Chapter 62: The Empire has come
The outskirts of the Republic rarely witnessed any activity. Not even the Confederacy paid attention to them, because the systems they guarded didn't have any vital importance. Yavin four was such an outpost. The Gordian reach - a rather large sector wasn't yet attacked by the Separatists, at least not massively. But the Jedi held their positions on the moon of gas giant Yavin, full of tropical forests and the Dark Side. It used to be one of the Sith strongholds, and even now many artifacts were being found.
Through the corridors of the orbital station walked a Jedi - a Master. Behind him was a group of clones, guarding the person they hadn't expected to see in that place. There was a figure in Mandalorian armor, painted in green and yellow, with traditional helmet and jetpack. The main problem, the person was only thirteen.
"How was I supposed to know what that thing were?" Boba exclaimed.
"You were smuggling Sith artifacts, Mr. Fett. Furthermore, your last name is on the list of wanted people," Master Kit Fisto replied, looking at the datapad. "Smuggling, murder attempt, prison escape..." he whistled. "Quite a lot for a thirteen years old."
"Like I should care what you think, Jedi," the boy spat.
Fisto sighed, his big pitch black eyes staring on the ground. Boba meanwhile glanced to the side, on the lower side of the female officer passing nearby.
"Eyes in front," the clone pushed him lightly.
"Hey, is this how you treat siblings?" Boba deadpanned. They all were clones of one man.
Suddenly Kit sensed something. Something powerful. He gasped and put a hand on his forehead.
"You alright, sir?" The clone trooper asked.
"I sense something..." The Jedi approached the large illuminator.
The darkness of space seemed to be undisturbed. But then, in a split second the hyperspace hurled the ships of all kinds: cruisers, corvettes and even dreadnoughts, which had been recently stamped in the Star Forge. Immediately they opened fire, and under a torrent of blasts the entire station shook. The Star-fighters flew past the windows on quick speeds.
"What the heck?!" One of the clones exclaimed.
"Those are the ships of Protectorate," Fisto commented, before scrutinizing his eyes. "Give me binocular, quick!"
The clone obeyed the command and tossed the device to the Jedi. Fisto zoomed closer to the ship, and symbols on the ship made him freeze in shock, disbelief and terror. The arrowed hexagon meant only one thing.
"The Sith Empire has returned."
The station shook again as the fighters made several shots at the window. "We must warn the Republic!"
"We will give you cover, sir. You ship must be able to outrun them."
"I need the hyperspace ring. It must have been damaged."
"Well..." all eyes darted to Boba. "The fastest engine is on my ship, and it has hyperdrive," he grinned. "Free me and I'll get you out."
They didn't have other options.
The ships just kept coming, the Republic didn't stand a chance against one ship, much less a solid fist of the Empire's might and pride. As the Jedi and his group ran through the corridors, he realized that all connections were being jammed. He needed to get out of the system first. It was hard to even comprehend that the country defeated four millennia ago would return, and at such horrid times. But where is the Empire, there is an Emperor. No, he was dead, that much was solid.
The Imperials had landed by using special ships, which pierced through the hull, allowing the soldiers to come out. The Stormtroopers immediately started attacking everyone at their sight who could resist. The main attack came to the control room, so no bastard could launch a self destruction. Same applied to the generators. Fisto himself saw that unlike the Empire of old, there were many alien races he had never heard of, one especially large armored being was throwing the clones around like rag dolls. He couldn't help everyone, they had to get out of that battle.
The group ran through the last corridor to the hangers, when they heard shooting behind them. The Jedi and the clones ran forward, while Boba saw two pistols lying on the ground. He picked them up and spun around. The incoming Stormtroopers didn't expect the attack at first, so Boba started shooting, killing several of them, but when they understood the trap and got behind covers, the boy switched on the jetpack and lunged backwards, behind the closing doors. Everyone stared at him.
Then they saw a landing shuttle descend to the ground.
"Prepare the engines, Fett," Fisto said.
"I don't need to be told twice. I'll be leaving in two minutes. You either come or do not. I don't care."
Boba flew to his ship and ran inside. Meanwhile the shuttle doors opened. Two men emerged from the inside. They activated the lightsabers - one white and one red. It was a Human and a Sith.
"Surrender, Jedi," The Sith called. "You are no match for an army of the Emperor."
Fisto activated his green blade. "The Sith will never rule the Galaxy!"
"Maybe not," the Human called. "But the Emperor will."
They lunged at each other.
The similar attacks happened all across the border of the Republic, and all posts of the country were conquered in silence. It was merely the first step. While the Republic was in confusion at loosing communications, before they found out it would be a certain while. And in that short amount of time while no one knew about the Imperial invasion, Phantom was going to attend the emergency session of the Separatist Senate. He realized that he would have no second chance. So he needed to be careful.
Danny was waiting outside of the rooms, expecting the perfect moment to enter. And when it came, he opened the doors with a thunderous sound. The senators could only watch as the most famed general of the Confederacy entered the hall, accompanied by a group of black armored soldiers. They warily glanced at the weapons in their hands. The regal look of the youngest person in the room made them watch.
"What's the reason of such interruption, General?" The speaker asked.
"An obvious one, good sir," Phantom responded. "The country is in turmoil after Dooku's death. Our fleet is lost and the Confederacy is on the verge of dying. And that's why I am here."
"What do you offer?" Mina Bonteri asked from her seat.
Danny gave his mark smile. "Salvation. I have dedicated my last three years to our cause. And I am not going to let everything we did to go in vain. Do you want this?"
Multiple shakes of the heads were his answer. Phantom took it as a sign to continue.
"You have been discussing the terms of surrender. I heard it quite well behind the doors. Many of you would rather to save their planets from the possible retaliation. I cannot blame you. I am ready to relieve all this burden from your shoulders. And all responsibility for the actions. Surrender is not an option. You never had any saying in the matter, anyway, all power belonged to the Council and Dooku."
"You have been a part of it!"
"Yes. I was. But not anymore. While these cowards are hiding in some god forgotten world, I stand before you. I am ready to face the Republic. Tomorrow, it will commence an attack. We have gambled and lost, and we are about to face the consequences. Let's face it, Dooku acted out of his own interests. The Confederacy was but a tool for him to achieve power. I have a suspicion that he has been working for Palpatine's ascension, but it is a mere guess I'm not forcing you to believe."
"It is against the law for you to appoint the leader," Danny continued. "But it is what I ask you to do. Grievous is a general, not a politician. He is unfit for this task of leadership. The Council will be against it. But I have an army not seen before, I have a fleet many times bigger than that of Confederacy. Just allow me to use that resources and I shall bring you victory."
"This shall be the end of our democracy," someone whispered, and Danny heard it.
"After all of this is over, a new Senate shall come. It will play a big role nevertheless. I always had people's interests in mind. So, I hope you will make the right choice, respected Senators."
At these words the Death Troopers clicked the preserver. It was the most obvious hint at what would come.
"All in favor of giving Daniel James Phantom the Supreme leadership of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, say Ai!"
Mina was the first to rise from her seat with a raised hand. "Ai!" She spoke loudly. Her support for the young man was unwavering.
Many other senators did it on their own volition, for it was Phantom who saved their holds many times before. They believed in his prowess. They believed in their leader and their last chance. There were some who did so only because of the gun pointed at them, but they were a pitiable minority. Danny smiled at the applause he received. Everything was going according to the grand plan. Only a few more steps towards the domination.
"I shall succeed where you failed, father," he mumbled.
The Republic learned about the appointment less than an hour later. It caused many debates within the Senate, many believed in peace, including Senator Amidala. She knew Danny in person, after all. She hoped it would be possible. The Chancellor, however, seemed very antipathetic to the man. The Jedi Council seemed to agree with Palpatine at least on something. Padme knew that Anakin disagreed with them, just like Obi-Wan did, but there was little they could do, despite them both being a part of it.
"Lord Phantom is but a power hungry warmonger," Palpatine called. "Do not let his appearance fool you!"
"Why such aggression, Chancellor?" Senator Organa asked. "You have never reacted this way until he gained power."
"Because it wasn't until Phantom killed Dooku when I realized what he really is."
The ghost anticipated such move of the Chancellor. It didn't work on the people of the CIS. They would rather believe their leader than the crumbling old man they resented. For everything, it could be another Republican lie.
"We must not..."
Suddenly a loud banging sound was heard, and into the huge spheric room, to the special seat belonging to the Jedi Council's representatives, went Kit Fisto, who was walking only with the assistance of his fellow Jedi. Everyone wondered about the reason. The Jedi rarely visited sessions of the Senate at all.
"Attention! Please, hear me out!" Fisto coughed.
"What's the reason, Master Jedi?" Chancellor asked.
"We...we are under attack across our entire border!" He exclaimed.
"The Confederacy no longer has the resources to..."
"It is not the Confederacy!" Fisto leaned against the edge of the tribune and took a deep sigh. "The Empire is back!" He yelled.
It caused a gasp to erupt all across the Senate. Someone even fainted.
"This is ridiculous!" Was a response from several senators.
"It is truth. Try to contact the border provinces, soon they will come for your planets!"
"Chancellor!" Padme called loudly. "We must sign peace treaty now!"
Her statement was supported by many of her colleagues. The Republic was unable to fight off such a powerful threat on its own, if the new Empire wasn't any weaker than the last one. Fighting against the Confederacy in addition would make everything even worse for the Republic. Palpatine's lips thinned.
"To whom should we send the offer? To Grievous or self proclaimed Head of the Confederacy?" He asked.
"Phantom can be persuaded. He has support of the people."
"We will try to arrange the meeting, but don't expect a miracle."
Phantom sat in the office which used to be occupied by the Count. It was such luck that no one yet touched it. He got his hands on all communications made from that room. And to say that he was shocked by the information he received would be an understatement. He was faced with a dilemma of either publishing it or not. The Jedi needed to know about this. And there were only two people in the Order he could trust with that information.
The following few days had a lot of things and an exhaustion of his nerves. The process of the Protectorate's integration began, and the legionaries were in charge of maintaining order. People were indeed scared, and they saw that Phantom's forces did not do anything to repel them. It caused a massive confusion, but since the soldiers of the Empire did not do anything nasty, they calmed down eventually. The Imperial advance was merciless, and no negotiations happened. Except only of terms of surrender.
Finally, Danny was summoned before the Council. He knew it would happen eventually. He was supposed to come to Utapau - a planet in the Outer Rim. He arrived there not a moment too late. But not without his soldiers. He was accompanied by the legionaries of his own, distrusting the droids made by the same people who wanted him dead. So, there he was, going down the crater city of the locals.
The droids were all along the way. Standing on watch. Danny was greeted by Tion Medon. He was a male Pau'an and the Port Administrator of Pau City. A gaunt, gray-skinned humanoid, Tion Medon wore elaborate red robes and carried an ornate staff of office. The man bowed to the stark haired man in white cloak, which covered everything inside but head.
"Greetings, Lord Phantom. What do we owe a pleasure?"
"I came for the meeting."
"Ah, of course," Tion nodded. "Follow me."
They went through the city built on the wall of the sinkhole. Phantom was curiously looking around.
"I thought you were neutral in the war."
The Pau'an nodded slightly.
"We are being held hostage. Please, help us," he whispered.
Danny's eyes widened slightly. "I'll do what I can," he responded just as quietly.
Tion nodded in gratitude. Soon Phantom was led to the Council chamber. One wall was completely absent, leaving a nice view to the deep and dark pit. There were quite a lot of droids, about sixty, Danny's contingent was two times lesser. At the long table sat the members of the Council. Grievous was standing by side.
"Well, good day, I guess," Phantom said calmly, stepping before the Confederacy leaders.
"We didn't call you here for pleasantries!" Nute Gunray snapped.
"You think you can just come and steal everything for yourself, Phantom?!"
"Ah, just what I expected to hear," Danny rolled his eyes. "At least I am doing SOMETHING. The Republic has breached our defenses. Soon they will be on Raxus."
"The Republic has called off their forces. The resurgence of the Empire played into our hands."
"You have a strange sense of usefulness," Phantom responded. "You think that their Emperor will spare you? You are way too naive."
"And you?" Gunray snorted. "At least we control the galactic corporations. Our wealth is enough for him to be interested."
Danny barked a laugh. "Believe me, you won't live to see that moment. All your money are going to be confiscated and you shall be executed for your crimes."
"How do you know this?"
Phantom shrugged. "Maybe I know him," he smirked.
Danny's smirk became a full blown grin. He then began laughing.
"Fools. You were merely simple pawns in that chess game. Has it never occurred to you why I possess such a formidable force even without your pathetic droids?"
The Council stared at him in fear. It could be read in their eyes. Gunray was about to order the droids to attack, but Phantom was first. They heard a whirring sound.
"Have you really thought I'd come here unprepared?"
Several fighters were flying in front of them, their guns pointed at them from the windows.
"One shot and I will obliterate this entire building."
Grievous stepped forward. Everyone prepared their weapons, because the cyborg possessed the lightsabers on his belt. He dwarfed the now revealed the Emperor, although it was obvious who would come victorious out of the fight.
"If you shall fight against the Jedi, I'm ready to step out from my post and serve you."
He then bowed before the ghost, much to the furthering horror of the Council members.
"If you obey and kill only the Jedi I need, then I shall accept your oath," Phantom responded.
Grievous rose to his feet. He knew that Phantom was far more successful than the Master he had served. He had more power, and in but several days he managed to ruin all his plans. Besides, Phantom did help his home world, and he had shown himself to be quite a warrior. The cyborg nodded.
"Wh-what do you want, Your Majesty?"
"I demand control over all remaining droids."
"You can have them!"
Danny looked at the machines. Some B-1s rubbed the backs of their heads.
"You sure?" One of them asked.
"Yes!" Some of the members said simultaneously.
"Very well," Danny dusted his clothes calmly. "But let's check their loyalty. Droids, kill all at that table."
Their command was clear, and the droids could not disobey. Before the corporate leaders could do anything, the room was filled with multiple screams of pain and horror. A few seconds later, they were all dead. Now, nothing threatened Phantom's absolute control over the Separatists.
"I want this to be broadcasted to both droids and the entire Confederacy," Danny told Grievous.
Grievous nodded. "Understood."
Phantom turned around. "Regroup with my forces in the coordinates I'll send you. You shall conquer Corellia. I'll make sure to...clean up what you have done by now, but try not to commit any more war crimes. Everything you do reflects on me from now on. The Republic knows about our current location, so I would have hurried if I were you."
With that Danny left the room. Damn, it was good to be an Emperor.
The reaction on the Galaxy was just as controversial. On one hand, no one pitied the murdered slime bags. On the other, it showed how far Phantom was going to go in his race for power solidification. Suddenly, Danny received the message. Of invitation. He was offered to make negotiations with the Republic. Phantom was in two minds about agreeing on this, but eventually he decided to go. He had to talk to the Jedi, and two of his friends were supposed to be the part of the meeting.
With each day the terror grew, for anticipation was worse than what what followed. Step by step, ruthlessly and methodically the Imperial armada smashed the Republican soldiers like children. Day by day, planet after planet fell into hands of the Empire. Even Mandalore pledged the allegiance to the Emperor, and many clans followed. And not a single sign from the Emperor himself. It was clear that this one didn't seem to be eager to negotiate anything but complete surrender. Or maybe it was the same person, no one knew.
To say that it was unexpected would be an understatement. The Head of the Confederacy landed in the capital not as the enemy, but as someone to talk to. But desperate times required desperate measures. Danny was followed by HK, and that was basically all his protection. The crowd was huge, as he was being led inside the Senate building. The Republic's only hope was on that negotiations. If they failed, the Republic would be as good as dead. Danny almost felt bad for fooling them like this. Almost.
Once inside, he was greeted by the Chancellor. Palpatine didn't seem to be happy about meeting Phantom, but they had no option. The old man pulled on a smile in the entrance hall of the Senate.
"How unusual the situation has become," he commented, before outstretching his hand.
Danny shook it, but he could easily see what was hidden behind the welcoming eyes of the old man. Jeez, did he hate him. The cameras were flashing around.
"You do realize that Coruscant is the last place we should hold a meeting on?" Phantom asked, returning his hand under the cloak.
"Where else?" Palpatine raised his eyebrow. "So far it is our most defended planet."
"And the biggest target," Danny mumbled.
"Surely a man of your power can defend himself," the Chancellor rolled his eyes.
Then Phantom caught a glimpse of two familiar Jedi standing by side. Now the ghost smiled slightly.
"Still don't hate me, Ben, huh?" He asked.
"What for?" Obi-Wan smiled. "You have come here after all."
"Yes. I did."
The Jedi noticed a strange tone in his voice. It confused him, but Phantom needed to go further. The ghost was given a tribune to speak inside the Senate, he was led through the posh corridors straight to the point. He had to wait until everyone took their positions before entering. Danny smiled again, before looking back.
"You seem to be following me everywhere," he commented.
"Well, you yourself asked so," Skywalker responded. "What's the matter?"
"I have found something in Dooku's plans. Have you read the emergency orders?"
", why?"
"There is such a thing...Order 66. Shall the Chancellor issue it, the clones will turn upon you."
"That's ridiculous, how could they..."
Suddenly Anakin's eyes widened in realization. Obi-Wan seemed to have come to the same conclusion.
"What?" Danny raised his eyebrow.
"He tried to warn us long ago..." Ben rubbed his chin. "He never managed to explain it properly before his death."
"Convenient," Phantom responded. "And by whom?"
"The Coruscant security."
Danny rolled his eyes. "And they obey to whom?"
"The Chancellor...are you saying..."
"I'm not implying anything. My gut is telling me that that guy is not to be trusted. Never in my afterlife."
"With such atmosphere we will never reach the agreement," Anakin said. "Try to do it at least now. The fate of entire Galaxy is at stake."
"Oh, I know it better than all of you do."
Finally it was time for Phantom to enter the most wretched hive of scum and villainy in the Galaxy. He was standing on a tribune, but the Chancellor spoke first.
"Today we are hosting a meeting with General Phantom, I think no introduction is needed."
"Yes, I think it is not."
Danny walked forward. The Chancellor's seat was in the middle, on a separated platform many meters above the ground. Everyone stared at the display of flight ability. They knew he could do that, but it was still astonishing.
"What I do not get is why we are holding the negotiations here," Phantom said cooly.
"You are way too demanding, Phantom," Palpatine noted.
"It was a mere confusion, as to why would a sneaky bastard like you do this. To let everyone hear my opinion of you?"
"We are faced with grave danger," Padme put in, "Please, calm down. If we do not agree to cooperate, we will be conquered."
Danny crossed his hands. "I still see this as a pointless bickering."
"Is it not what you have been fighting for, or so you say?" Palpatine asked. "Freedom? I doubt that this Empire will leave you?"
"Funny. The last sentence was said by me to Gunray," Phantom deadpanned. "My relationship to that state is rather peculiar, actually. After all...I used to be an heir of the Eternal Empire."
A massive confusion and loud gasps were heard across the huge room.
"Valkorion has been dead for millennia!"
"I possess something he never truly had," Danny grinned, looking over the senators. "Immortality. Besides, I had several chats with the Master of Time himself. And he can bend it to his will."
"What an exaggeration."
"Stopwatch hears you, actually," Danny shrugged. "Our relationship has been rocky as of late, but hey, during our first meeting he almost killed me. I doubt that you have forgotten what all of you have seen during that fight of mine. Who did I fight? Myself. Truly. It was me. Should I have made one wrong choice, he would come to exist instead of me. You may not have seen difference in anything but appearance, as we both took part in destruction. But I do know. The choice was made, and Clockwork allowed me to make it just right. I have walked down the path from which I will not stray away."
"As much as we all would like to hear this story," Palpatine interrupted. "Please, stay on topic, General."
"I thought you would like to kick me out the second you learned about my ancestry."
"I will be willing to close my eyes on this," The Chancellor rolled his blue eyes. "Although that story is unlikely to be true."
Phantom simply gave him a look. "For someone in a loosing position you are way too brave, Chancellor. Or would you rather me walking out of that door?"
Palpatine noticed a multitude of looks from the senators. Yes. He needed that peace. Danny was not done.
"Your terms are long since over," the ghost continued. "It's not the Old Republic where the Chancellor could reign for unlimited amount of terms. The Clone wars were awfully convenient for you, were they not?"
"How dare you, a dictator, speak to me like this."
"I am the monarch of several planets and the entire plane of existence. So I guess being dictator is the least of my problems. But you do not believe me. Well, soon you will. You want peace, Chancellor, but what else do you want?"
"For now...we are ready to recognize the CIS independence..." Palpatine said without enthusiasm.
"I am not satisfied with 'for now'," Danny floated to the Chancellor's eye level. "How do I know that your guns won't turn against us? I was put in power by the Senate. And thus I represent what they need."
His words did magic on Raxus. Of course the senators there were more than satisfied with the answer.
"I do not want our soldiers' lives to have gone to nothing," Palpatine responded.
"So now you are openly saying that you WILL turn against us afterwards."
"Please, General," Senator Organa put in. "Do not let the prejudice ruin everything. We need this alliance."
"Do you know the difference between the offer and begging, Senator Organa?" Phantom raised his eyebrow. "While begging you ask me to do something while I don't want to."
Danny took out a small datapad from inside his cloak. "From what I know you are a part of 'Delegation of two thousand', Senator Organa. Just as, you, Miss Amidala, are. I am not the only one within this hall who is concerned about Palpatine's ambitions. Hardly. Creation of Moffs, his continuous usage of emergency powers, who is a dictator here, Palpy? Speaking of, most of the Moffs are loyal to you only. Strange decision for someone who is about to be relieved of his duties."
Whispers broke out within the Senate.
"You are loved by your people, Chancellor," Danny smiled. "For what, can you clarify?"
"The fight against corruption, for instance," someone said.
"Oh, how funny of you to say this, Senator Taa," Danny pressed a few buttons, glancing at the fat Twi-lek. "You were the one to nominate Palpatine on his position. Care to tell what these two pretty Twi-lek ladies near you are? Free people?"
The named women looked away.
"In three years of me being in charge of Ryloth I have done more than anyone. You won't find many slaves of your race on the markets. Tell me, where have you gotten the apartment worth hundred times your monthly payment? The full list shall be published. On everyone being in this room, for my eyes are everywhere. My race can turn invisible," Danny smirked. "And I am their King."
"Interesting corruption cases you have, Palpatine. Most of them are the people who were against you. Yet here sit the senators who support you and remain on their places."
"I am not aware of such doing," Palpatine responded. "If you give the list, they shall be punished equally."
"Then make me the Chancellor!" Danny laughed. "If I have done more than you. All these cases are visible, you haven't even lifted a finger. The representatives of the Trade Federation still remain here. Just like other corporations! You have been fighting them for several years and they still defend themselves. You have to be a fool to believe that Gunray and his alikes were simple renegades. Where have they taken factories? Broke they piggybanks?"
Obi-Wan couldn't help but snort. He looked at his friend, seeing that Anakin was watching Danny with wide eyes.
"You have control over the banks, now. ALL power in the Republic belongs to you now, Palpatine!" Phantom exclaimed. "And I am not negotiating until all of you now who the man leading you is. Because this 'alliance' will fall apart quickly as long as there is a weak part in the chain. I won't point at Palpatine and tell what it the weak part."
The Chancellor had to think quickly what he should do. It was time, he decided, seeing as Phantom finally returned to his tribune. It relieved him that some boos were heard.
"Not to mention other things. I have sent this information to the news agencies which are not yet under your control, oh wait, pardon me, 'state ownership'. By the end of this day all Galaxy should know who you really are, what my Intelligence has been gathering for years. Of course, with proofs, otherwise no one would..."
Danny heard a beeping sound. It was low, but Phantom was able to catch it.
"Seriously?" He asked.
Then an explosion happened. The tribune was blown apart, killing the senators who were unlucky enough to be nearby. Loud screams and gasps filled the building. The place of explosion was filled with smoke, but it soon dispersed, giving a shocking sight at the survived ghost. Phantom looked at the damage, floating where the seat used to be.
"Pathetic," he commented. "I told you I am immortal, Chancellor."
"Are you accusing me of this?" Palpatine exclaimed. "Has it not occurred to you that the Empire wants us to hate each other more?"
"Take away the dead before debating," Phantom crossed his hands. "Jesus."
The nursing droids arrived, moving the dead people away. Danny remained calm. Among them, only one was innocent. Was he getting cold? Maybe. But they got what was coming to them.
"Now. You have fallen lower in my eyes, Palpatine. Do not try to blame the Empire, I know perfectly fine of its doings. You are not the one to lead the Republic at such times. The Sith cannot rule it."
The first part of the phrase was sunk by another. Many simply did not remember anymore what the Sith were.
"Again this baseless accusations," Palpatine responded. "This is not a Court!"
"Maybe. But are they baseless, really?" Danny smiled enigmatically. "If only there wasn't such a peculiar conversation within Dooku's database. Mind showing it?" Phantom handed the flash drive to the nearest intact Senator. The shaking man nodded and put it inside the input.
A hologram flashed. Of Dooku and a cloaked man with only visible chin.
"Everything that has transpired is going according to our plan, my dear apprentice," the cloaked person said.
"Yes, Master. Our fleets are nearing Coruscant. The end will soon come."
"Repeat what you should do."
"We strike, distract the defense forces, so we would be able to kidnap the Chancellor."
"That's right. Next."
"We do not leave the planet until the end of the rescue."
"Indeed," the Cloaked man cackled. "Let the Jedi come. After this I shall play my part, and try not to ruin it, Tyranus. After this is done, my grip over the Republic shall be solidified. They will surrender everything to me, to their beloved Chancellor."
The transmission was over. The lights turned back on, but the Senate was silent. The entire Republic could not believe what they had just heard. It must have been a montage.
"Where is he?"
The seat of the Chancellor was empty. No one now doubted, and many people gasped.
"As I said, full version is on the news," Phantom stood at the Chancellor's tribune. "Palpatine was the one to instigate this war! As Dooku was his mere puppet."
More whispers broke out in the building. Meanwhile, beneath the hall, the red robed Chancellor ran through the corridors, as sneaky as possible. He couldn't let himself get caught. However, once he turned the corner, he saw a group of Jedi, led by Master Windu.
"Chancellor Palpatine, under the authority of the Senate, you are under arrest," Windu said, activating his lightsaber.
"I AM the Senate," Palpatine growled, as his hands sparked with electricity.
Above the ground Phantom still was in the center of attention.
"What now?" Someone asked.
"I'll tell you," Danny responded. "If you fight, you will be obliterated, as the orbit will soon be filled with an army of unstoppable amount. If you bow before the Empire, you will be spared for being the enemy, although corrupt. That is another issue for the Supreme Imperial Court to solve."
"You are not saying..."
"Your safety is guaranteed!" Phantom raised his voice. "Just like the lives of all soldiers opposing it. You have my word, as the Son of Emperor Valkorion, the Supreme commander of the Imperial army, and its Emperor."
And yet again, the room was silent.
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