Chapter 59: The Bombing
"I understand your concern, colleagues, but I assure you, you have nothing to worry about."
The Council of Neutral Systems was summoned quickly after the coming of the new Mandalore. They were concerned about the upcoming changes. Some planets left, fearing the obvious warmongering of the new leader. That's why Phantom called the meeting. This fact alone put hopes in the rulers' of generally peaceful folk. Their position had some benefits, after all, just like negative sides.
They were sitting in the throne room of the Keldabe Palace. It was the former capital of Mandalore, and the government moved there. Along the well lit hall stood several long tables and chairs. The floor was black, white columns held the tall ceiling. Danny was surprised at how well it suited his tastes. Some planets' representatives were in holographic form. Phantom himself was sitting on the throne, guarded by Bo-Katan, who was wearing her helmet.
Phantom sensed their confusion and rose from his seat of power, the crimson cape of his armor flowing behind.
"I seek to establish the rule of might on this planet. But these changes do not and are not supposed to affect you. I am not a fool. I take Mandalore as a weakling, a whelp which needs to be fed to become as strong as it used to be. Going against superpowers will be a suicide. Republic makes us die from starvation. The Confederacy looks for casus belli to come here. We are surrounded by those who seek to ruin our neutrality."
"You contradict your own ideas," someone said.
"Do I? In the end only one side shall win. The one which is more untouched. We shall emerge more powerful than they are. I'm not going to entangle you in this if you do not want. Further economic cooperation is what I seek at this meeting. War is war, but money always come first, we all know that. And with both sides abandoning us, we have little other option."
"And the Banking Clan?"
"They are too busy with leadership changes. Turns out all this time, all three standard years of war, they had no aurodium to back all the credits they were giving. They are pieces of plastic, nothing more."
Danny couldn't believe how lucky he was with that ordeal. He himself couldn't think up anything better. Another point to the superiority of the Empire. He had done the same thing during the first days, they needed money, and it had some nasty implications. But now the situation was better and the Imperial economy was growing. Banking Clan's eagerness to support the Civil War now had an explanation.
"I heard that Baron Clovis is a talented man," the auburn bearded representative said. "He may just fix things."
"By raising interest for the Republic," Phantom snorted under his helmet. "Here goes their 'neutrality'. I'll get the information. For now on, let's talk about less interesting things. I could care less about economy, but Mandalore is starving, and deny its importance would be stupid."
The meeting went smoothly. The representatives understood that they had nothing to fear from the new ruler of the planet. Danny could be charming, even if it wasn't his kind of charm. He usually tried to be seen kind, generous and welcoming. Mandalore was seen as the strong, yet temperate man who didn't rush things. After all, he already demonstrated his might, not only during the fight with Maul.
The criminal gangs didn't expect the betrayal from the Death Watch. Danny was swift, attacking them before they learned about the Sith's defeat. People were shocked at the sight of the Mandalore's return. The mask gave just the effect Phantom seeked. The shock was evident, and during the short greeting speech Phantom could sense everything. Almost no one questioned his legitimacy. Maybe because they feared the person who radiated power. In the fight he went wielding the black lightsaber. What a unique thing.
As Danny was leaving the room, Bo-Katan caught up with him in the corridor.
"So, do you have a plan of action?" She asked, taking off the helmet. The woman learned that she could openly discuss everything with her commander.
"Yes, I do. I planned to negotiate about assistance from someone else."
"With whom?" Bo-Katan raised her eyebrow as they entered the working room.
"Hello there."
The woman spun around and took out the blaster, seeing the famed general of the Confederacy. Phantom was sitting on a chair cross legged, smirking.
Mandalore gestured for his companion to lower her weapon. Kryze looked at her leader in surprise. Danny grinned. Having negotiations with himself was something new indeed. But no one would suspect anything.
"I thought you don't like the Confederacy," she noted.
"I am not the Confederacy," Phantom got up. "I am myself. And the Protectorate is its part only on papers. I pursue the interests of my own."
"And our interests meet," Mandalore finished.
They took seats at the table. Danny mentally cursed at how the armor was bothering him.
"What could you possibly need?" Bo-Katan asked.
"First you should have asked what I can give," Phantom smirked. "An army, The Protectorate is the only state, or semi-state willing to trade with neutral systems."
"This is how I became the richest man in the Galaxy. I gain money when I see the possibility. But don't worry, the prices won't be bigger than average, despite my obvious monopoly."
Mandalore put a hand on his chin. Danny was unsure about how to act at such...peculiar situation, as it was one of a kind. Bo-Katan needed to be there to keep the Mandalorians unaware about the scheme. He could do everything and without the show.
"You could get more money."
"Yes," Phantom drummed on the hand of his chair. "But I care about the people."
"Then give them for free," Bo-Katan shrugged.
"Calm down, please," Mandalore told her, firmly and yet gently.
"I care, but free food is only for war-torn worlds. They cannot pay, unlike you. Also...I could use a military ally. Not in usual terms, but your Death Watch seems to be a force to be reckoned with."
After a minute of theatrical contemplation, they came to 'agreement'.
Danny also agreed with himself to get a custody over Maul. Asking for Satine would have been suspicious. And that's what brought them there, on Mygeeto. As usual, HK was in charge of getting information out of the Sith. The Zabrak was quiet, if you don't count the screams of agonizing pain. Phantom kept away from the dungeon, although his hearing caught it nevertheless. His consciousness was torturing him in turn, but it didn't make the things any less important.
Maul knew something. That Sith was the key for uncovering the secret of who the main Sith Lord was. It seemed that Maul was quiet not because of big love, but because he didn't want to show any weakness. Danny was surprised at seeing HK so angry. Even he couldn't break that nut. Phantom was sitting at his table, when the droid barged in.
"Exclamation: I want to kill him!" He said loudly.
Danny put down the datapad and looked at him. "Still no success, I take it?"
"Sarcasm: Isn't that obvious?" HK grabbed a glass of wine and poured it at his mouth, before remembering that he didn't have one. He screamed in anger and went out. Danny blinked.
"I need to get him a psychiatrist," he mumbled. "Tucker, make a note."
"Done, sir," a voice in his datapad said, before communicator beeped.
Phantom sighed and pressed the button. If it was another report, he would jump into black hole.
"Hey, Dad," Ahsoka's image appeared. Danny smiled and leaned back in his chair.
"Hello, kiddo. How is it going?"
"I wouldn't say perfect, but with ME everything is alright. Thought you might be interested."
Phantom's look softened. "You know you can call whenever you want, dear. What is it?"
"Don't you know already, then?"
Phantom made a deadpan expression and a stack of papers landed before him.
"As you can see I have been occupied. So, go on."
"The Jedi Temple. There has been an explosion."
Danny's expression showed that his attention was fully on her. Ahsoka noticed this and took it as an urge to continue.
"The Coruscant Police is doing everything it can, but so far no success."
"I see...your thoughts?"
"I...I don't know. The rumors say that the Jedi is envolved, but...It's hard to believe."
"Ahsoka," Danny sighed. "You shouldn't disperse this theory just because it sounds unbelievable. If the proofs show it, take them seriously."
"I know, I know. Master Skywalker said the same."
"He is a smart man," Danny shrugged. "Is there anything you need?"
"No, I think I can manage on my own. I've got to ask the witnesses, though, not the first time."
"You were on Cato Neimoidia mere days ago."
"I've been recalled," Ahsoka shrugged. "The Council thinks me and Anakin are out of suspicion, because we have been there when everything happened. We just happened to be the closest."
Danny nodded. "The question is, why someone would do that. It was a single bombing, I take it?"
"Yes. In the supplemental hanger."
"Ridiculous," Phantom shook his head. "Here goes the suspicion about the Jedi being involved in this. At least the bomb itself was not sneaked in by him or her."
"What makes you think so?"
"Because if it was a Jedi, the bomb would have been sneaked much further, to the more useful place. Non-Jedi are not allowed into the inner sanctum, you know. Just killing the Jedi was not the purpose."
"I never thought about it this way," Ahsoka rubbed her chin. "I'll tell Master Skywalker about this. He is supposed to be speaking with the crowd of angry people now. Maybe it would convince them."
Phantom sighed again. "The Jedi still may be involved. Just the execution was done by someone else. But that's a start, work with it, I believe in your skills."
"Thanks, Dad...Someone is coming, bye!"
Ahsoka turned off the communicator and got up. Soon the door opened and Anakin walked in.
"Hey, Snips, I thought you were in the medical bay," the young Jedi Knight said, crossing his hands.
"Yeah, I just...needed to change my clothes. They stunk."
"You wear the same ones."
Ahsoka gave a deadpan expression. "I have some more," she swiped her hand and the wardrobe opened, showing another similar set of clothes. "See?"
"Okay, okay," Auburn haired man raised his hands. "Just hurry. Let's go."
The Padawan nodded, inwardly sighing in relief. They went through the massive halls of the Jedi Temple. She wasn't surprised that all the conversations were about the explosion. Such a wide amount of theories: the Separatists, the Sith, and of course some theorized that that was a rogue Jedi who turned to the Dark Side. Ahsoka was wondering about the motivation, however. Her thoughtfulness was noticed by her Master.
"Hey, don't worry, Snips. We'll find the bastard."
"That's not what I'm thinking about, Master," Ahsoka looked at him. "Why the hanger?"
"I don't know," Anakin shook his head. "To inspire fear, maybe. The deaths were primarily that of the civilians."
Ahsoka hummed. Yes, it could be the reason, and the commoners' deaths played into Jedi haters' hands. "And if the bomb exploded within the temple itself it wouldn't have caused such an uproar," she guessed.
"You are right. Be it only the Jedi, the people wouldn't have protested," Skywalker said with a sad note. "But with the deaths of the clones as well...the Senate tends to take notice of this."
"They constantly try to interfere," Ahsoka mumbled.
"At least the Chancellor sympathizes us," Anakin responded. "He let us investigate this, after all. Can't imagine what would be once the war ends and Palpatine will be relieved of his duties."
"You're supporting him, huh?"
"I thought that was obvious. Chancellor is a great man, hence why he has been elected several times."
Their conversation ended soon, when they had to part ways. Ahsoka went to the infirmary, where the injured were tended.
"Ah, Padawan Tano, glad you made it."
She looked down and saw a small droid half her size. Russo-ISC droid had a lump body, thin hands and small head with two big eyes. In his hands he held a datapad. The droid had been assigned to assist with the investigation.
"Any luck, Russo?" Ahsoka asked.
"I'm not very good at questioning," the droid responded. "My protocols contain only a certain amount of questions."
"I see. Well, let's not waste any time."
Meanwhile Phantom got curious as well. The bombing in the Jedi Temple was something unique. It had been sacked by the old Empire, bombarded from the ships, and yet such occasion was unique. The Intelligence dug into the issue just when Ahsoka did. It was complicated, because of lack of access into the Temple. The teenage girl was the only source there.
Surprisingly, Ahsoka found something, and Danny was proud of it. She found a clue and the first suspect. The Intelligence worked in parallel. And they found his wife, still alive. It wasn't hard to go through the archives of Coruscant denizens. Even a planet sized city kept track of all people and their social status. They worked in synch with the Jedi, unknowingly even to Ahsoka.
Danny had an interest of his own. Someone who was ready to go to such extent in his or her hatred could prove to be a valuable agent. Well, actually a pawn, Phantom never cared for such kind of people, for the rare exceptions. Those were fanatics without moral, could at least be useful for the time being, before they became dangerous to the others. Pragmatic, but so was the Emperor's view on the world.
Ahsoka and Anakin had been going through the corridor again, following the call made by Russo. They had previously discovered the cause of the explosion - Nano-droids, highly volatile. Jackar Bowmani had supposedly sneaked them inside, the droids' remnants were lying around the place of crime, no one just noticed them. And Russo informed the two that he had found Jackar. As they entered the room, Anakin looked around.
"Where is Jackar?!" He asked, panicking slightly. He had ordered to detain him.
"Don't worry, Master Skywalker. He's not running anywhere," the droid reported.
"Where is he?"
Russo pointed at the sewered hand lying on the table. "I'm afraid he is not running anywhere."
"Is this some kind of joke?"
"No, I assure you it is not. This is Jackar. Or at least what remained of him."
"Was he near the bomb when it happened?" Ahsoka asked.
"No, he WAS the bomb. We have analyzed the bloodstream of his. Nano-droids were found there."
"In his blood? How did they get there?"
"We will probably find the answers at his home," Ahsoka offered, receiving a nod of agreement from her Master.
Russo had found the home already. A trip to the dark Coruscant Underworld was in order. Ahsoka hated being there. If the surface was one huge megapolis, the biggest slums of the Galaxy were beneath. Constant reeking, filth and shady people, one of whom had stolen her lightsaber and she had to retrieve it. The teen hoped that with coming of the Emperor it was going to change, although she didn't know how he would do that.
They found the apartments in one of the tall blocks. As the Jedi they easily accessed the room after receiving no response from the other side. They started searching, rummaging through the rooms of actually nice enough place. Working at the Jedi Temple had own advantages. Not enough money to live on the surface, but it was still quite livable. Ahsoka scanned the surroundings with a special device.
Outside of the building there were two men dressed in black cloaks. Their faces were hidden beneath.
"Have I mentioned how I hate this junkyard?" One of them asked.
"For twenty first time, for this month, Nine," the other rolled his eyes.
"I didn't surrender my apartments on Babylon for this."
"And this you said twenty times. Complain to Watcher Two, not me."
"She gave this mission to us, because..."
"Because so was Keeper's task. And you know perfectly well to whom he responds."
The other man raised his hands. "Fine, fine. I just want to get out of here soon, Six. Still, being a Cipher has own advantages."
"Shh. See that?" Six asked, pointing slightly at the entrance of the apartment and taking a datapad.
The image of the woman was a perfect match.
"Our client," Nine said sarcastically. "Let's get her."
They went forward, while the woman was busy with the lock. She wore a purple sleeveless jacket and a cap, had fair skin, brown eyes and short raven hair. She heard a cough behind, spinning around and seeing the two.
"Who are you?" She asked.
"Ma'am, we need you to come with us," Six said politely.
"I've already told the Jedi everything I knew."
"Yes, but there are some more issues which have come to our attention recently, so we need further clarification."
"I don't want to go."
"Funny. You don't want to find the one who attacked husband?" Nine asked, raising his brow.
That did the magic. Her look instantly changed.
"I...well, what is that you need?"
"Simple, care to follow us to the safer place?"
"I was about to go home, anyway."
Two men looked at each other and nodded. "We don't see any problem."
They were about to follow inside the building, the door slid open, but something unexpected happened. The woman suddenly pushed the passerby into the two, before hurling away quickly. The agents quickly recovered and ran after her. Meanwhile the Jedi finished the scan. They found the similar nano-droids. In the food. It explained how they got into the exploded man's bloodstream. They were about to leave, when they heard screams outside. The Jedi peaked outside and saw Jackar's wife running away from two figures.
Needless to say that the meaning was misunderstood.
The agents kept running after the woman, and damn, was she quick. She kept jumping between the transports and people, but her pursuers weren't that far behind. Through the dark crowded pedestrian paths, pushing everyone around, they ran.
"Damn it, we've called enough attention as it is," Nine cursed.
Although he guessed it was nothing out of ordinary. People thought that it was a simple thief chaise.
"Go from another side, you know the shortcut!" Six called.
His companion understood what he meant and nodded, before running into the nearest, very slim alley. They hadn't spend time for nothing. There always should have been a path for retreat, they simply remembered it. Finally, Nine turned abruptly and appeared before the woman, pinning her to the ground, his trainings in the Intelligence coming into play, and earned a light scream of shock. Six approached them.
"Release me! Help!" She shouted, but no one was there, as the alley was empty. Besides, people around learned to be mostly apathetic.
"Relax, we need to ask some questions. Then you will go."
"I know nothing of Jackar's death!"
"We never said he was dead. As far as we know," Six took out a datapad and approached her. "You haven't been alarmed about this. No calls have been made, neither were special announcements on holonet."
"Stop right there!"
They looked to the side and saw Anakin brandishing his blue lightsaber at them. Six remained calm.
"Ah, a Jedi, wonderful. We have just seized the suspect."
Both Skywalker and Ahsoka were confused. Then Six took out a badge. A faked badge of Coruscant Underworld police.
"We were about to ask Mrs. Bowmani some questions, but then she ran off. Now she has admitted that she knows about her husband's departure to the better world, you may say. Have you told her?"
"" Anakin said slowly, putting away his weapon. "And it is...curious."
"Well, I think our job here is done. We shall depart now."
Both Jedi were confused at this. They didn't do anything when two so-called policemen departed. Once they were on a safe distance, Nine stopped his sidekick.
"What the hell was that?! Our order was to detain her!"
"Have you actually read it? Detain her OR pass her to the Jedi, it said."
Anakin met the expectations, both the agents', and the Emperor himself.
"So, she is imprisoned?" Danny asked his daughter's hologram.
"Yes, Dad. She admitted everything, surprisingly. I can't believe it," the teen muttered. "She killed her own husband. She fed him the food and sentenced him to death just to frame us."
"And this, my girl, only proves my words. People hate this Order. The time of them being adored peacekeepers is long gone."
"I actually wondered...Dad, what are you going to do with them?"
"That's...complicated. Why do you ask?"
"I just got several friends here, and if you planned to..."
"Purge them? If you are friends, then I will simply offer them to become the Paladins. Just like many others. As for the rest, I'll just banish them away from any politics. Ossus is fitting, although we will have to terraform it."
Ahsoka nodded. The decision seemed like a comfortable compromise. She hoped nothing would happen.
A.N. I didn't realize how boring it would be to write this ark. It was interesting to watch. Sorry if it was a bit rushed. I want to get to Revenge of the Sith sooner.
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