Chapter 58: Mandalore is ours
To the surprise of the Sith, Phantom grinned widely.
"Oh, well, let's see if you are as good as you are told to be."
The ghosts only turned on their lightsabers. Ragnos, however, simply stood by, watching what was about to happen. And if the boy in front of him was indeed the son of Vitiate, he was in for a show. Danny activated his own blade, swinging it in a fencing inviting gesture - first parallel to his body, then away from it, to the side. Once again his left hand remained free. The Sith Lords noted the unusual choice of style.
Malak was the first to strike. With a roar he lunged forward, swinging his lightsaber. Phantom easily blocked it. And a number of the followed strikes, acting fast, while retaining the grace. Danny saw Zannah trying to attack him from the side. A jump back, and the blocked swing. Phantom attempted to counterattack, but she blocked the attack again. They were ghosts as well, yes, but Phantom's strength was still bigger.
Danny vanished in the shadows, seeing as another attack was about to come from behind, his senses told as such. He reappeared a few meters away, making a stab. The attack was blocked, and the stark haired ghost was pushed away, and Danny was forced into defensive. He was still holding, but Phantom didn't have any opportunities but to defend himself. The transparent blade of his was sparking with each impact, jumping from one lightsaber to another, protecting its wielder. Phantom clenched his free hand and fired at Zannah's chest. As she screamed and flew backwards, Danny smirked, despite having to block a hit.
"It always works. If they have two hands," he commented to his opponent.
Phantom teleported a few meters away, but didn't even blink, before having to intercept another strike. His new opponent had an offsetting appearance. Very long pitch black robes with a hood, a skull mask with hollow eyes, split in two. Danny should have seen the lower part of the head, but it was just as unseen.
"Lord of Hunger himself. Wow, it's an all-star party."
Nihilus didn't say a word. He launched the teen backwards into the column.
Ragnos rubbed his temples. The kid just couldn't keep his mouth shut. Danny rolled away from the lightsaber slice and leaped on his feet, the lightsaber flying into his hand. As Phantom retreated back under the rain of Zannah's attacks, he seemed just as calm.
"Hey, Nihilus! How come you don't get obese after devouring planets? Just curious!"
"Just shut up already!" Zannah exclaimed, exasperated at the yet impenetrable defense.
"Oh, where did all welcomeness go?" Phantom pouted. "And here I wanted to have a sleepover."
She roared and fired lighting. Phantom deflected it, but then Nihilus used his famed ability. Life draining. However, as the crimson beam hit the stark haired man, Danny grinned.
"Can't drain life from someone who doesn't have any!" He laughed.
Phantom teleported behind Zannah and made a stab.
It went through the body, and Danny realized that the Force ghosts could be transparent to everything, because the ectoplasm was a little to none with in their bodies. Phantom had to block the multiple attacks, while hearing Ragnos laugh.
"What are you going to do now, boy?"
To the further surprise, Phantom simply whisked on a distance, put away his lightsaber and cracked his knuckles.
"Ghosts demand a special touch," Danny smirked, before his palms glowed with crimson color.
He started hurling beams of energy at the ghosts, thus maintaining distance. Danny launched a blast, but then calmly moved his palm, making it take a U-turn and hit Malak in the back. He cried in pain and stumbled forward. Phantom swung his hands and made a shield around himself, grinning innocently as the lightings hit it to no avail. Ragnos snorted. The kid was toying around, if he hoped to impress him, than the boy was wrong. No, he wasn't trying to impress the Sith. It was simply fun.
Danny then jumped through the floor. Now the Sith realized that the displayed abilities were not the product of the Force, neither of the sides. And it was rather curious. Some of his powers were similar to theirs, but they couldn't make shields. Suddenly Phantom emerged from the ground, but there was a strange device on his wrist now. It wasn't bigger than a bracelet. It actually was like a bracelet, with only a cylinder not bigger than a thimble.
"Alright, show is over," Danny tapped on the device in several places. "You see, I expected to encounter some ghosts."
The device glowed brightly. The ghosts tried to apprehend before god knows what happened, but Phantom raised his eyebrow and they were held tightly in place.
"Let me present you...I haven't thought up a name yet."
A white vortex emerged from the device, and the room filled with loud screams. The blinding light was gone, so were the ghosts, for the exception of Ragnos, who stared wide eyed.
"What kind of technology is this?"
"Simple. The people who were raising me...and whom I've killed...well, I picked some things. I modified their technology. Your friends are inside the device which used to be the size and shape of a thermos."
"This is not how the fight was supposed to go," the Sith growled.
Danny shrugged. "Maybe. You have something against my toy?" Phantom pointed his hand at the ghost.
Ragnos tried to destroy the thing by smashing it, but the material was too hard to break that easily.
"Careful. There is no telling what's going to happen if you break it. The others may not survive."
"Fine. Do whatever you want," Ragnos grumbled. "I am yet to see your power."
"I destroyed several districts of Coruscant as a collateral damage. The entire Republic knows what I am capable of. I caused the massive disturbance in the Force when I have shown myself to the Galaxy several years ago. You need proofs? I'm not lying, I think you can sense this. Now. I need the Mask."
"Fine. Release them at once."
Phantom pressed a button on the bracelet and the ghosts were hurled out of it.
"This. Is. So. Humiliating," Zannah growled.
"I'll KILL THIS BRAT!" Malak exclaimed, getting up.
Nihilus disappeared somewhere. Damn, the guy was quick.
"Enough, Malak. He won," Ragnos commanded.
Despite the Sith being power-hungry, they didn't go against the authority of the ancient Lord. Danny meanwhile was laughing internally. He really should have brought HK. They would have laughed their asses together. He was definitely going to tell him. Still, there was also a certain degree of fanboying. Danny just defeated the Sith Lords like they were nothing. Granted, they were weaker, for some reason, but it was still awesome.
Danny coughed to get their attention.
"Shall we go?"
They did. After a while of walking through the sandy corridors of the ancient construction, they reached a special huge room, filled with all sorts of treasures. The ghosts were happy that the man just shut up. They were quiet only because they didn't want to be stuffed back into that thing again. Phantom sensed their anger, but payed no attention to their emotions. He simply went forward, looking through the mountains of aurodium and Sith artifacts.
Soon Danny found what he was looking for. The mask was made of the bronze-like metal, battered from time and battles. There were three dark glasteel lines coming from the center, which allowed the wearer to actually see the surroundings. Danny tossed it around in his arms, before looking at the Sith ghosts.
"Thank you for assistance."
"You aren't going to take anything else?"
"I have enough artifacts as it is. I can open a museum in my palace. And I am already the richest man in the Galaxy. No need to bother myself with junk."
"This isn't 'junk!'"
"I learned to value what I have and not desire something I won't need."
"Your father is spinning in his grave."
"A disgrace."
Danny grinned. "Thanks for the compliment. If I could sully his grave more, and if he had one, I would have done it again."
"And you claim to be his heir?" Malak crossed his hands.
"His being is no more than a tool in my hand. Zakuul bowed to me, the Sith did."
"You are a strange one. So much hatred and so much restraint. Admirable," Ragnos noted, although without enthusiasm.
"I am in balance, that's all. Yet I have achieved more than you could ever hope to get."
"We all thought so at our lifetime," Interrupted Malak.
"But I am different. The times are different. Is it so hard to believe? Although your opinion will change very little, believe what you want. Farewell, it has been an honor nevertheless."
Danny bowed his head slightly, before disappearing in a cloud of smoke. It probably wasn't his last visit, for their knowledge was big. But he had no time, he had lost enough.
As the Emperor returned to the capital, he read the report about the ongoing events on Mandalore. His loud cursing could be easily heard, thankfully Dani was at school and didn't witness his tantrum. It seemed that while he was gone, another coup happened on the planet. Pre Vizla was murdered in a 'fair' combat by a Sith of all people. Phantom wasn't the only one to come up with the idea.
It was amazing how swift the Imperial Intelligence worked. Phantom surely was right to put Keeper in charge of it. He was the initiative guy. The second the Sith appeared, the info of him was put on the monarch's table. His origin was unknown, there was only the name and the race - Maul. He was a Zabrak, but from what planet he didn't share. It seemed scarce at first, but Danny also learned that he had been seen on Naboo thirteen years ago. There the Sith killed Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn, but lost his legs and fell down the large hole because of his Padawan - Obi-Wan Kenobi. Ah, magnificent, the man certainly wouldn't miss the opportunity.
The appearance also solved the mystery the Intelligence had been working hard to uncover. The Crime Syndicates' unification in one force now was completely justified and explained. That was the man who either convinced or forced them into obedience. It was foolish to think that such influential organizations would remain without Phantom's attention. Especially if some of their leaders were so easy to bribe.
As for the Sith himself, Danny's plans remained the same. He would beat the crap out of anyone who occupies the seat of Mandalorian leader. It was even better. Phantom would get both the syndicates and the Council of Neutral systems.
For that purpose he ordered to make himself an armor, incorporating the mask in there. It retained the old battered look. The armor was made from the special material, found only on Mandalore and its moon. Beskar was very durable, but scarce and goddamn expensive. Moreover, only the locals knew how to make naturally weak material like that. Money talked, and they convinced one of such specialists to go through with the order from unknown buyer.
Meanwhile on Mandalore the many times mentioned Sith was occupied, preparing the plans of his own. Maul looked quite...devilishly. He had red skin, with a vast multitude of black tattooed lines across his face. The typical Zabrak horns on his head could prove to be a dangerous weapon, despite being short. He was wearing black tight robes, and his legs were but metal ones. At the moment he was looking at the holographic map of the Galaxy.
"Brother, did you call me?"
Maul turned his red-orange eyes towards the entrance. The resemblance between the two could be noticed after a second glance, but the other's skin was yellow, and the horns were longer. He was wearing a heavy and seemingly bulky black armor. A double lightsaber was on his belt.
"Yes, Savage. I believe it is time for us to grow."
"What do you suggest."
"With Mandalore in our grasp, our crime friends want more. We could establish our positions on the North."
"Do I sense fear in you, brother? What do you have to be afraid of?"
"These are Protectorate territories."
"Yes, I heard of them. Is this supposed to stop me?"
"For each of your criminals Lord Phantom can put ten of his soldiers. They are in charge of security there. Not droids."
"Who gave him the title? He himself?" Said Maul in a mocking tone.
"You underestimate his power."
"I saw him, Savage. He is but a boy."
"The boy who doesn't suffer defeats."
"The one who fell on his knees and cried in front of everyone."
"After collapsing several skyscrapers," Savage finished. "It wasn't even his intention."
"Even more weak, he is. If he cannot control the devastating power he possesses, it will eventually destroy him."
"It will happen AFTER he vaporizes us. And, he is allies with Mother Talzin."
That made Maul freeze. Now that was unexpected.
"What?" He asked.
"The Nightsisters spy for him, sometimes assassinate those he wants to be dead. Several senators on each side were killed. Some assassins from competing side as well. He is especially keen on protecting Bonteri family. They seem to be friends."
"What does Mother gain from this?"
"He gives them the Water of Life. Even Talzin doesn't know where he takes barrels of them. It is more powerful than they could imagine. And for a brief moment, I even sensed fear when she talked about him. Like she knows something about him."
Maul put a hand on his chin. He shouldn't doubt Talzin's judgement.
"We shall wait, then."
Little did he know, that Phantom had diametrically opposite opinion.
Finally, it was ready. The armor looked exactly like that of Mandalores of old. It looked a bit like medieval one, with long crimson cape behind. In order to hide the person behind the mask, Danny also needed to win without his unique powers and Force abilities. So the armor had a few nasty surprises for the enemy. The plan was ready to be set in motion. Danny had no time to waste anymore.
After putting the entire outfit on Phantom got to Mandalore via his teleportation. The city looked peculiar. As the planet had become a wasteland, the settlements were based within huge domes, where tolerable conditions were kept. Quite a philosophic view. But Phantom didn't come there to be the second Socrates. The architecture was cubic, and the infrastructure was that of stereotypical futuristic city. Trees, a lot of white.
However, there was also a lot of destruction, near the city center especially. Those were remnants from all the mess which had happened. And as far as Danny knew, the criminals were operating quite well nowadays. He was going to make sure to eradicate them all without a trace of mercy.
Danny became invisible, cursing about how uncomfortable the armor was. He got used to light robes, which weighted almost nothing and didn't bother his movements. He also had to care about constant clanking of metal. Phantom got to the side entrance. Unnoticed, he became visible. Danny went forward through the corridors. He encountered the first guards. They were wearing black and blue armor, with helmets similar to his. It wasn't hard to notice Phantom's figure.
"Hey, stop right there! What are you doing here?"
"Typical question and typical answer. Are you going to let me to your so called leader or am I going to get a warm up?"
His voice was twisted by the mask, making him sound even more threatening.
"Are we supposed to be afraid of the guy in a masquerade cos...?"
Before he could even blink, Phantom took a blaster and fired. The man fell dead after blaster bolt hit the junction of the armor. The other took a blaster rifle, but then got kicked in the helmet and felt the weapon pointed at his head.
"I hope you are smarter than that. Now, where is that Sith sitting?"
"You mean Maul? He is in the throne room. He had caught some Jedi while he was trying to help the Duchess escape. I don't know what he is planning but they are there."
"Good. You may go," Danny removed the weapon.
However, once he did that, the Mandalorian pressed the trigger. But beskar did its job. Narrowing his eyes behind the mask, Phantom hit the bastard's head. Hard. Knocked out, the man fell on the ground, unconscious. Danny got the information he needed. He went through the bright, windowed halls, which were surprisingly clean, before reaching the big doors, guarded by two soldiers. Those were red armors, with black marks and even small zabrak-like horns around the top. Phantom didn't have time to exchange words. Two shots, and the guards were gone.
Finally, Danny barged the doors open with a thunderous voice, becoming the center of attention. Everyone present stared at him, including the main star of the show. Phantom heard whispers, they obviously recognized the artifact on his face.
"I must say, I expected something more," Phantom said dryly.
Near the walls stood more soldiers. In the center was kneeling Obi-Wan, wearing the same armor as the soldiers. He had probably tried to disguise. There was a throne, and near it was held the former duchess. She was in her early thirties, with blonde hair and blue eyes. She was on her knees as well, bound by legs and hands, dressed in black dress. The main object of interest for the ghost was the man sitting on the throne. Danny apparently stopped him from killing the duchess, judging from the pose and unleashed weapon.
Probably replacing the ones Obi-Wan had chopped off. Danny couldn't resist a small laughter at seeing them.
"Who the hell are you?" Maul growled.
"The one whose place you are occupying with your shiny metal ass."
"Brother, do you need me to get rid of this bother?"
"God, you are a poet," Phantom noted, seeing, another, yellow Zabrak. "I didn't come here to exchange poetic works. Darth Maul."
He took a long blade of dark metal and swung it in his arm. Phantom pointed it at the Sith.
"I challenge you for the place of Mandalore!"
"I don't have time now," Maul spat.
"This is not how it works, Maul."
One of the soldiers stepped forward. She took off her helmet, showing a redhead with light green eyes.
"Being the Mandalore means that you have to accept every challenge," the woman said. "Right there and now."
"Fine. You will regret it," Maul looked at Phantom, narrowing his orange-red eyes.
He activated his lightsaber. Danny immediately realized that he wanted it in his collection. It was a complete opposite of his own blade, completely black, with white outline. It even had the same shape as Danny's. Phantom took a battle stance, his crimson cape flying behind. The soldiers stood aside, knowing that the fight was going to get nasty.
"Try me, Darth Chicken-legs."
Obi-Wan couldn't help but snort, even despite his predicament.
Maul roared and lunged forward. Their blades crossed, but then the Sith's just sparked and shut down. Everyone stared.
"Cortosis does wonders," Phantom grinned under the helmet.
The Sith roared again and pushed the opponent into the wall, using the force. It cracked, but the armor didn't. Phantom landed on his feet, preparing to defend himself. Cortosis had shut down Maul's lightsaber, temporary, but he was still weaponless. That's why the Sith engaged in a hand-to-hand combat. Danny wondered how he was planning to get through the armor. He got his response when after blocking another hit, the three fingered metal leg hit him hard.
Phantom grunted, but landed on his feet. Maul pulled Danny's dropped blade into his hand and sliced it. The sword was stopped between his hands, and Phantom held it firmly. Maul was pushing forward, but the ghost could use his strength as unsuspicious exception. Not willing to break the weapon, Danny moved the sword aside with one hand, reaching for the blaster with another. Seeing this, Maul charged the lighting in his hand. They attacked simultaneously, the blaster bolt burning the edge of the Sith's hand and the lighting jumping around the metal armor. The fiber dielectric beneath protected the ghost.
Hissing from pain, Maul lunged again.
"It's time you give my weapon back," Danny said when he had to block the hits with his Beskar bracers.
When Maul made a stab, Phantom managed to snatch the blade by pulling it, as the Sith didn't anticipate the bold move. Besides, the strength was something to behold. Danny pushed the sword higher so as to hold the grip, not the blade itself. He swung it, but Maul jumped away. The Zabrak clenched his fist, and the ghost could feel the attempt to choke him. He resisted the urge to laugh, before going into offensive. They were close to the wall, and Phantom wanted to corner the opponent, but Maul wasn't that stupid.
He attempted to get away, but the slash prevented him from going to the right. Maul used the push again, seeing that the Force lighting was ignored easily. This time Phantom was prepared and stood his ground firm, thanks to the emerged spikes in his boots. They pinned him to the ground and didn't let him fly away. Once Maul was done, Phantom jumped, roared and slashed. The following action was unexpected by many. Seeing that Maul was about to escape, Danny ran forward and pushed them both through the tall window, breaking it in the process.
The flight was long, and each of the duelists acted differently. Danny could fly, yes, but he couldn't show it. That's why he had put a special feature. Inside the boots were special engines for flight. Flames erupted from there. It wasn't enough to allow such a heavy figure to fly, but now Phantom could justify his ability. He slowed down the fall and landed on one of the big balconies. Maul used his metal legs to claw into the wall. The debris and dust flew everywhere, but he managed to stop falling. He saw a blaster pointed at him from the masked man, so he used all his strength to kick off from his place and land near the ghost in disguise.
Phantom made another slash, leaving cracks on the solidified glass floor. Maul guessed that his sword could work by then. He had previously returned it to his belt, right before the fall. But first he had to get rid of that damn cortosis. Maul jumped and swiped his leg. Danny had to duck, but the Sith managed to clench the clawed hand and toss away the blade, to the endless abyss of modern city. Then the Zabrak took his lightsaber and activated it again. He started swiping it, making unusual sounds.
Several soldiers of the Death Watch were flying nearby on their jetpacks, observing everything from the safe distance. They were interested to say the least. Phantom moved away from the Sith, jumping in the air and taking blasters. He started constantly firing, but each blue blaster bolt was deflected. Danny expected as such, but you can't blame brother for trying. He tossed the blasters at Maul, who easily chopped them in half.
Phantom landed on the ground, the glass beneath breaking further. The force of impact and shaking caused Maul to stumble, but only for a slim second. He ran forward, but a small object emerged from the gauntlet. Danny grinned and clenched his fist, which activated the flamethrower. The Mandalorians weren't surprised. They had always been using it against the Force Users. Phantom, however, was simply following the advises from HK's guide.
Maul jumped over the opponent, but Danny swiftly turned around and forced the opponent to get away. The Sith clenched his fist and the device broke. Thanks to the safety measures, it didn't cause an explosion.
"You are quite expensive to beat," Danny joked. "Well, I hope your pelt costs more."
"I was trained by the most powerful being in the Galaxy, I am not going to be beaten," Maul spat.
Phantom snorted. "Who that will be? Cranky old man with asthma? Sounds like the Chancellor, though."
Danny was confused when he saw an extremely faint surprise Maul's eyes. It appeared after the last sentence. Weird. He didn't have time to think, however, because Maul attacked again. This time Danny had more nasty surprise. The killing way number twenty seven said:
As had been mentioned above, everything not solid is perfect to fight the Jedi. In case you shall relent to the poisonous gases, remember that they are able to not breathe for a long amount of time - more than enough to kill you. This is why, relying on my personal experience, I recommend using phosphorus elements, those which stick to the skin. They don't have anything against that, especially if they are wearing their usual robes. The stuff is hard to wash off.
Phantom hurled a grenade under his legs, right before Maul struck. Being ghost had own advantages, although the other wearer of this armor was from then on cursed to death. Danny made several steps and heard Maul scream. The pain was equal to that of sulphuric acid. Phantom grinned. He'd have to thank his droid later. The Sith swiped away his hand and the cloud flew away. He was panting heavily, his muscles twitching occasionally. However, he was still standing.
"You are already a goner," Phantom commented. "I'm a bit tired of this game."
He heard a loud roar. The yellow skinned Zabrak ran at him, the twin lightsaber ablaze. The ghost sighed and moved away, grabbing a very long hilt of the opponent's weapon. Using his strength, Danny twisted the weapon. No one noticed him pressing the activation button using the Force. One blade deactivated, leaving him unharmed. However, the opposite one made a 180 degrees turn. Savage had a misfortune to be on the way. Now there were two of them.
"Looks like it is family trait from now on," Danny grinned, referring to the lost legs. Savage fell dead. "Thanks for the lightsaber, however."
"I'll...I'll KILL YOU!" Maul screamed, somewhat hysterically.
"Sorry, you have gone back from the dead once. It's not going to happen again, I'll watch this personally."
Phantom raised his weapon above him.
"Go on, finish this now. I shall be avenged."
Danny stopped, before looking at the flying Death Watch. "Are you going to be that people?" He asked.
No one made a move.
"Seems like you don't have anyone. I doubt that the criminals are that loyal."
"You fool," Maul coughed, falling on his knees. "I know the forces stronger than you. My family shall avenge me."
"What do you..."
"Eh, sir?"
Danny looked back and saw that Savage's corpse was decaying maybe too quickly. The previously bulky and muscular Zabrak became as thin as a straw. Green smoke came from his body. The effects were similar to...
"Nightsisters," Phantom growled, before looking down at Maul. He might have another use of the Sith. "Do you surrender, Maul?"
"I am already dead," The Zabrak coughed. "What's the use?"
"I have antidote," Danny said calmly, showing a vial with spiky cap he had taken. "I made it just in case like this. Stand still."
Before Maul could react, he received a very painful injection and screamed. It was stopped when Phantom knocked him out with a powerful hit. He got up, before seeing the same redheaded woman approach him. She smirked.
"Good riddance," she said, before bowing slightly. "The Death Watch is under your command..."
"My name is of no importance. You will know me by the name of Mandalore the Immortal. Announce it to the people."
"Yes, Mandalore."
"What's your name?" Phantom crossed his hands.
"Bo-Katan Kryze, sir."
Danny raised his eyebrow. "Are you by any chance related to..."
"The Duchess. Yes. She is my sister. I actually wanted to ask..."
"What to do with her and her knight in shining armor? Is there anything between them?"
"Satine said she loved him," Bo-Katan huffed. "She thought it was her last phrase," the latter phrase was said without enthusiasm. It seemed that despite everything, she didn't want her death.
Phantom also thought about something else. Obi-Wan was his friend. And no way in hell he was going to kill someone who he loved and who loved him. He wasn't going to allow it to happen, Ben wasn't going to go through what he had.
"Let them go," Danny said to the surprise of anybody.
"Sir...she still has some support. Are sure it is wise to just let her go?"
"I thought you were siblings. The amount of people supporting her is lower than it used to be."
Besides, he wasn't going to remain Mandalore forever. It was in his interest to return Satine on her place when the time came. She was a good ruler. The war ruined everything on its path.
"But make sure she doesn't leave the planet. The Jedi may leave. It is time we got to the real job, send someone to clean this mess. Also, arm yourself, time for a little trip to these criminal gangs."
Bo-Katan smirked. They might just get along.
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