Chapter 53: Parenting
Danny wondered what kind of a trial they were preparing for Skywalker. Although many things became clearer now, he shouldn't trust even the Ancients so easily, especially the Son. They had already overthrew one king. Nevertheless, Phantom followed Father through the corridor, along with Dani, who was holding his hand. Finally the stark haired ghost ran out of patience as the corridor seemed to be endless.
"Okay, what are you planning to do?" He asked the tall ghost.
"Patience, young one."
"I am patient. I don't like your riddles, and it makes me think that I'm not going to like it."
"It is nothing to be worried about, I assure you. We are here, anyway."
Father slowly moved his hand and the door slid open. Danny saw a huge arena, with open roof, and some kind of yin and yang symbol on the ground. Phantom was impressed at the scene. Then he saw that there was a person at the center, namely Anakin Skywalker. The Jedi stared at him.
"What the hell are you doing here, Phantom?!" He asked loudly.
Danny calmly leaned against the railing. "Same reason as you are, Skywalker. Undeniable curiosity. How does it feel to meet my fellow ghosts?"
"Fellow ghosts? You are of one race?"
"Yep. Let's get this over already, Old Man, the guy will tear his lungs trying to shout something to us."
Father let out a gust of breath, which was supposed to be a laughter.
"The trial is simple, Skywalker."
Two creatures flew from opposite ends, and both of them were familiar to the ghost. The dark gargoyle thing and the griffin. Phantom's deduction simply guessed that if Daughter could turn into griffin, then the gargoyle must have been Son. That guy was going to pay for damaging his ship. Wait, there was something in their arms. Only when they descended Danny was able to understand what, or better who they were holding. And he didn't like it at all.
Daughter was holding Obi-Wan, while Ahsoka was held by Son. Dani gasped quietly near her parent, putting her hands over her mouth. Phantom's neon orbs started to shine brighter as he looked at the scene.
"You must leave the guilt behind. I've ordered my children to kill them both. The question is...who you are going to save: your Master, or your Apprentice?"
"He is going to save neither, because you shall release them," Phantom growled, looking at Father.
He wasn't going to let a single drop of his daughter's blood be spilled. No way in hell.
The Old Man barely spared him a glance.
"They are too powerful, Anakin!" Obi-Wan meanwhile shouted. "Save Ahsoka!"
Anakin seemed conflicted, before clenching his fists.
Phantom's hand glowed with red.
"Let. Them. Go," his voice became more echoing.
Once the man yet again refused to acknowledge his presence, Danny lost his patience and unleashed the blast. It hit the wall. Father appeared on the other end of the stage.
"Dani, dear, come inside please."
"Because you don't want to see me angry."
The girl nodded slowly and went inside. However, she immediately peeked out. Phantom was about to do something they all were probably going to regret, charging another blast. Unexpectedly, it was Skywalker who acted. The young man roared and used the Force to grab both of the siblings holding his friends. The very sky became that of the night, even if mere minutes ago it was the morning. The scene kept everyone captivated. The Jedi slowly pushed both creatures in the air, forcing them to let go both of his Master and Padawan. He wasn't done, however.
It was visible that it cost him a huge effort, but he was managing to throw the siblings around like rag dolls.
"On your knees!" Yelled Anakin, and his voice resonated for some reason.
The ghosts were forced to do just that, they resisted, but had to take their usual anthropomorphic forms. Phantom stared at this, it was shocking to see a human, even a Jedi, do such things. Those were the ones who fought against Pariah. Danny snorted. So they weren't much of a threat, it seemed.
Finally it was over. Anakin stopped, panting on his place.
"Excellent!" Father said, descending to the ground. "You see now? Only the Chosen One could defeat both of my children."
"I'm done playing your games!" Skywalker exclaimed.
Phantom appeared near him. "I second that," he said, crossing his hands.
Anakin couldn't help but jump from surprise. He was confident they were of one race.
"Leave us," he ordered to everyone, including Phantom.
"Who are you to order me around?!" Danny asked.
"The owner of the place you barged in uninvited," responded Father calmly.
Phantom narrowed his eyes. "Wherever you are, I still remain your King. After you had threatened to kill my friends you lost any moral high ground."
"King?" The Jedi, minus Ahsoka, asked.
"Yes," Danny said curtly and unintentionally straightened proudly, while Father stayed silent. "And even if I don't demand the unquestioned obedience, I shall not tolerate such actions."
"Fine," Father sighed. "You two remain as well. No exceptions for others."
The extra audience left, and Phantom caught Ahsoka's whisper to her Master.
"Don't trust him," she said, knowing that Danny was going to hear her as well.
Once they were alone, Father looked at Anakin.
"Now it is obvious that the prophecy is true!"
"Prophecy is a myth," Skywalker crossed his hands.
"I wouldn't dismiss it so soon," Danny put a hand to his chin. "There aren't any proofs to support or disperse this theory."
"The main point is that...I'm dying," Father said grimly. "And once I vanish, there will be no one to watch over my children. They cannot be let outside, because otherwise the balance will be broken."
Phantom stared at him. "Dying?" He asked incredulously. "How can you? We both know that age is irrelevant for us."
"It is?" Anakin asked in shock.
"Yeah!" Dani chirped in. "We can be, like, REALLY old. Like he is."
Sometimes the girl didn't realize how offensive her words sounded. Danny snorted.
"She is right. Our lives are pretty much eternal. That is why I am curious."
Father sighed, while Anakin kept staring at the family. "It is not age what is weakening me. I'm tired of maintaining peace between my children, it requires a lot of power, and if doing it for thousands of years...It was foreseen that Skywalker will be the one to keep them in balance."
"And if I don't want to?"
The Ancient seemed shocked. Danny beat him to response.
"Did you really expect him to abandon everything?" He asked. "Besides, Skywalker is a human. He will live hundred years maximum. What then? You will probably outlive him anyway."
"What do you offer then?" Father inquired, raising his echoing voice and scratching his beard. "The disruption my children are going to cause outside of this planet the second they step out will be terrific!"
"How? They are equal in power, are they not?" Phantom raised his eyebrow.
"Daughter doesn't want to leave me, and I don't think she will leave this place even after I vanish. Son is the one seeking to break out."
"There is something else."
"I'm not saying anything about it."
"You don't sound really convincing, how do you hope to bring Skywalker to do what you want?"
"I'm still here," said Anakin dryly.
"Do you disagree with me?"
The Jedi shook his head. Danny was right, there was no arguing that.
"There is...something I want to protect them from as well. An old being, as terrific as it is powerful...Now, when I think about it this way...she had done the same mistake..." Father whispered, before shaking his head and sighing. "I understand. You may leave, Skywalker, we won't stop you."
Anakin nodded, before looking at Danny. "Are you coming?"
"I think I will stick around for a while. I have a way out."
"Are you sure?"
Anakin appreciated Phantom's effort to help him get out. So he could at least sound thankful.
Danny nodded. "I guess I should ask for permission."
"You have it," Father said in the same bitter tone. "Stay as long as you wish...Your Majesty. Just don't violate the natural set of things."
This was going into the report, Anakin decided. Their enemy was also the King of god knows what. Dictator, King, what now?
"I'll walk you to the ship. By the way...where is my droid?"
"He is shut down aboard of your transport."
Danny sighed, shaking his head. Those guys had long since forgotten the rules of politeness.
The Jedi ship was nice, with its three wings put together above the main part, unfolding once the ship was in the air. While Phantom chatted for a short while with the adults, Dani hugged her big sister and said goodbyes. Ahsoka was sad to leave her family again, she just hoped to see them soon. But she knew Phantom would go through with his promise. He always did.
Danny recovered HK and subdued his will to obliterate all the hosts of the place. The droid then tried to entertain himself by fiddling with his weapon, which was his favorite hobby. And Danny noticed that there were ecto-parts. That in turn meant that the droid was still thirsty for their ectoplasm.
Two Phantoms busied themselves in a library. It was vast, and Danny excitedly indulged himself in the ancient manuscripts. The girl's interests were, as usual, on children tales of different races, some of which were long since extinct. It was an amazing opportunity. Danny was glad his daughter was so interested in reading. An erudite person could make a great ruler. Dani was sitting on a chair near the shining blue crystal, which was the main source of light. Phantom was rummaging through the bookshelf, looking at the rare exemplars.
"Do you require assistance?"
Phantom glanced back and saw Daughter's glowing form.
"No, thanks, I'm just looking," he said calmly, before looking back at the shelf.
The female ghost observed him. He certainly didn't look like someone who could take down Pariah.
"You know, I find it strange that the entire family can Master the Force as good and equally as you did."
"We had more than a million years to reach the peak of skill and ghost evolution."
"As the time progresses, ghosts tend to become more powerful. But I've never seen someone evolve so quickly. You may not have our abilities, but your potential is just as high."
"Thanks, I guess," Danny shrugged. "I don't know anything about you. In my part of the Ghost Zone it is a legend about the Ancients. I never thought I'd see one, not to mention three."
"What do you wish to know?"
"Why do you live here? Father almost said something about some woman..."
Her expression became that of horror for a split second, before becoming calm again.
"We don't usually mention this matter..."
"You don't have to tell if you don't want," Danny smiled gently. "Okay...then why are you so centered around one side of the Force, while your Father is not?"
"Foolishness of youth," Daughter said grimly. "We were warned against doing what we did. We were once in balance. On our previous planet there were two extremely powerful sources of each side: the Font of Power and the Pool of Knowledge. We picked different ones, and now we are completely unable to use other side of the Force."
"And why didn't you do both?"
"Father prevented us from doing the worst mistakes in our lives. But the damage was done."
"Where did it all happen?"
"I'm never going to tell you. Maw is there for a reason."
"A Maw?"
Daughter realized her slip. The Maw Cluster, or simply The Maw as it was sometimes called, was an unstable and mostly unnavigable cluster of black holes located near the planet Kessel, in the central East of the Galaxy. The only reason the Maw was visible was due to the ionizing gases being drawn into it.
"Why do you speak about the biggest set of black holes in the Galaxy like if it was something artificial?"
The ghost sighed, understanding that it was pointless now. "Because it is. We put them together in order to put the inescapable barrier."
Danny's eyes were ready to jump out. "You. Can. Move. BLACK HOLES?!"
"Ghosts of the old times were a very advanced civilization. The station used for this is still there. In Corellia system."
"I just found the answer to one of the greatest questions of galactic scientists," said Phantom dryly.
"What is the ghosts' civilization now?" Daughter asked curiously.
"There is almost none. At least I didn't try to expand really far. FarFrozen keep their traditions, even some techs. Most of the people copy different cultures from my home planet. Some stick in Medieval age, some retain the culture of Ancient Greece. I am respected by their leaders, they didn't question my new title."
Daughter hummed. "I have to go now. It was an interesting conversation."
She strolled off, behind the shelves and out of the library. Danny decided to return to his baby girl. Dani was hanging upside down from the crystal, holding the electronic book in her hands. She noticed his presence and grinned.
"Hey, Daddy."
"Long time no see," Phantom said sarcastically with a smirk. "Why are you upside down?"
"No, it's you who walks on the ceiling," The girl said in a know-it-all tone.
"Oh, look at this smart mouth."
Dani giggled, still staying on her unusual place. However she then slipped down and floated on Phantom's eye level.
"When are we going home, Daddy?" The girl inquired, shaking her legs in the air.
"Soon, honey. I think tomorrow will do. It's getting dark actually, how about you go to sleep?"
Phantom carried her out of the room. However, on his way he heard a faint yelling. Dani only stirred on her place. Her father seemed to be in two minds about what to do. Phantom made a duplicate, a weak one, so as to scout the situation and not to weaken the other one, which protected the girl.
Danny ran to the source of the sound. He got to the main hall, but saw only the aftermath. There was Daughter, carrying unconscious Father, along with...
"Obi-Wan?!" Phantom asked in shock as he quickly approached them.
"Daniel. How nice of you to step in," the Jedi responded sarcastically.
"What happened?"
"It is my brother. He...he tried to kill Father. His condition is horrible, but brother isn't strong enough to kill him in one blow."
They set the old ghost on the ground and Daughter kneeled near him, before starting the Light side ritual, attempting to heal her parent. Meanwhile Phantom looked at Obi-Wan.
"Why are YOU here, Ben? I thought you had left."
"We did. But Son had other plans," Ben responded, looking at the unconscious body. "He somehow managed to get inside our ship. He got Ahsoka and we had to return."
Behind him Phantom unintentionally clenched his fist. "He what?"
"Son went to his place, some kind of dark tower. I tried to convince Anakin that we needed help from Father, but he is too hotheaded for his own good."
"So he went there alone," mumbled Phantom. "I'm coming. Join me as soon as you can."
He turned around, but was stopped by the Jedi's call.
"Wait, you cannot just go there! He is a god!"
"It is hardly the first god I'll kill."
"Wait!" Daughter exclaimed, getting up in a smooth motion. "You can't kill him."
"I beg your pardon?"
"He is still my brother. You can't do that."
"Even after he put your father in coma?" Danny gestured at the fallen ghost.
"It's not his fault. It's in his nature, he can't go against it!"
Danny sighed. "I'll do what I must, maybe even leaving him alive. But better hope he doesn't resist much, of what I have doubts.
On his way Phantom was trying to guess what plan that man had. Just killing his jailer wasn't enough, Son needed the means to escape. There were only two transports on the planet. If he came for HK's spot, he would have been nastily surprised. Danny, with his assistance, put a surprise inside his plating in a few hours. Son didn't know that, but even so, Phantom once again understood that he really shouldn't bring his daughter everywhere. Each time he needed to worry about her safety in close proximity. Sighing, the stark haired ghost understood that fact. But taking Dani to her bedroom on Babylon was a matter of several seconds, why didn't he think of it sooner? He had no strong enemies within the Empire. His Palace was guarded by the strongest warriors of the Galaxy.
Danny was fast. He did it all in a blink of an eye. But then he continued his path. The reek of the dark side could be easily spotted. Phantom flew forward, through the night sky, filled with jet black clouds. He spotted the tower on a distance - a huge black gothic structure. Phantom went inside, namely thundered, after opening the wide doors. Empty corridors met him, which led to the only possible conclusion. In towers the main rooms were either on the bottom, or on top. In that case it was the latter, it seemed.
Cursing, Phantom quickly found the staircase, and its end was invisible in shadows. He leaped in the air, and sped up as bullet. The ghost almost hit the ceiling, but his reaction saved him. Danny softly landed on the ground and opened the doors with a fling of his gloved palm. It was a throne room-alike, with a large circular window in the opposite end.
"Ah, Your Majesty," Son's smooth voice sounded from behind the column. Soon he himself came from behind it, sizing him with his crimson eyes. "What do I owe a visit?"
"Let me guess, maybe your attempts to harm my friends?" Danny crossed his hands.
"You show an exceptional will to help them. Is this your obsession, by any chance?" He asked in the same calm tone.
Phantom shrugged. "I don't think that the term of 'friendship' is familiar to you."
"Your desire is to brush off the question, yet you haven't realized yet that I know more than you think."
"Excuse me?"
"I have the power to learn about you. It was hard, however, you are mentally trained, but I managed to find a lot. About your life, about your death, about those you loved and those you have lost. It must be painful to lose them one by one."
"Why are you saying this?" Danny raised his eyebrow, before crossing his hands.
"Indeed, why am I doing it? You seem a little less than incorruptible, and I am a part of the Dark side. It would take quite a while to do just that, not to mention dangerous and wasteful."
"Wasteful, yes. For my time," Phantom spat. "Return my friends at once."
"I think they are quite occupied. Poor girl can't even realize what she is doing...I wonder who will be killed by another first."
"What have you done?!"
"Just a little mind cloud. You may try help, they are outside."
Phantom ran there, but was swatted to the side, not being able to get out of the room. Grunting, he leaped on his legs.
"Should have know that," Danny muttered.
"Yes, you should have."
Son launched red lightings at him, but Phantom dodged and teleported right behind the older ghost. Danny then used the Force to launch his opponent into the wall. Then to the ceiling and to the ground. Finally Son managed to escape the grip by firing more bolts of electricity. Phantom was occupied with maintaining the grip, he had to block the strike with the shield, but lost his concentration to hold him.
"You know, for a bad guy you have an awful fashion designer," Danny smirked, before firing blasts his opponent was trying to dodge.
"Was that supposed to insult me?" Son asked, hurling more lightings.
"No, it was a warning," Phantom deadpanned. "That collar seems threatening only to your neck."
He was attacked again, and again with more red bolts. Phantom suddenly caught the electricity, curling it in one ball in his palm. Son was surprised, but nevertheless prepared to defend himself. Suddenly he felt the cold creeping up his legs. His red eyes darted downwards, and the ghost saw that his feet were frozen and firmly held on the ground. Meanwhile Danny grinned, before unleashing the pent up power. All the electricity was put into one powerful bolt, which was thrown forward. Son, unable to escape, created a shield in front of him, trying to hold the blast back. But it kept moving forward as if he was trying to hold back a train.
"Have a taste of your own medicine!" Yelled Phantom, before adding more power and seeing the energy wall crack.
The entire room was filled with white light, for the collusion of red blasts created an illumination of incredible amounts. Somehow Danny managed to find the perfect timing. The second the shield broke, the ice disappeared, and now nothing was holding Son from being hit and launched back. With a loud crashing sound he fell through the stained window as it broke. Phantom followed, jumping out and slowly floating at what seemed like a courtyard on top of the tower.
Danny suddenly was forced to block the hit of the familiar green lightsabers, by grabbing the blades. He looked to the side and saw his own daughter attacking him. Ahsoka didn't look like herself, her blue eyes were orange and red, with several black lines on her face, as if her very blood became black. It was the sign of Dark Side corruption. His lips thinning, Danny slowly pushed the blades away from his face. She couldn't stand against his strength no matter how hard she tried.
"You shouldn't have done that, girl," he commented.
"Oh, what are you going to do, Daddy? Spank me?" Ahsoka whispered harshly, before using the Force to push him backwards.
Phantom regained his posture, before seeing Anakin running to him.
"We have a trouble," Danny grumbled.
"You think I don't know?" Said Skywalker sarcastically.
"I can help your Padawan, but I need Son distracted. Can you do that?"
The Jedi nodded. "Try not to harm her," he asked, before running off towards the ghost.
"I'm the last one you needed to ask," Danny mumbled, before dodging the strike from Ahsoka.
He then simply dodged one time after another smoothly, without showing a sign of effort. It made the teen even more angry.
"Stop running!" She exclaimed. "Can't harm your sweet little child?"
Anakin was thankfully too far away to hear.
"Yet you are eager to kill me," Phantom narrowed his eyes, still swiftly avoiding the strikes. "You are stronger than that, you know?"
"Pathetic. It is this what makes you weaker, father."
Then Phantom calmly swatted the lightsaber away, before it flew away. Danny grabbed the blade of another one, before pulling it out of her hand. She fell forward and Phantom sidestepped. He fiddled the weapon in his arm calmly.
"Weaker? What does the Dark side make you, then?"
Ahsoka jumped on her feet.
"Snap out of it, kiddo. It's not you who is talking."
She stared at him, obviously thinking he was blind and didn't see the second lightsaber approaching.
"I'm sorry."
She didn't get his words at first, but the teen soon understood what he apologized for, once she was about to strike, Danny grabbed her head in a firm grip. Immediately she felt a huge pain and screamed. Phantom's face was one of remorse at what he was doing. But it had to be done. His hands became intangible as he, quite literally, got into her head. To clean up the foggy mind, one had to blow away the clouds, quite literally. Phantom started to feel nastily, both physically and mentally. He was getting a headache himself.
Ahsoka fell in his retracted arms as her consciousness faded away. Danny gently caught her, checking if everything was alright. He sighed in relief once he saw her steadily breathing and her chest rising and falling.
"What have you done?"
Danny turned to the source and saw Obi-Wan, followed by Daughter.
"Relax, I just fixed the issue, she is alive. But I'll carry her to safety. Go help Anakin."
"I have the means."
The Jedi took a hilt from his belt, which looked like Danny's lightsaber. But instead of transparent energy, a short black metal blade appeared. Phantom raised his eyebrow, getting up while carrying his daughter bridal style.
"Seriously? I use these as toothpicks. Are you sure it's of any use?"
"It should," Daughter said.
With a final nod, Danny carried Ahsoka inside. He gently set her against the wall, checking her temperature and heartbeat. Phantom was worried, because such drastic intrusion was actually rather dangerous. Possession was one thing, but fiddling with it the real corruption, he wouldn't have been able to do that. He forced the alien things within her mind, which wasn't hard, it felt like if he was pushing it out from himself. But his worries were unneeded, her temperature was steady, just as her heartbeat.
"I'll have none of it!" Son's yell was heard.
Phantom ran outside, and was greeted by the scene that the Dark side ghost was surrounded and severely outnumbered. Danny slowly approached them, and Son's eyes darted to him.
"You...where is the girl?"
"I healed her, did see that coming, huh?"
"How did you do that?" Anakin asked.
"Mind intrusion. Not something I was keen on doing, but it worked."
"A what?"
"We can possess other beings," Daughter explained, not taking her eyes off her brother. "Our family doesn't have this archaic ability anymore, because we have been alone for a long while. There was no need for it anymore."
"Yes, I used it only partially," Phantom added.
The Jedi were concerned that he could actually take the will of other people. But he never actually used it before...or did he?
They all looked and saw Father standing there, safe and sound. Son now looked really fearful. If he was outnumbered before, now he was simply doomed.
"Your behavior was more than disappointing, Son," the old man approached them. "Do you have anything to say for yourself?"
"I'm so sick of it!" Son yelled, crimson eyes shining brighter. "You are selfish, more so than even me! I'm sick of sitting here for hundreds, thousands of years! You are nothing more than a jailor."
No one expected such outburst. Not even Father. Sure, the ghost was constantly complaining, but he never actually shouted or accused the man.
"You were going to die anyway. I simply sped up the process," Son muttered, although everyone heard him.
He crossed his hands and looked away, down the tower and the surface, several hundred meters below. "So, what happens now? Am I going to be a criminal in my own home, even if I don't view it as such?"
"Our old home is long gone, child," Father approached him. He put his wrinkly and bony hand on the ghost's shoulder, but Son got out. The Old Man seemed saddened as well, not at all angry at his son's attempt to murder him.
The Jedi didn't trust him at all. Danny was conflicted. The guy was certainly going to be kicked in his balls for harming his daughter, but despite all odds, he didn't seem like the murderous maniac like...he was. Manipulator? Yes. Pragmatic? Yes. Attempt to murder parent? Yes. And it reminded Phantom about one person among their group. Himself. All things considered, Danny couldn't bring himself to hate him.
"Your mind is filled with darkness," Father said. "It was long in control of you, but it didn't make me care for you any less."
Son barked a laugh. "Care?! You locked us down!"
"To protect you, child. You would have destroyed everything, and yourself in the process."
Again, Phantom felt a pang in his chest. God, why was everything so familiar? Dani was too small to realize what Son did. It made Phantom feel really nasty. He suddenly realized a lot. His daughter didn't have any friends to accompany her, only Boba Fett was god knows where. He lost contact long ago. She was kept company only by her family, taught by private tutors, with a little to none contact with the outside world. Danny cursed. He was such a fool, he was slowly ruining her life without knowing it. And she still loved him.
Phantom put a hand over his face and shook his head. He sighed, but then heard the voices again.
'Damn, kid, I haven't seen you so depressed in a while,' Bogan said.
'Oh, look who has arrived,' Danny mumbled mentally. 'What do you need now?'
'We can help this suffering family,' Ashla responded. 'We had such thing since the beginning, actually.'
'I beg your pardon?'
'We can balance these two. If, of course, Your Majesty allows,' Bogan explained. 'Because we will have to leave you. They won't be stronger than you, your knowledge shall stay, but your power will be lower.'
' said you had this plan...'
'Well, yes. We can actually see the future,' Ashla clarified. 'These two will actually fit us more, not to sound offensive. You brought us here, you brought us from the dying world, and we are thankful. Your power has grown to the incredible amounts and without us. You will need them in the future. When the Vongs arrive, and when something much worse emerges from the Maw.'
Danny glanced at the feud, while the Jedi just stared at the conflict not sure what to think.
"May I get your attention?" Phantom asked. Everyone turned to him. "I believe I have a solution to your problem."
The group became curious. Obi-Wan didn't notice the blade's hilt slipping down his back.
"What would that be?" Father asked.
"I'd like to discuss it without the Jedi. Sorry guys, those are our, ghostly matters."
"I'm not sure that we should leave our potential enemy alone," Anakin crossed his hands.
"Such good friends you have here," Son said sarcastically.
"For now I'm just helping. Or do you think they're going to immediately serve me?"
"Nowadays I'll believe in everything," Obi-Wan shook his head. "But...fine."
He guessed if Danny was their King, then he would have employed them long ago. It was a false assumption, but it made the Jedi leave. Phantom looked at the family.
"I can fix the damage done all that years ago. Bring back the balance, if you wish."
Danny grinned. "Well...let's just say I'm never alone. All I have to do is to bring the light to Son and darkness to Daughter."
"You sound as if it was that simple," Daughter noted.
"It is. A matter of a few minutes, actually. It's...hard to explain the process, but I'm sure about the consequences."
A thoughtful silence settled. Danny patiently waited, this time not noticing the movements.
"While this is good and all, I'm not staying here anymore," Son said.
"NO!" Daughter screamed.
Danny heard a loud gasp and slashing sound. Father had been stabbed in his chest, with the same blade stolen from Obi-Wan. The Old Man took the sticking part in his shaking hands. He didn't look shocked, while Daughter was horrified. She grabbed the man once Son took out the blade. Tears flushed to her eyes, while her brother just stood there, fiddling the blade in his hand.
"Are you happy now, Father?" He asked.
"Are YOU happy?" Daughter exclaimed through her tears. She felt her parent's hand on her cheek.
Son was suddenly engulfed in ice, everywhere but his head. Phantom narrowed his eyes, he was not going anywhere.
"Child," Father said to his daughter in what seemed like the last words. His core was pierced, there was no saving from that. "You knew this day would come."
"I...I didn't want it to come!"
"Yet it is here. I know you won't be able to hate your brother. Neither you two should hate each other," he looked at his son. "You have done mistakes, but I know you are not at fault, even now. I have done them as well, because of my ignorance we are coming through all this."
"No, it's not your..."
"I'm thankful for such words, my dear, but it is a lie. I've tried my best to save you, but I only wasted millions of years you could spend for your joy. I put the Galaxy before you two, but this is not for us to judge. Please, if there is still at least a little piece of care for me, compel my last request."
Son's lip quivered for a moment, before he looked away. It didn't feel at all like he thought it would be. There was no satisfaction. There was a feeling he thought he had forgotten.
"If I'm not staying on this cursed planet."
"It varies. From what our friend thinks."
"Me?" Danny asked.
"Yes," Father turned to him. "Please, Your Majesty, help them return to the balance. Look after them at least sometimes. They may be older than you, but out there you are wiser. And you, my children," he coughed. "Please, listen to his words as if I said them."
"But why do you trust me so much?" Danny asked.
Father gave a faint smile. "I have read your memories. There is no better person, Phantom. It is up for you, my children to decide how to live, even after his help," he then chuckled. "Seems like Skywalker was right. The prophecy was a ruse indeed. And...Daniel...please, don't repeat my mistakes."
The man let out his last breath, his eyes timidly slid down, and his glow vanished. Daughter cried even louder, as Son looked at the scene in sadness, the ice long gone.
Phantom turned away. It happened so suddenly, he thought, taking the cursed sword in his hand. Why everyone had to put the responsibilities on him? He was going to help them, especially in such a hard hour. Possibly, after that their ways should part. But one thing for certain - he was going to follow the advice. His children were the most sacred thing to him, just like to the fallen man.
A smart man learns from his mistakes. A wise man learns from the mistakes of others.
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