Chapter 32: Four years of the Empire
"In days gone by there was a King who had three sons. When his sons came of age the King called them to him and said, "My dear lads, I want you to get married so that I may see your little ones, my grand-children, before I die."
Komand stopped near the nursery at hearing her lover's voice inside. Curious, the young yuth peeked inside and couldn't resist the smile coming up her face. Dani and Ashoka were lying together on the bed, half hidden under covers, with curious and eager expressions on their faces. Danny was sitting nearby on the same bed, with a small lamp lighting the book in his gloved hands. So it was a usual evening of fairy tales before sleep. Komand leaned against the wall, yet unnoticed by the family, enjoying the adorable scene.
"And his sons replied," Danny continued. "Very well, Father, give us your blessing. Who do you want us to marry?"
"Each of you must take an arrow, go out into the green meadow and shoot it. Where the arrows fall, there shall your destiny be."
"So the sons bowed to their father, and each of them took an arrow and went out into the green meadow, where they drew their bows and let fly their arrows.The arrow of the eldest son fell in the courtyard of a nobleman, and the nobleman’s daughter picked it up. The arrow of the middle son fell in the yard of a merchant, and the merchant’s daughter picked it up. But the arrow of the youngest son, Prince Ivan, flew up and away he knew not where. He walked on and on in search of it, and at last he came to a marsh, where what should he see but a frog sitting on a leaf with the arrow in its mouth. Prince Ivan said to it, "Frog, give me back my arrow."
"And the frog replied, "Marry me!"
"How can I marry a frog?"
"Marry me, for it is your destiny."
"What's a frog?" Dani suddenly asked innocently.
It felt weird for the oldest Phantom that his daughter wasn't aware about the simplest things he himself knew from childhood. But yes, the little princess was growing up on completely different planet, and even if they had an entire park nearby, she obviously couldn't see even a simple pigeon or this same frog. It wasn't bad or good, it was just...different. They would have to visit Terra one of those day. Incognito, of course, how would they do that, though?
"A nasty Terran amphibian," Danny answered.
The girls 'ewed' and giggled at the poor prince's unluck. Komand chuckled and gave up her presence. Danny glanced to the side and smiled.
"Oh my, look who is here! Came for fairy tales, Komy?" He asked teasingly.
"No, I just like to see how you are telling them," she smiled as well.
Komand sat nearby, put her head on Danny's shoulder and kissed his cheek. The nineteen years old man coughed and went on to the story.
"Prince Ivan picked up the frog and brought it home..."
In the same eager tone Danny read the story to an end, as his listeners fell in a blissful sleep. Phantom quietly closed the book and looked at the sleeping girls lovingly. It felt wonderful to have a family again, and he would have it no other way. Putting the book away, Danny carefully picked up his lover bridal style and carried her to their now shared room, thankfully it was no effort at all. Once they were in the bedroom, Phantom put Komand on the Emperor-sized bed. He would have joined her, but what could he do, duty called.
It was a strange dissonance, one minute he was telling a night story to his children, and then he got to the frontline on one of the planets. Just a usual day of his afterlife, but he would have it no other way.
-Time skip-
Je'daii Order was completely recreated in two years. Several recruiters travelled across the entire Empire and even beyond, searching for the Force Users. Yes, there were two thousand sensitive Sith in service of the Emperor, but it wasn't enough. In total, there were six thousand of who was called 'The Imperial Paladins'. Phantom had created a certain system of recruit rotation in order to train as many as possible in a short amount of time. Nothing out of ordinary, actually, train first hundred, each will train own hundred, and it shall be done.
Yes, not everyone was extremely capable, and learning everything in half of the year was impossible. But even the average Force User was capable of beating the division. That's exactly what Phantom wanted, to put at least one knight for the division, of which the legions were composed. There were ten thousand Jedi at the very least, and even if Phantom seeked to avoid confrontation, it was obvious that the Order would side with the Republic when the war breaks out.
Komand took the role of a trainer as well, after Danny's constant requests/begging. And the trainees prayed to whatever gods they believed in, someone actually prayed to the Emperor. And this same person was passing the training ground, behind the trees and together with his birth and surrogate daughters. They peeked from their place to the training, seeing the shaking students of different ages, from eighteen to forty five, approximately.
"No, not like that, how many times do I have to tell you?!" Komand shouted.
The family flinched in surprise. Danny heard a low whisper. "She is a demon," someone said in fear.
Komand's head snapped in that direction. "What did you just say?!"
"Daddy, I'm scared," Dani clenched her father's leg.
"I know, dear, I am, too," Phantom responded, petting his daughter.
Ahsoka was thankful that Danny was the one to teach her. And that he didn't demand from her an immediate progress, nor it was needed.
Later that day the War Council meeting was adjourned. While the High Council was partially responsible for declaring wars and accepting surrender, the War Council's responsibility was waging it. The last free state of the Western Galaxy, except for the Chiss Ascendancy, was about to fall before the might of the Imperial forces. Phantom crossed his legs and leaned forward, listening to the Lord General's report, since the man was an equivalent of Minister of Defence.
The whole meeting was held on the new flagship of the Imperial monarch, the pride of its Navy. It held the same name as its predecessor, but was completely different. Hyperion was now a fifteen kilometers long, dagger shaped dreadnought, with a vertical structure under its very nose. The ship type in general was named 'Augustus'. It had over five thousands turbolasers, multiple ion cannons, a thousand of ectoplasmic batteries, over twenty hangers, not to mention numerous smaller laser cannons. It was a sight to behold and so far it was the most powerful ship the Empire could offer.
"The attack on Daibazaal has begun just in time," Haseas said. "However, the locals are putting quite a fight. Our losses are bigger than we have anticipated. Thanks to the efforts of the admiral Thrawn," The man nodded towards the Chiss hologram, who nodded in response. "The reinforcements won't be helping them."
"Yes," Thrawn added. "We put the Interdictors on the way of their transportation fleets and destroyed them."
Haseas continued. "I'd also like to note several things. This is the first battle where the Imperial Paladins fight alongside with our troops. Quite effective, they are, we manage to beat our opponents, despite the fact that they have the Force Users of their own...Druids, I think. Also, we are concerned about the Sith among our ranks. No, they are capable and loyal warriors, but they tend to become too excited, fierce and uncontrollable, even more than our more...animalistic comrades."
"Should have known," Danny mumbled.
"My Lord."
Phantom turned in direction of the voice. There was a hologram of the Sith, who wore the golden armor and helmet, was quite muscular. Danny gestured for the man to continue, and he bowed slightly.
"My people are following the prophecy we received thousands of years ago. It was said, that we must follow the chosen one, and die for the greater cause. Because by deaths of our warriors, the rest of our race will achieve greatness. As long as we serve you, we are ready to die for the Empire."
What a touching speech. Phantom was intrigued by that prophecy, and even if he was the wrong person, Danny wasn't about to lose the opportunity of using the skillful warriors. Phantom looked back at Haseas and urged the man to continue.
"Several worlds have already fallen into our hands, as you remember. Their most important trade routs are disrupted, for a few minor exceptions. Our banks, as you have ordered, were forbidden to have any business with the Galra, and they are unable to take any loans. Our situation isn't really better, however. We already had to pause our...secret projects. If the war goes any longer, we will have to cut our health care, education and other institutions. Our enemies had to do that already, soon they will be eating the last piece of bread. Still, I'm afraid that we won't be able to get further into their territory."
Danny hummed and put a hand on his chin. "Has their ruler asked for peace or we have to extend an olive branch?"
"Not yet, Your Highness. Do you want us to inform them about our willingness to negotiate?"
"I'll meet with their...King or what?" No one answered. "Seriously? We don't even know the rank of the guy in charge?" Danny sighed.
"It wasn't the priority, Your Highness."
"Anyways, I'll meet him personally if needed. And throw the branch into his face."
Someone snorted.
"It shall be done, sir."
"Until then, keep fighting. The more we conquer, the more demanding we can be."
First terms of peace negotiations often lead to nothing, but not in this case. Unaware about the Empire's economical problems, caused by their resistance, the Galra were ready to end the war. Phantom wasn't happy. Yes, it was a victory, but a Pyrrhic one. The Empire's reputation as an unbeatable force remained unshaken, but the Emperor knew better. If it stumbled against a small state, what could he do with the Republic, a superpower taking almost half of the Galaxy? His hopes were on the Star Forge, the boiling situation within the state and its corruption.
Nevertheless, the peace treaty was signed. The last free state of the Western Galaxy, save the isolationist Chiss, fell and became the Imperial province. However, unlike many other states, the Galra saved their ruling dynasty in charge, despite how Phantom was innerly against it. They also appointed Moffs of their own, thankfully not the Grand Moff. They could rally back behind their leader and the Emperor would get a problem on his hands. The monarch himself seemed like a nice fellow, though, even if in his eyes Phantom only brought destruction and deaths.
"Dear citizens of the Empire," the Emperor's speech ran across the Holonet. "This day will be written down in history. Never before was the Western Galaxy united under one banner, and it brings me joy to know that this banner belongs to our great state. All of this wouldn't have been possible without the struggle of our soldiers and the tireless effort of our workers who built all our weapons and ships. And I'm talking not only about the recent conflict, but about the series of wars our country went through during three years of my rule."
"We greeted the new states with open arms. Those who weren't willing to join the Empire, felt no oppression after being conquered. But ask yourself a question, do you feel confident about your kids' future? Now there aren't any outside threats, no warlords who fight with each other, every day hundreds, thousands died because of spats of over fifteen countries. There wasn't a single day of peace in this part of the Galaxy, not a single day without a cannon firing down at the civilians, without someone dying from unstoppable wars. Now, who will attempt to attack you? That's right. No one."
"We will never forget the sacrifices our soldiers made, nor we will vandalize the graves of our former enemies. They were heroes in their own way, even if opposing to us. And since their families now have Imperial passports and their husbands and fathers now lie dead, it is only fair that their loss should be compensated. I see it no other way."
"With this being said, when the unification of our region is completed, with combined efforts, we, the proud citizens of the Empire, can move forward, towards the great future. That is all for now, dear friends, we have a lot of work ahead of us. Let me wish you the great achievements on your small path, which leads to the wide road we all share."
Twenty one year old Emperor leaned back in his seat, putting his legs on the table. Danny was holding a cup of coffee in one hand, while holding the datapad in another. He couldn't help but grin in pride. The report he got concerned the Star Forge. He had finished the creation of ectoplasmic generator, powerful enough to power the entire station. The Rakata were satisfied, so their inspector left. Now the construction was going with new force, and was much cheaper. He was promised that the station would be ready in three years.
The smirk fell down when he saw the price. Yep. It was as expensive as he and Thrawn thought. The Chiss had recently figured out that the Empire was building the superweapon. He wasn't enlightened about it, nor he wanted to be. Thrawn wanted to find out everything himself. He saw the spendings on raw resources, while not seeing the ships which could be built with them. When the Grand Admiral confronted the monarch, which could be called his friend to a decree, he asked what exactly the weapon was.
Thrawn tried to convince the Emperor that it was irrational to spend most of the military budget on one weapon instead of enormous armada. With a carefree smile Phantom proceeded to explain what the Star Forge was. The Chiss was satisfied with it, enthusiastic even, if the word could be applied to him.
Danny made a sip of coffee, before hearing a cry nearby. He jumped out of surprise, almost spilling the drink on his pants. Phantom glanced to the side and saw Alva sitting on her perch. It chirped a sound which was oddly similar to laughter. She had returned from her feeding trip in the forest, obviously. Alva was now an adult, as tall as the hawk should be, and her beak now fit the name of her specie, hooked and pretty. Phantom narrowed his neon eyes.
"Haha, very funny."
The bird chirped, before scratching her side under white wing.
"No one asked you," Danny grumbled.
Phantom perked up at hearing Dani's loud yelp. His look turned concerned, Danny put the cup and datapad on the table and went straight through the several walls, right to the living room. It was a comfy place, with a shelf full of paper books taking the entire wall. The opposite wall had a fireplace in its center, with several soft armchairs nearby. In one of the corners was a pile of toys, used by a certain white haired girl. And speaking of, he saw Dani lying on the floor on her stomach. Ahsoka was near her, and Komand was sitting on one of the armchairs with a book in her hands. They both were staring at the ghost girl.
"What happened here?" Danny asked in confusion.
Dani suddenly jumped on her feet with an excited grin on her face. "I was flying, Daddy!" She squealed.
Phantom's eyes were ready to jump out of his head. He glanced to the side and received multiple nods of confirmation. Danny then looked at the six years old with a soft smile on his face.
"Can you do that again?" He asked gently.
Dani pouted in thought. "I dunno. But I'll try," she smiled adorably, looking up at Danny.
She closed her eyes, but wasn't able to do anything. When the girl opened her eyes, they seemed to be watering. It was so like her to take everything seriously.
"Hey, that's alright, princess," Danny kneeled to her eyelevel. "Think of something light, like a feather. And then imagine the wind which pushes you forward and above the ground."
Dani nodded and tried to do as her father said.
"Open your eyes, sweetheart," she heard Phantom's voice.
The girl did that and squealed in joy again. She was a few feet above the ground. Dani shook her legs in the air and giggled. But Danny looked probably more happy. He laughed in excitement.
"Here you go, keep doing it, Dani!" He said.
"I'm flying!" The girl waved her hands like a bird, before suddenly dropping on a few inches.
Danny flinched and was about to catch her, outstretching his hands forward, but the ghost girl managed to stay in the air. Probably because of her determined pout. Phantom laughed even more, along with everyone else, before flying up to her and hugging with a manly squeal.
"Oh, God, I can't believe my little girl is flying already!" He said with happy tears.
"Aren't you overreacting?" Komand asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Komy, you don't understand. For us, ghosts, it is even more important than making first steps. Bring the camera, quickly!"
Komand quickly strolled out of the room. It was indeed the moment to capture. Nevertheless, she shook her head and chuckled at her lover's antics.
"Uhm, Master, I think you are suffocating her," Ahsoka noted.
Danny looked down at his daughter and quickly loosened his hold. Phantom realized that he had forgotten that Dani was only a halfa. The girl just shook her head and giggled. She then tried to get out of her father's hold, believing that she could fly on her own. Danny wasn't persistent, and let her go. Dani was confidently staying on her place above the ground. By then Komand had gotten the camera and returned to the room. With a smirk, she raised the device.
"Alright, now smile."
And the flash recorded one of the memorable moments of their lives.
"This isn't going according to plan," Danny said.
"Oh, really, and what gave you this idea? The fact that we are who knows how far away from our forces or that we are tied to the wooden pole?" Komand asked sarcastically.
To say that they were embarrassed was to say nothing. It was one thing to be war prisoners and another thing was to be captured by a bunch of teddy bears. It started as a dangerous plan of expansion. The danger was that in order to get to the uncolonized and independent Wild Space on the Galactic South East and North East, the Empire had to take several worlds in jurisdiction of the Republic. Phantom planned on setting up the Imperial bases in secret. They worked on uninhabited planets, or moons, just like Endor they were currently on. Or at least they thought it was uninhabited.
The base was set up in the endless woods, and the two just decided to go on a small camping trip. And, as it was evident, the date was kind of ruined. Both Danny and Komand couldn't understand how the locals got them. Despite being one meter tall, the Ewoks were quite strong, and their height made them sneaky. Then a stone to the head and voila, they are unconscious. Or at least Komand, Danny just pretended to be. Damn inner scientist.
He was interested in their culture. There were curious wooden structures high in the trees. Knowing that every culture and specie is affected by its surroundings, Danny was a bit buffled. What could force that seemingly cute teddy bears to climb so high? Only something or someone very big. Judging from the height, this someone was at least twenty meters tall.
"What do you think about their architecture?" He suddenly asked.
"It's a bit...upside down," Komand deadpanned. They were indeed hung heads down.
"Oh, don't be so grumpy, Komy. Be optimistic!" Danny smiled. "We have a rare opportunity to witness their customs!"
"And their inners, apparently," the yuth said, nodding towards the big fire.
"I have no retort for that."
The small bears took the pole and put them above the fire.
"Are you going to do anything?" Komand asked as the tongues of fire started touching her robes.
"What exactly?"
The woman had an inferno in her eyes. "Are you kidding me?! We are about to get burned down! Free us!"
"Wait a bit. I'm listening to what they say."
One of the Ewoks with the stuff whispered something to the guy, who looked like a chieftain. The chieftain hit the floor beneath him with a spear and everyone turned to the gray bear, including two captives.
"Tribesmen, rejoice, for our god-protector is here, and let us hope that the sacrifice in his honor will please him."
Danny translated the speech to his lover, confused as heck. Under loud cheering the Ewoks carried their 'god' outside on a wooden armchair. The captives' jaws dropped.
"Statement: Finally, the sacrifice. My dream has come true!"
"HK?!" Both Danny and Komand exclaimed.
Droid flinched, before looking at them. "Embarrassment: Oh, it's you, Master. Sorry for unconvenience."
"What. The. Hell."
"Explanation: When you departed, I decided to kill a few animals in hopes for challenge. I found this little meatbags and they mistook me for their god. Hehehe," he let out a tiny evil laugh, like a kid who was about to draw the mustache on someone's face. It was obvious he was up to no good.
"And you ordered them to fry and eat the bypassers?!" Komand exclaimed.
"Negative: No, they have been doing this before I came," HK responded calmly. "But now they make sacrifices for me alone. I'm flattered."
"Order them to free us," Danny commanded.
"Query: Are you sure?"
"Disappointment: And I so wanted a sacrifice of a few meatbags. Fine, let them go."
Ewoks blinked in confusion, but followed their god's command. After being freed, Danny immediately started talking with their chieftain. HK played his roled of the God to the end, giving his blessing. The Ewoks promised not to approach the Imperial posts, and the Stormtroopers would protect the small bears from Gorax. Judging from the chieftain's description, the garrison would need more artillery and vehicles to destroy those twenty meters tall behemoths. But all in all, more or less peaceful expansion could continue to move forward, to the East.
Following the doctrine of 'Blaster and bread', as Danny had called it, the growth on the North was continuing as well. Not as good as on the opposite side of the Galaxy, however. The colonization was complicated because of multiple Republican important hyperspace lines. The Imperials had to use sideways, smaller and slower. And if the Galactic map was looked down upon in two dimensions, then the Empire had an enclave, cut off by the Republic. Phantom had a wonderful sheme in mind.
He decided to stage and give financial support to revolting movements of the territories on his way. Most important ones were: Sernpidel, Dubrillion, Bescane and Kalee. The last one was simple as heck. The locals, the Kaleesh, were going through the hard times. They won a war against the Huk - a race of mantis like beings, but they got too carried away, killing both soldiers and civilians. The Senate imposed sanctions on the planet, blaming it for genocide. They even sent some Jedi to force peace, not even caring that Huks sold millions of Kaleesh into slavery, and that they were the ones to start the war.
Phantom appeared out of nowhere, taking the job of a generous donator. He saved thousands of families from rampaging famine, absolutely for free. It got him the appreciation of the public, even if at first they were suspicious of the alien. Following the cunning sheme, Danny took a loan from the Central Imperial Bank and lent the money under tiny percents to the planet. It helped them to stay intact. They would return the loan, and it was much cheaper to pay the difference to the bank than simply giving the money to the Kaleesh.
But the biggest bank of the Republic - The Intergalactic Banking Clan wasn't happy. They gained a lot after the war, and now Phantom just gave money to pay off the Clan's loan with horrid percentage. Despite Danny's effort to remain subtle, the Senate became aware about the donator. Did he get an appreciation? Not in the government, at least. The embargo was still intact, and they weren't going to make any exceptions. It was named a crime. People questioned where he got the money. When Phantom learned about that, one innocent wall got a hole in itself.
The enclave meanwhile kept growing. It was shaped as the hook, because this time the trade route didn't reach the end of the Galaxy. The border of the Empire went around it, leaving a buffer zone between them. But the main point of this expansion was one sand planet, named Korriban. The Sith were informed about the development, and to say that they were excited to return to their homeworld was an understatement. His status as the Choosen One among them became hard as rock. They immediately started rebuilding their cities and tombs.
At the moment Phantom was present on one of the non valid planets of Outer Rim. HK was walking near him, along with Ahsoka.
"Query: So, the planet is completely unguarded?" HK asked in bewilderment.
"Well, not completely. The Hutts control everything around here. And that slugs aren't the ones who take kindly to any offense, but you know that without me. You will have only one Legion, HK, you must look like a huge band of mercenaries. The Legion is on its way, but until then everything should be prepared. Then we will proclaim the planet's independence from the Hutt Cartel. This land is irrelevant, so they are unlikely to move their nonexistent butts too much."
"But why do we need it?" Ahsoka tilted her head.
"Simple. This planet should act as a curtain. Because right behind it we have our enclave," Danny proceeded to explain.
"Do we really have to hide? We are doing the right thing, aren't we?"
Phantom sighed. "Stereotypes, dear. If the Empire appears again out of the blue, it won't make us any good. They would look at us and see wicked invaders, not liberators. We must be subtle, helping those in need from the shadows. Only then we can reveal ourselves."
They entered the small settlement, and honestly, it looked like orbital bombardment happened each day around here. There was something Arabic about the design, though, not surprising on dusty planet.
"How can anyone live like that?" Ahsoka mumbled.
Danny overheard her. "This is how the world works, my apprentice. No government can get rid of poverty and hunger, but the Empire can help most of them. This is what we work for and one of the reasons I created it in the first place."
Silence settled between them. They both occasionally looked at the starving people. They passed a bunch of kids in rags, who were playing tag, trying to entertain themselves somehow, covered in a thick layer of dirt. Near the walls were sitting begging adults and supposedly orphans. Their eyes told them everything, those were the eyes of the people, whose dreams were never present in the first place, whose spirits were shattered and thrown into the space void. Well, their suffering was about to end.
Suddenly they heard the whirring of the engine. Soon several speeders stopped in front of them, with six armed men on each. They jumped off their transport and one guy in a durasteel armor went forward. Danny gestured for HK to stand down and do not fire immediately.
"Well, well, boys, a new guy who doesn't look like a beggar," the man said. "What did you forget here?"
"My dog, have you seen it?" Danny asked calmly, causing Ahsoka to flinch in laughter.
"I don't like being laughed at. This is the land of Ziro the Hutt. Pay the fee or the conversation will end he..."
Phantom turned on the lightsaber and fiddled with it, not caring about the assaultants at all. "I'm sorry, were you about to say something?"
Some of the bandits made a step back in fear. Danny was about to order them to submit. But before the words left his mouth, the crowd broke into loud and happy cheers. And the ghost was about to order them to drop their weapons, but the armed men did just that before his command. He could smell their fear. While they kept shifting nervously, HK turned to Phantom.
"Move them somewhere," his Master ordered. HK nodded and moved the bandits away.
Danny then felt Ahsoka tugging on his white cape.
"Why did they do that?" She asked her guardian.
Danny put a hand on her shoulder and looked into her eyes.
"This is the true power of the lightsaber, Ahsoka. Not the laser, not the hilt, but the symbol it holds. It plants the fear into the hearts of the bandits and puts hope into those who lack it. By simply turning it on I did both of these things. This people around us now have a hope for the future and we will help them build it."
At his words the Star Destroyer appeared above them. It wasn't only transporting the Legion, it carried tons of food, water and clothes. Ahsoka looked back at the Emperor, seeing the man, who was more of protector than any Jedi.
It was one of the rare moments when Danny could allow himself to stay with Komand throughout the entire night. He was reading the book while his love was quietly snoring on his shoulder, her chest steadily rising and falling. But the peaceful time was interrupted by a loud scream. Danny jumped up on his feet in a split second, with a fearful expression on his face. Komand was rubbing her eyes, but Phantom had already bolted out of the room.
Danny ran down the corridor, right into his daughter's room. To his small relief, Dani was there. But the girl was shaking and crying.
"What's wrong, sweetie?" Phantom asked, sitting nearby.
Dani immediately jumped into a hug and sobbed. "Ni-nightmare!" She said.
Phantom sighed, running a hand through the girl's hair. "You scared us even more, kiddo," he chuckled.
"Can I...sleep with you?"
"Of course, princess. Common."
Dani wasn't letting go, so instead of walking near her, Danny scooped the girl in his arms and carried her back to the bedroom. The seven years old was clutching him for dear half life, but her sobs reduced. After entering his room, Phantom noticed that the sobs turned into steady breathing. Has she fallen asleep while they were walking? Shaking his head, Danny lied on the bed with her, explaining the situation to Komand. The woman nodded sleepily and drifted back to the kingdom of Morpheus. Dani snuggled closer, making her father chuckle again. He was so happy he took her four years ago.
They were training almost every day, and the day after was not an exception. In a special room two ghosts were practicing their own powers.
"Alright, Dani, your blasts are getting more controllable. Good job," Danny praised with a smile, making the girl grin.
"Thanks, Daddy."
"Now, I want to test something else. Try making the most powerful charge you can manage. Fire at that dummy."
Dani nodded. She then closed her eyes and her hands glowed green. It was becoming brighter and brighter, before she launched the ray forward. The big explosion left nothing from the iron statue they used as the target.
"Oops, sorry, Mr. Dummy!" The girl said.
Danny chuckled, examining the result. It was quite powerful for a child of her age. Not surprising, considering that her father was the most powerful ghost around. But his eyes then noticed something about Dani, and he frowned.
"Hm, give me your hand, sweetie."
The girl blinked, but followed the request. Danny's hand was immediately covered by the green goo, which the girl's arm was dipping. It was ectoplasm, there was no doubt about that. But Dani wasn't bleeding. It all started after the blast, which used her power. The ghosts usually trickled ectoplasm when their cores were wounded and they started to destabilize. But Dani was alright, her core was checked at Frostbite's a few weeks back!
Phantom's mind started to race on rapid speeds. Maybe he was panicking too much? If it wasn't about being a ghost, and half human status had nothing to do with that, since it never happened to him when he was still a halfa...It probably had something to do with...cloning. Just great, Vlad's researches were gone long ago, he had no chance of finding it out himself because he wasn't a genetic scientist. What should he do?
"Daddy, are you alright?" Dani asked in concern.
"I'm fine. Something is going on with you. I don't know how...Yes, that's the only way."
"What d'ya mean?"
"We are going to Kamino."
A.N. Here is the plan, guys. We are setting off in Attack of the Clones, then we go through the Clone Wars and end in Revenge of the Sith. It's gonna be a long way.
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