Chapter 16: Commander Thrawn
The House Mitth agreed on Phantom's proposal. It wasn't surprising, they had to cooperate in order to ensure safety of their nation. This alliance should be rather fruitful. The Chiss' ideology stopped them from expansion during wars. They only colonized planets, they never conquered. That's why their society was 99% Chiss. That one percent were people who were enslaved, but they had heavenly life conditions than other slaves. Those were highly qualified specialists, and the Ascendancy used their skills.
There was one thing Danny didn't like about them. The chiss didn't like Force Users. If someone was found to be able to use the Force, he or she was executed, no matter how high in ranks that unlucky person was. Lower classes were simply exiled, and the Yuthanean Empire caught them and put in chains. Phantom saw this as an opportunity to expand his order's influence. He would teach them how to use their power and since they would have no other place to go, they would never betray the one who gave them home.
At the moment Phantom was aboard of Hyperion. His ship went through several modifications in order to make it fit the title of the Emperor's flagship. Maybe in the future he would change the flagship to something ten miles long, but that's just gigantomaniacal ideas. Less than ten turbolasers on two miles long ship was just pathetic. All the energy went to the front cannon. Danny decided to remove it and put on another ship, which would specialize on using this cannon in particular. Over Valorrum only strong shields and armor saved Hyperion from total destruction.
All in all, now there were five hundred turbolasers, two hundred laser cannons, eighty torpedo launchers. That energy devouring monster of a cannon in front prevented engineers from putting so many weapons. Yes, the cannon was incredibly effective, one shot and the hugest ships are gone for good, but putting it on a flagship was a mistake. Also, he put new engines and thrusters. They were intended to be upgraded, but the Rebellion didn't have resources for that.
The meeting was set on neutral territory, in buffer system between the Empire and the Ascendancy. It wasn't inhabited, neither it had any habitable planets in it. And as soon as the Imperial ship emerged from hyperspace, and the white lines around dissapeared, only dark void of space was surrounding them. Then everyone saw the Chiss ship. It was painted entirely in black, had similar shape to the Harrower, but without sharp outlines, while being slimmer, with its bridge being hard to spot. Phantom was impressed at the practical design.
After a short walk to the hangers, Danny sat inside the transport shuttle to continue negotiations on the Chiss ship. He decided against flying there himself, he would keep it hidden. There were several soldiers with him, along with HK, even if he didn't require any.
As the shuttle approached the other ship, the pilot established communications and received permission to land in one of the hangers. The shuttle slowly flew inside and landed. When the trap opened, the Royal guards went out first and stood by two sides. Then Phantom stepped out of the ship, and he could feel a wave surprise coming from the Chiss soldiers, even if their faces were hidden under dark blue and black helmets, which made them look a bit like shoguns. How strange, yet amusing.
It wasn't his age what surprised them the most, the Chiss were considered mature at the age of thirteen. However it didn't put up that the Emperor was not a yuth, but resembled human. Yes, they had met humans not so long ago, when the commander housed some of them. The soldiers didn't know much about humans, but for some reason they didn't think that they could glow.
Phantom was wearing black clothes made of soft silk-like material, with a sleeveless jacket of a bit lighter shade over it, and with a leather belt and a white 'DP' badge on his chest. A long pearly white cape was connected to his collar, without . And as always, he was wearing white boots and gloves.
An officer stepped forward. He was wearing a black uniform with a badge on his shoulder, which looked like a blue star with black center. It was a symbol of Chiss Expansionary Force.
"Follow me," he said. "The soldiers must remain inside your ship."
HK was about to say something they all would have regretted later. Phantom spoke first, however.
"Very well, but my droid comes with me. I'm a ruler of a country with which you have been in hostile relationship so far. Forgive my suspiciousness and disobedience, but those are just required precautions."
The officer's lips formed a thin line. "Fine. The machine can remain."
One look from Danny prevented HK from blasting the officer. Two Imperials followed the Chiss through the corridors, until getting to the commander's quarters. The door swung open and two guests entered the room, while the officer walked in another direction.
The room was rather humble, nothing different from simple office, but Danny's attention was caught by several strange pictures hanging on the walls and a strange spiral vase on one of the tables. While Phantom observed the pieces of art, his bodyguard searched for any sign of the owner. Danny was captivated by a strange plant in a pot. He was about to touch it, but then he heard a voice behind him.
"I don't recommend to do that."
Both guests turned to where the voice came from. In the doorway stood another chiss. He was wearing a black fiber armor, with gray plastoid armor pieces protecting his shoulders, knees and elbows. His blue skinned face told that the chiss was barely above twenty. His raven black hair were nicely combed back, and his red eyes had calm and calculative look inside of them. And so far they saw a nosy boy who was touching a plant with retractable thorns, and a dangerous looking droid.
Phantom regained his composure and stood straight, fixing his nonexistent tie.
"Hello, there," he smiled. "You are Mitth'raw'nuruodo, I take it?"
"Yes," Mitth'raw'nuruodo said curtly. "And you are the Emperor," it was not a question. "I expected you to be..."
"Older?" Danny raised his eyebrow. "You don't look much older, not to offend."
"Taking offence in such words is counterproductive. Take a seat, please."
Mitth'raw'nuruodo gestured towards a chair near a desk, sitting on one on its opposite side. Danny followed the gesture and did as the chiss told.
"First of all, may I call you by name?" The blue skinned commander asked.
Phantom shrugged. "Sure, go ahead, my name is Danny, but if you want to stick to formalities, Daniel."
"You have two names?" Mitth'raw'nuruodo asked.
"Well, I have first, second and last name. Danny is just a softer form of my first one, which I prefer."
"You can call me by my core name - Thrawn," receiving a nod, Thrawn continued. "For starters, how much do you know about our enemy?"
"The vagaari? From what I learned, they are nomadic slavers."
"Have you encountered them before?"
"I had enough trouble worrying about encountering the old Imperial forces so far."
"Then I have to share the information for our mutual benefit. Last time we fought six months ago, I seeked to eliminate the threat they represent entirely. However certain circumstances have arisen, and some part of their fleet managed to escape from our grasp. They had enough time to rebuild what they had previously lost."
"What circumstances exactly?"
"Attempt to kill me. Another battle anticipant was a colony ship named 'Outbound Flight'. Its commander was a Jedi Master Jorus C'baoth."
Danny's eyes became wide as saucers. He didn't even attempt to hide his shock. And Thrawn noticed his reaction.
"Are you familiar with him?" He asked.
Phantom shook his head, and some of his snowy locks fell over his left eye. Swiftly moving them away, Danny responded.
"No, I'm not, but I know about their Order. I'm just surprised that the Republic has actually tried to expand here. Please, go ahead, I'm interested."
"C'baoth attempted to choke me from his ship using what they call 'The Force'. My subordinates managed to stop him, giving the vagaari fleet time to escape."
'So few details...' Phantom thought.
"A Jedi Master who gave up to the Dark Side, how low the Order fell," Danny said overdramatically, grinning. " have defeated them before, why asking the EMPIRE to form an alliance? You are basically gambling everything you've got. If the other families learn about it you will be disowned by your own house."
Thrawn leaned back in his chair. This boy had more on the inside than what he was showing. To an unobservant person he was an immature boy, but the Chiss was not an unobservant person. This slip of mature reasoning broke that image. If the immaturity was an image, that is. What made Thrawn suspect this is a mere fact that the person in front of him instigated and won a civil war. However, it would be pointless to pretend to be childish if he had already shown what he was capable of, so it was in his nature, apparently.
The chiss wasn't the only one who was trying to figure out his interlocutor. Phantom, however, had a harder time. Danny knew a little to nothing about the chiss, and unlike him, Thrawn didn't let any emotion slip through the calm expression. What the Emperor knew is that he should be watchful of the chiss, look for a catch and watch his mouth. Why all blue skinned and red eyed people weren't just straightforward? Fruitloop, Stopwatch and now the chiss.
"I'm afraid I'm bound by arms and legs. I hope my efforts haven't gone to waste. You want to prevent your people from being enslaved, don't you?"
Danny hid his suspicion under contemplative face. Thrawn was getting off the topic. Why?
"I do. And I have yet to turn down your offer. I take it that you have a plan?"
"Indeed. Preventive strikes are unappreciated in our state, so we have to lure them on our territory. From what I heard, you have some kind of 'powers'. Are the rumors truthful?"
"Depending on what rumors we are talking about. Some of them say I can create black holes," Danny rolled his eyes.
"Surprised statement: Wait, you can't do that? Stupid wretch lied to me!" HK exclaimed.
Danny coughed awkwardly, while Thrawn raised his eyebrow. Nevertheless, he turned to the white haired ghost.
"Is it true that you can control person's mind?"
Phantom smirked, crossing his legs. "Yes, this one is truthful," he said smugly.
He preferred to hide the fact that people could resist possession. Sadly, Thrawn noticed how Danny was too laid back, so he guessed it wasn't exactly the truth.
Thrawn nodded, and unknowingly to Phantom, his eyes turned into infrared mode. The chiss could use it to detect lies. By heat and increased heartbeat. However, this time he saw nothing. There was no heat, only slight chill, with the coldest place positioned where his heart was supposed to be. Unintentionally people heatened in certain places when they felt different emotions. For example, when a person is surprised, he is a tiny bit hotter in his chin and forehead.
And the most confusing thing for Thrawn was Danny's lack of heartbeat. Thrawn didn't comment on that rather unusual trait, his eyes returned to their usual mode.
"Then it makes our situation easier," the chiss continued. "If your fleet manages to push them towards our territory, and they...unintentionally attack us, I'll be authorized to destroy them."
"Hm, nice plan. But how exactly do you propose to force them attack you?"
"I'll lend you some of our 'Interdictor' cruisers. But none of your personnel must go aboard that ships and I must be present on your flagship."
"And what's so special about that cruisers so you don't want any of us be there?"
"They prohibit enemy ships from escaping into hyperspace."
At that Danny's eyes widened. Alright, that was one useful technology. Thrawn didn't want anyone to trespass because he was worried that the Empire learns how to create such ships and would use the interdictors on their own. As for Thrawn's role as attaché, Phantom didn't know why Thrawn would need it. Probably to build cooperative strategy.
"I see," Phantom rubbed his chin. "So we basically lock every hyperspace route besides the one we need. Admirable step. I guess there is no going back now. But I have some conditions of my own."
"Name them."
"First of all, they are nomads, right? They must have some ships the civilians live in."
"Last time we checked there should be about hundred of them," Thrawn said.
"These ships and people on them must belong to us."
Thrawn put his hands together. "For what purpose exactly?"
"I plan on colonizing new planets. And getting millions of potential colonizers is perfect for such a task."
"Tying nomads to a certain place of living will cause unrest," Thrawn stated the obvious.
"We will see what they have to say when we destroy all their defences. They will thank me later for giving them home instead of vaporizing them."
That was rather naive thought, Thrawn assumed. The boy didn't know how stubborn that creatures could be.
"We have no need in civillians as long as they are kept under control. I'm only concerned about their war navy, and I want it destroyed."
"Then we are in agreement, Commander Thrawn."
In short amount of time Phantom moved the First Imperial Fleet in the system where he and the chiss comander had set up a trap. From the information Mitth'raw'nuruodo has given him, Danny learned that the vagaari rendezvous point was positioned in that system. But something was bugging him, Phantom wasn't sure what. Sitting on his chair on the bridge of Hyperion, Danny heard a cough behind him. Phantom turned on his spinning chair to face his apprentice.
"Yes, do you need something, Komy?" He asked, smiling innocently at her expression.
Komand didn't like the nickname, but she knew that no matter how many times she voiced her displeasure, he would only keep going. Still, she showed her opinion by a glare. Seeing that Danny's smile hadn't faltered, Komand sighed and rubbed her temples.
"What are you thinking about?" She asked.
That got rid of his smile. Phantom's face became thoughtful as he tapped on a hand of the chair with his finger.
"There is a bugging feeling that makes me uncomfortable. I'm not exactly sure."
"Hm, if I recall correctly you said you always have a plan," Komand teased with a smirk, leaning against the back of the chair.
Danny narrowed his eyes. "You are lucky we are friends," he said playfully, before sighing. "I do have a plan, but that's exactly what bothers me. I'm following someone else's plan, not mine. And the person who came up with it can try to trick me. He was hiding something, and I don't like it at all."
"You think it might be a trap for us?"
"No, Mitth'raw'nuruodo clearly wanted to get rid of the vagaari. The cruisers he promised to send is already here as you can see," Danny pointed out of the illuminator. Interdictors looked just like the usual Chiss cruisers, besides four huge spheres positioned on their wings.
"We are only waiting until our Chiss friend arrives."
"Oh, I haven't noticed," The apprentice commented. "They are painted in dark colors...really hard to notice. Are those Interdictors?" She asked, tilting her head.
"Yes, they are, Komand'r, was it?"
Both Force Users turned towards the doors and saw Thrawn walking to them.
"How did you get here unnoticed?" Komand asked.
"Haven't you received a message?"
Danny looked at a small red glowing dot on the hand of his chair. There was one unchecked message. Phantom blushed, but it dissappeared as soon as it came.
"How do you know my name?" Komand raised an eyebrow.
"I know your father. He was defeated by me when I broke his blockade over one of our planets. It was rather silly mistake on his side which helped me win."
Komand glared at Thrawn. The admiral almost lost everything because of his devastating defeat, so she kept a grudge. The Chiss kept the same calm expression, staring at the young woman.
"So," Danny attempted to change the topic. He didn't need the Force to feel all the tension in the air. "What's our plan?"
"My Lord, the ships are emerging from hyperspace," the officer reported.
Danny turned towards the illuminator. A hundred of different sized ships appeared in a vast void of space not so far away. The vagaari had unusual ships, unlike the Yuthanean ships, which had 'H' form, and the Imperial Star Destroyers, which were like dagger's blade, the nomads had rectangular shaped ships. The amount of ships was rather concerning. The First Imperial Fleet counted only sixty, and was commanded by the Emperor directly. So yes, the aliens had superior numbers.
Then Phantom blinked, there was something unusual about the ships, but he couldn't see what exactly, even with his enchanted sight.
"Give me binoculars," he ordered and the droid gave him the device.
Danny put it to his eyes and looked closely. Komand couldn't see his face entirely, but judging from his scowl, he obviously wasn't happy.
"Well, looks like they don't go against their principles," Phantom commented dryly, removing binoculars.
"What's wrong?" Komand asked.
"See for yourself," Danny gave her the device.
When the apprentice looked at the enemy fleet, she understood why her Master looked so displeased. The vagaari had one tech unique in its savagery. They actually managed to put living shields on their ships. The slaves they captured were trapped inside special 'bubbles', which kept them alive and tied to the outside of the vagaari fleet. Not many would dare to fire at the ships and kill the innocent as a a result. Before the Rebellion Komand wouldn't have cared about it, but now she found it disgusting. Even the old empire wasn't that low.
"And...what are you going to do?" She asked Phantom.
Danny tapped on the chair, putting another hand under his chin. "Commander Thrawn, what tactic have you used when you fought against them?"
"First of all, you have to accept the fact that the prisoners are as good as dead. You either obliterate them with turbolasers or they die without food and water. It is quite understandable if you aren't willing to choose the first variant. I recommend to fire at their bridges, engines, and heavily use starfighters. They don't have many in their disposal."
"Unless every shooter here has hawks' eyes then it won't do much damage," Komand crossed her hands.
The communicator started beeping.
"Oops, it is too late to think up anything else," Danny deadpanned, pressing 'accept' button. Komand could feel annoyance coming from him, and she couldn't actually be angry at him for that. Knowing Phantom's obsession with saving people's lives, it was only logical he would be on edge.
An image of the alien appeared and Danny wished he hadn't pressed that button. The person had large hands, large violet eyes, flat ears rising high on the skull, and tan skin. He/she had two mouths, each with two sets of small teeth on each of his/her cheeks. It was wearing long robes, which looked like he salvaged it from Medieval China market. Danny grimaced slightly. Even if he had sworn to himself that he would accept any race now matter how bizarre they look.
"Hello, ugly," Phantom mumbled in English.
"Trespasser!" The alien spoke in what sounded like male voice. At least Danny now knew how he should refer to the guy. "You are on the vagaari territory, leave immediately, or be destroyed."
"Your territory?" Phantom asked, pretending to be shocked. "I thought your borders are limited by four metal walls of your ships," he shrugged.
The crew of Hyperion got used to their Emperor's snarky mouth by then. Some actually snorted. Thrawn raised a curious eyebrow, with a contemplative look on his face.
"Vagaari Empire has no borders. Our last warning. Begone."
"Let me make something clear. You are going to either join the only true Empire or end up being eliminated. I overheard that you like to attack first but the chiss are always one step ahead. Why don't you attack now instead of wasting time on talking? Scared, little chickens?"
For Thrawn it was obvious Phantom wanted them to attack first.
"How dare you?!" The vagaari exclaimed. "Prepare to die, fools!"
The transmision was over, and Phantom looked at the chiss, who seemed thoughtful.
"What do you want us to do instead?" He asked curiosly, misreading his thoughts.
"So far it goes on rather acceptable level. Your inaction would give them false sense of security. What is your further course of action?"
"We let them closer and then send starfighters. Bombers will attack their unprotected parts. Then we shall fire with turbolasers on close range."
"While you are approaching they will have enough time to turn your fleet into space trash," Thrawn noted, before something caught his eye.
It was a lightsaber on Komand's belt. Danny had previously decided to let her have it back. He wasn't fighting personally as much now, and he now had the resources but not the time to make his own. An idea appeared in Thrawn's mind, and Danny noticed where the chiss was looking.
"How capable are you in using your power?" Thrawn asked.
"Depending on what you have in mind. Each Force User is more capable in certain ability," Danny responded instead.
Thrawn looked at the Emperor.
"The Outbound flight had a lot of Jedi aboard. They used their abilities to put the vagaari in disarray. We used this opportunity to bomb them."
Phantom grinned, before getting up from his seat. He understood what the chiss was implying.
"So, we only need to cloud their minds. Heh, why haven't I tried this before?" He asked the rethoric question.
"I remind you that there was about hundred of them aboard," Thrawn said. "So far I have seen only two."
"Well, I guess we will try," Phantom looked at the approaching fleet. "When will you turn on the Interdictors?"
"My subordinates are ordered to use them as soon as they will be deep enough. I recommend to surround them."
"Well, as we say back at my home, 'I have a trump card down my sleeve'."
Even though no one understood what he was saying, a smirk on his face was a clear gesture.
They awaited for the enemy to approach. Finally, they moved inside the trap. The Interdictors activated their techs and the vagaari seemed to notice the chiss vehicles. Their ships formed a long line, longer than the Imperial one.
"Looks like we are not the only ones to come up with idea of surrounding," Thrawn commented calmly, crossing his hands.
Danny realized that as well. "Starfighters in the air! Attack their left flank!" He ordered.
The orders were immediately passed to the hangers and the pilots and droid fighters poured out of their stationing places.
"You have known all along that protection of your ships would become priority, have you?" Phantom turned back towards Thrawn.
"They are vital to this mission."
"I take it as yes," Danny deadpanned. "Komand, we have to do it together. Force fear should do well."
"Are you sure about that?" She asked uncertainly.
"Yes, let them run like headless chickens," Phantom answered.
He pointed towards one of the biggest battleships, receiving a nod from his apprentice. Komand closed her eyes and outstretched her hand. Danny did the same thing and helped her reach for the enemies' minds. He knew that despite his enormous Force potential, Komand was more capable in alteration aspect of the Force. Phantom only channeled the Force into her.
"I did it!" She called, without opening her eyes, and Danny felt an excitement coming from her and flashed a brief smile, which didn't go unnoticed by the chiss commander.
The starfighters meanwhile attacked the edge of the formation. Phantom found the swarm tactics rather useful when there was so small resistance. It also compensated the lack of professional pilots. Laser cannons were shooting some of the Imperial fighters down, but their fighters were too outnumbered, their fire pattern was predictable. The chiss, their main opponents, preferred quality over quantity, they weren't used to fighting a huge amount of fighters.
The entire amount of Imperial fighters counted about two hundred starfighters and hundred bombers. Concentrating them all on only one ship was foolish, so they split up, attacking the nearest ships, even flying in the rows behind. And as soon as bombers had reached the opponent, they launched bombs towards their exposed parts. Not all have reached their destination, killing the living shields instead. Some explosions caused chain reaction across the ships.
Suddenly Komand gasped loudly and almost fell on the ground. Danny swiftly caught her.
"Komand, what's wrong?" He asked with concern.
"So much...pain..." she whispered, breathing heavily.
It dawned on Danny that she probably felt all that innocent life losses, along with terror and horror. He worked on mental barriers ever since Freakshow's ordeal. It had a sight effect of preventing a power of empathy, given by the Force. Danny suspected that something like that might happen, so he 'turned on' that barrier. Komand, on the other hand, didn't have it, and Danny had forgotten about it for some stupid reason.
Phantom glared at Thrawn.
"You knew this would happen," Danny growled, and his eyes looked like red was slowly pouring into his neon green orbs.
"Yes," was the chiss' curt answer. "Don't worry about your friend. Despite what she may feel now, it shouldn't kill her. Last time it didn't."
The crew observed the scene, physically feeling the tension in the air, and the battle was temporarily forgotten, until the vagaari opened turbolaser fire. The ships shook slightly, and that brought everyone in action.
"Open fire from everything we have got and order the fighters to keep bombing!" Phantom ordered without the slightest enthusiasm. He had to respond, despite how his friend reacted to this.
For some reason, Komand seemed more sensitive to others' emotions. It was never causing physical pain, except maybe for headache. But when you feel the pain of thousands starving, tortured and killed, it can have own consequences.
The crew started typing and passing commands to another ships. Danny meanwhile picked up his friend bridal style and put her on his chair.
"You going to be alright?" He asked, moving her hair away from her eyes.
"Just a nightmarish headache, nothing I can't handle," Komand grumbled, closing her eyes. She looked so weak and vulnerable, and she hated to be like that.
Danny nodded and walked to the holographic table. Thrawn, who was observing their rather close interaction, stepped closer to the Emperor.
Phantom was looking at the holographic image of the 'battlefield'. He observed how the line of the alien ships shortened after bombings. Danny ordered fifteen ships on the left to move to the perpendicular position, attempting to secure the left flank. The vagaari opened fire at them, attempting to stop the advance. Three ships were taken down, but the swarm of fighters was preventing them from coming closer and take down more.
But as the vagaari were flanked on the left, they were pushing back the Imperial forces on the right, slowly, but steadily pushing towards one of the Interdictors. All the time Komand was squirming on the seat and Danny kept giving her worried glances.
The stark haired young man was interrupted from his planning by the beeping of communicator. He pressed a button and accepted the call.
"Admiral Pilion, I hope you come with good news," Phantom crossed his hands.
"Y-yes, My Lord," the former ensign was a bit nervous because of the monarch's tone. "The Second Fleet is ready for duty!"
Danny smirked. "How convenient. Prepare to fire as soon as you come out of hyperspace. Pay no care to their defences, destroy them."
The Interdictors blocked hyperspace routs for everyone. The Second Fleet entered their zone of control and were pulled on positions near the vagaari positions. They were surrounded.
Thrawn was quite impressed. Not that he hadn't used the same trick before.
The vagaari were being destroyed mercilessly. Many crew members were hesistant to fire at the people, but the Emperor gave them an order to destroy the ships. Phantom attempted to find an excuse for himself. As Thrawn said, they couldn't be saved. Danny could only prevent more people to be sentenced to the same fate by destroying them completely.
The spearhead of the Second Fleet pushed through the space between the forces trying to flank the First Fleet, and the rest of vagaari navy. They were now divided and the cut off forces were being shot at from two sides.
"Your Majesty, I believe it's time to 'let them escape'."
Phantom turned to the chiss. "I want them to be turned into ash."
"No need to worry about that, it was my plan and I had no intention to lie to you."
"I hope so. You want them to attack your fleet in Csaras system, right?"
"Yes, and the fact that I'm not present there should ward away any suspicions."
"Very well, they will do just that. I'm not telling how. Order your Interdictors to shut down the field."
Thrawn nodded and contacted his subordinates. Danny meanwhile stepped to illuminator and ordered to cease the fire a bit, putting hands behind his back, closing his eyes and creating an invisible duplicate. He sent the duplicate to possess their leader, order to retreat to the Chiss territory and attack them. The chiss commander watched the Emperor closely. Thrawn tried to find out what the stark haired ghost was doing. Danny opened his eyes and grinned. Minute later the vagaari went into hyperspace.
"It was mind control, I take it?" Thrawn asked.
"Yes, everything goes as needed," Danny turned to him. "I should apologize for my harsh reaction. You didn't know that we two are Force users, and when you found out it was too late."
"Apology accepted. It has been a pleasure, Your Majesty, your help will be remembered. I shall return to my forces."
Thrawn bowed slightly and walked out of the bridge.
'And I have learnt more than I expected to,' he added mentally.
A.N. Jeez, I hope I got Thrawn's character right. Still, won't be worse than he was in 'Rebels'.
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