Chapter 56: The treachery
"I must admit, I didn't expect the partisan warfare to be so effective," Phantom noted with a note of amusement.
"You will find out that our warriors are quite skilled," responded the Consul somewhat smugly. "We have disrupted proper communications between the frontlines. They still can talk, takes much more time to do so."
"I see," Danny mumbled, looking at the hologram. "One day left before we kick the Republicans out of here."
"Why are you so confident that they are going to surrender?"
"What choice will they have? It's not like they would be able to get out of here without their precious Venators and Acclamators."
"A perfect trap," the Umbaran tapped on his chin. "Many of the ships will be on the ground at that moment."
"Utterly defenseless, yes."
"What about the airbase?"
Danny looked at the Lord General inquiringly. "Yes, Haseas, care to enlighten?"
The Yuth nodded, walking to the hologram and pressing several buttons. "We have it under our control, the aircrafts keep bombing their positions. The clones must be exhausted after marching for twelve good hours and fighting off the partisans. While High General Kenobi and that other Jedi let their soldiers rest for at least a short while in some deep hole where proton bombs won't be able to get them, 501st has it hard. Your suspicions were correct, My Lord."
Consul Deechi raised his pale eyebrow. The man seemed to be rather dedicated. Or maybe the title of Lord was simply a part of the Imperial esthetic, just like the uniform was. These two were surely weird.
"Krell hasn't made a single stop. We have made observations, and the Jedi seems to treat the clones like mindless droids."
Haseas said it slowly, cautiously glancing at the Emperor. He knew that his monarch was going to take it close. There were very few people who knew about how Dani really came to be, and the Yuth was one of them. Surprisingly, Phantom seemed calm.
"I knew that," Danny said offhandedly. "This toad disgusts me greatly because of his attitude. If his soldiers don't kill him first, I'll personally show him how...impolite I can be."
"The first one seems to be unlikely," the Consul put in. "They are indoctrinated from birth to serve the Republic and obey their commanders. I've never heard about betrayal among their ranks."
"An army of slaves," Haseas muttered, bitter for understandable reasons.
"They were created with this purpose alone," Danny looked at the hologram. "Accelerated aging was added only to get rid of them sooner. They are technically ten years old."
"Now let's not get carried away," the Consul intervened. "Feeling empathy for the enemy won't do us any good."
Haseas narrowed his eyes. "The Republic is sending but children into fight. Many Jedi Padawans are mere teens! This is disgusting!"
"The entire Republic is like this," Deechi shrugged, crossing his hands. "We are in the Confederacy because of it. And I'd ask not to raise voice at me, General."
Haseas retreated and Danny sighed.
"The only thing we can do is to end this war sooner," he said. "Haseas, a word please. Respected Consul, I think that's all the information we need."
Two Imperials were left alone, and no one could hear them. Phantom looked at his friend.
"I'm still waiting for the report about the Star Forge," he said. "You know I cannot be everywhere."
"Oh, yes, I have been told that the construction is going as planned. Two more months and it will make dreadnoughts free of charge."
"Good...this means there will be three months."
Haseas looked at him weirdly. "What do you mean?"
"Two months to make the driveyard, one month to build as many ships as possible. Then, we will finally stop hiding."
" this already arranged?"
"No, the Council hasn't been notified yet. It is our plan, however. We have been planning the offense for God knows how many years. We shall sweep quickly and mercilessly. My father has succeeded this way, after all."
"Ehm, your father?"
Danny froze. No one, not even Haseas knew about what Phantom had learned on Dathomir. How could he let this slip?!
"Nothing important," he responded.
"You know you can tell me," Haseas pressed. "Wait...the only one who repeated this trick was..."
"Enough is enough."
"The Sith Emperor himself."
Phantom's eyes flashed brightly, making even his older friend jump. "Yes, as much as I'd like you to forget all of this. Shouldn't have let you study the history of the Galaxy."
"Wait, is this actually truth?!"
"Shhh!" Danny hissed. "You want everyone around to hear?!"
"Time travel and other stuff. But yes. Here I am, the son of Emperor Valkorion. Doesn't ring any bells WHY I'd like everyone to be unaware about this?"
Phantom obviously sounded pissed.
"Sorry," Haseas raised his hands in surrender. "You don't want anyone to fear you once they find out, I get it. If I have something to say about this...I think that it can be turned to your advantage."
Danny raised his eyebrow. "How?"
"I'm not the intrigue master here, ask Keeper. But many people don't even know who Valkorion was, much less about his rule. It can also help legitimize your rule over the Galaxy. He was ruling it for some time."
"Before being killed by my brother. And then again by some Jedi. I get your point. But this is a branch with two ends. Either I call the man I despise a nice ruler, or try to deny any relationship. There is nothing in between," Danny sighed. "You are free to go. And not. A word."
"I don't need to be told twice."
The Grand Army became not so grand. Their numbers shortened, it was only a miracle and the soldiers' bravery that they were still alive. The 501st went along the carefully built road, lit by the small blue lights along it.
"God, how long are we supposed to go?" One of the clones mumbled.
"Were you sleeping? We are advancing to the airbase to support General Kenobi's offense," another one responded.
"Sleeping? I know no such thing," the soldier said dryly.
"Enough, you two," the third one put in.
"Oh, common, Fives, you are the last one to stop complaints about Krell. The guy pointed a lightsaber at you, for goodness sake."
"I'm as much displeased with his leadership as you are, guys. But just grumbling won't do us any good either, Hardcase."
"Hey, any thoughts about who these are?" Hardcase pointed at the fallen legionary as they passed the body. "I doubt those are the locals."
"Well, that's rather simple. Have you seen that ridiculous banner holders? Only one man can order his soldiers to carry those around. How do they call them? Aq...aqcui...aquilifiers, yes. Damn, Phantom just can't come up with normal names."
Hardcase scratched his helmet. "It's strange that he doesn't like using clankers. Then again, they aren't much of use..."
"Where does he take them, though?"
"That I don't know."
The named clone in white, grey and blue armor looked to the source. Another one of his comrades approached them.
"What is it, Rex?"
"General Krell needs us," the clone pointed at the path behind them.
"Hey, Captain, people say you have actually talked to Phantom. Is it true?"
Rex sighed. "I don't have time to answer. But in short, never repeat my mistake. He can dig deeply into each word said by you."
Fives and Rex walked off the path, going through the lines of their fellow troops. They were saddened by the image. The clones, including themselves, were tired. How were they supposed to sleep when the Umbarans attacked from the forests, from the sky and from the underground on their caterpillar tanks? It was a good thing for them that their enemy needed rest as well. But at least they got it, thanks to their general's actions. Finally the clones got to their temporary commanding officer.
General Pong Krell was a Besalisk from planet Ojom. He had brown glandular skin, and on top of his head there was a black bone three-pronged headcrest. Krell was very tall, about 2.36 meters. He had yellow eyes, his chin was bloated in a frog-like manner, with a chunk of black hair, reminiscent of beard. Another distinctive feature were four thick arms, each with four fingers. He was wearing typical brown Jedi robes, and was currently looking through the binoculars, holding it with two top hands.
"You called, General?"
"Yes, I did," the Jedi removed the device and regarded them with a dismissive look. "We have approached enough to the airbase. It is time we attack."
"Prepare the troops, we are going to attack."
"Sir, they seem to have formidable defense there. What are you planning?"
"As usual. We attack quickly and mercilessly until we wipe the Umbarans and their allies from the Protectorate."
Fives took off his helmet, revealing the same Hispanic-like face which used to belong to Jango Fett, with navy haircut and a number '5' tattooed on his temple. Rex followed the gesture, looking exactly like his brother, but without tattoos and hair whatsoever.
"From the front I take it?"
"I don't like your tone, CT-5555. Yes, we will break their backbone."
"It is madness! You have seen their defenses!" Fives exclaimed.
"Oh, so you have something better to offer?" Master Krell asked sarcastically. "Lead them through the forests, for instance? General Kenobi needs our help in getting rid of this airbase and we will do just that, am I clear, CT-5555?" He raised his voice with each word, poking the soldier's chest with one of his huge fingers.
Fives resisted a glare at his superior. Krell's refusal to call them by names, only by serial numbers like they were mere droids, was starting to piss him off.
"Prepare the soldiers, we are leaving."
As the Jedi finished giving his commands, he walked off, leaving his soldiers alone.
"Common, Fives," Rex put on his helmet.
"How can you follow this task?!" Fives exclaimed. "We all are going to die there!"
"We can't disobey, no matter how much we both dislike the order. I myself am not eager to go through with it. But frontal assault it is."
Meanwhile Phantom was busy inspecting the lines. He found them satisfactory, but there was no telling how they were going to work out in the end. Ironically, Danny was also checking out the airbase, since it was one of the most important points, both sides knew this. There were twenty vehicles left after encountering the Republican aircrafts, but as long as they didn't go to high where the Republic could get them from their cruisers, the dominance over the skies was assured.
Danny was walking down the road, when he accidentally overheard a conversation of his soldiers, who were sitting on the broken walker's leg.
"Hey, Jim, have you heard the rumors?" One of them asked.
"I swear, if this is one of that ridiculous stories..."
"No, it's not. They concern the Emperor."
It made Danny freeze. He was standing behind them, so they didn't notice his presence.
"What about him?"
"I heard that His Majesty is, well...dead."
Phantom raised his eyebrow. The soldier's reptilian companion snorted. "Seriously? We have just seen him walking around and checking every scratch in the wall."
"Why, thank you, I'm trying."
The legionaries jumped from their seats and turned around. They immediately hit their chests, making Danny chuckle.
"No need to salute me each time," he smiled.
"Y-your Majesty, for how long have you been there?"
"Enough," Phantom said curtly. "Take a seat, I can stand."
Two men sat on their improvised chair, not taking their eyes off their Emperor. It was a big honor to speak with the demigod in the flesh as he seemed to be.
"So...where did you hear such a theory?" Danny asked, leaning against the main body of the vehicle. "You are a human, so I take it that you are from Terra."
"Yes, milord."
"Despite how weird it would you have felt if I was a walking corpse?"
"It would be...strange."
"I'm asking about another thing. What would have been a priority for you? It's fine, you can answer truthfully."
"Uhm...I'm not sure..."
Danny sighed. The guy was still wary of speaking with him directly. Understandable, his image was that of the exalted demigod, not many could find confidence in such situation. After all, even if his people knew about their Lord's benevolence,
"Let me answer instead. I have built this Empire as the country for all. It shouldn't at all matter what the person is. Your friend here is not a human, yet you are talking quite casually. If I was a walking dead, would it have changed everything accomplished?"
" haven't answered."
Danny looked at the scaly legionary. "Depends on how you look at it. I'm a being with my own biology, I simply don't follow the laws you obey. So, in some way, I am the undead, as my heart doesn't beat and I don't breath."
His communicator beeped.
"My Lord, we have noticed the movements of the 501st," the scout's voice sounded. "They are moving towards the base."
"Transmit the full information on their whereabouts. I need to know everything."
"Affirmative, sir!"
As the call ended, Phantom looked around. "Soldiers, take your positions!" He yelled.
"You better not disappoint me, Krell," the ghost mumbled.
The Legionaries immediately ran to the trenches and assumed their posts on the towers around the airbase, as Danny's voice was heard everywhere, thanks to his ability. There was only one entrance. Phantom whisked away and on the wall, taking the binoculars. The Imperials started to wait, until Danny's patience evaporated quickly.
The Umbaran approached him. "Tell the spider tanks to...encourage our Republican friends," Danny said calmly.
Phantom saw a grin on his pale face. "Will do, General."
Soon enough the cannons started firing mercilessly, covering the sky in blue blasts. Danny smirked, glancing at the soldiers near him. They pointed their rifles forward. Those were of Terran design, the humans quickly got accustomed to the alien technologies. BR-11 was a model used among the usual Stormtroopers, for its balance of price and quality. They had the size of the usual bullet rifle, but were lighter. They also had retractable stocks and the opposite end of the gun, turning it into carbine at will.
The clones attacked, going into insane forward attack. Just as Danny predicted. The deafening sound of continuous blasts continued, and Phantom immediately leaped into action, lightsaber ablaze. After a while the Emperor was notified that the Republican army was attacking simultaneously. It was an attempt to distract him, but Phantom was firm in keeping his priorities. Losing the airbase was something they couldn't afford. It didn't mean that he wouldn't send his duplicates to assist. It was funny for him to imagine the reaction when he appeared everywhere.
The ground was kept firm, the clones were exhausted so much that most weren't able to resist properly. And in times of war, the punishment for the weak comes quickly. Danny could smell his victory over the famed 501st legion of General Skywalker. It was quite renowned for its many victories. But it was also thanks to their leader, who was absent from the beginning of the battle. Phantom decided to start a little show off.
He leaped forward, in front of the trenches. Many legionaries could only watch in awe at the utter decimation of the clone troopers. Phantom's mastership of the lightsaber combat had increased greatly. For most he was only a shining white streak, jumping from one clone to another, without receiving a single shot in himself. The Republicans experienced a lot of suffering from the white haired demon in front of them. Lucky those who were simply hurled away by the Force push. Danny was about to pursue the walker, when he had to block the lightsabers.
"You are a dead man, General," Krell growled, pushing his enemy away.
Danny was actually impressed at the Jedi's choice of weapon. Two dual lightsabers, each held in two arms. Phantom smirked fangily, deflecting the shot coming from the side.
"If you think you are smart because of saying this, Captain Obvious, you are mistaken."
Krell was really fast for someone of his complexion. Add to that four lightsaber blades, and you get a walking shredder. But the brutal force was not something Phantom could be defeated with. Krell foolishly expected himself to be stronger, but Phantom calmly deflected the strikes with the second form of combat. He looked elegant as ever, without having to use his second hand, even under the rainstorm of the strikes, blocking and smoothly dodging. Krell's job was also complicated because Phantom's blade was nearly invisible, only a thin aura showed its position.
"I suppose I should thank you," Danny kept grinning. "To send so many clones," he pushed the opponent's blade away and blasted Krell in the chest gap lightly. The Jedi yelped, but recovered in a split second. "It's like sending the ants under a boot."
"You are not going to win, brat!"
The amphibian swung both swords and Danny jumped backwards. The ghost ran forward and hurled the lightsaber. Krell easily deflected it, making the weapon fall on the dry ground. Phantom expected just that. The young man slid beneath the ground at the second the Jedi had to turn his head, and his enemy looked around once the absence was noticed. He heard a boyish laughter in the air. Krell blocked the strike from his side, as the Force was with him.
"I have already won, Master Jedi," Danny said as their swords clashed again and again, the sparks from the impacts flying around. "It's simply a matter of time until the realization dawns upon you."
Phantom noticed the walker pointing its big gun at him. He teleported right on it, kicking off the clone with his foot. Krell didn't even have time to blink, but had a time to dodge once Phantom swiped his hand, making the AT-RT fire, still standing at the machine. The Jedi ran forward, easily dodging the slow fire of the vehicle. He lunged forward and sliced the legs of the transport. Danny jumped down before it fell and their sword clashed again.
"So, where were we?" Phantom asked, before hearing multiple explosions.
He looked back and was stunned. There were two Umbaran aircrafts, which were shooting at his soldiers from behind.
"What in two worlds..."
Then he noticed something. They were piloted by clones, who had obviously stolen them. Krell, meanwhile, noticed that the back of the ghost was unprotected. He made a stab with both lightsabers, and hit the target. Despite the gasp of pain and surprise, Danny simply glanced at him in boredom.
"You have to be more precise," he noted, before pushing the tall toad away. Krell hit the glowing tree, and Danny whisked away to his troops, his wounds healing already.
Was that all a distraction? Either Krell was not as foolish as he had thought, or the clones acted on their own volition. Phantom had no time to muse over this. It wasn't hard to catch the aircrafts, their principle was that of a helicopter, so they hung in the air and fired. Danny jumped twenty meters in the air, right on top of one of them. He landed on the metal part, while the pilot sat in the spherical cockpit, surrounded by energy. The only way to take him out was to break the shielding. Umbaran masterpiece.
Phantom firstly tried to distract the clone. Quite simply. He stomped on the top of the shield loudly. The clone looked up, only to see the grinning ghost, who held the metal archway of the peculiar looking ship for support.
Danny shot at the fuel tank, or at least what he thought was a fuel tank. It created an explosion and completely fried the wiring. He was reluctant to destroy the valuable vehicle, but he had no time to waste as his soldiers were endangered. The shielding turned off and the machine went out of control. Phantom flew in the air and saw the clone jump off in the precise moment before the impact with the ground, remaining unharmed. Danny was going to have the guy's pelt, he decided, seeing the weaponless soldier pinned to the ground by one quite large legionary. He was going to be held as a hostage.
Phantom was about to pursue another one, but one of his wonderful soldiers fired an ion missile. The destabilized ions shut down the shields as well and caused the craft to fall. Danny descended to the ground, his shoulder cape waving neatly. The clone trooper got on his feet, and the entire upcoming ordeal was within the airbase. He took out a pistol from his belt and started firing. Danny didn't even use his lightsaber, simply dodging a few shots, before swatting the gun out of Fives' hand using the Force.
Phantom raised his hand, taking the clone in a firm grip in the air.
"Quite resourceful, are we?" He asked. "Nice plan, I admit. But you should have counted me."
"Let me go, scum!"
"Usually I kill for such words. I kind of get triggered each time," Danny said. "We will have a talk later. You got me curious."
Phantom bound the soldier by hands and legs, before returning to the field. The line was still standing, but it had retreated backwards. Just as planned. Danny put a hand on his ear.
"Lieutenant, the time has come. Execute order 77."
"Yes, sir."
The order was simple. It was directed towards the partisans in the area. They were supposed to attack from behind, completely surrounding what remained of that part of the legion. Locked in a narrow pass, there would be no place for the clones to retreat to. And that's exactly what happened. A large amount of the Umbarans leaped from the forests, accompanied by their vehicles. The Republican army was in for one nasty surprise. The ring around them shut, and Danny returned to the battlefield.
He coughed and used the Wailing ability to make himself heard across the large area.
"You have killed a lot of my soldiers, clone troopers, I give you that," Phantom flicked away the shot with his palm lazily, ignoring the stabbing pain. "I'm talking right now, have a decency," he complained. "I am merciful. You have my word that even Count Dooku himself won't be able to force me to execute you if you give up. You are exhausted, you are hungry, and your quick metabolism won't do you any good. Surrender, or be eliminated without any purpose whatsoever. Because your deaths would be pointless. My defenses shall remain unscathed."
"Five hundred and first does not surrender!" One of the clones shouted.
"Not to you, freak!"
Phantom's eye twitched visibly at the name. "The Republic is lucky to have such loyal slaves," he said. "But that's only the opinion of the two. What about the others? I'm willing to negotiate. Oh, General Krell himself decided to waltz in!" Danny continued, seeing the named Jedi approach him.
"Try to attack and you are dead, General," the ghost commented. "And I'll lose such a nice clone waster. Your saying..."
The clones could not disobey. They dropped the weapons and the shooting stopped. Umbarans and the cohort were ordered to stop. Danny was happy to stop this already, and he was going to go through with his promise. The clones were guarded within now empty hangers. They were happy to finally sleep calmly even on the cold floor, although some remained up because of suspicion. But no, the legionaries only sat on guard.
The battle on the other frontlines slowed down as well, their advance stopped. They still had to be eliminated, but Phantom wanted to save his friend. Obi-Wan was going to catch the interest of Dooku, and Danny would have to cede such a high-ranking officer. There was no telling about the fruitloopish old man's actions. He wanted to let the High General escape. Thankfully, Phantom got Krell's communicator. Danny dialed his friend's number.
"Yes?" Obi-Wan's hologram appeared, but the Jedi instantly froze when he saw who was holding the device.
"Hello, Ben," Danny leaned back in his seat, within his personal chambers with no foreign access. "Surprised?"
"What happened," the High General demanded to know.
"Krell lost. Pathetically. His troops are in my custody, and I wanted to discuss something."
"The price?"
"Nah, we'll agree with the Senate 'bout this. I recommend that you get out of here as soon as possible."
"Why so?"
"Because in twelve hours here will be my fleet and you won't be able to escape whatsoever," Danny smiled sweetly. "You are my friend, Ben, despite everything," he spoke seriously. "So I'm giving ya a chance."
"How do I know you aren't tricking me?"
"You want to test your luck and wait? Five hundred and first surrendered. You have a long way to the capital while you are being shot at and bombed. You have no chance of winning this fight. Leave, or I will have no other option."
Obi-Wan seemed conflicted. "What's with the soldiers?" He asked slowly.
"They are under my protection. You have my word. Usual soldiers are of no value to the Confederacy leadership. Officers...well...they have to be interrogated, such is the way of things. And don't tell me you don't interrogate our officials. After this, I'll let them go, I think. I have a droid for the job, he will do just fine."
"I'm not sure how to react," Obi-Wan mumbled. "Do we have time to think?"
"Twelve hours until the armada arrives. I can give you no more time to embark and get out."
"At least thanks for this will be..."
"Another act of treachery, yes, yes. Ben, you are not my enemy. Not even your soldiers. It's your bureaucratic trash bin for a country. I want it to stop resisting and die in the corner to prevent many die it is going to happen. Once I get my lovely toy operational."
"What do you..."
Danny switched off the hologram and grinned. He wanted to spice things up a little. Let the enemy know that there was something they should sweep for. Well, flag to their hands. While waiting for the response, Phantom entered the special room where the prisoners were held. Since there were no prisoners but the clones and their general, Danny clapped loudly, and although the sound was numbed by his velvet white gloves, it was still heard.
"Rise and shine," Phantom said loudly.
"What do you want?" Someone asked.
"Familiar voice. Ah, wait, you all sound the same...oh, no, I remember you!" Danny approached the cell where Rex sat. "General Skywalker's second in command. Splendid."
"Like I'll tell you anything. Our last meeting taught me to keep my mouth shut."
"Oh, but I have someone whose specialty is to open them."
Danny snapped his fingers. Soon the room was filled with whirring noise, and it made even Phantom flinch.
"Sweet tone: Yes?"
"Put away the vibro-drill, please, we are not on that stage yet."
Grunting, HK threw away the instrument.
"You are not going to break us with this," Fives crossed his hands.
Danny 'tsk'ed. "My planet has a lot of ways to torture, if you don't like this one. A spanish boot, which will turn your foot in a bloody mess, or maybe Chinese torture with water droplet. I heard the thing makes people bite their limbs off just to get out," Phantom said barely above a whisper, just to induce fear. "Although the latter won't help me with the information."
"Statement: I definitely have to learn more. Where shall I search?"
"Look on Terra. Kingdom of Spain has the Inquisition museums. Just buy a ticket to one."
"Query: Will they let me?"
Danny shrugged. "Why not? You pay the money, that's all. After this mess you can leave to the planet. Now, let's get to the job."
"Statement: You don't have to ask twice, Master."
"Let's get started. From the General."
Danny held a hand on his lightsaber, in case Pong Krell resisted. Surprisingly, he didn't, as HK was bringing the overgrown toad to the strapped chair.
"Query: Are you going to take part, Master?"
"You know I can't stand such things," Phantom muttered. "You do, I'm only asking questions."
"Suggestion: You can give me the list of questions and I can ask them if you want."
"No, I'm fine. I think."
Danny sat in front of Krell, while the droid put his hand on the lever, ready to send a few hundred bolts of electricity.
"Let's begin. The sooner the better. Tell me what you know about the movements in this sector."
"I don't think the binds are necessary."
Phantom snorted. "Tell this to my friend. He will get disappointed. Now, would you kindly..."
"You are not the type to go through the torture, eh?" Krell smirked. "Can't stand this level of violence?"
"No. I've just seen enough already," Danny said quietly. "However, you are unlucky that my companion has less morals than me."
At these words Krell shouted in pain as the electricity coursed through his body.
"I, of course, can choke the answer from you, but I doubt it's effectiveness," Danny said calmly.
"There need," Krell panted. "We are on the same side, after all."
Everyone froze at this. Even HK almost dropped the lever he had been leaning on.
"YOU BLOODY TRAITOR!" Fives yelled, while his brother remained in shock.
Phantom raised his eyebrow. "I'm not easily convinced. Your acts of sending the soldiers to death could simply be a foolish strategy."
"I thought you were aware."
"Nnnnoooope. How can you prove it?"
"Ask Count Dooku. He knows."
Danny calmly pressed a button on the communicator he had taken from his pocket. Several seconds later, the image of the old man appeared.
"Daniel. What do I owe a call?"
"Simple, Count. This Jedi here claims to be your servant."
"Ah, yes, Master Krell. Good to see you," the man greeted. "I take it that the battle on Umbara is successful?"
"Indeed. We have to finish the rest, though."
"Once again your abilities come in a good use, General. You have my gratitude. Please, release Krell, his input was essential for this operation."
"Of course."
The transmission ended, and Phantom stared at the wall.
"Are you going to release me, now?" Krell asked impatiently.
With a wave of his hand, Danny unlocked him.
"Are you his apprentice? The rumors say so," the Jedi said.
"No. Why do you ask?"
The four-handed giant rose from the seat, "Less concurrency. Although I serve someone much more powerful through Dooku."
It spiked Danny's interest. "I have seen some cloaked man. Of course," he muttered. "'Two there should be. No more, no less. One to embody power, the other to crave it.'"
"What is that?"
"The rule of two, created by Darth Bane. Don't expect favors from the Count. Because both positions are occupied. You are expendable. And that's precisely why I never took his offer. He did ask a few times."
Krell snorted, "We'll see about that. The Sith Lord has a huge influence in the Senate. He is a powerful figure there," he said, before noticing two clones glaring at him, ready to choke him with their bare hands.
"You still here?" The Jedi asked, while Phantom still sat on his chair, approached by his droid.
"Better be here than on the side of the enemy," Rex responded as Fives spewed in disgust.
Phantom put a hand on his chin. He had a choice about what to do. Krell would be valuable to waste more clone troopers, which meant less deaths on his side. But it would mean empowering Dooku more, as the Sith would have an agent of his own within the temple. It was the advantage Danny wasn't willing to share. His strategic successes were based on this knowledge. Phantom made a decision.
"After we get out..."
"Get out?!" Krell barked a laugh. "You are not making it out of here, foolish child of a tube. Phantom, continue your interrogation. This one knows Skywalker personally, he must have heard something."
Danny shrugged, before rising from his seat. "Do you know who Genghis Khan executed first after the similar situation?"
Krell raised the eyebrow. "Who?"
Phantom glanced behind the alien's back and grinned toothily. "Those who betrayed and wanted to join him."
The Jedi's back was pierced by a multitude of blasts. He fell dead, and Danny sighed, briefly glancing at the stunned clones.
"It's becoming a routine," The ghost sighed.
"Addition: A very joyful routine, Master."
"Then you are the one carrying the corpse. I have something important to do."
HK cursed.
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