Chapter 57: Enrolling the daughter and entering the tomb
The fuss Danny made around his daughter was enormous. And annoying, even for the girl herself, who loved him with all her heart. In that aspect even the exalted Emperor was not different from thousands of families all around the Empire. To see his child go to school for the first time, it happened once in a lifetime. And since the life was going to be quite long to say the least, he wanted to remember it forever. He was even ready to face the public opinion.
He was only worried for Dani. She was going to get mobbed by mosquitoes. To be a friend of an heiress of the enormous state, a daughter of the most powerful man in the Galaxy, many would kill for such an opportunity. It was a week before the beginning of the school year, and Phantom facepalmed multiple times for not coming up with the idea sooner. He sometimes forgot that his child was only a half ghost. After all, she was 'born' and always remained in the ghost form.
Danny tried to train her to change the forms, thankfully he still remembered how to do that. So that's why he was there, in Dani's bedroom. The bright light was coming through the tall windows, reflecting off the polished black marble walls.
"Alright, kiddo. It is simple, really," Phantom kneeled near her. "You do feel how you are cold on the inside?"
The girl nodded. "Yes, Daddy."
"Now close your eyes. Imagine a burning candle, with a small little flame," Danny mumbled quietly, seeing Dani following his instructions. "It isn't warm, it is cold. By blowing on it, you only become warmer."
She blew into his face. Phantom laughed quietly.
"Not in that way, dear. Imagine that the warmth explodes within your core. Release it."
Suddenly a loud whirring sound was heard. A ring of moonshine appeared around the ghost girl's waist. It split in two and traveled up and down, changing her appearance. The glow was gone. She had raven black hair and the eyes of the most vibrant ice blue color, shown after she opened them. Dani blinked, looking at herself. Of course she couldn't see any changes, even her blue hoodie and red shorts remained the same.
"Have I done it?" She asked in confusion.
Danny smiled broadly. "Yes, sweetie, you have. Go take a look at the mirror."
The girl ran off to one of the walls. Dani seemed confused about seeing herself like this. She started making gestures and even made a funny face in order to check if it really was her. Danny approached her and put a hand on her shoulder.
"You look just like your old man," he commented softly. "When I could do this trick myself."
"Cool...Daddy, why are you teaching me this now?"
"You see...I'm worried about letting you there. I have already told you that. So if you look differently, I'll have less things to worry about. Just don't tell anybody about this. You will go under different last name, the teachers will know about who you are, but they are going to play along. Once you find trustworthy friends, you may tell them, and even invite them to come over. It shall be amusing to watch. But until then, not a word, am I clear?"
Dani nodded in understanding. Suddenly she squeaked and jumped.
"What's wrong?" Danny asked.
"There is something beating there!" The girl pointed at her chest.
The older ghost burst laughing. "That's not funny!"
"Darling, it's not like you feel the thing for the first time. It's your heart."
"But I don't have one! Mommy had, Ahsoka, too, but not me."
Phantom smiled at her, she was such a little angel. He was sure she would make a lot of nice friends. How anyone couldn't be charmed by her?
"You are unique, my girl. You are the only remaining half ghost in both worlds. That's why it was so simple for you to change forms so simple. You have heart now, because now you are human. Repeat the trick and you shall become a ghost again. Now, let's celebrate this discovery of yours."
The following day was surely interesting. Danny accompanied his child to the school. When he saw the building again, Phantom realized that the state funding didn't go in vain. A beautiful construction of glass and marble shone under bright morning light. It was a strange mixture, but it looked wonderful in a city filled with metal skyscrapers. There were grass lawns around the separated territory, even a small fountain was there.
Phantom had to congratulate the governor of Babylon for such wonderful work. Oh, wait, the capital was his responsibility.
'Congratulations me,' Danny thought.
He may have increased the funding. His girl was going to receive only the best. Phantom snapped from his thoughts when he saw Dani yawning. She was wearing the clothes according to the dress code. The outfit consisted of black shoes, black pants and suit above white shirt. The latter was only for the first time. There was also a grey skirt, which was swinging as Dani shifted impatiently on her spot.
Phantom himself was wearing long dark robes with a disguised appearance of a decent human being he used to be. He looked around curiously, Danny wasn't often facing things usual people did. Of course, he visited certain places, but like a person of undisputed and absolute authority, treated like such. Now he was incognito. The crowd formed around them, full of children's rambles and adults' conversations. Phantom couldn't help but smile. He really missed usual interactions.
Suddenly Danny felt something hitting the back of his head. He didn't move, but looked back, seeing a rubber ball jumping nearby. A small human boy ran to them, looking very embarrassed. He was soon followed by his, maybe, mother, after all, Zeltrons could have children with humans, and it wasn't forbidden. Her husband probably couldn't resist the pheromones.
"Zack, I told you not to throw the ball around!" The pink skinned woman scolded her son.
"But I was bored!" The six years old whined.
"I'm so sorry, sir," she apologized, looking at Phantom, whose smile was visible.
"Don't worry. I've had worse," he said jokingly. "Why bring it, though?"
"Zack wanted to keep it during the school day. He promised not to throw it around when inside."
Danny chuckled. "Children," he commented. "Our greatest blight and joy. Right, Dani?" He asked.
The girl only looked at him awkwardly, reddening slightly.
"I couldn't agree more," the woman admitted. "Strange clothes. Are you a Sith?"
"Strange associations you have. I could buy robes from some shady trader," Danny shrugged. "No, I'm not a Sith. I associate more with the Paladins of the Emperor."
"Really? Have you seen him in person, then?"
Phantom grunted. The conversation took the least pleasant route. "Yes, I have," he said curtly. "It was nothing but business - a mission in the Outer Rim," Danny quickly thought up a story.
"Is this your daughter? I thought you aren't allowed to have children."
"Those are rumors."
Danny's interrogation was stopped when the principal of the school started his speech. It was boring to say the least, but both Phantoms managed to live through it more or less. The students were let inside, accompanied by their teachers. Danny kneeled near his daughter, looking into her blue eyes with his neon ones.
"Well, that's it, sweetie. Your first day in school. Remember what I told you, and you shall be fine."
Dani nodded slowly. "Can't we just go home?" She asked.
"No, such mood won't do, little Phantom. Cheer up, you won't find anything you like if you don't try. Do you trust me?"
"I do, Daddy."
"Then go, if something happens, you can call me. Your teacher is out there. I'll come back for you later, okay?"
"If you say so..."
Dani went off, constantly glancing back until disappearing behind the glass doors. Phantom wiped a proud tear.
'If only your mother could see you,' he thought.
The ghost strolled away. He had his own job to do. But breakfast came first, he had seen a nice place on the way there. Being a freelancer in some way was nice. What made it more funny is Danny's understanding that no one recognized the most powerful man in the Galaxy, who was casually eating in some outdoor diner. Although some people were smarter than others, they occasionally stopped and stared at him for a while, although not recognizing the man holding a cup of coffee. Danny had plenty of free time, surprisingly even for himself, so he ventured to the slums.
The government could completely eradicate them. But it took time. First, the money were required to give these people decent housing, second, they needed time. The people used to live in their owners' basements, or other parts, but when the slavery was abandoned, they also lost roofs above their heads. In seven years they became much smaller, but there was still some work. It was nostalgic for Danny to stop crimes before the police arrived. But his time of relax was over soon.
The Emperor was once again a triumphant, after all. Obi-Wan took his advice and issued a retreat. The Senate was growing unhappy with how the war went. They had to pay the money, ransoming the clones was cheaper than making new ones. Danny was going to find a good use to the credits.
As many knew by that moment, Phantom used any small event to his advantage. He used his agents for some minor tasks, to enlist minor planets. He was like Sherlock, who took only the most peculiar cases for his entertainment. Danny felt a disturbance in the Force, and not that of the Light Side. This was definitely enough to spike his interest. What disappointed the ghost is that he wasn't able to exactly pinpoint the location. But the Intelligence was able to handle the matter and without his direct interference.
When Phantom went to retrieve Dani from the school, his communicator gave the same annoying sound. It wasn't going to happen daily when the ghost would be able to pick her up, but since it was her first day...he couldn't miss it. And here she was, running into his happy embrace.
"Hi, Daddy," she said.
"Hello, princess. Had any fun today?" Phantom asked.
The girl nodded excitedly, before going into a long tale which lasted until they arrived to the Palace. Danny listened with amusement about her little adventures. About how she got lost, but then found the road, about how cool it was to just put the food on the plate instead of waiting for a waiter. Phantom chuckled at this. If only he could feel so much joy because of such simple things as that. Children and their childish curiosity. Well, to honor such memorable day, he ordered the cooks to buy a cake for their small family party. Chocolate one, her favorite.
Even if she hadn't made friends yet, Danny knew that it was a matter of time. Even if she was shy by nature, Dani was a charming little angel once she opened up. It always took time, Phantom himself met his best friends by accident.
The older ghost couldn't rest forever. While the girl was doing her homework for his later inspection, Danny finally checked up the missed call. Instead of telling him directly, the report was made and downloaded in his datapad. Phantom read the information about the ongoings in the Council of Neutral Systems. The thing had been giving him a headache for a while. Instead of joining his side, the planets preferred to be there. A conglomerate of over fifteen hundred worlds weren't getting involved in the war, led by Duchess Satine Kryze of Mandalore.
Pacifists, Danny huffed. More so than even Jedi. Phantom had been trying to bring disorder into the organization, secretly, of course, but so far there weren't many occasions. He tried to put his puppet in charge of the Council, if not Mandalore itself, but Satine was way too popular figure. The Republic did one of its most vile things during the war. They embargoed the planet, claiming that the trade route was 'unreliable', sentencing the entire planet to starvation. Phantom offered assistance on this matter, but Satine feared that the act would become a valuable casus belli for the Senate. She didn't even know about the embargo until the Protectorate ambassadors told her. Nevertheless, it didn't damage her reputation.
Danny pitied her. She was a champion of her people, and obviously had their interests in mind. But Satine had picked the wrong planet, and for that job she was unfit.
And finally a wonderful opportunity arose. Just a day before Phantom got a report on his hands, a massive attack of different crime organizations, such as The Black Sun, The Pyke Syndicate, and many others mustered a strike force equal to that of the Hutts' and brought terror on Mandalore. And, of course, the guards weren't able to do anything.
The criminals were obviously intending something. They must have had a common goal. Keeper noted that that wasn't the style of these organizations. No, they specialized in smuggling and corruption schemes, not armed attacks at anyone but each other. Something was definitely wrong there. Phantom ordered to dig in deeper, but even the Imperial Intelligence wasn't as quick as the situation developed.
His main informers were within the Duchess's inner circle. Danny learned that the Prime Minister had been imprisoned for his dealings on the black market. Understandable, really, Almec had to somehow help his people, he had been smuggling food, and the corruption caused by it was an inevitable additional outcome. But what choice he had? The people were starving. Part of the food was imported by the special workers on cheaper prices. Those were Danny's employees. The Emperor wanted to help them, no matter what the Senate dogs and the Duchess thought.
Danny was rummaging through the list on his device when Dani ran into the room, a small stack of workbooks in her small arms, and a happy grin on her face. Phantom had to interrupt his work and quickly go through hers. It wasn't anything complicated: Math tasks about the purchase of fruits, counted in a column method, with which Dani managed, not to mention Galactic Basic language lesson, her inherited abilities came in handy. After it was done, Phantom smiled and ruffled the impatient girl's hair.
"Good job, kiddo, you may go and play now."
"Will you play with me?" She asked.
"A bit later, sweetheart, I have my job, too."
"Aww, okay."
Danny sighed and leaned back in his chair, as the little half ghost went out with her papers. He wondered how to act in such situation. He needed Mandalorian influence, not that barren wasteland itself. It required a very delicate approach. During that crisis of power one shall emerge to claim the place. Someone of higher authority. Phantom had an idea in mind, but the fertile ground for his plan appeared later, as he had decided to wait until the right moment.
She was overthrown by what seemed like a military junta. The Death Watch came in and stopped the criminals with their own force of arms. Where terrorist organization took the weapons was another issue. Danny finally realized who was involved. Of course, he had no proofs but weird behavior, but his suspicions were yet to be proved wrong. He himself used this scheme several times. The leader of the organization - Pre Vizla, of the ancient clan of Mandalorians, claimed to honor their past. Danny realized that that was his hour.
"Question: Have you called, Master?" HK asked, rumbling inside the dark wooden and black marble office.
"Indeed I have, my friend," Danny leaned forward on the table. "I have a question."
"Question: What kind?"
"How well is your memory? I mean to what moment exactly can you remember?"
"Answer: My memory banks erase anything of no value, documents I've read and such. Aside from that, I remember many things since my Old Master created me."
"Even about how defeated the Mandalor?"
"Clarification: I was not present during the event, but I was ordered to hide his mask so as not to let their army rally behind another leader."
"Revan's order is long overdue."
"Confusion: What do you...oh."
Danny only grinned innocently.
"Realization: want to become the new Mandalore?"
"Call me Mandalore the Immortal," Phantom smirked, rising from his seat. "But I need the mask to prove my point to them. And hide my face."
"Sarcasm: Don't you have enough titles already?"
Danny shrugged. "One can't have too many. you know where it is?"
Phantom blinked. The surroundings turned blue, there was a gold necklace on his neck, and it could mean only one thing. Danny looked to the side and saw Clockwork sitting on a chair.
"What could it possibly do there, Stopwatch?" Phantom deadpanned.
"A greeting would have been nice," Clockwork sighed, his age regressing. "Maybe I put it there, maybe not. In any way, the mask is there."
"Oh, it is one of your 'oh-so-important-foreseeing' plans, I get it."
Clockwork got up from his seat. "You do know I tolerate your rude behavior only because I let you?"
"Read my mind, you love it, Old Man," Phantom narrowed his eyes. "Yes, I've gotten quite a nasty trait of holding a grudge, and it will take a long while until I forget everything."
The Time Master sighed. "It is in the tomb, coordinates of which are in your datapad."
"Why such generosity?" Danny raised his eyebrow.
Clockwork didn't respond. He simply vanished, and the stopped time was no more.
"Admission: I am not aware about where it is now, Master."
"But I am now," Said Phantom, looking at the datapad. "I'm leaving to Korriban. Alone, I suppose."
It was simpler than Revan's attempt. The ancient Jedi was being tracked by the Sith who owned the planet. Phantom, on the other hand, was their Emperor, the prophetic chosen one. It made everything easy, he was given everything required for his journey to the lands the Sith weren't able to recolonize yet. Those which were looked nicer, as the red skinned humanoids had erected their stone cities and temples. Despite the technological advances, they still preferred rocks over metal in architecture. Their migration to the home-world was encouraged, but it was still going.
Through the lands filled with the lifeless desert, he went. There weren't many indications of life, but the occasional lizard sneaking from one point to another. Where it took food Phantom didn't know, and didn't want to think about under the blazing sun. Finally Danny reached a huge valley.
The Emperor was reminded about the Valley of Kings in Egypt. Numerous statues were enacted in the walls of the rock path, and Danny knew that behind the huge stone doors lied tombs of the ancient Sith Lords. According to the coordinates, the entrance to the tomb he needed was right...there. Phantom approached the huge door. He attempted to go through, but only hit it, hissing afterwards.
"Stupid space magic," he cursed.
It was Force enchanted, even ghosts weren't able to phase through. Phantom had to use the less delicate approach. He moved his hand, and it started to slid open, slowly and loudly, tons of sand and dust falling down. Danny went inside and was greeted by utter darkness. Phantom raised his palm and ignited it. But it proved to be unneeded. The torches started to shine across the large cavern. Danny shrugged. He removed the light on his palm, but then put on the headphones. He wanted to repeat the thing done at the movie he watched. And since it was a tomb...
Ooga-chaka Ooga-Ooga
Ooga-chaka Ooga-Ooga
I can't stop this feeling
Deep inside of me
Girl, you just don't realize
What you do to me
When you hold me
In your arms so tight
You let me know
Everything's all right
At the loud and continuous 'ah' and a drum accord Phantom started to move along with the tune. It was fun, he had to admit.
I'm hooked on a feeling
I'm high on believing
That you're in love with me
Despite paying attention to the music, he was aware about the surroundings. He kept going through the cavern, and it caught his interest that a huge swarm of leathery beasts flew down from the ceiling. But their screeches were unheard.
Lips are sweet as candy
It's taste stays on my mind
Girl, you got me thirsty
For another cup of wine
Got a bug from you, girl
But I don't need no cure
Phantom's hand flicked with electricity, before he unleashed lighting, still following the tact of the music, slowly spinning in a circular motion with outstretched arms and a smirk on his face. He calmly kept walking.
I just stay affecting
As the creatures fell dead around him.
If I can for sure
All the good love when we're all alone
Keep it up girl
Yeah, you turn me on
Repeated moment of the song repeated again, and Danny turned around the stalagmite. Feeling the ground shake. He had called the attention of a terentatek. Terentateks resembled rancors, although smaller (approximately five meters) except they had a number of spines growing from their backs and a pair of flaps, or tusk-like projections attached to their mouths. They also had massive claws (four to a hand). The creature ran forward, trying to stomp the prey.
I'm hooked on a feeling
I'm high on believing
That you're in love with me
The beast ran through the ghost, hitting the wall instead. During the ordeal Danny was yet to open his eyes and stop singing along quietly. He simply flicked his hand and the rock was torn from the ceiling and fell on the creature, piercing it effectively.
All the good love
When we're all alone
Keep it up girl
Yeah, you turn me on
I'm hooked on a feeling
I'm high on believing
That you're in love with me
I'm hooked on a feeling
And I'm high on believin'
That you're in love with me
I said I'm hooked on a feeling
And I'm high on believin'
That you're in love with me.
His boyish laughter filled the cavern as Danny put away the device. It was simply priceless. He just entered the tomb of who knows what Sith Lord and literally waltzed through. Phantom found another stone door, but this time it opened easier. He went inside. The corridor was more civilized looking, and Danny phased off the sand through his clothes. He hated it, it got everywhere.
Phantom didn't know how deep he went, but it took quite a while. The place reeked of the Dark Side, but there was nothing he could do. He could resist the corruption just fine, for a very long amount of time. Finally he reached another room. It was empty, lit through the hole in the ceiling. The spot where the light fell to was just begging to step into. Wondering what it was, with peaked curiosity he stepped on it. The plate turned out to be pressable. Instantly the trap sprung out and Danny fell downwards and yelped. He saw magma downwards.
"Seriously?" He asked, before steadying himself in the air. Phantom calmly floated out and landed on the solid ground, dusting his clothes and shoulder cape. "To sacrifice the floor for one single trap. What a waste of resources."
"Not everyone can fly, you know?"
Phantom looked to the side and saw a Force ghost sitting on the edge of the fallen column. She was just as silvery blue, dressed in tight robes, with long messy hair and double tattoos going through her eyes.
"The thing won't work twice," Danny commented, putting a hand on the handle of his lightsaber, just to put his hand somewhere. "And it's not like they offer service to the long dead Sith."
"You are right," the woman said with a slight chuckle. "Aren't you afraid?"
The stark haired man snorted. "Lady, I've seen more ghosts than you will ever face."
"Hm...interesting," she approached him. "And what handsome man am I having honor speaking with?"
"You first."
"I thought you knew that when you entered my tomb. Darth Zannah. A pleasure."
"Daniel Phantom."
"That's all?"
"If I start telling my titles, we will stay here for a while," Danny rolled his neon eyes. "I didn't come here to talk."
"Really now? Why then?"
"I was told by my...mentor in some way...that here I can find the mask of Madalore. I need it."
"What for?"
"The situation is quite interesting out there. I was hoping to seize the planet."
Zannah smirked. "Hm, I like your way of thinking, handsome. Follow me."
Phantom did so, watching her with close attention. He was on alert, expecting something. Then a thought occurred in his mind.
"I didn't know that the followers of Darth Bane made fancy tombs."
The Sith Ghost stopped. "How do you..."
Danny smirked, drumming on the handle of his lightsaber. "I know quite a lot. I know many steps your Order has made ever since Ruusan Reformation, although I'm not aware about the doings after your apprentice's student. They became even more secretive."
Zannah huffed. "Master would have been proud," she said sarcastically.
They entered another circular room, and as they were passing it, Danny stopped abruptly. A gust of air came out of his mouth, and the ghost activated the lightsaber, turning around, swinging and stopping it in seemingly midair.
"This won't trick me. Show yourself," Phantom demanded.
"Impressive," a raspy metallic voice sounded, before a figure appeared on the receiving side of the sword. "Both the reaction and the weapon."
Danny instantly recognized who the person was. He was wearing something between the tight suit and robes, with a long cape behind, his head was bald, and a half of his face was hidden behind a metal device, probably for breathing. There was a blue-grey tattoo on the visible part.
"Thank you, Malak," Danny put away the weapon. "It's like I'm back home again. I didn't expect to see you here."
"The Sith Emperor appreciated my efforts. They 'buried' me in the Valley properly. Who are you and what are you doing here?"
Phantom sighed dramatically and rubbed his face. "Am I going to explain myself to everyone? Do you have tea here together or what?"
"Careful with your words," Zannah warned. "We are not harmless, although we are dead. We haven't done anything because it gets boring around here."
"And how many of you are here?"
"Just as many as the tombs. But we are the ones who haven't gone mad from the time spent here."
"So...where can I take the mask? I am short of time really."
"It's indeed in our possession."
That voice was louder and lower. Danny looked to the side again. There was a huge ghost, a Sith specie, dressed in ceremonial cloak, which hid everything but the head beneath. There was a huge horned crown on it. There were no legs, he was floating above the ground.
"The question is, why shall we give it to you?"
"Because I am patiently asking," Danny said calmly, "After all, wouldn't you assist a fellow Sith?"
The giant laughed. Phantom knew who it was as well. Marka Ragnos, the Dark Lord who brought a golden age to Korriban and the Sith outer domains. And who helped the ascendance of many famous Sith Lords in the future.
"Boy, the Dark Side is subdued within you. You are not a true Sith."
"Yeah, but I am in charge of the entire Sith race," Danny smiled innocently. "I wouldn't have led them if there was no reason."
"They were exterminated," Zannah said, crossing her hands. "Where did you take them?"
"Just found them on the God forgotten planet. It was within my power to reclaim their planet."
"And where did the power come from?" Malak asked with an inquisitive look. "You are not a Jedi, that much is obvious."
Danny smirked, realizing what was coming. "In a way...I'm a Revanite."
It was common for the Sith and Jedi call the balanced Force users that. Revan was the one to combine them, to revive the balanced point of view. The Sith condemned it as heresy, hunting down those who followed. The Jedi were none the better, they banished the Revanites. But Malak looked extremely pissed.
"Oh, look who is triggered," Danny teased. "Still sore that your Master killed you?"
"Don't push it, boy," Malak growled. "Are we supposed to help you when you belong nowhere?"
"Tsk, tsk," Phantom tapped on his chin with a fanged grin. "Even my parent won't change your mind?"
"Who can it possibly..."
The Sith ghosts froze. They all stared at him in a grave silence. The mere atmosphere seemed to grow colder at the mention of the man they feared and respected. There were some less famous ghosts who stood by side and remained unnoticed for a while, simply observing the scene, also shocked.
"He died millennia ago," Ragnos said. "Such an aspiring young man, I recall. Enslaved his planet at the age of ten and I granted him the title of the Lord. How can you be his child and how are you going to prove it?"
"I have achieved something all of you seeked and failed to obtain - immortality. I will live forever, and all of this without the planet-murdering ritual. Father was not eternal, he simply lived for centuries. I, on the other hand, am able to. So it shouldn't be of any surprise to you. Moreover. I am his inheritor in many things. In but five years I have created the Empire which now rules half of the entire Galaxy, including the lands to the west. Half of the Republic is ruled by my more public persona, where I am proclaimed a secessionist dictator. The Republic will fall. If not because of corruption I use for my advantage, then because of the Star Forge."
"It is destroyed," Malak grumbled.
"I repaired it," Phantom shrugged as if it was nothing at all. "I simply see what father couldn't. And look where it got me. This is why I cannot be considered a Sith, because I'm sometimes too soft. For alien races, for the weak, the abandoned. But I assure you, I can be quite destructive once I'm pissed off. I killed my adoptive parents because they were a bunch of assholes. I destroyed several Coruscantian districts when I was trying to kill the man I purely hated."
Suddenly Ragnos laughed again. "Damn, you either inherited Vitiate's cunning tongue or you are the greatest liar there is. Maybe we will give the mask to you."
"If what?" Danny deadpanned.
"If you prove your words by defeating us."
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