Chapter 51: In a middle of nowhere
A.N. Let me congratulate the ladies on the passed 8th March. Sorry for being so late, have been playing 'Tyranny' and studying. Well, enough of this go and enjoy! *throws glitter*
"So this is it," Danny mumbled. "The Eternal Throne."
Palaces weren't grand enough for his father. A giant orbital station housed him and the main seat of power of the Eternal Empire, both literally and figuratively. A giant golden and white throne was not only a fancy chair, it was the main control point of the Eternal Fleet, which was basically one huge artificial consciousness. The fleet was destroyed, but the throne kept the symbolic meaning. Phantom wasn't alone in the spherical room. He was accompanied by a group of Zakuulan officials, priests of their religion, and, of course, his daughter along with his bodyguard.
Danny slowly went forward. He slowly traced his armored gloved hand along the golden hands of the seat. A strange feeling filled his stomach. The throne resonated, making a strange pulsating and low ringing sound. He was returning to his roots, as it seemed. Phantom was not going to be like his father. Danny didn't sit, instead he turned to his people.
"I have created this Empire with the purpose of peace and order. This man," he pointed to the throne. "Only craved for power. I have inherited his power, his ambitions, his ruthlessness possibly. But not this hunger. So far I have been ruling over our capital, now, I take Zakuul under my direct governance, but I vow to protect your rights, the Parliament shall remain, for I will need assistance. I must receive the oath that each of my decisions will be obeyed as well."
The Zakuulans bowed in acceptance.
"Now, the Legio shall be stationed here. I hope you treat them as they deserve. But if they step out of line, you have my permission to judge the rowdies in accordance to your laws. I need an unwavering discipline from my soldiers. That is all for now, I am not a fan of fancy ceremonies, so I will just step to my responsibilities without coronation. Not that there is any crown. Your people already know about the change. Send all documents to me."
"Finally, I want to know everything about the Eternal Fleet. Blueprints if possible."
"For that we will have to search in the Old World, Your Majesty, but..."
Phantom raised his eyebrow and urged the man to continue. "It is too dangerous down there, and we don't know where the blueprints can be. If we knew, we would have built enough ships to repel any threat."
"I'll send the group. I wonder if the ghosts agree for a bunch of denaries. We are building up our power, because hopes are on blitzkrieg."
"A what?"
"A quick war, a tactic created during the Second World War. We will overrun our enemy with immense speed, surround them and destroy them one by one. Father used the same tactic when his Empire re-emerged. If not for Revan, the Republic would have been totally wiped out. I don't see why we can't repeat the achievement. This way we will avoid many deaths during the war that is to come."
"You have said that you are neutral!"
"I have and it is truth. But I never said that I'm not going to finish that sick man of the Galaxy. I seek to establish the First Galactic Empire. Because I don't want to be the second in anything. Call it pride, but that's how I am. And the name of the state implies that I need the entirety of space. You are dismissed. Send the message if you need further instructions."
The officials bowed and left. Dani approached her father, who was looking out of the window at the steadily spinning planet. Phantom glanced at the girl, hugging her close with one hand.
"Look at this planet, my girl," he said. "There are millions of people, seeking protection and guidance. Our guidance. And not only it, but hundreds, thousands of worlds. We must show the example, we both have eternal lives, many generations will pass and everyone will look up at us. Once you grow up, they will listen to you just like they listen to me. No matter at which star you look, all that shall belong to us. Your promise still stands, right? It won't be easy to rule over all of this."
Dani nodded and hugged his waist, smiling. "Of course, Daddy."
Phantom had the plans on his daughter. Ahsoka didn't want and couldn't pretend to any titles, so despite the age, Dani was going to inherit many things. Danny planned to split the Galaxy, and thus the Empire the into two administrative parts, East and West, ruled by her and him respectively. And Zakuul was going to be the capital of her part of the Galaxy. And that throne was going to be hers. But that's just a little surprise for her eighteenth birthday. It wasn't independence, Danielle was going to follow the Emperor's orders, but she would have to manage many things.
Danny smiled, before his eyes fell on HK, who was standing by. "Oh, come here, you bolt bucket," he gestured to come closer.
The droid slowly approached. If he had eyebrows, he would have raised them. What he didn't expect was to be pulled in a family hug.
"Error: Close contact. Initiating escape protocol."
Danny was snapped out of his laughter when he heard Dani's stomach grumble. He chuckled.
"Let's fetch something to eat, shall we?"
The girl beamed and nodded. Zakuulans didn't expect their new ruler to just sit and eat casually in a local restaurant, not even the fanciest, because it didn't have the children menu. Everyone around just stared at how they ate and chatted. No one interrupted, for the fear that the Emperor's droid wasn't going to be easy on them. However, the exchange between father and daughter was too sweet, and it caused the citizens to sympathize their ruler more. Phantom pleasantly noted that Dani was following the rules of table etiquette. He wasn't throwing the money down the sewers for tutoring. Heck, she looked more civilized than him. Unlike her father, she was raised as a noble.
Suddenly Danny's communicator beeped. Sighing, he took it out and activated.
"My Lord, we have caught something unusual," the soldier reported after hitting his chest.
"And what would that be?" Phantom asked.
"We have caught the transmission. You better see it personally."
Danny turned off the communicator. "Waiter, check, please."
He soon got to the cockpit of Hyperion. As the marines stood up straight, the ensign approached the monarch.
"My Lord," He bowed.
"Report, ensign."
"As you know, thanks to our agent, we are intercepting the transmissions going in and out of their temple. We wouldn't have payed much attention otherwise, but...we have all transmission codes ever used by the Republic or even the old Sith Empire."
"Get to the point, please."
"The codes used during this transmission...they are at the very least two thousand years old."
Phantom froze. "Now that's strange. What was in that transmission?"
"It was a distress call. Judging from the coordinates," the image of the Galaxy appeared on top of the table. "Its source is located in the North. Farther than even Imperial territories, I'm not even talking about the Protectorate. Uncolonized Space."
"I'll use the shuttle. Hyperion will be too noticeable."
"Are you going to just go there unprepared?"
"I think it should be obvious by now. Order to refuel the shuttle, I'm leaving. Hyperion must be stationed here."
Danny and his small bunch departed soon enough, despite the girl's complaints about being tired. She could sleep in the shuttle, it was more than comfortable. While the ship was moving through the hyperspace, Phantom was thinking. Two thousand could be a trap. Danny was known to jump into every interesting occasion. It took two days to get to the place. In the ship there was enough nice food to sustain for a week, so they didn't feel any need. The Imperial systems near were put on high alert. The Republic was going to send the ships there, so no one should have been left alive in case they found something out.
Darkness. Only darkness was around. There weren't any planets, the coordinates told that it was completely empty, it was a void between the systems. Danny was sitting on the pilot's chair, while HK was behind and Dani was spinning on hers.
"Just perfect. There is nothing here," Phantom deadpanned.
"Maybe we missed?" The girl asked, still spinning.
"No, those are the exact coordinates...wait," he whistled. "We are in some deep...trouble," Danny corrected himself because he was near a child.
The communicator beeped.
"Should have turned on the cloaking device," he muttered, before accepting the call.
There was a clone trooper, and, as they were all clones of Jango Fett, he looked exactly the same, but bald. The soldier seemed to recognize who that was.
"What brings the famed general all the way here?" He asked.
"The same thing as you, buddy. Or should I say your Jedi commander?"
"This doesn't concern you...actually, we are really lucky. Surrender, General, or we will open fire."
"No, thanks. I don't want to ruin your prison's reputation by escaping it at the same day. Better tell me why Skywalker isn't the one responding?"
"We aren't going to tell you."
"So you are either forbidden to tell as your boss searches what I came here for, or you have lost contact and try not to look weak."
"How do are the one jamming our systems?!"
"Nope. I can hear you because you are about to ram me from behind. And it seems that you took the bait and answered my question."
The clone seemed annoyed. HK was amused by his Master's response. Dani giggled on her seat.
"Your reaction tells me that the second possibility is real. Where and when have you lost contact?"
The clone sighed, rubbing his eyes. "Might as well either help or die in the process. The coordinates can imply a large distance, we may don't see any planet. I'll give you the exact point. General Skywalker will later decide what to do."
They set off in that direction. Now there wasn't anything at all around them.
"Booored!" Dani complained.
"Me, too, sweetie, but there is still nothing around here."
"Sarcasm: Then what is this?"
They looked forward, and there was a strange, omnious looking object. Dark structure consisting of two pyramids put together, with crimson patterns all around, floating in a middle of nowhere. It didn't react to their presence in any way.
"I don't see the door," Danny commented, as seemingly non caring as always. "Guess we will have to go through..."
"You can do that?" Dani asked.
"Not without help," Phantom winked. "Grab that railing over there," he pointed towards it. "And try to spread intangibility."
As the girl grabbed it, wiggling with excitement, she did as she was told. Danny added the effort and the ship was ready to go through. But it didn't. Phantom barely managed to avoid smashing into it, grabbing the wheel the second the sparks flew from the place of impact. His eyes widened.
"Sarcasm: Now that was a scratch. Guess we won't be having an extra corvette in order to repair it."
"Now this is WEIRD you want to say," Danny responded. "Not to mention unusual."
"Did I do something wrong?" Dani asked.
Phantom patted her on the head. "No, princess, you did nicely. But I wonder..."
He got up from his seat, before phasing through the hull. He flew to the surface of the strange structure, tracing his hand along the pattern. It must have been a headache making them, the structure was about five kilometers long in each direction. But he felt something radiating from it. No material world material could keep anyone from phasing through. Raising his eyebrow, Phantom took out his lightsaber and tried to cut through. Bright green light shone through the hole made by his blade.
"No way," he whispered into nothingness.
Just to check his assumption, Danny reached there with his hand, instantly regretting this as the green electricity zapped his hand. He yelped, but in space no one can hear you scream. The look of realization crossed his features, along with a shock at the situation they were in.
"Freaking ectoranium?! Are you serious?" He complained.
The component was indeed strange. It was painful to the ghosts to touch it, and metals made with its usage were impossible for the ghosts to phase through. The walls of his prison in GIW facility were made from such metal. Danny now faced a complicated problem, how was he supposed to get through? He would think about the weirdness of the ectoranium made ship later, but his natural curiousity needed to be satisfied.
He got back on the chromium covered shuttle. Deep in thought, he sat on a chair, with a hand on his chin.
"Snarky comment: We aren't getting in any time soon, I presume?"
"I'm thinking."
"Maybe you can teleport us inside?" Dani offered tilting her head.
Phantom facepalmed, before shaking his head and chuckling. "Ancients, I'm raising smarty pants."
The girl beamed at the praise.
"Wariness: Are you sure we are not going to bump into something? Or appear in someone's stomach? The latter will be most preferable, actually, but the other can lead to our imminent deaths."
"That's why we will use the portal," Danny snapped his fingers and the fabric of space twisted into vortex. "We will GENTLY fly forward and hope that we won't hit anything."
They moved slowly, and entered the portal. On the other end, there was a surface. It was as if there was a planet within the structure. The borders couldn't be even seen, it was like they indeed flew above the usual planet. And the weather was quite stormy. Lightings flashed around and the sky was filled with storm clouds.
"Charming. Should have watched forecast or made sacrifice to Zeus. Don't know what's less reliable," Danny said in his usual fit of sarcasm, before looking out of the window. "I can't find a proper place to land. And the scanners are going wild."
Dani looked at the scanner screen. She tapped on it, the screen flickered even more. Older Phantom wasn't watching, so she just slowly moved away as if nothing happened with an innocent expression. They spend a while trying to find shelter, but with no effort. Danny flew barely above the weird trees.
Suddenly the ship shook. The metallic rumble coming from the roof signaled that it wasn't a simple lighting. The screech told that it was something more than a projectile. A gust of air coming from both Phantoms' mouths meant that it was an all too known spectral entity. Danny leaped on his feet.
"HK, stay with her and pilot the ship!" He ordered, before flying through the ceiling.
Thanks to the ship flying on a tolerable speed, Danny was able to stand on its roof. In front of him he saw a gargoyle like creature. It was 4.79 meters tall and had a wingspan of something about 11 meters, with black, gray and white skin and glowing red eyes. It was trying to damage the hull.
"Hey, lizard, this shuttle is worth more than ten of you!" Danny called, before turning on his lightsaber. The raindrops falling on it turned into gas immediately because of immense temperature.
Although it seemed surprised for a moment, the gargoyle roared and lunged forward. Phantom swiftly ducked away, the ship's length of eighty meters granted enough space for the fight. In the process he swung the weapon, leaving a slight scratch on the creature. It screeched, turning around to face him. Then the gargoyle leaped in the air, swinging its wings. After that, it bolted downwards, right at him.
Phantom's hand glowed with red, before he unleashed his ghostly power at the being. The power of the impact forced the gargoyle to fly away. Danny smirked, seeing as the creature was in two minds about attacking again. Another stimulus was a turret, which emerged from the roof, before shooting with laser fire at the creature, narrowly missing it. Phantom blinked, back in the cockpit, Dani was looking through the screens, turning the cannon around.
"So, how did I do?" She asked the droid.
"Comment: You could hit it at least once."
"But I just wanted to scare it!" Dani pouted.
The gargoyle finally flew away, disappearing between the clouds. Danny approached the place where it had previously left damage. It was a real mess, and since the shuttle was very delicate inside, some of the functions may not be available anymore. He wasn't an expert in repairing the ships. Hopefully they weren't going to fall.
Speaking of unfortunate landings, this one was rather nasty and shaky, but no damage was done, except for a few more scratches. As they were done, Danny ran a hand through his hair.
"Another happy landing," he said.
"So, what's the plan?" Dani asked.
"I don't know...Skywalker should be here, and since your sister is always near him, I think Ahsoka is here as well."
The girl's expression brightened.
"But do you remember how you should act?"
"Like we don't know each other."
"Exactly. Now, first we have to find them. It shouldn't be so hard, I mean, this world, ship, whatever it is, it can't be too big."
"Statement: That vapor coming from your mouth. It means that this place is inhabited by ghosts."
"Yes...first ectoranium, now this gargoyle thing...Now when I think of it, not only I sense a huge spectral activity, this place is also extremely strong in the Force. I've never felt anything like it."
"I don't like it..." Dani mumbled.
"This is how the untamed Dark side feels, Danielle," Phantom mumbled gravely. "This day just keeps getting better. Let's wait for some time, maybe the storm calms down. If not, we'll set off."
So they waited. Holonet didn't reach there, the small family resorted to the books. Of course, those were paper ones, because Danny was rather old fashioned. There was a really grumpy librarian in the Ghost Zone, but he was willing to give access to his vast archive, which consisted copies of tons of works of authors all across the Galaxy. So, Danny actively used them for his own use or entertainment. Dani just read fairytales of different races, she really liked them.
Sitting on her father's lap, the girl held the book with pages yellow from their age. Bless ghost powers, she could understand what's written there. Older Phantom just sat on the sofa, signing the documents he had received before coming there. The girl suddenly lied on his chest for comfort, making it more complicated for him to do his work. Danny sighed, before lifting his datapad and stylus using the Force. He just looked to the side, signing the agreements and decrees with the power of his thoughts.
Then Danny caught a faint noise, like something was drumming the hull, stronger than the rain. He thought that the rain was just getting heavier, but then HK came into the living room.
"Report: Master, there are two people outside. Can't make out who exactly."
"Open the entrance, then. Dani, let me get up, please."
The girl floated slightly and landed on the ground with a soft thud. She then followed Phantom to the door, and the platform went down. Two people went inside, two quite familiar Jedi.
"Of all people, Ben," Danny smirked, leaning against the wall.
"You seem be stalking me," the Jedi sighed, soaking with water. "Mind sharing the roof?"
Danny shrugged. "Asking the evil Sith Lord, huh?" He teased. "Come in, but first," Phantom winked at Dani, and she understood what he meant and grinned.
The girl looked at Ahsoka, exchanging a few playful glances. Both Dani and her father touched the visitors and second later a short stream of water fell on the ground. Obi-Wan was surprised, but then Phantom spoke.
"I don't want you to make everything dirty," he explained as if it cleared everything.
Then they went inside. Since the Jedi Master was walking near the older ghost in front of the girls, the children gave each other a quick hug.
"Hey, sis," Ahsoka whispered, ruffling the little girl's hair.
"Who is she?" Obi-Wan asked, glancing behind briefly as they sat in the living room. Phantom had told the children to leave them alone, so the girls went into the room.
Danny understood what he meant. "This is Danielle, my daughter."
The Jedi looked stunned. "Is her mother..."
"Yes," Danny's expression saddened. He looked at the gray metal floor. "It was Komand. This ship was a present to her, actually. Pretty, isn't it?" He asked in the same downfallen voice.
"Well, the girl did take after her father," Obi-Wan said, trying to move the conversation away from the painful topic. "How old is she?"
"Eight. She is the sweetest and the most precious little thing in the Galaxy," Danny smiled softly.
"And you just let her go with Ahsoka?"
"She is a nice girl, I have met her once she sneaked out with Amidala to Raxus. I'm sure the kids will find a common language, Dani is a smart girl. We managed to get inside only thanks to her."
The Jedi perked up. "So you know how to get out of here?"
"You obviously know something I don't. Such a rare occasion," Phantom crossed his hands.
"This planet is strange," Obi-Wan stroked his short auburn beard. "The night here began in a few seconds. And every plant then died. Its inhabitants, however...are really odd. Glowing, have echoing voices...wait a second."
The Jedi sized the ghost, taking notice of his glowing form and previously heard echoing voice. His blue eyes widened, just as Phantom's neon ones.
"You are one of THEM?!" Obi-Wan jumped from his seat.
"Better clarify WHO," Danny said dryly.
"Those...beings. One of them turned off our lightsabers, then he just vanished."
"Huh...well, I can't turn them off. I never tried, actually...But your suspicions are understandable, I myself think as such."
Danny nodded. "This thing is made from the component found only in my homeworld. Also, I have a certain...sense for my kin. We just got attacked by one. A giant gargoyle."
Obi-Wan looked confused. "You don't look like gargoyle."
"Damn, how to tell this...our biome is very unusual. We don't separate animals from us, sentient beings, because our inners are completely the same, starting from birds, ending with mollusks. I know it is strange, but that's how it is done. I'm partially doing my researches, because, believe it or not, there weren't any scientists who went into this topic deeply enough. time it was maybe too deep..."
He unconsciously reached for his chest, which didn't go unnoticed by the Jedi.
"Anyways, I know Skywalker is here," Danny said. "Why is he not with you?"
"We got separated. One of do you call yourselves?"
"Yes, she led us through the road, but an avalanche separated us. Me and Ahsoka went back, but our ship was gone. After that we needed to find a shelter."
"And you found us."
"Yeah, by the way, how did you find the way here?"
"My spies in the Republic work like clockwork...Well, maybe better. I caught this transmission at the same time."
"And you are just telling me this?"
"I thought it was obvious," Danny shrugged. "We are at war, Obi-Wan, no matter how good our relationship can be."
"I guess. Well, we aren't on the battlefield now. I hope you can help us find Anakin."
Danny smiled. "Of course, pal."
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