Chapter 45: Interest
A.N. Sorry for taking so long, guys. I have been preparing for the competition. It payed off and now I'm a medalist of the regional history competition! Now I can have extra points while applying to Moscow Institute and also concentrate on the story again.
"What is the meaning of this?" Phantom asked, crossing his hands.
"We are not sure, sir," the patrolling droid responded.
"The explosion of such scale couldn't be caused by accident," the man responsible for solving the crime said.
They weren't alone, however, and the raging crowd was thirsty for blood. Danny couldn't blame them, honestly. It doesn't happen daily when the entire city block in the heart of the Confederacy gets blown up sky high. Hundreds of dead, many more were wounded. The detective's words only increased the shouting. And the most common of all were the yelling adressed to the Republic. Of course, who else could cause a massacre of such size? For Danny, however, the situation wasn't that obvious. It was a great blow to his reputation if it was the Republic, and the people believed it.
"Please, calm down, everyone!" Phantom called, raising his hand.
"My sister died in there! And you want to negotiate with that monsters?!" Someone called.
Danny realized that it was pointless to deny the Republic's involvement. They wouldn't have believed him, anyway. Besides, Chancellor didn't seem to be fulfilling his end of the bargain, and the negotiations were stopped dead. Phantom narrowed his neon eyes.
"The Republic has slapped away our peace offer by committing such an atrocity. It was answer enough. Our dignity and consciousness are clear before ourselves and our children. I will personally make sure that Coruscant feels the same way as we do know."
It caused the crowd to shout louder, but this time in agreement. Phantom didn't believe his own words, but it was said to calm down the populace. That's how he explained this to Mina. They both didn't believe that it was the Republic. The point is, just an hour before the hearing in the Republican Senate, a massive explosion obliterated about ten square kilometers. It was unknown how such a bomb was sneaked into the capital. Judging from the colorful power wave, it must have been rhydonium, one of the most volatile liquids in the Galaxy.
But it was one thing talking to the crowd, and another was talking to the Council. Especially the one which was pissed off.
"You were supposed to tell us beforehand, Phantom!" Hill spat, pointing his eight inches long finger at him.
"To tell about what? This is not your decision to make. Neither I decided anything, I merely supported one side," Danny remained calm.
"It is not a question of shooting the clones."
"Ah, yes, it's a matter of filling your purses."
"Look who is talking," Gunray responded. "You are getting profit out of this, and that's our droids you are using."
"Just like you. Without my fuel your ships won't fly just as well. Only because of me your rustbuckets are able to fight back. It is you who are thinking too much of yourselves."
Before the corporate leaders could respond, Danny's communicator beeped. Dooku wasn't around on that meeting, which was weird. Phantom activated the transmission device.
"Sir," the agent hit hic chest and bowed. "We have finally received the recordings of the events."
"Really?" Danny smirked as his colleagues shifted almost unnoticeably.
"Yes, My Lord. Our operative on Coruscant also reports about the explosion in the generator district. The entire night half of the planet shut down."
"When did it happen?"
"During the Senate meeting in the evening."
"Enough of this, Phantom, you are interrupting the meeting."
"You mean your shouting at me? Agent, please continue."
"Of course. I'm putting the recording through."
On the hologram appeared the video. At first it seemed as a usual evening. Then six cleaning droids rolled into view. The fact that there were so many of them was suspicious enough, but suddenly their shape changed, and, like transformers, they became humanoid in shape, two meters tall monstrosities, armed with blasters in their hands. They shot the crew and went into control room, where they killed the rest and started the self destruction protocol. The explosion caused a chain reaction, blowing the reactors one by one. All cameras were transmitting to the main control center, so the footage could be extracted. Phantom looked at the corporate leaders with a deadpan expression.
"Thank you, agent, return to your duties."
The transmission was over and the blue hologram was turned off. "Don't try to find this operative, he will go through the plastic surgery as a part of the protocol. You have planned this attack."
"It was a retaliation!" Gunray blurted.
"So you aren't even denying making those droids with only one purpose," Danny smirked. "How could this be a retaliation? Their design is unique, to get to Coruscant from the nearest Separatist world you need at the very least two days, while you had only two hours. You do realize what will happen if I send this to the media with my comments?"
"You are going to ruin the entire foundation of this country!"
Danny leaned back in his seat. "I have money in my disposal. I alone have more credits than all of you combined. I won't do this, unless you do something really foolish for my liking."
"You little..."
"Ah-ah-ah," Danny shook his finger. "I am the one with the compromising dirt on you. Oh, and by the way, tell anyone out of this room, and I will give it where needed."
God, they hated that upstart.
After the meeting Phantom returned to his mansion on Raxus. Komand had returned from Terra and was ready to return to her duties. That's why Danny was more than happy to go there. As he went inside the building, it was quiet inside. Suddenly Phantom heard a roar as he felt something on his shoulders and stumbled forward from surprise. He turned his head around and saw that Dani was hanging on his shoulders, wrapping her hands around the neck. The girl grinned widely, showing her missing front tooth.
"Hi, Daddy!" she said.
Danny chuckled, grabbing the girl and holding her in front of him. "Jeez, when have you become so heavy?" He asked.
"I'm just growing, silly!" Dani giggled.
"Who are you calling silly, young lady?" Phantom glared at her playfully, before tickling the girl.
Dani burst into laughter. "Da-Daddy, s-stop!" She gasped through the giggles, trying to get out.
"Noope," Danny smirked, shifting a hold on her and putting his daughter under the right armpit.
The girl started to wiggle her legs and hands, but once she realized that it was pointless, came up with an idea.
"Mommy, Daddy doesn't wanna let me go!" She shouted.
"You devious little rascal!" Danny exclaimed in fake fear.
Suddenly he was tapped on the left shoulder. Phantom swiveled there, but saw nothing, before Dani was pulled out of his grip. Danny turned around and saw his lover holding the girl in her arms and smiling at him.
"Hey there, handsome," Komand said, putting Dani on the ground. The girl immediately ran off somewhere. "How was your day?"
"Well, you know, the usual. There isn't evil without good, and this terrorist act allowed me to make the Council more lenient."
"And what about Dooku?"
"I'm not sure about his involvement, but if he takes their side, I'll reveal every dirty secret of theirs. But let's not talk about these nasty things now, hm?"
Danny smiled and slowly wrapped his hands around her bare slim waist. Komand didn't like that stuffy robes in the casual daytime. She didn't avoid nice dresses, but only during the balls. Funny how Danny was always attracted to the girls of such character. But he didn't mind this at all, and he could see that Komand didn't as well. She smiled softly at him and wrapped her hands around his neck.
"Like?" Komand asked.
"Well, I don't know. How was YOUR day?"
"Uh," she sighed. "You just have to kill the romance."
"No, I'm serious. You know I'm worried about you a lot," Danny stroked her orange cheek.
"Your duplicate has disappeared two hours ago," Komand deadpanned. "What could happen in this time?"
"A lot."
"Danny, you know I love you, but you are way too overprotective. I actually wanted to show you something."
Komand took his hand and led him through the corridor. Danny had a confused expression on his face all the way.
"Komy what is it?" He asked.
"Well, I've been thinking about this for a VERY long while. Now, when I'm back on my feet, I just can't wait any longer."
Phantom was even more confused to see her blushing. Just what was it? When they entered the empty room, Danny heard the lock shut behind him. He raised his eyebrow, before being pushed forward. With a yelp, Phantom fell on the bed, before spinning around.
"Alright, why did you..."
The clanking sound of the unbuckling shirt was an answer enough. Danny never was so green in his entire afterlife. Komand instinctively covered herself by crossing her hands in front of her chest, suddenly shy, timidly looking away with a red face. Danny's silence and wide eyes were too unnerving for her.
"What?" She asked barely above the whisper.
Danny smiled softly, tenderly pulling her closer.
"You are beautiful, my love."
Komand looked up at him and Danny didn't waste the tiniest moment to claim her soft lips.
"But...are you sure you want this?"
She only nodded mutely. Then Danny's hormones took the best of him, before he pulled away and smirked deviously.
"I think you have forgotten that I never get tired."
The look of sudden realization crossed her features, which made her lover smirk even wider. Danny had been waiting for this for years. And what could he say, it was worth every second of anticipation. He never felt so amazing as in this one hour. His...ehm...past research...proved both helpful and ineffective in terms of the intercourse with an alien being. But it sure was more than enlightening. Danny shifted on the pillow, before looking to the side with a smile. Komand was lying nearby with a dazed off look on her face, sweating all over and her hair was a mess. She caught him looking at her.
"That was wonderful," she said quietly.
Danny leaned to her and kissed her on lips. "I've never felt so good in my life, honey. You are amazing."
"I love you, Danny."
"I know. I love you too."
Komand chuckled. "Never in my life I would have imagined how it all happened."
Phantom looked at her curiously, still sitting nearby while putting his underpants on. Komand kept smiling.
"Just six years ago and so many things have changed. I was a student in the Academy and now I have just had a time of my life with the future Emperor of the Galaxy," she said sarcastically, making Danny roll his green eyes with an amused smile.
"Who knows," he shrugged. "It's not my biggest priority anymore, now that I have you, and the girls...I know it sounds selfish, but..."
"Danny, it doesn't. One thing doesn't go against another."
"Maybe. You know," Phantom suddenly chuckled. "Several advisors kept telling me that I need something else to be even more legitimate."
"What? You are more legitimate than anyone will ever be."
"Look who is talking, the girl who tried to kill me," Danny smirked.
"People change, Danny, and you helped me to. That's what makes me like you even more."
"Aw, I thought it was my sense of humor."
"Shut up, you dork," Komand nudged him slightly, but with a smile on her face. "And what your advisors are offering?"
"The Emperor should be an example to his people. And there are a lot of questionable things about me. My first daughter came out of nowhere, which makes her a de jure bastard, god, I hate this word, another was adopted. Dani is loved by the folk, no one will ever look at this, but the laws enact to her. I'm not even married. Besides, who could be so crazy to marry me and become even bigger target?" Danny asked sarcastically, putting legs to his chest.
"I could."
No usual person would have heard a whisper which came from a few inches next to him. Danny had sensitive ears, but he was too stunned to react. Phantom only froze, looking at the orange skinned woman, who looked more than serious. Danny could see the tiny spark of hope in her beautiful purple eyes.
" will..."
"We already have a common daughter, we have been dating for half a decade. And to spend the rest of my life with the man I love above all else, what else could a woman wish for?" Komand put a hand on his cheek.
A silence fell afterwards. Danny just stared at her, still trying to comprehend what had happened. He couldn't believe his ears, she couldn't say yes, could she? Only when Phantom saw the loving gaze of the dearest woman in his afterlife waver, shifting into the look of sadness. Damn, he really should say something, not just sit there like an idiot.
"Who is proposing here?" Danny raised his eyebrow.
"Why are you trying to avoid the answer?"
"I'm just...Are you sure you want this? Our enemies attacked Dani a few days after she appeared."
"I am sure, but what about you?"
"Komy...I'm worried for your safety afterwards. If we were simple farmers on Demethra or somewhere else, I would have agreed without even thinking. But we are not."
"Your constant worry will make you bald one day," Komand sighed, getting into sitting position. The blanket slid a bit lower, and Danny unvoluntairy saw the released parts. "It will be fine, honey, just let it happen."
Phantom looked away as he was being torn apart from the inside. He just didn't know what to do.
"I...I need some time to think about this, alright?"
To say that Komand was sad about such development was to say nothing. But she understood his unwillingness, so she gave a slight nod, looking at the floor.
"Hey," Danny lifted her chin and peered into her eyes. "Please, don't give me this look, honey. It will be alright, married or not, I'll always love you."
He then left, but not without giving Komand a slight peck on the lips. God, he hated his job.
The situation, however, was rather satisfying. The droid factories increased their pace, Kaminoans were still trying to persuade the Senate to pass the bill. It would be most probably passed, because the Confederacy Military outnumbered the Grand Army of the Republic one thousand to one, or so the propaganda said. They had already deregulated the banks. It was perfect for Phantom.
The Republic was dying, there was no denying that. If the Confederacy doesn't finish it, the bankruptcy would. Not to mention that the Empire was only on its way to the peak. But Danny was not going to waste his soldiers' lives if he could use rustbuckets. Unless the intrigue games would demand so. What could he do, for now, sit back and watch how all puzzle pieces were falling into their places, while he was lazily swapping away any attempt to break the frontline.
He could concentrate on the problems of his own state. The beginning of the five year plan was met with certain difficulties. Some spent the money not like they were told to, thinking they knew better. But of course they were too smart to apply to the special curiae with the offers of their own. That weren't their money to waste, those were the taxes payed by the Imperial subjects. But there were also enthusiasts who were publishing articles and were agitating for 'A five year plan in four years!' There was someone who overcompleted his task on a factory five times. It was a great honor for him to be rewarded by the Emperor himself. And it was a gesture for everyone that their work was appreciated.
While Phantom was busy with the stack of documents on his table in the office, he got a call. Putting the tablet away, he pressed the button on his table. Danny blinked in surprise.
"What do I owe a pleasure, Senator?" He asked, leaning back in his leather seat.
"It's an important matter, general," Amidala said from another end. "The banks are deregulated and the Senate plans to vote..."
"On the clone production?" Danny raised his eyebrow. "Please, senator, I learn about what happens in the Senate before you know it. What do you want?"
"Look, I know what you are thinking about, but the Republic doesn't have anything to do with the attack."
"No, you don't know. Gunray and his buddies blurted it out. I don't complain, they have dug their own grave. Go on."
"You can help me to talk to the Banking Clan, then?"
"Why should I? I was in this only because of common interests."
"We got an information about where this man you are searching for is."
Danny froze. "And he fits the description I've given?"
"Yes, try finding someone else like that. So, if you are interested, please, come to Coruscant, I'll send you the exact coordinates."
Phantom turned off the transmission and smirked slightly. The situation seemed to be getting better.
On the next day Amidala was going through the corridors, accompanied by her close allies and friends Bale Organa and Onaconda Farr. The first was a mid aged human with black hair and mustache. He was wearing blue robes with black patterns. Farr was a Rodian - a green skinned being with oval head, two pointed ears, a long, but slim mouth. His big circular eyes were black, without pupils but with multiple bright white and blue spots. He was wearing a purple coat with zigzag black pattern.
"You know we can't do this," Padme looked at the Rodian. "The Republic is barely alive as it is, Uncle Onno."
"I know, Padme, I know," he responded, "Too sad that your attempt to convince the others has failed."
"We must not surrender," Bail added. "Do you have a plan, Padme?"
"Well, I think you won't like this, but we lack options."
The door slid open and they entered the senatorial chamber belonging to Amidala. When the door closed, the senators saw that they weren't alone.
"You know, that's quite boring around here."
Danny was leaning against the wall, taking a sip from the glass. "I hope you don't mind me rummaging through your fridge. Your planet is famous for its wine for a reason, Senator Organa."
Farr and Organa looked from Phantom to Padme in shock.
"You can't be serious, Padme. He is..."
"An another interested side," Danny let the glass float near him, freeing his hands. "Amidala has something what interests me, and I will go for it."
"How did you get in here?" Onaconda asked, narrowing his eyes.
"That's a question my fellow Council members ask daily. They are yet to get an answer."
"Speaking of, that's good you are here so soon, general. We have to act quickly. I need you as a member of the Council so you would press the Banking Clan from your side."
"Oh, that should be fun," Danny grinned. "But what for?"
"To make them talk. Without hiding anything."
"Yes, I can make a speech," Bail put a hand on his chin. "Please, learn about their interest. It will be easier this way."
"Hm, I expected a colder welcome, but fine. Let's go, Miss Amidala, we have a job to do."
"Wait, how are you going to get there? The corridors are full of people."
Danny grinned toothily, before turning invisible, much to the politicians' shock.
"I have a lot of tricks. Now, upwards!"
Phantom went out of the room. Bail looked at his fellow senator.
"Be careful, Padme. He is dangerous."
"He is harmless as long as we need each other's assistance."
Before returning and dropping invisibility. "I just realized I don't know the directions," he rubbed the back of his neck as his cheeks greened.
Everyone just stared. Was it really the same man half of the Republic feared? Padme stepped forward.
"Follow me," she said, before exiting in the corridor.
As they went forward, the senator heard the whisper. "If you are willing to chat, put a hand on your ear and pretend that there is a communication device."
Padme blinked and did as was told.
"I can't help but be curious. How exactly did you find him?"
"The Chancellor somehow got the information from Onderon."
"Onderon? That's bad."
"Do you think it has something to do with Mina?"
"If that's the case, it is too suspicious to be a coincidence. Someone told him. Come to think about it...Dooku is absent for too long and I've been wondering where he is. Certainly not on the battlefield. I would know."
"You are suspecting they have made an alliance?"
"Bad for Dooku, he doesn't know who he is dealing with. Once my 'buddy' loses the need of the Count, he will be disposed of without any trouble. But if Mina is in danger, I'll send my bodyguard to look after her. Thankfully she is still on Raxus. If she hadn't been at my home at the moment, who knows what would have happened to her and Lux during that explosion."
"You think one bodyguard shall be enough?"
"If there are assassins, HK will manage. If it is him, he will call me."
Once they were near the doors, two guards stopped them.
"I'm sorry, senator, but the representative is currently away in his residence."
Padme cursed quietly and walked a few steps away.
"Well, at least it's not far away," she mumbled.
"Where?" Danny asked.
Amidala nodded out of the window, pointing to one of the skyscrapers several miles away. "There, we should get going."
"Right behind you, senator."
A few minutes later they were sitting in a speeder car, operated by the droid driver.
"So, how it feels to be on Coruscant?" Padme asked.
"Well, it feels interesting to witness how the Republic crumbles."
"The Republic stood for thousands of years," the senator said, narrowing her eyes. "It will stand."
Danny chuckled, leaning back and putting hands under his head. "The Romans thought so too."
"One of the most advanced nations in my planet's history. I'm talking about their times of course. They overthrew their King and established the Republic. It didn't live longer than a millennia. Same things as here, corruption, archaic laws and self interest."
"And what happened?"
"Everything what happens with every democracy sooner or later. Republic managed to outlive the triumvirate of Julius Caesar, Mark Crass and Gneus Pompey. But the second triumvirate was the final nail into the coffin. And the one who emerged victorious - Caesar's grandnephew Octavian became the 'Imperator', or the Emperor, even though he preferred to be called 'The first citizen'. The democracy died. I admire this Empire, but I see and learn from its mistakes. Slavery and gladiatorial fights were accompanied by the system of basic rights still used even now. Get rid of the first and use the latter."
"It is still a dictatorship," Padme shook her head. "No matter how you call it."
"Maybe. But it is unavoidable. If one dictator doesn't seize power, it can be someone much, much worse."
Soon they got to the building and Danny turned invisible again. They went inside and were let inside and up the lift. The two then entered the poorly lightened room. There was a Muun sitting at the table, looking at the documents. He glanced up and sighed.
"Ah, Senator Amidala," he said with a distaste. "What do you need?"
"I came here to discuss the credit conditions you are planning to give."
"Are you ready to back down from your pitiful resistance?"
"No. I just want to know what you are planning," Padme sat on the chair, while the representative, on the contrary, got up.
"Simple, my dear. The Banking Clan will lend the money to the Republic on the interest of...twenty five percents."
"WHAT?! Last time it was ten!"
"That was before the deregulation, senator. It is not like you have any extra funds. Besides, the Confederacy has taken the money for three million additional battle droids."
Padme looked around, and the representative noticed this. "What are you looking for?"
"Probably for me."
The Muun jumped and looked to the side, seeing Phantom standing in front of the window. Danny looked at the representative, who looked stunned.
"G-general, what are you doing here?"
"We made an agreement with the senator here. A personal one, but I see nothing bad in helping her out in exchange."
"What kind of help?"
Danny smirked deviously. "I want you to return to your past interest per annum."
"This is not up to debate. We don't have any stake in this war."
"Which doesn't add you any points," Amidala added narrowing her eyes.
"Maybe you don't have any stake," Danny put his hands behind his back. "But you have interests. You either low the percentage or your investments will go under cat's tail."
"Y-you can't do that!"
"Oh, but I can. Believe me, I can grant the army bigger than both sides already have. And just imagine, the Confederacy won't spend a single credit. And can you feel how your purse is becoming empty?"
"Where can you take more than a hundred million of soldiers?"
"How about a billion?"
Everyone stared at him with wide eyes. The Muun then broke laughing.
"For a second I thought you were serious!"
"Has everyone forgotten about a standing army?" Danny examined his fingers nonchalantly. "My legions are waiting to jump into action shall I snap my fingers. You should be happy senator, I haven't used all my potential yet."
Padme gulped invisibly. Phantom was already tearing apart the resistance, if there were so many more...But where could he take so many? The Republican worlds in his disposal weren't that populous.
The Muun seemed not convinced. "I will not betray the interests of the Banking Clan. The interest stands as it was."
"I'm warning you, representative. If we exit this room unsatisfied, your organization will get into trouble. Hill won't be able to stop this."
"We are the biggest donator to the Confederacy. Your backwards regions won't be able to supply the entire state."
"I'm richer than you think."
"Get. Lost. Or I will call the guards. And the senator will be captured together with one of the biggest enemies of the Republic."
Phantom's growl made them both shiver. "Fine, we will leave."
As the door shut behind them, Danny looked down at the smaller senator.
"So, what was that about Onderon?"
Padme sighed. But before she could say anything, they heard an explosion.
"Oh, god, please not again," she whispered while Danny glanced out of the window.
"It is," he said, before suddenly dissappearing. He had to help.
Meanwhile, on another capital, Komand was too busy with her daughter. Well, Dani wasn't a small girl anymore, it wasn't as hard to look after the still energetic child. She was quiet all the time, occasionally glancing from the book in her hands. Dani also wasn't as unobservant. After being taught a bit of the Force, she could feel that something was wrong about her mother. Komand was just about to turn over the page, when she felt Dani tagging on her right hand.
"What is it, sweetie?" She asked.
"Are you okay, Mommy? You don't feel too good," the girl said in concern.
Komand smiled lovingly at her child, before kissing her on the forehead. She was the most precious thing for her in the Galaxy. "Yes, I'm okay, darling. We just...disagreed with your father."
"Well, he is just worried for my safety, because he loves me. And he loves you," the woman hugged her daughter closer.
"Why he is worried? Danny...he lost his family once, he doesn't want this to happen again."
"Maybe he doesn't. But why ask?" A voice sounded from behind.
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