Chapter 14: Alea iacta est
The capital world of Yuthanean Empire, which was imaginatively called Yuthan Prime, was rather nice planet. Their race was born millennias ago in the thick jungles of their planet. Evolution is a tricky thing, yuths hadn't developed claws or fur, or something like that. Yes, they had a few extra organs on the inside, but on the outside their orange skin was the only thing which differed them from human race.
But the thick jungles were part of the past. About ninety percents of the planet's land territories were covered in growing city. It had a long way to becoming ecumenopolis, seas and oceans were still present, and the city wasn't yet growing below the surface. But, they were definitely going towards it. The city's population grew many times ever since their race discovered space travel. Sounds paradoxical, because, well, where the colonists were supposed to come from?
The answer is slavery. Medieval societies or even those who were in informational age, couldn't stand against even the race which just discovered hyperspace tech. And Yuthanean rulers knew that. Their natural arrogance just added more cruelty to their greed for power. So, many slaves were captured and delivered straight to the richest people of their nation. It always reminded Danny about Roman Empire, and if it was just like the empire of the past, then it inevitably will painfully die the same way.
"Where do I find eastern barbarians, though?" Danny murmured, rubbing his chin.
Yes, Unknown Regions had a lot of dangers inside of them, but nope, no Hunns, Francs or Sarmats.
"Question: Why do we need to make useless meatbags even more useless by giving them pieces of metal instead of blasters?" HK's voice was heard from an earpiece communicator.
"Damn, I thought I turned that stupid thing off."
"Explanation: Radio silence is unnecessary, Master. No moron will ever think that you are conversing right from their capital."
"I guess you are right. How the other groups are doing?"
"Report: The first group tasked with infiltrating planet shielding generators remains unnoticed. Other groups are yet to finish their jobs."
"I wouldn't have been so harsh on them. We aren't in any hurry. Inform me when they are done. Signing off."
Danny turned off the communicator and looked at the city below from the skyscraper he was on. The fight over Valorrum was three months ago. During that time a single revolt turned out in a full blown civil war. Apparently, such an impressive victory served as the final spark which blew up the state's foundation. Yuthanean Empire possessed thirty two inhabited systems in total. Extremely tiny compared to the Galactic Republic, which had control over thousands of systems. However, its sworn enemy - the Chiss Accendancy, had twenty eight inhabited planets.
Phantom was the official leader of the Rebellion, and his face was on every illegal agitation poster. His personal favorite was when he awesomely stood in profile with a lightsaber in his hand, with a word 'Resist' under the image. Again, some part of him still possessed that childish excitement.
Of course there were poseters which had another word under his picture. The posters where his face had word 'Wanted' under it. The Imperials wanted him dead, and it was the reason of Danny's inner laughs. They pictured him as caricaturic demon, who wanted to eat their babies. Ooh, how scary. But it also had a positive effect, nevermind how paradoxal that sounds. The citizens of the empire feared him, so they were surprised during the times they actually saw him.
The victory was theirs, that much was undoubted. The governor is killed, the remaining army was either fleeing or surrendering. And the smoking cityscape was rather symbolic. Phantom gazed out of the window, putting hands behind his back. Yes, they won, but with far more losses than he wanted. All because of crappy surveillance. They reported only about the squads out on the streets, not the ones in barracks and hangers.
However, all those deaths seemed to antagonize the crowd even more. And they seemed to go to the living district. Phantom's glowing eyes dangerously narrowed. That was NOT part of his plan.
"Hey, boss!" Haseas called with a grin on his face. "Don't want to join the celebration?"
Phantom's head snapped in his direction. "If THIS is what you call 'celebration' then I'm pass," he gestured out of the window.
Haseas looked out of the window. "No, I wanted to offer you some drinks from the governor's basement," he deadpanned.
"Pacify them, then! I don't need them to destroy the entire city and people in it!"
"Wait, are you offering..."
"Shoot in the air for starters. Warn them. If they keep going, kill the most feisty."
Haseas' eyes widened, but he didn't have time to say anything, before Phantom dissappeared in a cloud of smoke.
The crowd kept barging into people's homes. With torches, vibropikes and blaster pistols, the last two were taken from the downed policemen, torches were easy to make. And the civilians attempted to escape from the burning homes and the uncontrolled crowd. Not many succeeded, one family in particular.
"No, stop it!" The mother cried, trying to keep her crying toddler away from the gruff alien who was robbing the house along with five others. "Why are you doing this? We haven't done anything!"
"You all are going to pay! We had enough of your filthy rule."
The rough skinned alien approached the woman, but he didn't make it. Instead he saw a crimson glowing blade under his chin.
"I highly recommend you to get as far as you can from here," Phantom growled menacingly.
His neon green eyes shone even brighter than his lightsaber. And this glowing sent shivers down everyone's spines. Another thing was that his hair seemed to flow, yet there wasn't any wind.
"P-Phantom!" The alien exclaimed. "Y-you are the head of Rebellion! Why do you protect this scu...!"
"Finish this word and you will become a few inches shorter. Get lost and leave these people alone."
The slaves looked baffled, but the image of furious ghost was enough to make most of them leave. The one who was threatened, however, seemed to have a huge grudge. He stayed, along with two others.
"I'm not going anywhere," he said.
Phantom's look became amused, before looking at the assaulted mother. Without bothering with the attacker, he kneeled closer and reached for the baby. Despite the mother's whimpers, he closed the baby's eyes with two of his fingers.
"This isn't a sight for children," he whispered.
Suddenly Danny leaped on his legs and slashed the lightsaber. The attacker's head rolled down on the floor with a thud. The others stared at the display with wide eyes, horror evident inside of them.
"I won't repeat again. Get. Lost."
This time the message was clear. The rioting slaves ran outside. Phantom turned of his weapon, spun it in his hand and situated it on his belt. Danny turned to the woman and kneeled again.
"Go hide somewhere. It isn't safe to be here."
The woman nodded frantically.
"I will...thank you."
Danny smiled, before walking outside. The crowd was moving his way, but when the ones in front noticed him, they stopped. The ones behind kept going, so there was one way to stop that massacre.
"STOP RIGHT THERE!" Phantom yelled. He used a bit of his ability of Ghostly Wail just to make himself loud enough for everyone to hear. When he got everyone's attention, he continued speaking.
"I give you last chance to stop this pointless rampage. If you do not comply and don't stop it peacefully, our weapons will be forced to turn against you. Make a wise decision. There is enough blood for one day."
The crowd seemed to contemplate Phantom's offer. The tales of his power were inspiring indeed, but only when it was turned against their oppressors. When it was a threat to them, it wasn't very nice feeling.
"Well? Drop your weapons and stop this disgusting chaos. Otherwise," he turned on the lightsaber. "You will know what I'm like when I'm pissed off."
His voice gained a loud echo, his hair started to flow again. A lot of people did as was told. That's because they saw how easily he beated the legion of elite soldiers. They didn't stand a chance.
"Tell me, how all of this makes you better than your oppressors?" Phantom asked. "You are doing the exact same thing! Is this what you wanted? Well, then our interests go different paths, and you stand across mine, meaning that you are becoming my enemy. You saw what I do with my enemies, do you wish to share the same fate?"
This phrase had magical effect on the crowd. Sometimes fear is the best weapon, Danny came to realize.
-End of Flashback-
As a true leader he personally led his soldiers to fight in many ground battles. And many were inspired by that image. Imagine a shining warrior, who stands in front of the troops and alone fights off the entire squadrons without getting a scratch. When he all but swipes his hand, the enemy soldiers are thrown around like ragdolls. It lifted battle spirits when they knew that this warrior was on their side and was fighting for their freedom. And most of the Imperials now understood what to do when they saw the rebel army with a stark haired teen in charge. Run. To Danny's amusement, many of his men and women considered him some kind of demigod or even a full fledged god, even though never saying it into his face. He never encouraged the rumors, but neither he denied them.
The space battles were another story.
After the Battle over Valorrum Phantom knew that he needed more ships. Most of the time he relented to the 'hit and run' tactics. His ships were equipped with astromech droids, which could set every course without the need of beacons. So they attacked the weak squadrons, squashed them and immediately left before the reinforcements could reach them. The beacons were either eliminated on sight or used for traps. He moved the beacon to an asteroid field or simply prepared his own fleet to greet his enemies.
The biggest mistake of the empire was that they kept their fleet at bays on planetary surfaces. Completely not caring that the ones who were forced to repair the ships were the same people who were the majority of the Rebels. And Phantom didn't wait long to expose this weakness. He sent his agents to the labor camps, where they encouraged the slaves to revolt and helped them to succeed. That's how they made their fleet bigger. By taking what belonged to the enemy and using improved hyperspace calculations.
Danny's face filled with confidence as he looked towards his destination. The Imperial Palace. His job was simple, maybe even ridiculously so, but at the same time it was symbolical. He will kill the head of the state and the entire Empire will be in disarray. Everything shall fall like dominoes. Why he was sure that the Empress was there? The Imperials weren't expecting something so daring to happen. To attack the capital which had an enormous sized defence fleet, it required a madman in charge.
It would be a sight to see, Phantom was sure of that. Hundred ships on each side were no joke. That day the sky was going to burn. It was everything they got, he gambled a very big price, so he better not to lose.
His musings were interrupted when he felt someone behind him.
"Yes?" Danny responded, his hand slowly reaching for his weapon.
"Hey, Phantom," Komand said uncertainly, as she stepped out of the shadows.
Danny was surprised. She hadn't spoken with him ever since he captured her father. The trainings were an exception, but even then it didn't go further than short questions and equally short answers. She spent most of the time with her Dad ever since no one had objections about her walking around the ship freely. He trusted her, but HK was always not so far, turning on his hearing modules to the maximum. They weren't planning anything, and that was enough for the ghost teen.
As for tonight's mission, she wasn't intended to be involved in it.
"Komand?" He voiced his surprise. "How did you find me?"
The young yuth smirked slightly. "That's what you taught me, right?"
"Yeah..." Both remained in silence. "Why are you here?"
"I just wanted to ask...don't risk your neck much."
"That's all?" Danny blinked.
Her look turned annoyed as she crossed her hands. "What, not good enough for our local demigod in the flesh?"
"There is nothing divine about me," Phantom grumbled. "You couldn't just take a ship, fly through all security checks only to tell me to watch myself. It's not like you to state the obvious."
Komand's orange skin reddened in frustration. "Alright! I'm...concerned."
"About what?" Danny asked confused.
"About you, idiot!" Komand snapped.
The ghost's eyes widened in surprise. He hadn't heard such words in a long while. Ever since he lost everything and everyone he cared about, no one said it to him. And for her to get to the capital and find him, it felt really nice, even despite rather...harsh voicing of her concerns.
"Why?" He mouthed.
"Ugh, I'm just worried. Is that not enough?"
Danny smiled brightly. "No, that's more than enough. Thank you."
Komand noticed something unusual about his smile. It seemed more sincere than any smile he gave her before. And that confused the young yuth, was it really so bad that he was grateful for her rude choice of words? While she was thinking, Danny was again looking at the city. The binary sunset looked very captivating.
"I guess I'll go," Komand mumbled, starting to walk away.
"To where?" Danny asked, glancing back. "All our ships are on their way here, Hyperion included."
She stopped abruptly. "You mean your ship?! But what about..."
"Relax," Phantom waved his hand. "He is not there...actually, you know what? How about you go with me?"
"Well, we worked on everything, but never fought as a team we are supposed to be, as a Master and Apprentice. And now we have a wonderful opportunity," Danny gave her all familiar mischievous grin.
Komand sighed. "You just have to bring me in trouble," she grumbled.
"But for some reason you haven't left yet," Phantom kept grinning.
His hand reached for the lightsaber. Danny took it and threw it to the young woman, who easily caught the weapon. His look turned amused.
"You seem to use it more than me," he commented.
"Apparently so," Komand smirked slightly, accepting the weapon. "Ready to bet I take down more, snow head?"
"You are so in it...damn, I haven't thought up a nickname yet."
They both burst in a fit of laughter, until they were interrupted by the beeping communicator. Danny put a finger on his ear.
"Report: All units are on their positions, Master. It is time."
"Understood, proceed according to plan. Signing off."
Danny smiled at his apprentice and nodded in direction of the palace. "Ready to move on?"
"How are you going to get there?" Komand raised her eyebrow. "It must be too well protected."
It was rather complicated matter. The pompous leaders needed pompous palaces. And the 'divine' rulers of the empire needed to be above common folk, both literally and figuratively. Their residence was enormous, it was a tall building with many sharp edged towers, which made it look a bit like gothic catholic church. It took a few square kilometers, including royal gardens. The main problem was that amount of guards was equal to the military base, and in order to get there the rebels had to pass the security.
Looking at his apprentice, Danny grinned, gesturing forward. And Komand didn't like it at all.
"Ladies first," he invited.
"What do you....AH!"
With a gentle move Phantom pushed her over the edge of the building, before jumping down himself with a loud laughter.
"ARE YOU NUTS?!" Komand yelled on their way down. "WE GONNA TURN INTO A PUDDLE DOWN THERE!"
Phantom calmly got in lying position and put his hands behind his head. He glanced down at the approaching ground.
"Well, there is still a considerable distance," he said calmly. "Take my hand."
"Trust me," Danny smiled.
Well it's not like she had any choice for the matter. Komand did as he told and closed her eyes. Suddenly she felt like they stopped. When Komand opened her eyes, she saw that they indeed stopped about two hundred meters in the air.
"Told ya," Phantom said smugly.
Komand moved her shocked gaze from the air between them and solid metal pavement. She looked at the stark haired ghost, before her stare moved below his belt.
"Where are your legs?!" The apprentice exclaimed.
Danny chuckled. "It's just my spectral tail, gives extra speed and agility during the flight."
"You. Can. Fly?"
"Yep. Seems rather obvious, huh?"
"H-how?! It''s impossible! You don't even have any wings to fly!"
Her expression was something between shock, awe and curiosity. Komand accidentally let go of Danny and yelped in surprise. Phantom quickly caught her by wrapping his hands around her waist. Needless to say that both Phantom and Komand blushed brightly, green and red respectively.
"Anyways," Danny broke the awkward silence. "Let's get going already. Give me a moment."
Phantom closed his eyes and his pearly white aura spread over the female yuth. Komand felt like she weighted nothing.
"Okay, just relax now, let me guide the flight and don't let go of my hand."
Komand nodded slowly, still trying to comprehend the fact that Phantom was FLYING, for goodness sake!
'I guess I shouldn't be surprised,' she thought. 'When ANYTHING seemed logical about him?'
They flew for some time, and it felt different from flying in a car or ship. There you were locked inside the machine, here you were completely free...well, as free as she could move while holding Phantom's hand. She blinked. Alright, that was quickly becoming awkward. She was snapped out from her musings by Danny's cough.
"So, how do you think we should enter? Secretly or just bang into their doors?"
"I don't know. What do you offer?"
"The last one is more entertaining, but there is a big possibility that the Empress is going to run away. If we intend to go secretly, there should be entire ruling council. Still, I have taken precautions in case she attempts to run."
"And how are you going to go through?"
"Again, either we break through the doors or through the wall."
"Let's not make it more complicated, then."
With a nod, Phantom deccended in the bottom of the large staircase which led towards the entrance. He pulled on the hood of his robes in order to avoid instant recognition. Together they walked up towards huge doors which stood on their way. However, as Danny expected, a group of soldiers greeted them. They were wearing white plastoid armor with open spiked helmets, kinda like the ones officers wore in German Empire. They were armed with vibroswords on belts and blasters in their hands. There were seven of them, three in front and the other four standing behind and to the left and right from the Force users.
"Halt right there, no one is allowed inside without permission!" One of the guards, the one with orange markings on helmet, said.
Phantom grin was the only visible feature under the hood. He looked up and everyone saw his gleaming green eyes, which could belong to only one person. Before they could react, Danny raised his hand and gripped three soldiers, before using the Force to throw them into the marble column, and the impact caused some debris to fall on them. Komand activated the lightsaber and deflected blaster bolts which were directed at Danny's back, before throwing a weapon at the nearest guard. Danny made a small shield on his palm and defended from another shot. He charged an ectoblast in his free hand and fired, creating a small explosion which killed the guard.
Komand jumped towards the enemy, pulling the lightsaber from the corpse by making it fly into her hand, before she caught it in the midflight and cut the opponent in half. Only one was left standing, but when he attempted to fire, another blaster bolt hit him in the back of his head. Komand blinked, before looking at her grinning Master. Danny only pointed at the rooftop of the palace with his thumb finger, crossing his hands. The yuth glanced where he was pointing, and noticed a person with sniper rifle, who also gave thumbs up.
"Have you thought that I was going to go alone?" Danny asked with a raised eyebrow.
"How did he get in there?" Komand tilted her head.
"We smuggled the weapons in, sent my men under disguise of simple servants, and voilà, I get fire support from the high ground," Phantom explained and shrugged, before opening the doors with a wave of his hand.
They were in an oversized hall, which was just a vestibule. By the schematics Phantom had previously acquired, the council chambers should be not so far away. The two would have gone to the required room, but the destiny had another plans.
"Seems like we are not alone," Danny commented quietly with amusement clear in his voice.
Komand felt the foreign presence too. Multiple ones.
Sure enough, from behind the columns stepped about fifteen people, dressed in the same clothes Komand once wore. Black and red robes, boney masks. Everyone wore them, except one in front. Their supposed leader wasn't wearing the mask. The male yuth had the hood down as well, giving a look at his face. He was old, with gray long and carefully attended beard. He had dark red and yellow sith eyes, which emmited faint glow. The Dark side was dominant inside of that guy.
"Have you seriously thought that everything would be so simple?" The man asked.
Danny shrugged, taking off the hood. "The only simple thing I ever saw were fruitloops with milk. Though, I should give you credit for being patient. How long were you waiting for us there?"
"As long as required. And you brought a traitor with you. Wonderful, saves time tracking down all of you."
Komand glared at him, as her hand started to move to the lightsaber. But one glance from Danny told her to keep her fiery temper under control. Phantom looked back at the man and crossed his hands.
"Who are you anyway?" He asked. "Some big nut obviously."
"My name is no concern of yours, scum. I am the Grand Master of Imperial Academy of Sorc..."
The man was interrupted by a laughter Danny tried to keep inside, but was miserably failing, as the air was getting through his teeth.
"What's so funny?!" The Grand Master growled.
"I've never heard so ridiculous name, better call it 'Magical school of Witchcraft and Wizardry', suits you well, you look like Gandalf anyway." Danny said with a grin, making Komand facepalm in frustration. Her Master was such a kid sometimes.
"Enough talk! Kill them both," the old man ordered, making a step back.
His followers took out their weapons - Force enchanted swords. Those couldn't just be cut through with a lightsaber. They started to approach, cutting off any retreat possibility. Phantom examined his nails, while Komand was carefully looking for any opening in defence.
"Hey, Komand, remember what I showed you a week ago?" Danny kept looking at his nails. Even though he was wearing gloves. He was still giving occasional bored glances at the wannabe siths.
Komand raised her eyebrow, recalling what they did a week ago. Then her eyes widened in realization.
"You aren't going to do that again, right?" She asked hopefully.
"Not on you, but we will see. For now, let's see who takes out more."
As they stood back to back, both Force Users smirked unknowingly to each other. Komand turned on the lightsaber and took the battle stance, fit for her current form of lightsaber combat. She held the weapon on her eye level with two hands, using the Shii-cho form. It was the first ever form created. It was primitive for learners. But a few who learned it to perfection or/and used it at the same time with another form were excellent duelists. Darth Nihilus was beated that way, and it said something. Danny taught her this form first for another reason. It was the form Jedi Younglings learnt because of how simple the basics of those style were.
Phantom himself used it too, but only when he was fighting with ectosword, like back at Valorrum. When handling a lightsaber he sticked to the second form - Makashi. It was perfect for deflecting blaster bolts and had some magical grace about it Danny came to like. Of course, he now had the knowledge about every style, but that didn't mean that he had skill to fight all of them. It also amused him that all styles' names sounded like something from anime, oh well.
The Imperials attacked together. Phantom made a sword to deflect upcoming strike, before kicking another one with his leg, pushing him away. He jumped over his opponent and attacked him from behind. The man moved the sword behind and blocked the hit, before turning around and making a slash. Danny became intangible and let another sword pass through him. He elbowed another opponent, before charging a blast and shooting at another one. Then Phantom turned his legs into spectral tail, swinging it under enemy's legs and making him stumble. His legs returned as he stabbed his opponent in gut.
Komand used the Force to zap them with electricity. She used the opportunity to attack and kill two zapped opponents. She parried the hit from another one and deflected the storm of multiple attacks coming from her opponents. Her fighting form allowed her to effectively fight several of them. Komand blocked another hit and then noticed that she was being surrounded. She made a step back, moving away the lightsaber, and making the enemy stumble forward because of inertion. She then used the Force push to break the encirclement. The apprentice grinned in satisfaction at her display.
Meanwhile Phantom ducked under enemy's swing and noticed another approaching attack. With a smirk, he vanished. The imperials were confused. And worried. He could be everywhere for all they knew. Suddenly one of the sorcerers stabbed the nearest comrade, much to their shock. He took off the mask, revealing a face with glowing green eyes and Phantom's mark wide grin.
"Surprise!" Danny's voice sounded from the man's mouth, before he attacked again.
The imperials didn't know what to do at first. Phantom was possessing their comrade's body. And he was intending to exploit this confusion. He fought even more fiercely. The scholars didn't have other choice, Danny had slaughtered a few of them already. To their further surprise, he wasn't resisting that much, but still managing to fight them off and even killing three of them. Finally, one of them managed to stab him. The man's eyes stopped glowing as his dead body went numb.
They didn't have time to cheer, though. Phantom reappeared behind one of them and easily snapped the sorcerer's neck. The opponents were now less enthusiastic about fighting him.
One of the sorcerers used his pathetic level of Force use to throw the rocks at her, but Komand jumped away and graced between the projectiles and after cutting in half one of the stone, she threw her lightsaber at the other approaching attacker. He deflected the throw, but his swing was averted because of the impact. The lightsaber flew back into Komand's hand, before she shot the lighting out of her fingertips. It was more powerful than before, and the progress she was making made her excited.
Suddenly Komand felt a strong pressure on her neck. She found it hard to breath as she fell on her knees.
"Foolish girl," the Grand Master growled, slowly approaching her with outstretched hand. He was choking her.
"You preferred to side with alien scum just so you can get the power you don't deserve. You could ascend in ranks, in service of the Empress. I highly doubt that, though, you always lacked the skill. Now die, traitor!"
When he was about to finish her, the Grand Master suddenly was lifted in the air and lost his concentration. Phantom held him by his neck, and he looked terrifying. His hair were a raging white inferno, and his green eyes gained crimson red tint in them. But it wasn't even the most fearsome thing. It was his look, the look which clearly stated that the old man was about to die in the most painful way imaginable. Komand looked up at them and her eyes widened too.
"Enough of games," Phantom said in low voice. "You tell me where your empress is at once."
If they knew that he will be coming, the empress should be as far as she could.
"Like I'll tell you anything!" The old man spat.
"Oh, you underestimate my persuasive abilities. One step closer and your boss will lose his head!" Danny warned the remaining imperials. They stopped on their tracks.
"Fools, kill him now!" The Grand Master commanded.
Phantom glanced at the sorcerers, daring them to do that. They dared. But as the imperials made a few steps they screamed in pain, before falling dead.
"My, even second heart didn't save them when the first blew up," Phantom commented, before dropping the terrified man on the ground. "Now I give you a chance to tell me what you know willingly."
"She is gone!" He exclaimed, hoping not to repeat the fate of his subordinates. "For two years already!"
"I beg your pardon?"
"She is dead. The council hid the information about her, she didn't have a heir, so the ruling council ran the country after she passed away."
"If so, where is that council?"
"They ran who could where. I don't know."
"Hm...thank you for information."
Phantom raised his hand and used the Force to snap the old man's neck. He turned to his apprentice, and Komand had a look of horror on her face. His eyes turned green and the fire settled down and turned back to the messy white hair. Danny looked down on the ground uncomfortably.
"Sorry you had to witness me like that," he sighed. "This is something I don't have control over."
"Why...were you like that?" Komand asked.
Danny ran a hand through his hair. "Obsession. I didn't have a problem with this before, but now... When someone harms people I care about, I lose control and can do nasty things."
Komand blinked. "What do you mean?" She asked slowly, getting back on her feet.
"We are friends, right?" Danny smiled hopefully.
"I guess we are," Komand reponded.
Suddenly she was hugged by the white haired ghost, much to her surprise.
"Thank you," he whispered, before letting go of his apprentice.
"And it seems I won," Danny then added with a playful smirk.
Komand rolled her eyes, but smiled nevertheless. His abrupt changes of mood was something she got used to already.
"So, what now?" She asked.
"Well, we will hunt down that council, but I wonder..."
Danny walked towards the huge doors and Komand followed him. Phantom opened the doors and entered the apparent throne room.
It was just as huge as the hall, but it looked much better. There was a wide glass path over seemingly endless pit leading to the circle in another end of the room. A huge golden throne stood there, it had several bareliefs on it and was reaching for the ceiling. Something caught Danny's eye.
"What is this?"
He walked to the throne and looked at what looked like golden aurel wreath, with different small jewels on each leaf. It was carefully situated on a pillow, which was lying on the throne's seat.
Komand's eyes widened in shock. "This is the Crown of the Empire!" She whispered in awe. "Can I hold it?"
Danny shrugged. "Sure, go ahead," he said, giving her the crown.
Phantom put a hand on his communicator.
"HK, what's the situation?" He asked, while Komand was too busy.
"...DIE, YOU ORGANIC TRAAASH!" HK was yelling from another end, accompanied by loud sounds of unstoppable shooting. "Report: We managed to break through the blockade and land troops. I'm not aware about the current situation in space. We are pushing through, but they obviously aren't afraid for their future birth rates. Good riddance, but there is just too many of them."
"Where are you?"
"Answer: Northern industrial sector. We make quite a noise...SHUT YOUR MOUTH AND FIRE! Anyways, we are easy to spot. Better bring reinforcements."
Danny looked at the crown in Komand's hands. "I think we won't need any," he smirked. "Signing off."
The apprentice was examining it throughly. "They say there is a leaf for every system we have. Then one leaf is missing," she commented.
Danny snorted, taking the crown. "If it was truth then there there would have been only one leaf."
"What are you going to do after this?"
"Is this an invitation for a date?"
"NO!" She exclaimed and reddened in embarrassment. "I'm asking what you are planning to do after you win."
Danny grinned mysteriously. "Now that's rather convenient question," he outstretched his hand. "And you are about to get your answers."
Komand reluctantly took his hand. The second she did that, they got teleported to another end of the planet. Her eyes widened in shock.
"You don't need portals anymore?"
"Nope," Danny popped a 'p', before hearing explosions on the distance and seeing lines of smoke, "Okay, I mistook directions a bit."
They teleported closer, and this time they could see the battlefield below. Two sides were shooting at each other from their improvised barricades in different ends of the small square. And by the looks of it, the rebels were losing. It was time for Phantom to intervene.
"Komand, go help our forces. I'm not exactly sure if the imperials are going to do as I say."
The dark haired woman nodded, before running towards the rebel positions.
Meanwhile Danny flew in the air, right between two opposite fronts, invisible yet.
"Enough!" His booming voice was heard over blaster and vehicle fire.
For a moment, everything stopped. Everyone just looked to where the voice came from. Phantom slowly descended towards the ground, and the setting suns right behind his back truly gave him the divine appearance people attributed to him. His flight also scared and awed the imperials and the rebels respectively. Phantom turned towards the imperial soldiers.
"Dear protectors of the Empire, I admire your dedication. To fight the winning enemy when you are on the wrong requires a lot of loyalty. But you weren't fighting for what you thought was right. You were fighting for what certain individuals wanted. You were deceived all along, and I'm going to declare it so everyone hears that. The Empress is dead!"
There wasn't any fitting words to describe expressions on the people's faces. Shock, terror, disbelief are the closest definitions. But many weren't convinced to surrender, Phantom felt it. It was time for the final blow.
"I see that you don't believe me. Well, here is your proof!"
He took the crown from his robes and threw it. The crown rolled on the ground for some time, and every eye was glued to the main relic of the dying Empire, which was reduced to the level of trash.
"You say that your rulers got their power from the gods, and yet, here we are. Some call me a god. They may call me however they want, but I HAVE killed someone who ascended to the throne thanks to them. I don't see anything happen. Why don't they strike upon me if the empress was their ruler of mortals? Maybe they didn't want anything to do with her and her dynasty anymore? And speaking of dinasty, tell me, who are you going to serve now? She had no heirs, and who will be daring enough to take her position? You? Or maybe you?" He randomly pointed towards different soldiers. "I don't think so."
"Of course, the nobles will say that they are worthy. But what did they do in their pathetic lives? They inherited their parents' wealth and titles and haven't moved a single finger to gain it. They led your country to DEFEATS. Because of their leadership you have lost to Skii-ruu, you have lost to the Chiss Ascendancy, you have lost to the people of your own country. It says something, isn't it? Me, the seventeen years old, managed to lead the humilated and hopeless crowd to victory over stellar state with own trained army, with own fleet and armored vehicles."
"I do not seek the destruction of this country. No, I want it to prosper, I want it to become respected and feared Empire as it once was! But with no corrupt noble families and companies! With no oppression of the weak, where people shall no longer fear the laser whip, where only our enemies will bow and kneel before us! You may hate and despise me, I can accept it, because the feeling isn't mutual. I offer you exactly what you fight for, but the nobles only gave you promises. You can see what the former slaves have achieved under my leadership, imagine what can become of the entire state. So I ask you one final question! Will you follow us to the glorious future or remain in past, where the wind of time erases you from history?"
The leader of the Imperial forces stood up in his cover, with blaster in his hands. He climbed on top of the barricade, before jumping down and approaching the stark haired ghost. The man didn't waver under his intence gaze, and, once close enough, dropped the weapon under Phantom's feet, before hitting his chest with his fist.
"For the Empire!" The leader shouted.
Phantom smiled, before hitting his own chest. He then turned to his own men.
"General Haseas, will the Rebellion still follow?" He asked loudly.
From the crowd of rebels, Haseas stepped forward and turned to the crowd.
"You heard him, Rebellion, will you follow?" He asked the same question.
The rebels loudly cheered and shouted.
"Will you fight?"
This phrase earned even more excited yells of support.
"Will we triumph?"
The sounds of cheers was becoming deafening.
"Then stand for your leader! Your liberator! YOUR EMPEROR!" Haseas yelled over excited shouts of the crowd, unleashing the sword from its sheath and raising it in the air.
The shouts weren't coming only from the rebels, some imperials stood too, and loudly cheered. Phantom smiled softly as his shining eyes filled with fierce determination. People trusted him with their lives and he wasn't going to let them down.
But unknowingly to him, in shadows stood a person in purple robes, with a clock staff in his hands. A small smile crossed his features.
"Good luck on your way, Daniel. It shall be an amusing parade to watch," he commented, before dissappearing from anyone's view.
A.N. It was extremely interesting to write this one. Also, a matter of pairings has arisen in my mind. Shall I pair our newly created monarch with Komand? Or leave them friends, tell me what you think.
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