Chapter 42: The battle for the Citadel
"My fellow Council members, I'm afraid I have bad news for you," Danny said during the closest meeting which was at the day after Valerie and Komand got to the Ghost Zone.
"And what would that be?" Gunray asked.
"We should expect ectoplasm shortages, so we better store a normal fuel for a while. I'd suggest attacking Malastare immediately."
"Don't try to avoid the question, Phantom," San Hill interrupted. "Why do you have problems with it?"
Danny leaned back in the seat. "You know how the locals are. They don't like that my company has stepped the feet on their land. Despite the fact that I have old allies among them, I've gotten a lot of enemies during my childhood years."
"How could you get serious enemies during childhood?" Dooku asked.
"Hey, I beated a ten meters tall dragon when I was fourteen. And a giant sentient plant which controlled the nature around. And a being which could control weather. The latter was executed, I recall. And all of them hate me with passion and now are taking revenge because back then I wasn't able to commit a single murder. They won't be spared this time, unless I think they will be useful."
"Do you need the Confederacy assistance?" The Count interested, sounding impressed.
"No. The situation there is too complicated. Besides, Terra is outside of anyone's reach and I'll keep everything this way."
Gunray growled. He hated that upstart.
"What I DO need are reinforcements so I could counterattack while the Republic is distracted by their defeats and minor victories on my frontline. We must pursue theirr retreat."
Meanwhile in another plane of reality the Imperial forces were preparing for the upcoming assault. Valerie had been busy with teaching the rookies how to fight the ghosts. There wasn't much, really, they had an experience before. The huntress decided to talk to her friend once she got a spare minute. If Komand wasn't busy, that is.
When Valerie entered the room, she saw Komand talking with someone. It was a male Sith dressed in black plastoid armor and a metal mask.
"My lady, just let us do what we came for," the Sith said in a bit metallic voice.
"Lord Horus, I understand your eagerness, but if you run off then your people will be utterly crushed."
"We will see about that."
"Do not underestimate our enemies. They are of the same race as the Emperor, and you saw what he is capable of."
"Yeah, you certainly did," Chorn mumbled, not implying the power on the battlefield.
"What did you just say?" Komand's eyes glowed infernally.
"Nothing, milady."
"If you are that willing to fight we will send you in the avangard. Now go."
The Sith bowed and turned to leave. As he was passing Valerie, Chorn slightly pushed her out of the way. The woman could see a smirk through the faceless mask he wore. Valerie then sat next to Komand, who was eyeing the place where Chorn once stood.
"So, who is this guy?" The huntress asked.
"Well, you heard his name. Horus is the main Sith Lord around. After Danny, of course. He sent Chorn and his buddies so they could help. There are also some Paladins, but they are under my leadership."
"Horus is a bit of an as..."
"Yes, he is. But he is loyal, of that we have no doubts." Komand leaned back in her seat. "There are seventy thousand ghosts by the most approximate counts. They will be here by the evening."
"And we have only ten," Valerie finished grimly. "Not the best odds. Where did they take so many?"
"Danny said something about 'Pariah's army'. He told me who the guy was, but..."
Valerie's eyes were ready to jump out from their places.
"Well, I can tell you. When Pariah awakened I was in the town. This army is unstoppable as long as their leader exists, because they don't have cores of their own and feed from his power. That's why they are so weak. One punch and they crumble, even though they then reassemble again."
"So we need to hope that that 'Fright Knight' won't be too scared to hide behind."
"He won't, Fright may be malicious, but he is a man of honor. And enormous arrogance. He probably wants to fight Danny...Damn, I wish he didn't wear that helmet so I could see his face when he realizes that Danny is not here."
They chuckled.
A few hours later Komand was standing on the wall of the Citadel with a thermobinocular in her arms. All commanders were standing near her, someone was looking there as well. The soldiers looked from under their white helmets. Komand obviously held the highest position there, her words were taken as if the Emperor himself said them. But she listened to the advices. Komand saw an advancing army on a distance.
Mostly it was composed of the green glowing skeletons. It was a terrific view for many - an endless horde of limping bodies, dressed in medieval or roman armors, or dressed in the torn uniform and carrying machine guns from the Second World war. Some had lost their limbs, a leg, or a hand. Add to that deformed green beasts with crimson red eyes. There were also more proper warriors, wearing a decent armor. Damn, there were even droids. Ghost Zone was truly a place where time never mattered and the matter was distorted.
In the center was another knight in pitch black armor. He certainly stood out from the rest. The Knight was wearing a black helmet. It wasn't closed, but the face was hidden in the shadows. Only two glowing green dots were seen. He wore a cape which looked like it was made of purple fire, its tongues touching the horse below him. And what a horse, a black steed covered in armor, with fiery mane and tail, along with the huge leather wings.
"This is Fright Knight, I take it?" Komand asked Valerie.
"Yep. That's him."
"I never thought he existed," Comissar Julius commented with wide eyes. Apparently they took him because of the name. Being a Terran, he heard the legend.
"Well, I guess you don't have a pumpkin around here?" Valerie looked at him, while every present alien turned to them curiously.
"To stop the Fright..."
"To end the fear..."
"Hey, you two, we don't have all day," Komand stopped them from quoting the poem. "Comissar, get to your duties."
Julius nodded and went off. He got to the tribune in front of the Stormtroopers who were yet to take their positions. The ones who were on their posts listened to him through the speakers. It was the Comissars' job - to watch for battle spirits on the battlefield and show the perfect example to the troops. They were chosen from the most charismatic men and women in the army.
"Soldiers! Behind this wall is an army. An army of uncivilized fools, who refuse to see the prosperity our homeland gives to them! I won't lie to you, they may be armed with primitive weapons, but the ghosts are powerful beings. Our beloved Emperor looks down upon us and he expects us to win this conflict. And we will not let him down! You know that he always comes first in battle, but he is not here, because even a man of his power cannot be everywhere. But we are his fist, the ones who show the people his divine light! It isn't the first victory we are going to achieve, nor is it the last. But it will be the victory your children will be eager to listen about, because it will be one of a kind. To arms, battle brothers and sisters! For the Empire! For the Emperor!"
His loud proclamation was accompanied by the loud cheering of the soldiers. From her place Valerie raised her eyebrow and looked at Komand.
"Does he really think that Danny is a god?"
The Yuth sighed. "And he isn't the only one, believe me. Many people share his point of view," she murmured.
The Stormtroopers went to their positions in the organized pace and rows. Marchal returned to the HQ, and Komand meanwhile looked at the enemy army again. Finally they got to the place where the Imperial soldiers could reach them.
"Open fire from all batteries!" She ordered loudly.
Immediately the artillery batteries were lifted upwards and the mere moments later red blasts were launched from their insides. Snipers opened fire as well at the following command. As the fire of blaster and laser bolts flew at the ghosts, they came up with a defense. They made ecto shields which made them impenetrable for sniper bolts. Artillery shots flew above the shields, or simply managed to destroy them. But after the imact they didn't fly forward, only staggered the advance. There was enough for the snipers to make several blasts. Their orders were to first take down non-skeletons. The ghosts increased the pace, Fright Knight understood that they would be shot down otherwise.
"They are splitting," Lord Horus noted as the batteries continued to rumble behind them.
"I can see that," Komand responded. "Our forces are stretched thin already."
"They won't be able to hold their shields for long if the artillery keeps firing," Valerie said. "And even then they would be too exhausted to fight."
Komand nodded. "Get the Clawcrafts in the air."
The Nssis-class was a common project between the Empire and the Chiss Ascendancy. Putting their technologies together, two countries, which by that moment became very close because of the growing trust and being trade partners, got a wonderful fighter, nicknamed Clawcraft in the Empire. Both countries had a patent and could produce them. Their fuselage was based on the ubiquitous "ball cockpit" of the Imperial starfighters, with an ion drive pod mounted on the rear, but stemming from the junction of cockpit and drive pod were two pairs of curving wings which thrust out like strike-foils, and then extended forward in a claw-like grip around the cockpit. At the tip of each wing was a L-s7.2 laser cannon. And in this case, they were painted in black and green.
They took off the ground and flew towards the enemy, mercilessly firing at them with everything they had. But soon they met a sudden resistance, and a rather unexpected one. A huge black scaled dragon appeared out of nowhere and started hurling fire at the ships. Almost every member of the squadron got away, thanks to the ships' maneuverability. Only one got burned down alive. Nevertheless, the dragon made the fighters quite busy.
"Lord Horus, Miss Gray, get to your posts," Komand ordered.
"Coming, coming."
The Sith jumped down from the wall, landing on the ground without any harm. Valerie hit her leg with another one and flew off using a hoverboard. Meanwhile the ghosts got close enough now for the usual Stormtroopers to fire from their standard ectorifles. It was a truly genius idea, they were firing bullets dipped in an extremely thin layer of ectoplasm. Thus they were keeping ectoplasm while saving the bullet's speed, since the ectoblasts were much slower. But that also meant they needed to aim for the ghosts' cores. Also, the skeletons could be taken down with usual blaster machine guns. And did it pour like a rain.
It was like a pompous lightshow: green ectoblasts were flying back and forward, accompanied by the red and blue lasers and blaster bolts. The enemy shields were now gone and there was nothing stopping the servants of the Emperor from destroying the ghosts. But the time came, the enemy got to the walls. They split into two groups, one of which was much smaller. A quarter of the ghosts flew up to the top of the walls, while the rest started going through it. Once on the other side, they were greeted by another wave of blaster bolts. And the Sith.
The red skinned beings with thunderous roars ran at the skeletons, with red lightsabers in their hands. Add to that constant lightings flying from their hands or an ability to snap the enemy body parts with a move of the hand and you get hundreds of bones thrown around. While the Sith were holding some of them back, the Stormtroopers kept firing from the trenches, using machine guns and blasters, sometimes using knifes to stab the skeletons who managed to get too close. Some had shooting positions from the towers of the industrial facility. The skeletons could only use bows and bullet rifles. Neither of those were really effective, plastoid protected the Stormtroopers from them, but when the more powerful ghosts fired ectoblasts, it all depended on the angles and levels of protection.
On the walls, however, the situation was different. There were only more powerful ghosts, since the skeletons couldn't fly. It was where Komand was holding her position, along with the Paladins, all of which possessed white lightsabers, which became the Order's symbol. They fought off the ghosts, which was goddamn hard, not only Phantom could move the core around the body. But they knew what to do - one Paladin immobilized the enemy using the Force, while another made a stab in the core held in one place. That was still too few for every front.
The Yuth grabbed the ghost through the Force, slammed him on the ground, before making a slash without letting the enemy to react. She then took a brief look around her.
"Soldier, take that machine gun and keep firing!" She ordered to the Stormtrooper who wasn't originally using it. There was nothing hard with it. Just load one gas capsule and you are ready to kill two hundred skeletons. The Stormtrooper nodded and ran to the weapon.
And the horde wasn't about to end, despite the amount of enemies already destroyed. No one knew how mach time passed. The Clawcrafts kept fighting the large beast, while trying to avoid being hit by its tail or large scaly wings. But they were keeping it busy. However, from their point above one of the pilots noticed movements far away, where the artillery first fired. His eyes widened in shock and he immediately contacted the superiors.
"Squadron leader, what's the situation?" Marshal asked from the HQ.
"The back rows of their army get on their feet!"
"So it began," the officer said grimly. "Get rid of that dragon already and destroy them!"
"We will be happy to, Marshal," the pilot abruptly swept aside. "But if we could, we would have done it by now! Its scales are harder than corvettes' hull!"
"No need to concentrate all your ships there, just leave some to deal with it."
"Will do, Marshal."
The Squadron leader transmitted the order and led his half of the Clawcrafts to the resurrecting army. Fright Knight was not the Ghost King and he wasn't as powerful. It took more time for the skeletons to get back into lines. And the fighters weren't about to let them.
"Get lost, you pathetic mortals!" The dragon roared, throwing a gust of fire.
"This thing can talk?!" Someone exclaimed through the squadron communication.
"Don't get distracted from your mission," The leader said. "Keep it busy, whatever it is."
"Understood, sir."
With the characteristic roaring sounds the Clawfighters flew at the ground troops. They could use bombers, but there weren't any.
Valerie was able to fly using her hoverboard, and with a big bazooka like weapon in her arms she caused damage from above. She was also able to move quickly from one side to another to fix the breaches of the defense line. The ghosts were everywhere, some were firing at her, but Danny had previously ordered to improve the board, adding a shield generator in it. But she couldn't be everywhere, and the Stormtroopers and the Sith weren't endless. Some managed to get to the guarded places.
"Sir, the ghosts are inside!" One of the soldiers reported to the Marshal, and the man's eyes widened.
Immediately they heard the blasts behind the doors. Marshal took a blaster pistol, looking at all the communication officers.
"Hold the line," he commanded. There was no running away.
Some soldiers ran inside the room, later joining their defense. Soon the ghosts went through the metal doors, and were greeted by the blaster fire. The skeletons kept going forward, going over the bones of their comrades. Unfortunately, they had machine pistols with unlimited ammo, and the officers didn't wear any armor. The pieces of furniture used as the cover couldn't hold everything for long. The Imperials were cornered, as their numbers were severely decreasing. The Marshal caught a bullet in his shoulder and screamed in pain, leaning against the wall. He fired and destroyed the one who left the wound on him. The officer looked around and saw that he was the last remaining, if you don't count the soldiers lying in a pained trance of agony.
He was about to be killed as well, but then the metal door slid open, and a multitude of shots flew at the skeletons, destroying them quickly one by one. It was revealed to be the Comissar, wielding two blaster pistols. After the last enemy was blown into pieces, the Yuth officer approached the Marshal, fixing the red and black cap with the Imperial rectagon on its front.
"You seem to be in trouble."
"Really?" The human asked sarcastically, before walking to the holographic table. "We must retreat to Terra. We will be crushed!"
"You can't do that. Your orders were to keep this fortress," Julius argued harshly.
"I can and we will retreat. They are going to kill us all!"
The Marshal was about to press a button on the communitor, but felt something cold pressing against the back of his head.
"Go on, press it," the Comissar said.
"What the hell are you doing?!"
"I'm doing my job. To oversee how the Emperor's orders are being put into completion. Now, remove your hand."
"Are you going to kill your superior for denying the suicidal order?"
"I'm going to die either way, so just do it."
The second the Marshal said that, a blaster bolt burned through his skull. The corpse fell under the Comissar's black leather boots. Then the communicator beeped. As if nothing happened, the officer activated it.
"Where is the Marshal, Comissar?" Komand asked from another end.
"He is dead. The ghosts broke into the HQ and killed the entire operating team."
The woman sighed and shook her head. "You take the temporary command, Comissar. There is nobody to help you out there, but you must coordinate our soldiers."
"Understood, ma'am."
Komand turned off the transmission and sent a lighting into the nearest ghost. She understood that they were effectively losing the ground. Of course, the losses of the enemy were considerable, they lost most of their soldiers as well, but from her spot on the wall she could see the resurrected reinforcements. Where did Fright go? There wasn't a sign of him. If he doesn't show up soon, they wouldn't stand another wave.
Suddenly she heard a loud horn sound. She looked from the wall and saw a spot far on the distance. Komand raised her hand and the thermobinocular flew into her hands. She looked in it and grinned. Looks like Danny got them as much help as possible. An army of yetis was riding the hover bikes, accompanied by the medieval knights in dark blue armor on the same vehicles. As Komand continued fighting off the newest enemy reinforcement, protecting the Stormtroopers who were shooting from their high ground, the reinforcements of their own attacked the enemy from behind, driving over the skeletons. The passengers jumped off the vehicles and joined fighting. If Komand knew Terran history, she would have recognized that some of the knights were actually Greek hoplites, with round shields and long spears.
Komand was about to continue fighting, but then the next ghost was frozen on its place. She looked behind and smirked.
"Hey, Frostbite," She greeted.
The FarFrozen gave a wolfish grin. "The Great One said you needed help. We are in your command."
"As are we," the ghost who looked like a spartan warrior added. "King Leonidas at your service. We were sent by the Queen Pandora."
"And the knights?" Komand asked.
"Queen Dorathea is quite occupied," Frostbite pointed his ice engulfed hand at where the black dragon was.
And now it was fighting another dragon, with light blue scales and yellow horns. Komand blinked.
"Uhm, and where is she?"
"Her amulet allows to turn into this form. Her brother has the same one," Leonidas added.
"So, if it is destroyed, he won't be a bother?"
After receiving a nod, Komand called the pilots. She ordered them to fire at the seemingly useless trinket. Then she turned to the allied ghosts, asking them to assist the troops down the wall. But suddenly they hear a loud horse whine. Fright Knight was riding through the enemy lines on his steed. If he hadn't interfered, the offense would have been staggered. His wicked looking green sword slashed through the white armors, but the Stormtroopers weren't falling dead, instead they just vanished. Komand looked at Frostbite.
"What is he doing?"
"This is a Soul Shredder in his arms. One cut and you will be sent to the world of your worst nightmares."
"I see. Go through with the order, I'll fight him."
Komand jumped from the wall, before getting closer to the ghost. And once Fright readied his horse for another round, she started to speak loudly.
"Fright Knight!" Komand shouted, getting the enemy leader's attention. "How about you fight your equal?" She asked, raising her lightsaber.
"That wouldn't be you," Fright sneered in a deep voice. "I came here to fight your pitiful Emperor, or is he too afraid to face me?"
"Maybe he didn't want to bother with such a pathetic creature like you. I am the Emperor's Hand, the second person of the Empire. And I challenge you for a duel."
Fright Knight contemplated the decision for a few second. Finally, he jumped off his horse.
"The conditions are simple. If you win, my army won't be of any bother, if it is me who wins, you surrender."
"Fine by me," Komand said, taking a battle stance.
Fright let out a chilling laugh and ran at her, his sword blazing with a green color. When their weapons clashed, Komand understood that it was going to be the hardest battle she had had so far.
The knight used his absolutely superior strength and spinned the weapon away. Komand jumped to the side, rolling under the swing. She quickly attempted to make a stab, but Fright blocked the hit lazily. His reaction was superior. He then attempted to repeat the movement, trying to push her weapon away. Komand used the Force to halt his advance, but managed only stagger him a few steps backwards. Then the knight's hand glowed with a violet color as he fired. It was too big to be blocked, so Komand had to jump away again, only to block an immediate hit from her opponent. White sparks flew around, giving several tiny burns.
"Foolish girl, I had been fighting for millenias before you were born!" The Knight said.
"Well, I was trained by the one who locked you in a pumpkin," Komand smirked.
Fright roared and started swinging his weapon around, knowing that only one scratch was enough. Komand was able to block every upcoming hit, using the defensive form of the lightsaber combat. But damn, his strikes were impossible to hold back, only deflect to the side. Apparently, Danny was seriously holding back while training her. But once she managed to slip through the defense, her lightsaber just bounced off the pitch black armor. Fright barked a laugh and swung his sword again. Komand started blocking another wave of strikes.
Suddenly something unexpected happened. While the swords were close to each other, Fright punched her in the face after freeing his hand.
Komand screamed in pain and made a few steps back, automatically putting a hand on her face. Blood leaked from her beaten nose. There was also a bleeding cut coming from her left eye to the edge of her nose. It was a miracle the eye was undamaged. She didn't have time to think about it as Fright launched forward, swinging his sword again. Komand glared at tne assaultant and fired a lighting from her hands, letting out a roar. Now it was the knight's turn to yell in pain as the charge traveled through his metal encased body. He fell on one knee, but then started to stand up, even if the electricity wasn't stopping. He then summoned a shield which protected him from the attack.
The woman realized that it was pointless now, so she stopped shooting lighting, panting for air. Fright started approaching her again, as if nothing happened to him.
"You mortals are pathetic," He snapped. "You cannot hope to win against me."
"Why not? Who said you are immortal?"
Fright hummed. "You are obviously his student. Phantom's mouth can't shut even if he is on a verge of death."
'That's why I love him,' Komand thought.
She then took the stance again. "Let's finish this already."
"Gladly. I am getting bored of this."
Komand now knew that the only place she could strike at was his invisible face. But she couldn't get there, so she needed to provide a distraction. Komand lifted a large piece of rock using the Force and threw it at the knight. Since it originated from the Ghost Zone, Fright couldn't phase through it. He instead flew above it, but Komand anticipated the move, so she abruptly lifted it upwards. Fright received a hard hit, which made him fall back on the ground. Grunting, he tried to get on his feet. But Komand pushed him to the ground, before attempting to make a stab through his face.
But Fright managed to raise his sword, despite the Force holding him on one place, and block the strike. He then turned the blade so it would look like he was going to stab her. It broke Komand's concentration, which was exactly what Fright wanted. He raised another hand and blasted her. Since the knight didn't have much time, the blast wasn't as destructive as he needed. Komand screamed in pain as the blast hit her right hand and broke some of her bones. She wasn't able to hold the lightsaber in that arm, so Komand put it in another.
Fright finally rose on his feet as the dust fell off him. And again, he didn't show any sign of damage, except for a dent on his armor. He chuckled as he approached her.
"I smell fear, girl. Have you finally realized that you stand no chance?"
"No, I'm afraid to imagine how your mother looked if she gave a birth to such an uglet."
Komand suddenly sent another lighting and it worked just as well as the last time. But now she did something else. Using the Force, she managed to disarm her opponent. Fright then grabbed her wrist and punched Komand again multiple times. She fell on the ground and coughed. A few droplets of blood fell on the ground.
"I don't need a sword to defeat you, child."
"Then do it. Or can you only brag?" Komand asked in hoarse voice.
Fright narrowed his eyes, approached her, and was about to kick her in the face again. He could break her skull and kill her that way. But suddenly the Soul Shredder flew into Komand's hand. Using the last bit of her strength, she made a stab through the empty space between the armor plates of Fright's leg. He yelled in pain, before staggering back.
"Why are you still standing?" Komand panted.
"You brat, I have no fear. I AM FEAR!" Fright shouted, charging an ectoblast.
The Yuth's eyes became blurry, as the tears unvoluntary leaked out from her eyes from the pain and the realization. She could barely see what happened in front of her. She only heard a sudden gasp. When she opened her eyes slightly, she only saw a fallen corpse of her enemy. Suddenly Komand felt someone pick her up.
"Don't worry, My Love. I am here," she heard a gentle whisper.
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