Chapter 49: The ancestry
A.N. I thought you guys need to cheer up after the last chapters. I've found this little YouTube redraw of one of our old Russian cartoons. P.S. These two were my first ship, and it gave me the first heartbreak.
"Ahsoka, what is wrong?" Anakin asked in concern.
"Oh, Master..." Ahsoka straightened. "It's just...nothing serious, don't worry about this."
"No, no, I will worry, Snips. You have been like this for a pretty long time. What happened?"
"I told you, nothing is wrong, Master," the teen crossed her hands.
"You are bad at lying, Ahsoka," Anakin shook his auburn haired head. "Look, there is no one around here. You can tell me, my lips are shut."
The girl sighed. "It's of my...friends has died."
Anakin's look softened. The young Jedi Knight sighed. "I understand your feelings, then. Is this someone I knew?"
"No, I don't think so. This is someone I've met while I was away from the Order. She and her lover were like parents to me all this time. And she was killed month ago."
Anakin looked at her strangely. "Now I understand why you weren't eager to tell. No attachments are allowed."
"And you are fine with this?" Ahsoka asked in surprise.
The Knight shifted on the seat inside the meditation room. "I guess there is a point in telling you something about myself. I lost my mother, too, year and a half ago. Although, I haven't seen her for ten years before she was killed by Tuskens."
"Oh...I'm sorry, Master."
"Hey, don't worry, I'm supposed to sound reassuring here," Anakin smirked, patting Ahsoka on her shoulder. "If meditations don't help, we can go on a mission. Actually, no, that's not up to debate. We do have a mission. Go pack up, Snips, I'll be waiting at the entrance of the Temple."
The two got up, while Ahsoka smiled slightly. He was just like her father. She needed such a talk, and so far she didn't have an opportunity to make a call to the rest of her family.
Meanwhile the object of her thoughts was preparing. The Legio had to show its power against the clone army to prove its value. There wasn't any number superiority, which made the droids equal to them. Danny knew what to do. The people of Umbara asked him for protection, because he was the most trusted member of the Council, after the Count. They decided to defect to the Confederacy after their Senator had been murdered in the Republican Senate. Fight in a total darkness against the army of highly trained individuals? What a perfect opportunity.
And Dooku did give Danny the information about his apprentice. The old fool didn't have a clue about Phantom's awareness, and that the ghost was going to use any opportunity to his advantage against the wannabe Sith. He was going to murder that bastard in the most painful way, but it was not the time, not yet. The Imperial Intelligence got to work.
Their search was fruitful as ever. This Ventress was supposedly killed at the battle of Sullust, but Dooku somehow learnt that she was alive. Then by looking through her biography found in several sources, including the Jedi archives, courtesy of Ahsoka. There was only one place where Ventress could go within the Protectorate territories - Dathomir.
As many planets, it had an incredible history Danny was ready to dive in but had no time. The thing that made it stand out were the so called 'Nightsisters'. Phantom was rather curious about this matter, because they were known to use some kind of the magic, which couldn't even be considered the Force, since no Jedi, Sith, or even Danny had no idea of what the hell that was. He left for Dathomir immediately, along with Dani. The princess was maybe put in danger, but she was safer together with her father even in the deepest corner of hell, than alone in their Raxus mansion. Or at least that's what her father thought.
There weren't any large cities, only villages, in the territory Danny got them to. Two ghosts went deeper into the settlement. He needed to ask for directions. Dani sticked closer to him. As Phantom was wearing his black robes, the girl was wearing the same clothes many Paladin students wore - short robes with black and white colors.
"Why are we here, Daddy?" Dani asked nervously. She didn't like the looks the locals were giving them.
"I need to know where to go. We just have to ask."
It was harder than he thought. The locals were less than friendly, always eyeing them suspiciously. Judging from their attitude,the life there was connected with deep problems. The folks around seemed to be all Zabraks - the yellow or orange skinned beings with many black patterns on their skin, multiple small horns going around the crown of their head.
Danny rubbed his chin, thinking about what to do. Suddenly he heard a small whisper.
"Hey, what are you doing here, Outlander?"
Danny glanced to the shady space between two shacks. There was one of the locals.
"Ineed to find the Nightsisters. Got any leads?"
"The Nightsisters?!"
Danny simply moved the cape away, showing the edge of his lightsaber. The Zabrak's eyes widened.
"Oh, fine, maybe you won't get killed. Look, I'll tell you, but, please, I need you to help me. They have taken my brother Savage. Bring him back if you can...B-but don't tell them I asked you!" The alien stammered.
"Very well, where should I go?"
"Go through this forest to the north. They will find you first."
Danny nodded and went off, his daughter following him. The rainforest reminded Phantom about the Ghost Zone. Dark trees without leaves, growing from the black soil, the wide, but thin purplish fog surrounding everything. Dani's pace was quicker than that of her father, so she had to occasionally slow down. The ghost girl was too afraid to run off, but she was still impatient. She pouted.
"C'mon, Daddy, you can go faster," the girl said.
"Maybe I can," Danny smiled. "But do I want to?"
"But we can get there faster!" Dani argued.
"Where is 'there'?" Phantom raised his eyebrow, smiling fatherly at the girl's baffled expression. "We have no particular destination in mind, my dear. There is no need for us to hurry."
"But we could get faster."
"Who knows, maybe we are already where we need to be. We were told to go north, which is what we do. Do you remember the story about the rabbit and the turtle?"
"Well, I'm not gonna sleep near the end," Dani said confidently, putting hands to her hips.
Phantom chuckled with an amused smile. "That was not the point of the story, sweetie. The moral was that you shouldn't be overconfident and impatient."
The girl's expression became thoughtful. They continued going, until Danny suddenly stopped. He calmly stood straight, fiddling with his gloves, much to Dani's confusion.
"You have already lost the element of surprise, why don't you come out?" Phantom asked.
After his words they found themselves surrounded by a group of eight people. They were all female, who seemed to be quite agile. The women were dressed in tight crimson clothes, with masked hoods covering their faces. Their weapon was most peculiar. The main part was made of dark metal, while the bowstring seemed like a laser, with a small metal cylinder in the center of the string to hold on. The arrows were also lasers, and they were pointed at the visitors.
"What a nice welcome," Danny said dryly as Dani kept closer to him.
"You are lucky we haven't killed you this instant," one of them hissed.
"Why haven't you?"
"Because I told them to," An elderly voice sounded.
The visitors looked to its source. There was an aged woman with white skin, covered in black tattoos. She was wearing the crimson pointy robes. Danny had heard that the Nightsisters were called witches, now he realized that the assumption was quite correct. All she lacked were a hat and a broom. Phantom raised his eyebrow.
"And why so?"
"For I have sensed something interesting in you and your daughter, general."
"Then you probably know why we are here?" Danny asked with a note of dismissiveness.
"No, I do not," the witch smiled.
"Several matters. I prefer discussing things personally. You live within the Protectorate. I try to make the lives of my people better, and you turning the people from local towns into slaves is not what I view as a good life."
"Of course, if you wish to talk, we will."
That unwavering elderly smile of hers was becoming unsettling.
"Also, I'm searching for someone. Do you know anything about Asajj Ventress?"
Judging from the trace of twitch, they knew what he was talking about. And, most probably...
"Ah," Danny looked at the one who shifted during his words. "So you are the one our dearest Count wants to see dead?"
The woman took off the hood. She had the same pale skin as her comrades, accompanied by blue eyes and bald head. The Dathomirian glared at the newcomer.
"How does he know about me being alive?" Ventress hissed.
"Maybe someone told him," Danny said in a non caring voice. "I have been asked to find you, but I have no intention to bring you to Dooku."
"Please, come inside," the witch said, gesturing forward. "We shall talk about everything there."
It's not like Danny had many options. He took his daughter's hand and together they followed the seemingly professional assassins. Maybe some cooperation could be useful. What highly positioned politician doesn't dream of skillful killers to get rid of the opponents? But his thoughts then returned to the matter at hand.
The Nightsisters lived inside the tall and wide cavern. The construction was impressive despite the relative primitiveness. The main sources of light were the lanterns, along with some strange bluish glowing liquid around the small islands, on which the village was located. Two ghosts caught occasional glances towards them, and if Dani gripped her father's hand tighter, Phantom remained calm. Inside one of the pillars was a room, with a big table and a sphere with something swirling inside. The witch ordered everyone but Ventress and two ghosts to leave the room. They sat at the table.
"First of all, I'd like to introduce myself. I am Mother Talzin," the witch said.
"A pleasure," Danny said calmly.
"Now, would you kindly to tell us your course of action?"
"First of all, I doubt that Dooku wants his Acolyte back so he could give her a hug."
"You guessed right," Ventress responded dryly.
"The enemy of my enemy is my friend," Phantom leaned back in his chair.
"The enemy? Last time I checked you were obediently doing what he said," the former Acolyte said.
"Do you think so? I gain more than Dooku from doing such things. He has done something I'll never forgive. We both want him dead, and I think this is where our interests cross."
"Indeed," Talzin put in. "Ventress has returned seeking assistance. What do you have to offer her?"
"An opportunity. I seek to employ someone who used to be close to the Count. Of course, the task will last for long. But I guarantee the results if she joins the cause. I'm the richest man in the Galaxy. Money offer a lot of opportunities."
"I believe we can offer her just as much and without money. But, of course," Talzin looked at Ventress. "This is for you, child, to decide."
The Dathomirian nodded. "I'll think about it. But I give no promises."
"Very well," Danny said, before putting the communicator on the table, sliding it near the former Acolyte. "I'm always available."
Ventress took the thing, got up and went out of the room. Suddenly Talzin looked at Dani.
"I was not aware you have a daughter."
"I'm Dani," unexpectedly responded the girl.
The witch blinked, unaware about the reason of the similar sounding of the names. "Well, there was something else you wanted to talk about."
"Yes. I'm rather curious about this magic of yours."
"Only the members of our sisterhood can know how to use it. We aren't going to teach you."
"Maybe at least a little demonstration?"
"This is not some show for the by passers, general," Talzin narrowed her eyes for the first time.
"Sad. And here I was wondering if it was something like this."
At these words a green burning sword appeared out of nowhere in his hand. Talzin jumped off her seat. Her eyes were ready to jump out of their spots as she goggled at the sword in shock. Dani covered her snicker with her hand.
"That's...Impossible!" Talzin exclaimed.
"Now you can understand my curiosity. And judging from your reaction, I've hit the bullseye. But it causes even more questions to arise."
"Oh, yes. Such as how you can do it without incantation. Or even the Water of Life."
"I beg your pardon?"
Talzin called some more Nightsisters. Later she told the ghosts that she was going to lead them to the secret place, that's why they needed to wear something around their eyes. Danny didn't complain, his senses were going to come to help shall they try anything funny. Dani was holding his hand, so she wouldn't get lost as well.
It took about five minutes. Once they reached the place, the bandage was taken off. Yep, now Phantom was confident that they were indeed witches. The dark room was filled with a lot of stuff: the jars, the vases with something nasty smelling. There was even a small pedestal, which half spherical insides could serve as a cauldron.
"Talzin, why have you brought the Outlander here?"
If Talzin's voice didn't sound witch-like, then this one certainly did. A strange hag came into view. She had a tall haircut of gray hair, she could carry milk jars with all the wrinkles on her face. On top of her head was a headdress made of bones. But all in all, she wasn't tall.
"Daka, you are the wisest of us, this man can use our magic."
Daka's reaction was similar to that of her fellow cultist. "How is this possible?"
"I have a theory, I repeat," Danny put in. "If you show me this 'Water of life, the question may disappear."
Receiving a nod, Talzin moved her clawed finger along the wall. And like from a small tap, a liquid poured down from a tiny hole down the passageway within the floor. It was neon green, glowing in the darkness. Phantom's eyes widened in shock, while Dani sat on her knees and looked at the liquid closer. She sniffed it.
"Is this the ectoplasm, Daddy?" The girl asked, much to the elders' confusion.
"Yes. Yes it is. It explains a lot."
"What are you talking about?" Talzin asked.
"I've previously thought that Terra is the only planet which has a connection to another world, from which this liquid originates. You can say that learning its secrets is our family tradition. As you can see, I've gone further than anyone."
Now the cultists were really curious.
"Go on."
"You are taking this stuff from the world of the dead. This information is not going to leave the room, I presume?"
"Of course."
"The Republic knows about me being the 'Lord of the Dead'. But they don't know the extent of this term. I'm not a mere Sith Lord. I rule over the world of the dead. And behind the plane of existence," Danny made a small green flame, which emitted cold instead of warmth. "I'm the most powerful being, the King of the Dead," Phantom smirked toothily, showing one of his fangs.
"And I am the princess!" Dani chirped in.
The Nightsisters blinked. "What do you want with us?"
"I propose cooperation. If we combine our knowledge, we will gain a huge power. Your ectoplasm is weak, it looks so pale that it seems almost blue. I'll give you the freshest to power your magic. But I hope to your further assistance in my future...plans."
"We will think about the offer," Talzin responded. "It was the most interesting conversation...Your Majesty."
Danny didn't and couldn't know whether they really believed his words, but Phantom didn't care much. They obviously wanted the power he could give, so he knew that they weren't going to try anything funny.
They showed him some of their magic, one of the most impressive was raising of the dead like true necromancers. Danny was studying the culture with interest. Dani seemed to inherit her father's curiosity, she was learning together with him with undying interest. The Nightsisters religion was based around two deities: The Fanged God and the Winged Goddess. They worshipped the two, and Phantoms were present during the rituals. Thankfully there weren't any human or alien sacrifices, otherwise Dani would have been removed from the site. At least the only death she had witnessed wasn't bloody.
The Nightsisters got a confirmation of Danny's position when they saw that he could order the decaying zombies around, while not being one of their clan. Needless to say that his status improved greatly. Phantom himself was surprised that he could boss the mindless dead puppets, but he didn't show it, trying to seem natural. Needless to say that the King of the Dead could now bring the corpses to life. Too sad that that were only mindless corpses who could walk and fight.
Phantom showed them a few minor uses of ghost power. Given the right ectoplasm, the witches were able to copy the low powered things, like becoming intangible. Surprisingly, they utilized the Dark Side to connect with the ectoplasm. As was mentioned before, in large quantities it would have been a disaster, but Danny made sure nothing could happen, warning the witches about the consequences if they did otherwise. He used one trick to make everything look mystical. Instead of simply giving the ectoplasm, he used a few droplets of his own, from a small cut on his hand, mixed with the weak ectoplasm
They also came to an agreement. The Nightsisters now had to warn Phantom about their intentions to...'use' slaves. Danny said it was to cover up the problem, but in reality, he could pull time to make the required slave disappear to safety. It couldn't always work, but it could save someone. In exchange for such nuisance, Danny was going to supply them with the desired liquid. But all in all, they had come to friendly terms.
Ventress was absent during the entire ordeal, Talzin told Phantom that she was trying to follow their own plan. Danny hoped it would fail, but not so severely. He needed her alive, not slained by Dooku.
One incantation from the scrolls of Allyan Magic, named after the founder of their society, caught the ghost's deep attention. It allowed to go into someone's memory. Danny started to wonder, and a sudden thought occurred in his mind. He recalled Dan's words. He never was Fenton to begin with. He was adopted. Maybe...his true family was still around somewhere...A spark of hope appeared in his core. With this spell he could recall his infancy, to learn who his true parents were. But it required someone else to cast. That's why Danny went to Talzin.
She was surprised at his request, warning that it was a painful process, a part of their acceptance ritual. But Danny didn't care, that's what brought them to the place they were at the moment. Phantom was laying on the stone bed, while the witch was fiddling around with her assistants. Finally, with a use of pure ectoplasm, Talzin started to chant. Another cultist started to whisper on Danny's ear.
"Close your eyes," she said. "Don't open them, because the spell is going to be broken."
Phantom did as he was told. Suddenly a sharp stabbing pain went through him. But it wasn't as painful as he had imagined, Danny didn't even yelp. You know that feeling when you see flashes after tightly shutting your eyes. But these flashes suddenly gained shapes, before he finally saw that he was somewhere else.
It was weird to move by imagining the movement, not by making steps. But Danny got used to it quickly. He took a look around himself. It was a bedroom, not huge, but not small either. Outside of the window was a thick green fog, with nothing else around. It probably was a station above the gas giant. There weren't many distinguishable features inside the room, but a crib near the wide bed. Danny had a suspicion to whom it belonged. After he approached the crib, Phantom saw its occupant - a raven haired baby, who was peacefully sleeping in his place.
Yes, it was Danny.
Suddenly Phantom heard the rapid footsteps. He unconsciously stepped aside, forgetting that he was simply recalling his own memory. The door was opened and a woman went inside. She was very beautiful, with raven hair tied in a tail and vibrant blue eyes. The woman had two tiny metal implants above her eyebrows, and was wearing a pearly white and gold plastoid armor. Wait, Danny knew where this armor was used...
His train of thoughts was interrupted when he saw the woman slowly sitting at the edge of the bed near the crib. She was softly looking at the sleeping toddler, before taking a sigh, gently scooping the sleeping child in her arms. Her look turned pained as she held little Danny, who woke up and stared back at her with his ice blue eyes. He didn't show any intention to cry.
"You are a manly one, huh?" The woman smiled sadly, tracing her hand along his hair.
Phantom could only observe how she interacted with the toddler. He had seen such shining in the eyes only in Komand when she looked at their children. There was no doubt, he was looking at his mother. Ignoring the painful pang in his core, Danny's eyes went back to her armor. The armor was utilized in the Eternal Empire, was dissolved almost four millennias ago. There could be only one explanation.
"Don't worry, honey, your father will never find out. I won't let it happen," his mother muttered.
"I'm afraid that's not an option," Phantom heard a familiar voice.
Of course.
The woman jumped away from the bed in a blink, holding Danny closer to her armored chest.
"Who are you?!" She asked.
"Worry not, Senya Tirall, I wasn't sent here by your...affair partner. I'm Clockwork. The Lord of Time," The Time Master tapped on his staff as he became an elderly man.
"How is this supposed to make me to trust you?"
"Because I can solve your problems. I don't usually interfere into the mortals' actions, but I can and I will make exceptions concerning your child," Clockwork said. He then looked directly into Phantom's eyes. Of course he knew where the ghost was goin to stand.
"Am I supposed to believe this?" Senya asked with a note of bitterness.
"I'm afraid you are unable to see the bigger picture. If young Daniel remains here, he is going to suffer the fate of his sister, for his potential surpasses hers."
"This is going to be his name in case you agree. His father has sensed his birth, Tirall. And it is a matter of minutes until he comes here. But I can take your child away, to the time and place where his past won't be able to get him."
"Then take us both," Senya said in a wavering voice, but without showing any sign of breaking down. "My two sons despise me, my daughter has been taken from me. I can't afford to lose my baby again."
"I understand this. But know, that he will find out about you eventually. In fact, his twenty four years old self is looking at us right now. Don't look around," The Time Master added once he saw Tirall turning her head. "He is simply watching his memory. I can't take you as well, because Daniel must walk this path alone. He won't know anything about the Galaxy at large until the time comes. He is going to change it forever. But his greatness depends on whether you agree or not."
"I...I can't."
The communicator beeped. With a shuddering breath, Sanya pressed the button.
"Milady, His Majesty's ship is here, he demands you come see him immediately," the ensign said from another end.
The woman's look turned into that of terror. She looked at Clockwork, realizing that he had said the truth.
"You must make this choice quick," he responded. "Believe me, your 'husband' isn't going to spare him."
Sanya's hands shook, and, as if feeling his mother's emotions, the toddler started to cry. Tirall looked at him with a small tear.
"Take him. Take him as far as you can."
She outstretched her arms and handed little Danny to the Time Master, who smiled slightly.
"You've made the right choice. Maybe you will see each other one day. Time Out!"
The real Danny meanwhile stared at the empty room, his mind racing. His eyes suddenly widened in shock, as if thunder rumbled inside of him. Then, with another stab of pain, he opened his eyes. Gasping for the unnecessary air, Danny fell off the stone bed, again in the dark dungeon on Dathomir. Judging from Talzin's expression, she had seen everything as well.
"Your...your father is..." she started saying.
"Emperor Valkorion."
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