Chapter 21: The heiress of the Empire
Phantom hurriedly followed the Far Frozen denizen through the icy caves lying beneath the main hall. They served not only the purpose of hidden research facilties, but also a hideout, which meant that the path was very tricky and bizarre, so the invading enemy would get lost and the yeti ghosts would have time to escape. Their path was lightened by several diode lamps hanging from the ceiling, their light reflecting from the ice walls.
All the while Danny's mind was racing on rapid speed. The messenger hadn't shared much information, and the young man was left to his own assumptions. What did he mean by that? And what insane idea could come to Vlad's fruitloopish mind this time?
The ghost led Phantom inside one of the doors, inside poorly lightened room. It wasn't big, there were several chairs and one lab table. Near one wall stood something hidden behind black clothing. However, Danny could see a weak green light coming from behind the cover. Frostbite was sitting nearby, all the while glancing at the hidden object.
"Alright, Frostbite, what's going on?" Danny asked, crossing his hands.
"I'm sorry to interrupt the celebration, Great One. But it was the best moment to discuss this matter, when everyone is outside."
"Get closer to the topic, please."
The chieftain looked at the messenger. "Leave us."
As the messenger went out of the room, the door shut behind him, Phantom tapped on the ground, before looking at the hidden object. Taking a deep sigh, he touched and grabbed the clothing, before pulling it down. He didn't know what he expected to see, but it certainly wasn't what stood in front of his eyes. A large glass tube, filled with greenish water, probably because of added ectoplasm. But it wasn't what made Danny jump slightly in surprise.
There was a body, situated near the top. Small and fragile body, which could belong only to a three year old. Judging from...special traits, it was a girl. So that's who the messenger meant by 'she'. The girl was breathing through the special mask on her face. And all the nutrients were obviously received from ectoplasm in the water. Smart decision. If she is at least a half ghost. A human, especially that young, would have died because of literally swimming in the ectoplasm. Danny raised his eyebrow at that thought. Frostbite rose from his seat and approached the Emperor from behind.
"We have changed breathing masks so they will fit her as she grew. When we found her one year ago, the girl was on a stage of a newborn toddler. My decision was to contain her and maintain proper life conditions, at least until your return. I had a hope that you are still alive somewhere. In a way, at least."
Danny wasn't moving his eyes from the girl. "Who are you, little one?" He mumbled.
"I have answer for that, Great One. When we moved the girl here, we took a DNA sample. Also, when we discovered that she was starting to form a ghostly core, we made an ectosignature scan. It was truly fascinating. We have never seen a newborn halfa and its growth," Frostbite coughed. "Apologies, got off topic. My point is, we also have your scans ever since Undergrowth ordeal. And...they almost entirely match."
Phantom's eyes were ready to jump out of his eyes. "What is that supposed to mean?"
"Apparently, she is your clone."
Danny dropped on a chair, his mind going completely numb. Taking a deep breath, Phantom looked at Frostbite.
"H-how?! I...I don't even know what to think!" He jumped from his seat and paced around. "I know Vlad was a fruitloop, but to actually CLONE ME? How is this even possible...that's insane, ridiculous! Wait...why is my clone a GIRL?"
"Are you aware about genetic aspects?"
Frostbite received a shake of Danny's head.
"Very well, we have been studying the reasons of such strange situation. While having similar genetic structure, she follows typical laws of biology. All males have one X chromosome and one Y chromosome. And obviously, your sample did have Y chromosome at first. We suspect it happened because Plasmius lacked the required genetic material. Because you can't make an embryo with only male seed. And since Plasmius didn't have female materials, he relied on ectoplasm and the ghosts' birth process."
"I hope you aren't going to give me a ghost version of 'birds and bees' talk."
Frostbite barked a laugh. "Don't worry, I won't go into details. I'll say only that impregnation is similar, but development goes differently. Ghosts' cores consist pure ectoplasm. However, ectoplasm can be purified artificially, and that's precisely what Plasmius has done. Ghosts don't have any chromosomes at all, by the way..."
Danny waved his hand, urging his friend to skip that part.
"We are not sure, however, how he managed to pull this off, but when the embryo was formed, somehow Y chromosome was replaced by special axid in the ectoplasm which determines gender, and this is exactly what happened. It was a gamble, and it just so happened to be an equivalent of X chromosome, forming a XX combination, and so, this is a girl."
"Alright, that part aside," Danny mumbled.
Phantom looked at the sleeping girl in the tube. A thought occurred in his mind. She was all alone. Vlad, her creator, was dead. The girl had no family, she was artificially created even without a consent of the one she had her genes from...Alright, that sounded unusual. But the statement itself had a small tip.
"I trust you will make the right decision," Frostbite said, turning to go out of the room. "After all, the girl will need her father."
Danny was left alone with the baby, staring in shock at where the chieftain once stood. Father? He couldn't be a father, he was eighteen years old! He didn't know a thing about raising a child, especially an obvious half ghost. More than that, he was the Emperor, he barely had any time for himself. Still...The young man looked at the girl again. His eyes widened slightly when he sensed something. Not only the baby was a half ghost, she was a Force Sensitive as well. She really was like him.
Phantom looked sadly at her. What will be awaiting her if he disagrees, though? She will only spend the eternity in that tube, because being half ghost grants eternal life as well. How that can be called even an existence? No, it wasn't existence, and it certainly wasn't life. Danny's look filled with determination. He didn't care if he was going to fall down from exhaustion, he wasn't about to doom a little innocent thing to rot away in the jar. It wasn't her fault, she didn't deserve it, she never asked to be made by a crazy nutjob.
Making his hands intangible, Danny phased his hands through the glass and carefully picked the girl, before taking off restraints and breathing mask. He quickly took her out and now was holding the girl in his wet arms. Water dripped from her body and she cuddled into ball. Phantom used his cape again and wrapped the child in soft clothing, before sitting on another chair. He smiled softly at the baby girl. His baby girl.
Suddenly she started to stir and move. She opened her eyes and they widened in fright as she started to shake. The girl tried to pull away, but found herself unable to. She was wrapped in covers and Danny wasn't about to let her fall on the ground.
"Lemme go!" She cried in fear.
"Hey, calm down, baby girl," Danny said.
Somehow the girl was able to squirm out of his hands, but Phantom had enough time to lower her to the ground. She then tried to get away, but stumbled and fell on metal ground. Danny's eyes widened in horror, before he carefully picked up the girl, who started crying because she was hurt.
"Shh," Danny whispered. "Everything is alright, stop crying, please. Daddy is with you."
The girl stopped on her tracks and finally turned her red face at him. And again Phantom noticed how alike they were. The girl had shoulder long and wet stark white hair, and her eyes had the same neon shade as Danny's, emmiting typical glow. Phantom chuckled, the expression on her face was just too adorable to resist the smile.
" are my...Daddy?"
Danny smiled softly, and nodded. "Well, you have my nose," he said, before poking on her little nose.
The girl giggled, her fear being forgotten. Then her look turned hopeful, filled with childish innocence. Seeing that she was shy to act, Danny gave her a hug, in order to wave away all her concerns. The girl's eyes widened, before she grinned happily and hugged her father and nuzzled against his neck, releasing both of her hands from under the cape and covering the young man in even more water. But Danny didn't care, he just held his child tightly. How could he ever consider leaving her? One hug was enough for Danny to accept parenthood. And there was no going back now.
"Hey," the girl looked up at his words, with joyous smile on her face. "You don't have a name, do you?" Phantom asked.
She scrutinized her eyes and pouted in thought, before shaking her head, spreading water around with her long locks.
"Hmm, you have a unique chance, then. You get to pick your own name. Do you want to?"
The girl grinned even wider than before and nodded rapidly. "Yes, yes, yes!" She jumped on his knees in excitement.
"Woah, easy there, I'm going to be all wet. So, how about...Lilith?"
The girl shook her head. "No."
"Don't wanna."
About thirty names later Danny sighed in exasperation.
The girl perked up and nodded. Danny raised his eyebrow.
"Seriously? I was just kidding," he said with a deadpan expression on his face.
His daughter only giggled loudly, and Danny couldn't help but smile, too. Yep, she was the most adorable little thing.
"Oh, so you like funny faces, huh?" Phantom asked, before making a grimace. Her laughter filled the room again.
"Okay, if you like this name so much, Danielle it is. Let's go now, we better dress you in something. It's cold down here."
With that Danny got up from his seat, shifting a hold on his daughter. That sounded better each time he thought about it. He walked out of the room and through the corridor he came there. Danielle snuggled closer into his shoulder, feeling safe near him. Well, she was right, in a few minutes with her Danny already became attached to the baby girl. He won't let anyone harm her.
"...Da...Daddy?" She asked nervously.
"Yes, sweetheart?" Danny looked down and gave her a smile, showing that she had nothing to be afraid of.
"I'm hungry," she mumbled.
"Hmm, maybe there is something left in a kitchen."
Danny changed direction and walked up in the kitchen. The room was empty, but it was already cleaned up by the Far Frozen. Phantom put Danielle on a chair, shifting her cover to be more comfortable. Her father searched around for any food. Danny knew that it must be something light, technically, she was just born. Plus, she had never eaten in her life, so her stomach was very small. Phantom found jam and bread, so he made a small sandwich and gave it to her.
"Thank you!" Danielle said politely, causing an adoring smile to crawl up on Danny's face.
She was still wet and her only cover was white cape, but her father's ice core allowed her to ignore the subzero temperatures around. Danny patiently waited until she was done with a small smile on his face. Danielle dropped backwards on the chair, covered in crumbs after she was done and burped. Phantom narrowed his eyes playfully, crossing his hands.
"Now, young lady, this is not the attitude of a princess," he scolded her.
Danielle perked up. "Princess?" she asked with excitement.
Danny smiled. "Well, yes, I'm a 'King', so that makes you a princess, kiddo."
He decided against explaining to the three years old how a title of the Emperor was different from a title of the King, do he sticked to the latter. Still, it seemed that Vlad somehow implanted some knowledge inside of her. She was able to speak, after all.
"Yuppie!" Danielle exclaimed happily, jumping in the air.
Danny caught her in midair and wrapped in the cape again.
"Alright, now where can we find clothes...I think Frostbite will do us a favor."
Danny picked Danielle up and she seemed content on being carried again. The small girl put her head on his shoulder.
"Who's Fros...bai..."
"Frostbite, sweetie. He is my old friend and he is the one who brought you to me. He is a big furry monster."
Sadly, Danielle was too young to appreciate the art of sarcasm. Or understand where it was present and where it was not. She clenched tighter the dark material of Danny's clothes and started to shake again.
"Monster?" she asked fearfully.
Danny sighed. "Danielle, don't worry. I told you he is my friend, just like others like him. And if something happens, I will protect you. I'm very strong."
"So...he is a good monster?"
Danny nodded and the girl calmed down considerably.
He searched for the chieftain and found him in the room where the feast took place a few hours ago. Frostbite had his back turned to him, while commanding his people around. The mess had to be cleaned, after all.
"Frostbite!" Danny called.
The yeti ghost turned behind and grinned once he saw that Danny wasn't alone.
"I see it went well," he said.
Phantom smiled softly, moving the cover away from the girl's face. "Her name is Danielle. Say hi, sweetie."
"Hi," she said and looked up, before snuggling against Danny's shoulder again.
"She is very shy," he commented.
"Oh, that's alright. I do look like a person to scare children," Frostbite waved away his concerns. "Besides, you can't be angry at such cute little one."
Danielle smiled in Danny's shoulder, but didn't dare to look up. Phantom sighed.
"Do you know anyone who can make clothes for her?" He asked his friend.
Frostbite smiled enigmatically, before handing Danny a shopping bag. "Clockwork has visited."
Danny groaned, taking the bag. "I don't want to know."
Phantom carried his daughter into the free and empty room. There he opened the bag and used the towel inside to wipe the water. He started dressing her up, but it was hard with how shifty Danielle was.
"Stop squirming, Danielle," Danny said after a while.
"Okay, Daddy," the girl responded.
When Phantom was done, he took a good look at the girl. She was wearing white dress which reached her knees, long black socks and white sandals. Danny just couldn't suppress a smile at how she looked.
"Aw, you are so cute!" He squealed. Manly. He lifted his daughter and gave her a huge hug.
Danielle grinned and hugged him, too. Phantom put her on the ground and examined his cape. A deadpan expression formed on his face as several droplets of water fell on his boots. He suddenly felt something hugging his leg. Danny looked down and saw Danielle clenching to it.
"Sorry," she mumbled.
"For what?" Phantom asked in confusion.
"Your blanket is wet," Danielle explained, and she sounded genuinely sorry.
Danny laughed quietly, remembering the time when he really wore a blanket as cape. "Don't worry, we won't tell anyone you did it," he whispered mischievously, phasing all the water off his cape and clasping it back on his collar. "Let's go now, you can walk right?"
Danielle huffed and pouted. "Of course!"
Phantom took her hand into his and together they walked out of the room. People around gave them both confused and amused glances.
"What are we gunna do now, Daddy?" Danielle asked.
"Well, we need to wait for my other friend to wake up."
Danielle had just woken up from her slumber, so he guessed that attempting to put her to sleep would be pointless.
"Aww," she dropped her head in sadness.
Phantom got an idea and smirked. "Hey, how about we go outside?"
Raising a confused eyebrow, Danielle nodded. Danny led her outside and a single snowflake fell on her nose. The girl touched it but only wet her hand. It was a mystery she was trying to solve while she followed her father, being so inclined in her thoughts that she didn't pay attention to the Far Frozen passing nearby. Phantom tapped on her shoulder and the girl looked at the young man. Danny only pointed forward. Danielle looked there, but only saw a snowy field.
"What's that, Daddy?"
"Absolutely nothing as of yet. Watch."
To the girl's marvel, Danny's hand glowed with icy blue color. What stunned her even more is that a small icy fort appeared from literally nothing in less than thirty seconds. Danielle's eyes became as wide as saucers, before she started jumping in excitement. When Danny was done, he looked down at the small child with a grin.
"Race you to the castle."
When Komand woke up, she didn't recognize her surroundings at first. The apprentice tried to remember what led to this event, struggling with a nasty headache. She soon remembered how she got there and got up from her bed. Rubbing her forehead, Komand walked out of the room. She went through the unfamiliar corridors for a few minutes until she found the hall. Frostbite was still present there, so Komand approached the ghost.
"Oh, Komand, you are awake!" He greeted.
"Yeah, yeah," the apprentice rubbed her eyes. "Where is Danny?"
"I remember he has went to the Northern Barrens, there is a path behind this hall leading to it."
Komand nodded and went out of the building and walked down rocky path which was the only road you could get in the Far Frozen. Relying on the Force, the apprentice easily learned where Phantom was. To her surprise, she found a small icy fort. Raising her eyebrow at rather unusual building, she approached it. When she came closer, however, Komand felt a very strong Force presence, there was someone else inside.
"Danny? You in there?"
"Say the password!"
The last thing Komand expected to hear was a young voice coming from inside. Then she heard an all too familiar snicker, along with the kiddy giggles. Phantom was inside, alright. Komand narrowed her eyes and crossed her hands.
"I know you are in there, Phantom, would you kindly to come out?"
Komand jumped in surprise after hearing Danny behind her. He loved teleporting behind her and she never was prepared to meet him. She growled and glared at the stark haired ghost, turning around to face him. For some reason, Danny was grinning mysteriously, and Komand didn't like it at all.
"What are you grinning at?" She asked.
"Oh, nothiiing much. What have I taught you before about turning your back to potential threat?"
Komand suddenly felt something hitting the back of her head and crumbling to pieces. It was a snowball. Confused and buffled, Komand looked back and was stunned at what she saw. She wasn't expecting to see a laughing three years old on top of the wall. There was something familiar about her...Komand looked at the girl and then at Danny, and only a blind wouldn't have been able to notice how alike they were. Her eyes widened, could it possibly be...
"Good job, sweetie!" Danny praised with a slight clap of his hands.
"Thanks, Daddy!" Dani called with an adorable grin on her face while jumping in excitement.
Komand froze, attempting to process what she had heard. And while she stood there, Danny floated up to the girl and picked her up. He had previously shown some of his powers to her, so his flying didn't earn any reaction from her, except for eagerness to be carried by her Dad. When Danny landed near Komand, she finally snapped out of her stupor.
"How?" She mouthed.
Phantom shifted a hold on his daughter. He then proceeded to tell how she came to be. Dani was interested too, but she didn't understand a single word Danny said. She was getting bored, and thus squirmy. Phantom let her out to play in the snow while they were talking.
"So, she is your clone," Komand deadpaned after Danny finished his tale. "And you just accepted it?"
"Yes. Danielle may not be my daughter in a typical meaning, but she has my ectoplasm in her veins. I'm her only family and I'll take care of her."
Komand smiled slightly, shaking her head. "You are too kind for your own good. That makes her the heiress of the Empire, though. What are you planning to do?"
"The Empire has to know that. Plus, our troops might need the boost in morale. And I know just what to do."
An hour later the three of them already were on the Earth. Once there, Danny made a portal to Hyperion, and they walked into his quarters. Dani jumped from his shoulders and looked around.
"Is this my room?" She asked hopefully.
"I'm afraid no," Komand put in. Seeing her disappointed expression, the young woman felt her heart melting.
"But hey, cheer up, we are aboard of spaceship!" Danny added.
Danielle tilted her head in confusion.
It was time for Danny to smile. He kneeled near her and gently grabbed the girl's chin, before tilting her head to the side, towards the illuminator. Dani ran closer to the window and leaned on it. Chuckling under his nose, Danny approached the excited child and put a hand on her shoulder.
Looks like they shared not only the looks, but also a passion for space. Hyperion had previously taken off to accomplish another stage of the takeover plan. He just sent a Star Destroyer to take that position instead. They will take everything worth looking into from two labs and put under guard everything they couldn't take, like Ghost Portal.
Danny looked down at his daughter, before hearing a characteristic growl from her stomach. Apparently, one sandwich could only get you this far.
"My, my, someone is hungry, aren't you?"
Dani shook her head, not looking away from illuminator. "No, I don't wanna."
"Still, you have to, sweetie. C'mon, I'll show you..."
Suddenly the communicator started to beep. Groaning quietly, Danny accepted the call. Dani stared in awe at the hologram, as it, or more precisely the person behind the hologram spoke.
"My Lord, finally you are online," the Admiral said. "We have just raided the base you have ordered to examine, and you were right. We have brought the survivors to the bridge. They are awaiting your decision."
Danny sighed, glancing at his daughter, who had a curious look on her face. No, he decided, she wasn't supposed to be present there. Who knows what horrors that fellows had been through.
"Komand, come with her, please. I'll join soon after."
Two females looked at each other. Dani was clinging to her Dad because of general shyness, both adults sensed no fear coming from the ghost girl. Komand, on the other hand, didn't know what to think. Shouldn't be too hard, though. It was a simple three years old, what could go wrong?
"Alright," Komand sighed. "What should I say, though? The dining room isn't exactly empty."
"Be straightforward. Just say that she is my kid," Danny ruffled baby girl's hair, earning giggles from her. "I'll think up the rest later."
Komand nodded and Dani, although reluctantly, took the woman's hand. The two walked out of the room and went to the right, while Danny went to the left. Two corridors and one turbolift later he got to the bridge. After the casual greeting procedure, he was led towards one particular corner.
"Here they are, Your Majesty," Pilion pointed at the three kneeling aliens.
Danny couldn't help but raise an amused eyebrow. The captives belonged to the Duros race. Two of them had blue skin, and the third one's was gray. They all had monochrome brownish red eyes and big circular heads. The amusing part was that they looked exactly like the most stereotypical representation of alien life forms in human culture. That cleared some things for the ghost.
"Why are they tied up?" Danny asked.
"Well, we aren't sure how to proceed. We didn't have much experience with handling...unknown life forms. We wondered what you have to say for that matter first."
"Untie them. They are harmless," Phantom waved his gloved hand nonchalantly.
His command was put into fruition and the Stormtroopers took off the shackles. The Duros didn't take their eyes off obvious leader. Even though they couldn't understand a single said word, Phantom was standing out, not only because of different clothing, but because of tone the Admiral spoke in with the young seemingly human.
"My apologies," Danny spoke, switching to Galactic Basic, so they will understand him. "My subordinates haven't come in contact with members of Republican community before."
"Who are you?" One of the aliens asked.
"Now, that's an interesting question," Phantom responded. "I'll tell you, but first, I want to know what happened with you down there. If you don't mind."
Komand and Dani were meanwhile walking towards the dining hall. The small girl was jumping from one metal plate to another, which did slow them down, but the woman didn't know what to do. Telling a little child to stop could cause an unexpected reaction. Then she got an idea to start conversation.
"So, I didn't catch your name," the apprentice looked down. Luckily for her, the girl stopped jumping and started steadily walking.
"I'm Dani," she gave a small grin, looking up at her. Komand raised an eyebrow.
"Isn't this your father's name?"
"Daddy's name is Dani?" Danielle made a confused pout.
Komand groaned slightly. "Nevermind, I'll just ask him."
When the doors slid open, they walked into big gray room. Unvoluntarily Dani clinged tighter to Komand's arm at seeing so many people around. She was obviously afraid of big crowds. The Stormtroopers, pilots and several maintainance workers were busy with consuming their lunch. Some of them were aliens, whose only humanoid traits were two hands, two legs and one head, which scared the child when they glanced at the new arrivals in confusion.
"Don't worry," Komand stroked Dani's long hair. "They won't harm you. Not when they learn who you are."
That eased the girl's worry, but her grip on the woman's hand was still painful. She got her Dad's strength, obviously. Dani refused to let go of the woman's hand even when Komand was about to take the food on the tray. The worker behind the stand looked down at the wide eyed little girl.
"Who is this?" He asked, voicing the thoughts of everyone present. Speaking of, they leaned closer to hear the response.
"This is the Emperor's daughter."
The settled silence was only interrupted by ringing of dropped spoons, forks and knifes. Dani shifted fearfully under multiple stares. Seeing her discomfort, Komand quickly took the tray with food and put it on the empty table. Danielle sat at the table on the opposite side from the apprentice. She grabbed a fork in her small fist and poked the food in confusion. Komand's glare at the crowd was enough to make them return to their own business, which didn't stop them from throwing small glances.
"What's this?" Dani asked.
"Nerf stew," Komand shrugged. "Cheap, easily made and tasty enough."
There were also special nutrient bars, but they tasted like shit and were made just to fill the stomach in extreme situations. Thankfully, there was no need in them right now. Each starfighter had several of them in case of crash landing, along with dried meat and bread fabricate.
"What's 'nerf'?" The girl kept asking questions.
"An animal..." the woman didn't know what how to explain and sighed. "Just eat."
"I don't wanna eat animals!" Dani said.
Alright, that was...unexpected. Sighing, Komand got up and brought the girl some crackers, since the army ratio didn't have much variety. Even Danny was eating the same thing while among soldiers. Speaking of, Phantom was going to kill her for feeding his daughter with some fabricates instead of normal food, but she didn't have much choice. Still, Komand couldn't stop a smile from coming on her face. Dani obviously liked the meal, judging from her delighted expression. The girl ate her food in less than ten minutes and looked at the woman.
Komand meanwhile ate what she had brought to the girl. It tasted like beef, which didn't sound so farfetched, nerfs were actually furry cows, firstly tamed on Alderaan. They could live pretty much everywhere and were widely spread across the Galaxy, even getting as far as the Unknown Regions.
"Can I have a dessert now?" Dani smiled innocently, clasping her hands.
"I'm not wasn't exactly the normal breakfast."
"Pweaase!" Dani used her father's former ultimate weapon. Puppy eyes. It earned several 'awws' from the most sentimental soldiers.
Komand should have been proud of herself. She resisted the look. For ten whole seconds. Sighing, she rose from her seat and went to get a dessert. Thankfully, there was something sweet enough to be considered one. Soon Komand returned and gave the girl the object of her desire. Dani's look turned into that of confusion as she examined it. She poked it and jumped in fright soon after as the dessert started to bounce.
"AH!" She exclaimed, hiding under the table.
Komand's eyes widened in surprise. She looked at the hiding girl. "What's wrong?" She asked in concern.
Dani peaked from under the table, "It moves," she whispered, not taking her eyes off the food.
Komand burst laughing, while some people in the crowd snickered in amusement. "Don't worry about that, it's jelly. It's supposed to bounce," she poked the red substance and it started to move again.
The girl still looked not convinced, but she returned on her place. Dani was still eyeing the jelly, before taking a breath and trying the meal. It was better than she expected, plus, kids like sweets. In a few takes the girl finished the jelly and grinned again.
"Thank you!" She said cutely.
Komand smiled again and chuckled. She took the napkin and wiped the remaining food from the girl's mouth. Taking her hand, the apprentice led Dani to Phantom's room. She gave glances at the soldiers, who were smiling at the adorable girl. Danny was right, people were going to love their princess.
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