
"I believe you have something what belongs to me," Anakin said.
"Oh, the droid? He is just down the corridor, third door on the left."
The Jedi blinked. "You aren't going to fight?"
"Well, we can, if you want to wipe the floor with your face. It definitely needs some cleaning."
"Fat chance, snowball."
Danny's shoulders sank. "Why everyone should call me names only judging from my hair?"
Anakin lunged forward, swinging his lightsaber. Phantom blocked the hit and continued calmly deflecting the strikes, while retreating back. He had a plan in mind, and he needed to find Ahsoka. As he expected, the Magna Guards heard the fighting, and went out of the room, near which two Force Users were at the moment. Using the distraction and the reinforcements, Danny decided to leave immediately. Of course, Skywalker thought it was a cowardice, but Phantom simply had other plans.
He phased through the floor, invisible. Then Danny flew forward, since the flight didn't cause any sound. And soon, he got to a large room. It was dark, but Phantom realized it was some kind of a storage room. He heard a clanging sound - Grievous was nearby. He also sensed Ahsoka's presence - she was in a dangerous proximity to the cyborg, who, apparently, didn't see her. Danny looked at the nearest scrap part and flipped it off the table. It fell on the ground with a loud sound. Grievous' head snapped in that direction as he went there. Smirking, Danny flew under the ceiling, landing behind the Togruta.
"You shouldn't have come here."
The teen jumped in surprise, but Danny put a hand over her mouth. Ahsoka then looked up and saw her father.
"Dad?" She asked in shock through the gloved palm.
"Yes," Phantom whispered, removing the hand. "Of all places you were sent here," he shook his head. "You must get out of here immediately."
"How? Grievous is there!" Ahsoka whispered in response.
"Let me worry about the details. I'll distract him, you run..."
He heard a whirring noise. He grabbed Ahsoka's hand and covered her mouth again, before they both turned invisible. Then a golden and black astromech rode past them.
"What was that for?" The girl asked. "He is Anakin's replacement droid."
"He is on OUR side, Ahsoka, he works on Grievous. Anyways, there is a vent up here. Be ready to jump inside."
"Wait, Dad, we have set the explosives to destroy the station. You need to get out of here."
If it was someone but Phantom, he would have destroyed the charges, but the station was of no interest to the ghost, it was far away from the Protectorate. The loss here would have become a nail into the coffin of the Supreme Commander's authority.
Phantom nodded slowly, before he turned invisible again. He got to another end of the room, before pushing the giant shelf forward. It caused a domino effect and got the cyborg's attention.
"You are very clumsy, little Jedi," Grievous said, before walking to the shelves.
Ahsoka got an opportunity to get away. She climbed up another shelf, but to her horror, she accidentally bumped away a piece of scrap metal. The astromech immediately projected the light to reveal her position. Grievous turned around and saw her.
"Where do you think you are going?" He asked, quickly approaching her.
Ahsoka increased her pace, climbing higher and higher. She got on top and tried to open the vent, slowly cutting a hole in it. But Grievous cut off the shelf's leg, making the construction tilt and shake. Ahsoka almost fell, but continued to cut a hole. Phantom, seeing this, lifted a piece of junk in the air and threw it at Grievous. The General quickly turned around and cut it in half so that won't distract him.
Ahsoka used the distraction to jump inside the vent. Grievous growled and jumped higher, cutting the vent from the outside, trying to get her. But the girl managed to get away. The General yelled in rage, before running out of the room. His metal legs gave him an impressive speed and agility. Once Danny was alone, the communicator beeped.
"What is it?" He asked Thrawn.
"We got to the hangers, sir. But we see the battle out of the illuminator, the airlock is closed and we have no ability to get out of here."
Phantom teleported next to the Grand Admiral.
"I'd like to see it personally," he commented, before looking out of the illuminator.
There was indeed a fight, Skywalker and his clone troopers were trying to get to the ship, but, as was previously mentioned, the airlock was closed, and the vulture droids were in a walking configuration, shooting at the Republicans. Some blasts accidentally reached the H-70, but the ship's shields were strong enough.
"We need an astromech," Haseas said. "And they have one," he pointed at the droid Danny had seen taken apart. So Skywalker managed to retrieve his companion. The astromechs had a function of self repairing if given the required parts. The droid was apparently trying to unlock the entrance.
"And they are about to be destroyed," Thrawn commented. "I suggest intervention."
"And that will be me," Danny deadpanned.
"You have the highest chance of survival, My Lord," the Chiss responded in all seriousness.
Then the entire construction shook. Danny's eyes widened.
"Skywalker decided to blow up the station while they are here?!" He exclaimed. "I like this guy."
Suddenly Ahsoka jumped from the vent on top of a 3.5 meters tall machine. The other Vulture fired at her and accidentally shot the fellow droid. The Togruta jumped at it once the droid beneath her was destroyed and cut off the Vulture's 'head'. Danny was literally glowing in pride.
"That's my girl," he grinned, causing Haseas to chuckle.
Despite the fact that the airlock was opened, Phantom didn't want to leave until he was sure that Ahsoka got away unharmed. Meanwhile Grievous got away on his own starship. Then the surviving Republicans flew out of the hangers too, so the Imperials took their leave as well. The station was crumbling down, not being able to stay afloat anymore. It began to descend to the surface. Danny leaned back in his leather seat, taking a sigh.
"Shall we return to Raxus or go to Hoth?" Haseas asked.
"Hoth, you must return to your posts immediately."
Danny then picked a datapad from a table of the black wood, looking at the downloaded information. "We have a lot of job to do."
A.N. So, two snarky mouths finally meet. There will be more interaction with Anakin, just wait.
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