Chapter 6: Change in plans
During his conversation Phantom managed to make the guards blurt out the things he wanted to know. Among that information was a mention of one massive shipyard a few systems away. It was said as a threat, something along the lines that he had no chance of winning, since they have an army and an enormous fleet. And since the rebellion now needed more space, why not to steal a dreadnought? There was one dilemma, though. No one knew how to pilot a simple starfighter, much less the dreadnought, which required hundreds of crew members.
Phantom sent his duplicate to learn more about the new ship they were constructing. And Danny was finally enjoying futuristic atmosphere around himself. However, the beginning of his journey wasn't pleasant. It was revealed to him that the shipyard was based not just near some random planet, but gas giant. He didn't know it beforehand and teleported where its surface was supposed to be. Thankfully, Danny was resourceful enough not to be turned into pancake by the planet's gravitation. He simply became intangible.
It was one of the simplest laws of physics. While intangible, he weighted absolutely nothing, and if you weight nothing, then gravity doesn't apply to you. That's why he never fell through the floor while sleeping and couldn't control his abilities, instead he floated up and fell on his bed once he woke up. That's why he always locked his door.
There was a very thick fog of unknown gas through which he couldn't see. Phantom assumed that it was night on this half of the planet. Danny made another portal and teleported higher and to the orbit. Being in vacuum felt different from simply flying. In flight he had control, here, however, he hadn't.
That was rather amusing for Danny to see how invincible he was in space. Ghosts are beings from another dimension, which works by completely different laws, and thus they are granted with immunity to many things. Even deadly coldness of space and enormous amounts of sun radiation couldn't do anything to him. Radiation affects cells of your body, but he didn't have any, only ectoplasm. And even if he was slowly turning into floating icicle, Phantom almost didn't feel anything. But all this perks didn't mean that he didn't miss being half-human.
What he saw on the planet's orbit was breathtaking. It was one megaconstruction, a huge ring about twenty miles in diameter. There were numerous ships in construction connected to it. They differed in size, starting from bigger ones, which were about 1-2 miles in length, smaller ones, about three hundred meters, and even starfighters, but they were made inside the ring, on production line, which was visible through illuminator, or some kind of energy field. Strange design decision, and very unthoughtful.
"Guess this is a shipyard," Danny said, but his voice disappeared in the vastness of space.
He then felt how his saliva got frozen. He spewed an icy chunk before shutting his mouth, and flew straight to the ring, before phasing through the wall. Phantom instantly regretted his decision. Of all the places he just needed to get into foundry. The heat was killing him. Danny used his ice powers to cool everything around himself down. He sighed in content with a dreamy grin on his face.
"Hey, what the hell just happened?"
On that Danny shot up and looked for a source of the voice. There were two workers in the same orange costumes, all covered in ash, and Phantom could only make out dull glowing red eyes one of them had. One of the workers shivered, while another, the one with red eyes didn't seem to care.
"I don't know. Probably nitrogen leak. Move on, before someone sees that we aren't working."
"But what if something blows up?"
"Not our concern, it's repair droids' job. Probably we will finally get a day out."
And with that they were gone. Danny let a sigh of relief, out of force of habit. He phased one floor lower just to get away from the intense heat. Alright, he wasn't all that invincible.
Now he was in some kind of huge storage room. Landing softly on his feet, Danny started to look around without dropping his invisibility. He needed some way to disguise himself. Being invisible 24/7 can exhaust his core too much, and he will require ectoplasm, the ectoplasm he didn't have. While thinking, he saw a patrol coming his way. Danny stepped to the side, before following them from behind.
Two soldiers were wearing the same armor like the ones on Valor'rum, with the exception of their color. The armor was black with red outlines. Two helmets were on their heads, stupid decision for guards, but very convenient for Phantom, since the helmet can help to hide your face. But he needs to acquire the clothes unnoticeably, and all the cameras around didn't help the matter.
"So, have you heard what happened yesterday?" One of the soldiers asked, causing the second soldier to scoff.
"Who hadn't? It was all over holonet. Damn terrorists."
"You have to admit, though. That monument was ugly," the soldier laughed.
"I don't know, I never was on that gods forsaken planet, much less saw the statue before it became a pile of rocks. I'm more interested in what Phantom is."
That was when Danny started to listen more closely out of curiosity.
"What is there to think about? A demon, what else? Even the Sorcerers can't dissapear in the thin air like he did."
"Maybe...but it can also be that he is just more skillful than they are. At least someone can wipe out their snobbish attitude."
"It sounds like a treason."
"It's a fact. I met them once. You would have agreed with me if you met them too. They are way too arrogant for the people who can only lift objects without hands and throw sparks in the air."
'Huh,' Danny thought, 'So they use the Dark side,' he assumed.
'Obviously,' Phantom could almost feel the weight of Bogan's sarcasm. 'Force lighting always looks more powerful than simple telekinesis. Are you going to kill them? I can't wait to see their expressions once you show them the true power!'
'Depending on situation,' Danny shrugged. 'I don't want to kill for no reason. AND. Threatening to kill isn't the same thing as actually doing it.'
'Be careful, young Phantom, such thoughts often lead to the Dark side,' Ashla warned.
'I know, I know, but it's for the others' safety and freedom. Plus, who said that I was going to actually kill him?'
'So you weren't? Damn it!'
Danny chocked his laugh at the outburst, unnoticed, thankfully. He decided to leave this two guards alone. Phantom phased through the door and appeared in the black corridor. Despite everything, he had to admit that Yuths surely had a sense of style. Unlike certain KKK wannabes.
He saw a sign above one of the doors, which told that that were barracks. They were empty, painted in black, but this time with the addition of dark orange. Apparently that were their main colors, Danny had seen them on many banners.
Phantom made an assumption that his disguise must be there, and he was correct. A spare piece of armor was inside one of the boxes. It had the same color sheme as the other ones, orange and black. Those guys were obviously obsessed with orange. Danny had a hard time putting it on, it was like trying to wear an extremely tight and bulky hazmat suit. At least his former costume wasn't that tight, just as much as needed for fighting. He put on the helmet and took one blaster from its stand to keep appearance.
Danny walked out of the barracks, trying to avoid the patrols. They might request an identification. Now, when the question of disguise is solved, he needs to find an information about local whereabouts, he couldn't just come and ask the soldiers. But maybe the slaves will be able to tell. But he needs to do it very carefully.
He found a bunch of them working over a starfighter.
"Hey, you!" Danny said loudly, a bit surprised at how his voice changed under the helmet.
The workers looked at him with fearful eyes. Danny pointed the blaster at one of them.
"You, follow me," the slave obeyed with a downcast look.
Danny gave him a slight shove, not so hard to hurt, but to show that he was serious. Phantom could sense the fear coming from his companion, but there was nothing he could do in public. He led the slave through the corridor and once Danny was sure that they were alone and no cameras were watching, he decided to speak.
"Sorry for the harsh attitude, I just can't risk my cover."
Danny stopped and took off his helmet, showing his face.
"Look, we must be quick. I want information."
" are Phantom!"
"Shh, quiet!" Danny snapped, before putting the helmet back. "I need to know about the new dreadnought here."
"The dreadnought? I heard about it, but it's not in this sector."
"Anything else?"
The slave shook his head. "No, you might want to go to the administrator, but he won't take you kindly."
"And he is..."
"In the central station."
"Alright, I'll move you back. And not a word about our conversation, for your own good."
Danny turned around, but was stopped by the young man.
"Wait!" He exclaimed. "Are...are you going to save us? That's what you do, right?"
Phantom sighed. "That wasn't originally a part of the plan...How many of you?"
"Only thirty six, Yuths have replaced most of us with droids. Some rumors say that the other slaves were...disposed of..." he said fearfully.
Danny was disgusted. Yuths are treating them like souless machines which can be thrown out. Much worse, even the ancient romans weren't that cruel. This galaxy is a horrible place to live, but he will change this, that's why he was here.
"I'll take you out of here, but for that I need the dreadnought. I'll contact you when needed and you will do what I say, are we clear?"
The slave nodded rapidly. "Yes...thank you, sir..."
"Thank me when we are done."
After leading the slave back to his post, Danny started to search for the access to the central station. It was a circle inside the ring, with four ways leading to it, he saw that while being out in space. The entrance to this passage was guarded by multiple black battle droids with blasters in their hands. They were mostly humanoid, and had one big red sensor in the middle of their heads. Danny decided to call them cyclop-droids. He hadn't had much time to think up a plan, since one of the droids noticed him and came closer.
"Show your idenfication, please," the droid asked.
Well, damn. Droids cannot be tricked with the Force or possessed, if you aren't Technus. Danny pretended to search for identification in his pockets."
"Oh, darn, where did I...follow me, I think I know where I forgot it."
And so he led the droid inside one shady room. The droid probably thought that its comrades could guard the entrance by themselves. Yuths must have saved the money from their software. Well, Phantom wasn't going to complain. Danny shut the door using the Force, before shooting an ectoblast and destroying the machine.
'Wait, kid,' Bogan stopped Danny. 'The droid might be useful.'
'Each of them must have an identification you may use,' Ashla explained.
'I know, but it's not like I'm a hacking master,' Danny deadpanned.
'You don't need to be. They make a hologram of the pass, and if you are lucky, it remained undamaged,' Bogan told.
Danny kneeled near the destroyed machine and phased off the piece of metal covering the insides of the droid's head. There Danny saw a small sphere which looked like what he needs. He phased it off, too and took into his hand. Danny then sent a tiny current of the Force lighting in order to charge it.
He wasn't bothered by using the ability, as long as he is in control of himself, not the Dark side itself, he shall be fine. It required a lot of self control and willpower, and the dissection he went through not only didn't weaken it, it strengthened his will. He never gave up on hope of escaping, much to the dislike of his captors, and on one fateful day he managed to break out of his restraints. Phantom thought about it a lot, and now, when he knows about the Force, he has an explanation. When the dissection finally killed him, the Force flowed inside of him as enormous wave, giving him a massive power boost.
A hologram turned on and an image of some card appeared. It was indeed an identification. Danny returned to the outpost and managed to pass through the patrol by using it. Thankfully the droids hadn't noticed that he wasn't using a normal holoproector and let him pass.
Since the entire station was so big, it required the means of transportation. In this case, a small train, twice the length of the school bus. It had two ends looking exactly the same, since it obviously went in two directions. The train wasn't much different from that futuristic ones back on Earth, besides the fact that it wasn't touching the rails. Danny stepped inside and set up the course. He fell on his butt because of so abrupt start, but managed to stand up.
It didn't take long to get to the central station. Unlike the rest of the shipyard/apparent military factory, it seemed more welcoming. Green bushes in white stands, a painted pathway under his feet, and no constant whirring and stirring of machinery. It was quiet and peaceful, besides the soldiers walking there and there. But such amount of white color everywhere made him sick. Before he could hurl inside his helmet, he searched for the way out.
In far end of the big entrance hall he saw an elevator. Deciding that it will be better if he comes inside unnoticed, Danny found a safe place and became invisible. How original. He flew up the elevator shaft and ended up in a very nice room. The room had a circular shape, with panoramic view on the space and the shipyard. No one was there.
Phantom found some kind of terminal and turned it on. Maybe he will be able to find some information there. Sadly, most of the files were classified and required the password. Once again Danny regretted his lack of hacking abilities. He started to look what was inside another files, simple data of shipments, reports and other boring stuff. Nothing much.
Suddenly Danny heard the sound of elevator going up. His eyes widened and he started to rapidly close the documents he had opened. And just as he finished with the last one, Danny became invisible, before the elevator door opened and the man came out of it.
He was a yuth, obviously, a tall man about six feet. He was wearing an orange uniform, which looked odd with his skin color. He had some colored badges on it, which probably served the purpose of showing the military rank. And he had plenty of them. The man was aged, about fifty years old, with jet black hair and graying stripes. Besides him was a person who took Danny off guard. It was the same captain who 'captured' him. And he was still wearing his helmet.
"Scaball is a fool, captain Hex," The aged man said to his companion. "If he can't keep his slaves on the leash then he is weak. And if he is weak, it is our golden opportunity."
The man sat on the chair.
"Are you sure that is what you need, admiral?" The captain asked. "You have the entire space station in your disposal, why do you need some stinking planet?"
"I know what I want. This isn't the matter of power. Scaball killed my son and he is going to pay for this," the admiral hit the table with his fist.
"Are you sure it was him?"
"You are asking too many questions, Hex. As long as I pay you more than Scaball, it shouldn't bother you at all."
Danny raised an eyebrow. Was yuthanean army a bunch of mercenaries? Why would they do something so unthoughtful? Maybe only Hex was a mercenary, but he still held the rank, so it mustn't be it.
"You are right, I don't care as long as I get my payment," Hex shrugged. "By the way, why did you call me all the way here?"
"To say that our attack is about to begin. The dreadnought is almost finished and you will command it."
"And the crew?"
"Droids, magnificent creations, much better than that alien scum. They will pilot it and obey your orders as programmed. Go there and get to know it better. Name the ship however you want."
The captain nodded and walked out of the room. The admiral sighed, before getting up and walking to the window.
Phantom meanwhile thought up a devious plan in his head. He shall achieve much greater results.
"Impressive view, isn't it?" He asked, dropping his invisibility.
The admiral jumped in surprise and spun around. Danny was sitting cross legged on one of the armchairs with his helmet had been taken off.
"Phantom..." the admiral whispered in shock. He attempted to press the alarm button, but found himself unable to move. He saw that Phantom stood up with his hand outstretched towards him.
"Now, now, we don't need an extra audience," Danny smirked.
"What kind of sorcery is this!?"
"Take a seat, please."
Phantom swiped another hand and moved the chair right under the admiral's butt, before letting him go. The admiral fell on the chair.
"Are you going to kill me now?"
"If I wanted to kill you, you would be a chunk of ice floating in space by now," Danny shrugged. "I couldn't help but overhear your small conversation."
"How did you..."
"Please, even toddlers can become invisible among our kind. And I am considered the most powerful one. Wasn't so hard to hide."
"What do you want then?"
"Ah, straight to business, I like it," Danny grinned. "So, what's your plan?"
"Like I will ever..."
"I can always extract them whether you want it or not. I recommend the second opportunity. I already suspect that you are planning to invade the plantet, or bomb it. Most likely the first one, since even in the very decentralized state such an act as orbital bombardment will be considered a treason. Am I right?"
The admiral was silent and just stared at him. Phantom's grin only widened.
"Are you going to talk now?"
"I planned to start bombardment."
Danny's eyes flashed with bright green inferno for a moment, but thankfully he wasn't looking at the admiral at the moment.
"You planned on turning an entire colony into the bare wasteland just because of your vendetta?"
He pushed the admiral back to the seat. Phantom heard how he tried to get to the button.
"I'm disappointed," Danny shook his head, before looking back at the old man. "I take it that you haven't considered all the details."
"I'm not going to listen some alien brat," the admiral spat.
"It's not like you have a choice," Phantom said amused. "I'm merely saying that your plan isn't perfect. I can help you with that."
"Let me put it bluntly. If you attack, the entire empire will view you as a mass murderer. However, if Scaball will be shown as a weak and incompetent man, and you will arrive to wipe out the terrorists who have assumed will be viewed as a hero and the planet shall be yours."
"And what do you gain from it?"
"You see, that's what are we going to do. You give me your remaining slaves, enough equipment, and I'll take care of Scaball. Then give us a ship and we will be off after putting a show."
The admiral laughed loudly. "Do you seriously believe that I'll trust some scum like you?"
"God, you are one stubborn donkey. Just think about it, this plan is much better, and no one will judge you."
"How do I know you will be able to overthrow him?"
"Simple, my men have me. I destroyed armies with a simple wail, why should this one be different?"
The admiral had to admit, Phantom sounded confident in his abilities. Yet again, he can become invisible and dissappear momentarily. Who knows what else he can do?
"If you fail, I'll hunt you down personally, kid."
"Sounds fair, old man. So, it's a deal then?"
Danny reached out his hand, which flickered with green fire. The admiral looked at it warily. Phantom chuckled, before subduing the fire.
"Sorry, tradition from where I came from."
The admiral looked at it for a moment, before shaking it.
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