Chapter 38: Confederate in-game
It was always noisy in Jabba's Palace, except for the rare moments when its owner was asleep. It wasn't one of them. As usual, the main room of what used to be a monastery and what now was a home of the biggest crime lord of the Galaxy was filled with scum of different sorts. Bounty Hunters, other kinds of mercenaries, who were busy with gambling games and ogling at the pretty female dancers, whom their master had graciously showed.
In the center of the room lied the host himself. A massive slug with green wrinkly skin, short chubby hands and nonexistent neck. He was very tall, about two meters, very impressive, considering he didn't have legs at all. The crime lord was quiet, he simply enjoyed smoking through the small pipe, connected to the glass tube filled with a green liquid. Jabba was in a relatively good mood, his son was returned, and the traitor behind all of this would be soon delivered into his welcoming arms. Of course, Jabba would prefer Dooku, but it was impossible to get the Sith. Ziro, on the other hand...
Suddenly he heard a slight crash up the wide staircase through the music. Soon a few Ugnaughts, green pig like creatures, rolled down with a characteristic whines. They were actually the guards. The musicians stopped playing jizz, which was basically the same thing as jazz. Soon a figure went down on a steady pace, followed by an orange droid. The mercenaries' hands reached for their blasters as the newcomer went into the room. Jabba raised his nonexistent eyebrow.
"Greetings, Mighty Jabba," the newcomer said, bowing slightly. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything?"
Jabba puffed a green smoke from his mouth. The guest obviously seemed uncomfortable with the smell. "Who are you?" The crime lord asked in Huttese.
The guest took off the hood, revealing himself.
"I trust you heard about me," Danny smirked.
"I did."
At Jabba's glance the mercenaries took out the blasters and pointed them at the ghost.
"Not exactly the welcome I hoped for," Danny deadpanned.
"Your lightsaber. Now," Jabba narrowed his eyes.
The protocol droid stepped forward, outstretching its hand. Phantom calmly took his weapon and threw it to the droid. With a metal clank the sword hit it in the head, because the droid wasn't able to catch the weapon. Phantom chuckled while almost immobile machine was trying to pick it. No one could understand why he was so chill in this situation.
"You are very brave to come here, Phantom," the Hutt commented. "I thought I made it clear that I don't want to have anything with the Confederacy. Especially after Count Dooku kidnapped my Punky Muffin."
Danny gritted his teeth in order to hold the laughter inside. Oh, big bad crime lord was such a loving father.
"You are still alive only because you are the enemy of Ziro."
"Ah, yes, I took his planet, now I remember," Danny put a hand on his chin. "I have no personal quarrels with you or the Hutt Cartel, Mighty Jabba. Neither I am on the Confederacy business. This issue is more...private. Of course, if this isn't of any bother to you."
Phantom knew that the Hutts never run away from a good deal. Jabba hummed in thought, understanding that Danny was right. Phantom hasn't done anything to him. At the slug's gesture all blasters were lowered.
"Speak," he commanded.
"As I said, this matter is private, sir. And I'd like to speak alone."
"This is not going to happen."
Danny sighed. "Can't you at least leave only the most trusted guards? I don't want the information to get out of here."
Jabba finally nodded and only three mercenaries remained in the room, while the others waited outside. Phantom smirked and looked at the Hutt.
"Thank you. Now let's get to business, shall we? Firstly, I'd like to know how my daughter is doing."
"What daughter?" The slug asked.
"You know, the one who brought Rotto to you."
"You don't look like a Togruta," Jabba said, before chuckling loudly. "Besides, aren't all Jedi orphans?"
"They are simply taken right after birth. And Ahsoka is my adopted child, so there is nothing surprising."
"I see. She is fine, not a finger was laid on her. How would you prove it?"
Danny raised an eyebrow. "Didn't Ahsoka ask you to wait to meet me?"
"So that's what she meant. And I wondered why she whispered such thing. Fine, what do you want?"
"A passage. Not for Confederacy ships, I just need it for development of my regions. Connect them, you know no less than me."
"Hm, everything has a price. I guess I owe you something, but don't think that that will be for free."
"Oh, I didn't. HK, would you kindly?"
"Affirmative: One moment."
The droid took a case and put it on a small table. He then opened it and the room gleamed with a golden light. Jabba looked inside with curiosity and seemed impressed. He reached for the insides of the case, but HK shut it close. The droid gave out a snicker.
"This is the purest aurodium, mighty Jabba. I can grant you much, much more," Danny smiled. "I can't go through the Republican territory, obviously. I beg you to consider the offer and remember that I made the safe return of your son possible."
"I am a man of my word, General. And I already gave my word to the Republic. So if I see a single ship of Confederacy, the entire Cartel will turn against you. And all our influence will be spend on hunting you down."
"You can make threats," Danny said, sounding impressed. "I completely understand. But first make sure that the ships weren't sent by me. You know how the blackmail works. And the Separatist Council doesn't like me much."
Jabba barked a laugh. "I think I like you. Let's discuss the price now."
Phantom smiled.
Hutt Cartel was an unusual organization. The territory in the Outer and Mid Rims under their control was independent. A state within the state. Like Vatican, only ruled by vile criminals. The Republican traders needed to pay for the passage, if they didn't, they were shot down, simple as that. Phantom needed to pay as well, but he managed to get a discount. Because the Empire had promised its traders that the government would cover such expenses. It was to ignite a trade between the Northern and Southern Protectorates. And going through the Hutt Space was the easiest way. Going around the Core would have been much more expensive.
It pleased Danny's ego that everyone now knew about him as much as about Grievous and Dooku. But, unlike them, Phantom was a questionable figure in the Republican media. Because the freedom of speech was still protected, they split into parts, thinking about Danny and who he really was - a hero or a butcher. With the capture of Ryloth they got something else to bicker about.
Danny had some issues on the planet, so after meeting with Jabba he returned there. Phantom was sitting in the room which used to belong to the Twi'lek Clan Council. God, how many Councils were there? The ghost put his legs on the big table in the middle of the empty room. Of course he was smug, and he showed it in every way to no one in particular. Danny was reading the information on his datapad, the reports from his subordinates.
Suddenly the door opened and HK walked into the room.
"Giddy statement: I'm pleased to inform you that we caught the runaway, Master. Shall I bring him in?"
Phantom nodded absentmindedly, and HK went out. Soon he returned, and behind him were two B-1 droids, who in turn pushed a man into the room. He was quite young, probably about the same age as Phantom. The prisoner was a Twi'lek with an orange skin and orange eyes. Now Phantom payed an undivided attention to him.
"Cham Syndulla in the flesh. Have you really thought I have forgotten about you?"
"I honestly would prefer if you don't," he said venomously.
Danny paid no attention to the man's tone. "Take a seat, please, we have much to discuss."
Cham wasn't eager, so HK pushed him forward. The Twi'lek glared at the machine, regretting that he had shackles on his hands. As if reading his thoughts, Danny looked at the B-1.
"Release him, I don't like talking with prisoners."
"Uhm, but he is a prisoner," the droids rubbed its slim head.
He was slapped by HK. "Threat: Just do it, or I'll make a blaster from your pieces."
The droid was scared, so he just complied with the command. When he opened the shackles, Syndulla hit its head and attempted to run for it. Too sad he didn't know that HK wasn't one of those stupid clankers. The Assassin Droid got him and landed a kick into the Twi'lek chest, before taking out a blaster pistol.
"Query: Can I please kill him, Master? And make a necklace from his headtails."
"No, just put our revolutionary back."
HK grunted and pushed the alien back on the seat.
"Damn, what a bloodthirsty one," Cham muttered.
"Appreciation: Thank you, that's an object of my pride."
"Yeah, I think it is a part of his charm," Phantom added. "Now, when you aren't trying to jump out of the window and land on a cold concrete, I'd like to talk about something. Leave us," he looked at the droids. They exited the room.
"Where are the Heads of these clans?" Danny pointed at the empty chairs.
"Why should I know?"
"Well, I dunno, maybe because you are the leader of this rebellion?" Danny raised an eyebrow at the Twi'lek in front of him, before leaning back in the chair. "Since the clan leaders are probably hiding, all responsibility falls to you. Or Senator Orn Free Taa, but this is out of question for us for obvious reasons."
"I will never let that corrupt bureaucrat decide instead of us."
"So I suspected. Now," Phantom drummed his fingers as a servitude droid brought him a glass of beverage. "I must admit, I have a soft spot for revolutionaries like you, Syndulla. I used to be one, after all."
Cham only raised a metaphorical eyebrow.
"Yes, I have ascended to power after leading the slave revolt. I wasn't one of them, but I saw their suffering. Now they are free people and I am still their leader. So far I have been merciful to you all."
"You call this a mercy?"
"You call this a cruelty?" Danny retorted. "I just keep the refugees under guard. Moreover, the Republic supplies were let through. Granted, you aren't getting any weapons. But they are fed, and don't have any problems with water."
"They didn't ask for this war."
"But the leaders did. This IS a war, Syndulla. And you have sided with our enemy. Everything is as just as the war allows."
"You think enslaving our people is just?!"
"I never said that, neither I intend to enslave them. it would have been hypocritical of me. Now, I let you choose how you can get away from this issue."
"I have a choice?" He deadpanned.
"Well, you can become a slave if you want to. Here is my offer. I can ship as many people as possible on the planet where the Confederacy can't reach."
"It's not enough."
"I suspected as much. That's why I have a brilliant idea. Ryloth is not under MY control, sadly. Techno Union got dibs on it first."
"This is not some vase to be owned," the Twi'lek clenched his fists.
"Yes, I agree with you. Anyways, Wat Tambor is coming here soon enough. It would be most unfortunate if the terrorists caused some harm to the Head of the Union."
Syndulla's eyes widened. "Are...are you letting us kill him?"
"No. I'm assisting you. We will fake your escape and help stage a murder. The Union will be in disarray, and this corporation is interested in Ryloth only because Tambor wanted so. Without him, the planet will be left under my control. And since we are the 'Confederacy', I will have the full control."
"What's your gain in it?"
"Simple, the same gain as yours. I gain control and I prevent the slavers from taking your people. I despise slavery as much as you do."
"How can I trust you?"
"Simple. Sign this," Danny handed a datapad. "You will get a copy of this agreement. If I go against my word, you will have a blackmail against me. My signature is already there. I put my trust into your noble ideals, and hope that you won't use it for no reason."
Syndulla was given a stylus. After some contemplation and reading the treaty throughly, the Twi'lek left his signature. Danny beamed.
"Good, you will understand when you have to run. For now, return to your cell. Ta!"
The battle droids entered and carried now shackled Twi'lek out of the room. HK looked at his Master.
"Question: Are you sure it is a good idea, Master? He might use it against you."
"I'd like to see him try," Danny shrugged, leaning back and smirking. He put his legs on the table again. "There is a virus which will delete the data when I need it."
HK gave a little mischievous laugh. He liked his Master's thinking.
Phantom was interested to build schemes. It was so satisfying to watch them being set in motion, it was like putting the last puzzle piece in the picture. This situation wasn't one of those. Assassinations just weren't his thing, they were just so plain and boring. So Danny just let the expert deal with everything, while dedicating himself to something more important.
The Emperor took a brief trip across several Imperial provinces to check how everything was going within them. They were the most vital worlds of the superstate. Among them was Demetra, the planet wide agricultural complex, achieved through terraformation. It was the first of its kind, so his presence there was vital. The planets like this could sustain the entire sectors, but they weren't going to be used in sectors with already fertile planets.
Terra was also on his list of visits. He had issued an order to build a new capital for the planet, not tied to any major country. No one was offended when all common administrations were moved to a small country in the central Africa. Of course, they didn't live in wooden shacks, but in a city build by Imperial standards. Moreover, the climate change took place using special machines. The process of integration was going slowly, and that annoyed the Emperor. It was a weird condition, the entire planet was formally called the Terran Confederacy, under protection of the Empire, but only half of the countries, and mostly those of the third world, were its part for real.
It was even better, Phantom guessed. There was so much potential in that countries, given the required techs and competent government. And the companies were eager to exploit one of the cheapest working hands in the Empire. And given the obligatory education, they were capable of using the factory machinery. The poor countries would make a lasting impression of Imperial prosperity.
As for the Emperor himself, their opinion differed. Many didn't like Phantom's new campaign. They said that enough was enough, the Empire was already controlling most of the Galaxy. But since only a tiny part of the army was used, and they were sponsored by the corporations, their complaints were insufficient. Terra was different from other planets, because its denizens got used to democracy and elective government. And despite the dualistic monarchy, they wanted even more power for the people. Because basically, the Council was not responsible before them, the Grand Moffs were only afraid of their Emperor's displeasure. Danny had an idea, that's why he had called a meeting.
"You want to do what?" Someone from the table asked.
"The Empire needs a constitution. So far there weren't any documents of such importance. Except the Law book. But when our main principles are manifested on the same page as a punishment for stealing a sack of potatoes, something is clearly not right."
Thank goodness he was just overdramatizing. But the point was made, and the Council got to work, under the guidance of the Emperor. Since Phantom was not a tyrant, everything was easy, besides, they just needed to write everything down. However, Danny wasn't ready to fully surrender some of his power. Not now, when he was building plans of Galactic dominance.
He was interrupted from his responsibilities by a sudden call. Shockingly, it was from Count Dooku. Danny was summoned to Serenno. From what he heard, it was the planet where Dooku's title came from. Phantom had no valuable reason to refuse the offer, so he needed to go. He had to use the ship, thankfully Komand let him use hers. It really suited the family of their wealth. Phantom was relieved that the planet wasn't far from Raxus, so it didn't take long. When you can teleport, using transport is really boring.
To say that the protection of the planet was powerful was to say nothing. The Republic wasn't so far away, so Serenno really needed that protection. For Danny it was easy to pass it, being on the same side. He landed on a special platform, a bit rocky, he wasn't used to driving such things. Outside he was greeted by the Count himself, with two Magna Guards standing near him. Dooku had a welcoming smile on his face, looking like a kind grandpa.
"General, what a pleasure to finally talk with you privately," the Count said.
"Same here," Danny responded with a smile of his own. "Nice place you have here," he said as they started to walk in direction of the Palace.
"Thank you, it is our family's pride."
After passing two lines of obelisks and three gardens, Phantom spoke again.
"So, is there any particular reason why you have called me?"
"I enjoy a good conversation. But yes, we need to talk about something, and this is not something what is discussed through the hologram."
They stopped in an office room. It wasn't lit very well, only by the sunrays coming through the green glass. While they sat in two armchairs, the droid brought them drinks. As Dooku made a sip from a tall glass, he continued talking.
"You leave quite an impression, General."
"Call me Daniel," Danny interrupted, before taking a sip as well.
"Daniel. I wanted to ask why you have acted without my agreement on Toyderia."
Phantom raised an eyebrow. "What's wrong with it? I captured Ryloth, didn't I?"
"Yes, but you have interfered into what you are not responsible for. Now Gunray is furious."
"For what?"
"He could get a lot of money from selling the food."
Phantom clenched his hand and now empty glass broke. "Flames, sorry for that."
"Not to worry, my friend."
At the Count's gesture the droid came closer again with a tray, where Danny put the glass shards.
"I sense your anger," Dooku commented. "You don't have much love for them, I take it?"
"How did you guess?" Phantom asked sarcastically, leaning forward on his chair, looking at the fireplace. "I hate keeping them around."
"Believe me, Daniel, if I could befree us from their influence, I would have done so. We need their soldiers and money. But what about you?"
"I understand. I'm fighting for the Confederacy because I believe in its ideals. The Senate is corrupt, and people are suffering because of their ignorance."
"And what about the Chancellor?"
"Palpatine? I'm not sure. I was curious about him, so I just dug in for his biography. Amazing how much information the mercenaries can find if given money. He was known as a bratty kid with a love for speeder racing. Then his parents mysteriously die, and Palpatine tried to find his place in politics. Why do you ask?"
"Just a mere curiosity. He is leading the country opposing us."
"I don't judge my enemies just because they are against me. I judge their actions."
"Wise words," the old man took another sip of wine.
"And what about you and the Jedi Order?"
Count tapped his finger on the glass. "That's...private. But I see their corruption, and it is one of the factors which made me leave. I don't remember ever seeing you in the Temple."
"Because I never was there. Except for that time when we played cat and mouse with the entire Order," Danny chuckled, remembering good old times.
"Yet you show an exceptional level of training."
Phantom's cheek greened faintly. "Thanks, I guess. I never had any mentors, in a normal sense of the word, except for my uncle. Bless his soul. It was a strange relationship. He was beating the crap out of me until I learned. He was actually the one who indirectly taught me the swordmanship. I learned by looking at him."
"You speak rather softly about the person who used to treat you this way."
"If he really wanted to hurt me, he would have. I always had a feeling that he was holding back. I was so blind to see that he wanted to keep me away from my horrible parents. Vlad knew that I would never agree to go with him, so he gave the advises whose meaning I've understood only several years later."
Dooku was about to ask something else, when Danny's communicator beeped. Excusing himself, Phantom accepted the call. He was actually relieved, understanding that he had blurted out more than he needed. HK was there.
"Report: I have bad news and not so bad news, Master. Where shall I begin?"
"The worst."
"Syndulla has escaped," the droid responded. Both of them grinned internally.
"And the other?"
"Wat Tambor was killed. His ship was blown up as it was landing."
"Thank you, HK."
As the communication was over, Danny saw Dooku's displeased expression.
"I sense a mirth inside of you."
"Less slugs - the better. Nevertheless, I guess I need to sort out the mess on Ryloth myself," Phantom rose from his seat. "I apologize for leaving so abruptly, but duty calls."
"I hope we will be able to continue the conversation. Too sad it lasted for such a short time."
Danny nodded and left the room. After some time Dooku got up as well, before walking to the holoprojector. Soon an image appeared. An image of the cloaked man, whose face was hidden. Count sat on one knee and bowed his head.
"Greetings, My Master."
"Tyranus," The man on the other man croaked. "You call too soon."
"I know, Phantom had to leave immediately. But I have managed to find out something."
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