Chapter 40: The pirates
"Master, can we talk about something?" Ahsoka asked.
It was one of the quiet moments on the unimportant post within the Republic space. Everyone present on Skywalker's flagship was entertaining themselves however they could. The Togruta noticed that there was another trait Anakin and her father shared. They both had a passion for fiddling with the machinery. But if in Danny's case that were ectotechs: blasters, generators, etc, then Skywalker loved modifying his yellow starfighter. And at the moment he was fiddling with something beneath it. Anakin rolled from there on the small platform and looked up.
"Sure, go ahead, Snips."
Ah, yes, the nickname he had given her.
"I just wanted to ask...what do you think of Phantom?" Ahsoka asked carefully.
"He is a coward, ran away and preferred the droids to fight instead of him. Or is it me who is just scary?" Anakin inquired, tightening the screws.
"Uhm, no, you are not, it's just...he saved me, you know?"
Now the Jedi Knight was curious.
"What do you mean?"
"Well, Grievous was trying to find me, but he distracted that tin can."
"It could be an accident."
Ahsoka shook her head. "No, he looked straight into my eyes. And smirked."
Anakin was silent. "What could he possibly want from you?" He asked thoughtfully.
"I don't know."
Skywalker shook his head and continued working on the starfighter. Yes, it was a mystery indeed. Unknowingly to him, Ahsoka was memorizing what he said because her father asked her to. Apparently, the encounter on Ruusan gave Anakin the undivided attention of the Emperor. Only Phantom knew what he was planning to achieve with that.
Danny was quite busy at the time, he was busy with protecting his lands. The Republican strategy was now known to him, so Thrawn was able to build an impenetrable defence. Trusting the Grand Admiral's judgment, Phantom let him take all leadership of the fleets and it worked perfectly. It was like a multileveled bear trap, one step to Mygeeto system led to the destruction of an entire attacking force, Thyfera and Bestine surrendered without a single shot were only to make the Republic leave the garrisons, destroying them piece after piece, shortening the amount of the enemy forces, until the numbers became equal, so Thrawn could destroy them.
But then Phantom ordered to develop the victory not on the outside, but to wipe out the surrounded Republican forces on the South, since the reinforcements wouldn't be coming to the rescue. Meanwhile, Danny didn't hurry with sharing the information. He was risking, of course, putting his interests above that of the Confederacy. But no one was going to find out, the data was kept on only one device. After such a devastating defeat the Republic was going to review their strategy, but it was a defeat nevertheless.
The CIS only lost in places outside of Phantom's zone of control. Needless to say that his authority grew immensely. The interesting thing was the 'dictator's' relationship with the Banking Clan. Of course, Chairman Hill still disliked him, and his hatred became even bigger when the fleet left Muunilist, his headquarters, alone. It was a part of the strategic plan. The Republic wouldn't have missed such a desirable prey. And yes, that was a trap.
However, Phantom had other, more interesting and important task.
"No, Dani, that's not how you do that," he commented with crossed hands.
The girl looked at her father as the ectoplasm flushed to her cheeks. It wasn't a private training session, after all. Neither it was a common training, however. It was in the only forest on Babylon. Phantom had thought it was a good place for the Paladins to meditate, being together with nature. And speaking of, most of those who weren't somewhere on the mission for the Empire were watching with curiosity and eager, especially the younger ones. Of course they would be, the Emperor didn't come so often, Komand mostly managed the stuff.
It was a matter of Danny's inner debates how to structure his new Order. Of course, it should have been under his absolute control, so the former Order's organization didn't fit already. And the Sith hierarchy was based on obedience and/or self interests. That's basically what ruined it. Phantom decided to take the best things from everything. Right after him followed Magnus Commendator, the role occupied by his lover. Then there were Magisters, Knights and Acolytes, in respective order. Although the Order maximum consisted of Knights, when there were only two specialists was quite hard. But the Sith could teach them the Dark Side, while Phantom and Komand just added their knowledge about the Light and balancing both Sides. It made everything easier.
"This is a very important stage in developing your powers, dear," Phantom explained to his daughter. "Your core finally starts to develop, and it stars expulsing more and more energy. As I said, you just need to let it all out, don't try to concentrate it like a blast. And I recommend everyone to step aside a few meters away. I recall accidentally freezing the audience when I was training."
They didn't need to be told twice.
"Alright, how do I do that, Daddy?" Dani asked eagerly, shifting on her toes.
"Just let it all out first, your body has to learn not to keep everything inside. Don't concentrate the energy in one place. Verstanden?"
"Yep," the seven years old grinned sweetly, melting everyone's heart.
She then closed her eyes and her face showed that the girl was putting a huge effort in accomplishing the feat. A dim ice blue aura surrounded her, much to the audience's awe. But Danny didn't seem to be very satisfied.
"You are too tense, sweetie, simply relax, like when you are breathing out the air."
Dani did as she was told. Immediately the aura became much brighter. Suddenly with a bright flash a wave of cold was released, covering the ground and some trees in a thin layer of ice, what, with Babylon being a tropical planet, was quite unusual. Danielle opened her eyes, feeling more free than ever. With all extra energy pressing from the inside, begging to be released, she felt much better.
"Good job, princess," Danny praised her with a proud grin and clapping of his hands. "Even though being frozen to the ground was not part of the plan."
His boots were covered in ice as well. Dani gasped.
"Oh no, I'm so sorry, Daddy!" She said worriedly, clutching his leg.
Danny chuckled softly, messing her snowy locks. "Don't worry, sweetheart, you actually did better than me when I was learning. I froze my teacher alive, or, get what I mean."
"Yes," Danny said, freeing out from his boots. "I think that's enough for now. We will practice your new powers later."
Dani beamed and nodded, before taking her father's hand. After Phantom gave some orders, they teleported on Raxus. Komand jumped in surprise at seeing them as she dropped the datapad from her hand. Dani giggled and Phantom choked down the laughter. The woman glared at them from her seat.
"Haha, very funny," she deadpanned, picking up the datapad. "Have you cleaned the bedroom as I asked?"
Danny stopped laughing immediately. He looked at her in confusion and a note of fear. "Uhm, noo..."
Then Komand burst laughing. "Relax, I said no such thing."
Phantom stared at her, while Dani was now snickering at him. Danny glanced at the girl.
"Hey, whose side are you on?" He asked.
"Yours. And Mommy's," the princess responded, before pulling Phantom after her.
She brought Danny closer to Komand and pulled both her parents in a common hug. "Here, everything is fine now!"
The adults laughed and smirked at each other, before kissing each of her cheeks. The girl had stars in her eyes.
"I actually have good news for you, Komy," Phantom looked at his lover, and Komand looked at him as well. "I found a good job. You are coming with me, though, but there is a chance we will get to aggressive negotiations."
"BOORING!" Dani groaned, before running out of the living room.
"Children," both adults said at the same time, before chuckling.
"Anyways, let's get to the point. Dooku is captured."
Komand's eyes widened in shock. "Republic?"
"No, pirates."
"How could he let some gang capture him?"
"Well, I think he will tell us more once we get to Florrum."
"How did you...Intelligence, yeah."
Danny snapped his fingers, showing that her assumption was correct.
"Is there something they can't do?"
"I just know where to send the agents and they do their job. They consist a lot of Terrans, you know, to blend in a human dominated Galaxy. They don't even call each other by names, go figure who they are. One of the operatives, who managed to be put in service on Dooku's ship, thanks to me possessing or bribing several officials, she said that the Count was ambushed, but managed to land on the nearest planet. She also put a beacon on his personal ship. Apparently, the pirates wanted to get this expensive piece of machinery, so they took it with them, leading us to Florrum."
"And what are we going to do?"
"Ransom him. That will undoubtedly win us a certain respect from the Count. For now we must have his sympathy."
"And they had already announced the price, hadn't they?"
"This is precisely why we go there. To discuss this matter."
"I'll go to prepare. Give me five minutes," Komand said with a note of excitement in her voice, before quickly walking out of the room. Danny couldn't help smiling at this.
Soon enough the two were already on their ship. As Komand was setting the coordinates, she looked back at her lover.
"So, where is Florrum?"
"And this detail concerns me. It's TOO close to Korriban. And this is an Imperial territory. Anyways, It's in Sertar sector, grid coordinates R-5."
Komand nodded as she set the coordinates, letting the built-in computer of the ship to precisely calculate the route. Soon the X-70 jumped into hyperspace. The woman leaned back in a soft seat and looked at Danny again.
"So, you were saying..."
"Ah, yes, well, the pirates may try to come on Korriban in search of priceless artifacts of the ancient Sith Lords. Even though I'm confident they are going to die in the first tomb they enter, not everyone may come there. And if this 'not everyone' manages to escape the Sith who now live in their home, as well as our forces, we will get into a lot of trouble."
"You keep Interdictors there, right?"
"Have you ever seen the bill for construction of ONE Interdictor? One hundred and seventy five million credits. Those interdiction field generators are quite expensive, we can't afford sending even one to every system we have."
"And what are you planning?"
"I'd prefer wiping them entirely. Florrum doesn't belong to any state, so no one would notice a gang of pirates suddenly dissappearing."
"They are pirates, Komand. Imagine how many they had robbed and killed."
She was silent afterwards. After a few hours the ship exited hyperspace above the yellow arid world. The couple had to break their cuddle on the sofa so Komand could land her ship where needed. The beacon showed them the way. She descended the yacht/heavy star fighter there. To her slight surprise, the laser batteries did fire at them. When she voiced her confusion, Danny only chuckled.
"Komy, this ship is covered in chromium and is worth twenty million credits. It alone can cover their life time expenses."
"So they are going to attack us."
"Probably. But we are not going to attack first. Keep it cool. Oh, and take a blaster instead of the lightsaber."
Komand rolled her purple eyes. Danny didn't bother to explain why did she need to change her weapon, though. They soon exited the ship after landing on a good enough spot. Needless to say that they got a warm welcome. About twenty pirates pointed blaster rifles or pistols at the two. They were all Weequay, with the same rough and wrinkly skin, some had hair brands, others were bald. Komand reached for her lightsaber, but Danny's hand stopped her. When she looked at him, Phantom shook his head slightly.
"What's going on out here?" They heard a voice.
It was said by a guy who went out of the building. He was a Weequay as well, dressed in the horrible bright red coat. He was wearing something akin to motorcycle glasses and a strange cap on his head. Talk about looking extravagant. On his shoulder was a Kowakian Monkey-Lizard - a strange semi sentient creature with red fur, the body of a small monkey, a lizard tail and a bird beak. And this was the captain's parrot, apparently.
"I was enjoying my evening bottle of Nabooan wine and got the unexpected visitors. And unwanted as well," he muttered in the end.
"Don't worry, we won't take much of your time. I simply want to see Dooku."
The pirates shifted, while the captain narrowed his eyes.
"What makes you think that the Count is here?" He asked, crossing his hands. His pet growled at the ghost.
Danny pointed his finger towards Dooku's ship. "You should have searched for the beacon."
The Weequay cursed mentally. He DID order to search for it. Someone was going to lose his head that day.
"And what brings here such a famed General of all people?"
"You know my name and I don't know yours."
"Hondo Ohnaka, a pirate, a smuggler and women's favorite."
'And a guy with an inflated ego,' Komand thought. Hondo then looked at her.
"Oh, what a beautiful young lady you have here," the captain commented, reaching for her.
"Touch me and I'll cut off your hand," she threatened.
Hondo moved his hand away, like he didn't do anything. "Anyways, you haven't answered my question."
"I have eyes and ears everywhere. I have decided to discuss the ransom for the Count."
"I wouldn't have discussed such thing with the could convince me, though."
"Either that or the Droid army," Danny smirked.
"Just as I expected. Seems fair, let's come inside, but first, hand over your weapons. Safety measures, don't feel offended."
After the couple followed the forceful request, Hondo gestured for them to follow, before the other pirates lowered their guns. They soon went into a dark hall, and Danny got reminded of Jabba's palace. Noisy, blaring lights everywhere and a complete lack of dignity anywhere. Well, maybe music was different. Funnily enough, the desert born race preferred a music which sounded Arabian. Danny kept his thoughts to himself. Hondo sat in a chair and put his legs on the table. Komand and Phantom sat in front of him.
"So, I have already contacted the Republic," the captain admitted. "They are ready to pay a million for him."
As he said this, the waitress brought the guests two cups with some green booze. Komand was reluctant, while Danny emptied the cup. He wasn't that worried, poisons never worked on him.
"I don't see them anywhere," Phantom commented.
"They are soon to arrive with an inspection. They don't believe we caught him, can you imagine?"
The couple looked at him with the deadpan expressions.
"Oh, don't give me that look. You politicians are the same."
"We didn't come here for enlightenment from some pirate," Komand said, narrowing her eyes.
"My goodness, how do you live with her?" Hondo asked Danny, making a gulp from his mug.
"Just tell how much do you want and we will go," the ghost responded.
"Again, it is an interesting turn of events. The Jedi coming here might want to trade. We will see."
Komand looked at Phantom. She just couldn't understand why he was so calm or how. Well, Danny was the real politician here, he knew how to hide emotions. But she sensed a slight aggravation. Soon one of the pirates went to Hondo and whispered something to his ear. Of course, Phantom heard it.
"Bring them here," Hondo ordered.
The Weequay nodded and went away. It seemed that the Jedi were here.
"And who exactly did they send?" Danny inquired.
"Hm, I don't really recall their names. Wasn't the priority."
Hondo fiddled with Phantom's lightsaber in his hands. He seemed quite interested in the blade, probably wondering how much it would cost. Soon the Jedi were led inside the room. Once Danny saw who that Jedi were, he groaned and hit the table with his face. Komand looked at him in confusion.
"Ah, gentlemen, may I offer you something to drink?" Hondo asked, pushing another mug to them.
"No, thanks," Obi-Wan said politely, while Anakin grimaced slightly at the green liquid. "So, congratulations for capturing Count Dooku."
"The pleasure is all mine, even a Sith Lord is no match for my mighty warriors," Hondo pointed at his men.
They were in an unconscious state after drinking too much. And the captain's pet monkey was trying to get to the same point. Obi-Wan's eyes caught Komand and a white haired man, whose face was on the table at the moment. They certainly didn't fit the surroundings. Anakin saw them as well.
"And who are you?" Obi-Wan asked.
Komand looked at the younger Jedi, sitting still. "Komand'r, a representative of the Confederate Senate from Phantom's Protectorate."
The Jedi's heads snapped in Hondo's direction.
"Are you double crossing us?!" Anakin exclaimed.
"Nah, it's just us who barged in uninvited."
They looked in the deep voice's direction and their eyes widened. Danny smiled innocently.
"The Galaxy is small, isn't it?"
"What are YOU doing here?" Obi-Wan asked, crossing his hands.
"How about a simple hello, Ben? Nice armor, suits you well."
The Jedi Master was wearing white plastoid, with a Jedi Order emblem on a shoulder plate. It covered his hands emtirely, as well as some body parts. Anakin blinked and looked at his Master.
"Do you know him?"
"Yes, Skywalker, we know each other. I saved his butt back on Geonosis. How do you think he got out?"
"I hope you are not going to make me repay the debt. I'm not to keen on paying the percents."
Danny shrugged, "I may be the richest man around, but I don't have any interest in forcing out what you owe me."
Hondo coughed, getting everyone's attention. "So, you wish to see Dooku?"
"Yes," everyone said at the same time.
One of the Weequays led the group to the prison block. Everyone was quiet on the road, until Komand realized something and gasped. Phantom noticed it.
"What's wrong?" he asked.
"We have left Dani alone!" The woman said in concerned tone. The Jedi looked at them in confusion.
Danny chuckled. Komand was simply adorable when she was worried. He put a hand on her cheek.
"Dani is with a droid babysitter, don't worry."
"I don't like leaving her to some machines."
"I believe it's another way around. You know how she is."
"Who are you talking about?" Anakin asked.
Phantom guessed it was pointless to hide this. But Komand was the first to answer.
"Our little snowflake," she said with a tender smile.
"Are...are you two married?" Obi-Wan asked.
"The confusion is understandable, but no, we aren't. We are together, though, and have a common daughter, as well as an adopted one," Phantom answered. "A Senator and a famed General, what a pair."
Anakin's expression became unreadable.
The group was led to a cell, before the pirate opened it. Dooku was hanging there in midair, cuffed by legs and hands.
"My, look who is here," Anakin said with a smirk.
"How low the mighty Sith has fallen," Obi-Wan added smugly.
"I recall you were in the same condition a few days ago, Skywalker," The Count commented as the Jedi walked around him.
"Yes, but I am free now, and you are not."
"Sorry to interrupt your wonderful reunion, but let's get to business," Danny said, causing Dooku to look at him.
"What are you doing here, Daniel?"
"Ransoming you, but the pirates had decided to make us bargain with the Republic for your head. Killing each other is not the way either."
"Be wary of them," The old man warned.
"They are just a bunch of bandits seeking easy money, they don't want to pick a fight with the Jedi," Anakin said.
"They are cunning and deceitful. And most importantly - stupid."
"I wonder why you don't get along," Skywalker responded smugly as he and Obi-Wan started going out of the cell.
"You have so much in common," Obi-Wan finished with a smirk.
Dooku muttered something under his nose before looking at the fellow Separatists. "I put my hopes into you, Daniel. I'd suggest that you call for the fleet."
"I'll do what I can, Count. I had an experience with pirates before."
With that the visitors went out of the room as well. Komand now was very curious.
"What are you planning to do?"
"We will bargain as long as we can."
Something in Danny's smirk was not right. And Komand knew what that meant. Suddenly, as they were going through a small market, one of the pirates ran to them.
"Captain invites you on the Weequay traditional banquet," he informed with a large smile and a slight bow. "It is very rude to deny the invitation."
Danny and Komand looked at each other. "We are going."
Phantom couldn't quite understand how the banquet was different from the party the pirates had some time ago. There was the same arabian music, food, there were even the same drunkards lying on the floor. Nevertheless, he was glad to join the celebration. All the balls back in the Empire were too tempered, people there were too high ranking to do something really unusual. It was boring sometimes. Here he could have a time of his life without the slightest care.
Anakin and Obi-Wan sat across them at the table. It was awkward to say the least. No one said a word to each other, until Hondo appeared.
"Gentlemen, Lady, let me offer you the best stuff we have."
"Just not anything strong," Obi-Wan said. "He is piloting," he pointed at Anakin.
"Wonderful, waiter, bring the booze here!"
Soon the drinks were brought to everyone. But when the waiter saw Phantom, he let out a horrified cry as he dropped the tray.
"Y-you!" He screamed in terror, making everyone raise their eyebrows.
"What's the meaning of this?!" Hondo exclaimed.
"He is a demon! He almost killed us!" The pirate pointed his finger at Danny.
"Have we met?" Phantom asked.
"Five years ago. On Tython!"
The Jedi looked at him in shock, while Komand was confused.
"Ah, were you with that gang who interrupted my pilgrimage? It wasn't really nice, you know?" Danny leaned back in his chair nonchalantly.
"Now, wait a second," Anakin interrupted. "How could you be on Tython if it had collapsed?"
"Simple, I was there before it happened," Danny gave a 'I-know-something-you-don't' smile. The pirate was still shaking. "Hey, quit this already, there was nothing out of ordinary."
"We shot you in the chest! And you shrugged it off!"
"So? I also beated you with bare hands. Thanks for all the weapons you left, by the way. I put them into good use."
"How?" Komand asked as a suspicion crawled into her mind.
Danny smirked. "You can guess, honey. Where do you think I took the first weapons for the rebels?"
Hondo coughed and raised his cup. The pirate meanwhile ran away.
"I'd like to say a toast if I may. For the everlasting friendship!" He said.
He gained several cheers as the mugs were being emptied. The Force Users swiped their cups meanwhile, unnoticed by the pirates. It was obvious that they had added something in there.
"And when are we going to talk about the ransom?" Danny asked after a few seconds.
"You are boring. Right after you have a rest after the party. For now, enjoy the evening!" The captain said, before walking off.
When he was away, Danny looked at the Jedi.
"I propose that we drink for the peace to come soon. It will be rude to wish for the own victory."
"Agreed," Obi-Wan said, before the four drank the contents. "Are you going to tell us about Tython or..."
"Nope. Let's talk about something else."
Anakin finished emptying the cup and put it down. "What I don't get is how a bunch of drunken pirates managed to do something we couldn't."
"Maybe there is a lesson to learn here," Komand noted.
"Yes, that we all aren't protected from mistakes," Danny added.
"And that there is always something to learn," Obi-Wan finished.
They made another toast as three men near them fell unconscious. Why three? Well, Danny had thought that that was pointless to bother about poisons which didn't work on him anyway. Well, that men were alive, at least.
It is unbelievable how friendly a person can become after a few mugs of alcohol. That's precisely what happened. It was also surreal that the Generals from the two opposing sides became drinking buddies. The Jedi most probably wouldn't have drunk in order not to babble out anything important, but the others took alcohol as well. They didn't know Phantom was always sober.
And even if Danny wasn't affected by it, he was still in a very good and festive mood.
"Alright, so here I stand behind him," he was telling as the others were drinking from the mugs. Komand was lying on his shoulder with half closed eyelids. "Of course the guy peed his pants when he felt me pressing a blaster against his back. And guess what? Only when the guards went into the room they told him I was pointing a stick at him all the time!"
Everyone burst laughing, while Komand got into sitting position with a pout.
"C'mon, Danny, you have told this story so many times."
"So? I just like it and they don't know it."
The woman then narrowed her eyes. "I'm bored," she said childishly, before grabbing his hands. Komand then grinned.
"How about a dance?" she asked playfully, jumping off the seat.
"This isn't exactly a dancing music."
Komand snorted. "We can sing," she said like it was the most obvious thing. "Or have you forgotten how you spent your time in Coruscantian Cantina?"
Danny chuckled. "It was long ago, Komy."
"I never heard you sing, honey. C'mon, let's do the one you read a few days ago."
"What do you...oh."
"Yes, doofus, oh."
She then jumped on the table, much to everyone's surprise. Danny chuckled and jumped after her. Anakin looked at Obi-Wan.
"Well, it should be interesting."
It all began with a slight, but increasing stomping of the feet. Danny was the one who started.
"Blunt the knives, bend the forks
Smash the bottles and burn the corks
Chip the glasses and crack the plates
That's what Bilbo Baggins hates!"
The dancing became faster and Komand joined his singing as their held each other's hand.
"Cut the cloth, tread on the fat
Leave the bones on the bedroom mat
Pour the milk on the pantry floor
Splash the wine on every door!"
Komand kicked the mug and it flew into some pirate's face, knocking him out effectively. It became a catalyst for a kicking of everything what was near them.
"Dump the crocks in a boiling bowl
Pound them up with a thumping pole
When you're finished if they are whole
Send them down the hall to roll!"
Danny and Komand took both each other's hands, their heads a few inches away as they had bright smiles on their faces.
"That's what Bilbo Baggins hates!" They said the final line of the song.
The hall erupted into cheers and clapping of those who remained conscious. Danny grabbed his lover's waist, earning a happy laughter from her. He jumped off the table while still holding her. Phantom noticed that the Jedi were laughing their butts off.
"Well, it sure was impressive," Obi-Wan commented, wiping his tear.
"Yeah, even though your voice doesn't really fit," Anakin added.
"No one asked you," Komand grumbled, before hugging the ghost's neck. "My Danny is the best!" She said, before kissing his cheek and making him laugh. And he wasn't the only one.
Danny kissed her on lips, before situating Komand on his lap. Both Anakin and Obi-Wan could clearly see how they loved each other. And while the latter didn't approve of this, the first felt really jealous.
Soon two humans and one yuth started to feel dizzy. Of course, liters of booze couldn't leave no effect. Komand was the first one to fall asleep near her lover. The Jedi, even with their trained willpower and mental strength, fell unconscious. Danny wondered how they were going to feel once they woke up. He picked up Komand and carried her bridal style. Their ship wasn't far away, but Phantom teleported there nevertheless. He put her on the bed and moved the cover above her.
It was much better than that on Fury. White walls seemed wonderful with the dark wood pieces lining them. Once in the main room, Phantom was greeted by a voice.
"You could be faster."
"Oh, really, Count?" Danny crossed his hands and looked at Dooku. The old man made a sip of tea from the cup. "It is still better than being locked up."
"Agreed. Forgive my rudeness."
While everyone was at the party, sneaking away the prisoner was no effort at all. Dooku had to wait, though. A sudden leaving was going to seem too suspicious. Danny was going to send a duplicate to take care of the Jedi, so they weren't going to be captured. He liked the two, again, a drinking party was the best way to become friends. Too sad they were on different sides of the conflict.
"Do you wish the pirates' destruction, Count?" Danny asked.
"They must pay for their insolence. But I will let you decide. Think of it as a small thank you."
Oh, so he finally had a sanction to get rid of the threat to the Empire's security.
A.N. Phew, forty chapters. We have breached the edge of two hundred thousand words. Thank you all, guys.
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