Chapter 13: Defending the stronghold
A.N. It's a real headache to publish chapies with local wifi. Have good holidays, and pick good hotels.
"Let me get this straight. You moved an entire fleet..."
"Through the entire galaxy in seconds."
"You are completely right, dear Haseas," Danny grinned, biting on a fruit.
He needed to restore his energy. They had little time before the enemy fleet arrives, but he still was casually eating. Phantom already ordered the fleet to take positions. Since he didn't know about the size of the upcoming enemy forces, but he knew from where they will arrive, he decided to set a trap. The enemy didn't know about his fleet as well, so every ship he got could become a trump card if he used them properly. Danny already moved the fleet in required positions.
"This is freaking nuts," the orange skinned man shook his head.
"What makes you say this?" Danny asked confused, making another bite.
"If there is an entire race of space tearing beings than I don't know how to feel about this."
Phantom laughed. "Well, you can relax, then. There are only two besides me who can do that. However, they never made portals THAT big."
"Sir!" Ensign interrupted their conversation. "The imperial fleet is entering the system."
"Haseas, you know what to do. Transmission is over."
Phantom turned off the communicator, stood up and walked to the illuminator. He had to move the chair closer later.
A few seconds later several ships emerged from hyperspace. Some were similar in design as Hyperion, but smaller. Some had triangle shape, just like star destroyers, but their bridges weren't high in the air, and were instead right on the deck. They had fewer ships than Phantom, twice less, but they were still heavily armed. Even while having an advantage in numbers, you must avoid any losses.
Danny's attention was caught by one cruiser in particular. He narrowed his eyes.
"Their flagship is that one," he pointed out.
"How do you know that, sir?" The ensign asked confused.
"Statement: My old Master was able to learn where his enemies were," everyone turned to HK. Man, he loved making sudden appearances. "It's not surprising that my new Master can do the same."
"HK, is right. I feel that their admiral is right there. Now let's wait for him to step into our little trap," Phantom smirked.
"Question: What exactly this trap means?"
"Haven't you noticed where we are positioned? They think we only have Hyperion, so they will attempt to use all their might without giving too much thought. Even go in a passageway between the planet and its moon, which is too close to it by the way. Three hundred spartans beated hundreds of persians while being in a narrow canyon."
"Objection: But this is space, not a canyon."
"Yes, it isn't. But what we need is our ships' destructive capabilities. My duplicates will know just the moment. Another part of our fleet will lock them from behind and open fire. The starfighters will fly above the moon and attack them from the top. This way we will prevent theirs from attacking us, they will be too busy protecting their own ships."
"That's...amazing," the ensign said in awe.
"Nothing amazing here, I simply want to win. Now, HK, I have an assignment for you, follow me."
The droid followed his Master out of the bridge. The two used the elevator and got to the lower floors. HK was curious about what Phantom had in mind. In his calculations of possible options he hadn't noticed how they got where needed. Danny was smirking all the way, from what he learned about the droid, he was going to like his assignment.
"Question: What exactly are you intending to do?"
"Simple, I want you two to infiltrate their flagship."
"Confusion: Two of us?"
"Got that right, tin can."
HK turned around. Komand was leaning against the wall. During the last month as Phantom's apprentice she shortened her hair so it only reached her neck, and changed her wardrobe. Danny threw her old robes in vacuum. They were smelly and unfitting for fights. The Foundry actually could make clothes. That's why he ordered a new set of robes for her. They weren't robes in typical meaning, more like spacey one piece suit made from the same soft material. Danny thought that a long clothing or any robes at all will only be a bother.
"Objection: TIN CAN?! How dare you, a pathetic combination of carbon elements, insult me?!"
"Enough," Danny interrupted before things turned ugly. "I don't need you to kill each other before you even start your assignment."
"We don't even know what the assignment is," Komand deadpanned.
"Simple. The admiral knows a lot of secrets we can use. Plus, if their fleet loses its leader in a middle of the fight, the victory will be ours."
"Question: Can I..."
"Kill whoever you want but NOT the admiral," Danny interrupted.
"Excited statement: Thank you, Master, I'll go pick the heaviest gun."
"Meet with me in hangers," Danny nodded.
HK ran out of the room, earning a chuckle from Phantom.
"I don't see how some droid should help me," Komand shook her head.
"This isn't the first time HK killed the entire crew," Danny shrugged, earning a surprised look from his apprentice. "It was four thousand years ago. This droid is the most talented assassin in the galaxy."
"If he is so good, then why do you need me to assist him?"
"What, jealous?" Danny smirked, before laughing at her expression. "I just want to see the result of all your trainings. And, after you show on which side you are on, you won't need to stay in your cell at daytime. Seems tempting, doesn't it?" He smiled.
"I can't even hold blaster, or you want me only to use the Force?"
Phantom took out the lightsaber and handed it to her, earning a shocked look. "Even if it is technically now mine, you better use it right now. Why do you think I trained you in lightsaber combat as well?"
"Thank you," Komand said, taking the weapon and situating it on her belt. "I will not fail."
Danny smiled softly. "I know you won't. Let's go, now."
The two walked down to the hangers, and on the way Komand got a question.
"Why don't you want to go as well?" She asked. "You can make clones, right?"
"Again, it's your task, Komand. Also, that fast travel really exhausted my core. All I can do are small portals for you to go there and return."
"Core?" She stopped abruptly. "Are you..."
Danny rolled his eyes. "If I am a droid, then how can I use the Force? Komand, my race doesn't have hearts. We have cores, from where we take our energy to exist. In order to 'charge' it, we have to eat, have you noticed that I never drank water? It's useless to us. In our world we don't eat at all, the air itself is full of energy we require."
"Your race is strange."
"Huh, you telling me," Danny snorted.
Together they were in hangers, where pilots, organic and droids alike, were preparing for departure. They waited for HK to arrive. He soon joined them, carrying an entire minigun in his arms, bazooka and rifle on his back, different grenades on his belt. Both Force users watched this with bewilderment. In his defense, minigun was rather small for its type. It didn't have a huge ammo pack, for obvious reasons. It was rather compact.
"Uh, don't you think it's TOO heavy?" Danny asked carefully.
"Clarification: I want to make sure no meatbag escapes my wrath."
"Just don't blow me up," Komand deadpanned.
"Eerie statement: I give no promises."
If HK had facial expressions, he would have had a creepy smirk on his face.
"Again I shall repeat myself. DO NOT kill each other. Anyways, I'll make a portal straight to the flagship. Wait here. When the portal opens here, go through it, when you are done, call me and I'll take you back."
"Got it."
Danny nodded and walked out of the hanger. He then simply flew through the walls and returned to the bridge. From his position he noticed that the opponent fleet was almost in shooting range.
"Sir, we are receiving a transmission from the enemy," the droid told him.
"Put it through."
A hologram of the admiral appeared. He was wearing the same ridiculous clothes as before, and looked rather smug.
"Well, well, if it's not our little thief," the old man smirked.
"If a little thief stole the secret prototype ship, then what a big one can do? I'm afraid to imagine." Danny rolled his eyes.
"A big laser on my creation won't give you anything, boy..."
"Oh, I have completely forgotten about it, thanks for reminder!" Phantom grinned.
The admiral facepalmed. "How an immature kid like you managed to rally all that scumbags is beyond me."
"Hm, maybe you should stop calling them like that and they stop following teens with mental issues? Anyways, is there a reason behind your call, or you just wanted to brag that yours is bigger than mine?"
"Ugh, you are unbearable. Surrender now, my orders are to bring you in the capital. The empress herself wants to see you personally. I don't know why bother with such a piece of..."
"Ah, language, there are kids here," Danny pointed at himself. "The only way I'll visit a capital is when I'll take it by storm, old man. I'm not going to surrender."
"Well, more fun for me, then. Prepare to die, brat."
Danny only grinned. "Am I not already?" He huffed, before ending the transmission. "Droid, how far can the laser shoot?"
"It is twice further than average turbolaser. But our shields must be turned off."
"Hm, do we have time to turn them back on before they get in firing range?"
"Yes, sir."
"Then shoot at the biggest ship they got."
The droids didn't question his orders. They started pressing buttons and pulling switches. Why would they need so much buttons for just shooting from big gun? It gave some dramatical and cinematic effect, but it was a waste of time. Well, Danny was an expert in ecto-engineering, he didn't know a thing about space ships. It's not like he attended some dedicated academy.
The front deck started to glow as the massive amount of energy was being concentrated in it. Then, with final pull of the switch, a massive beam of energy erupted from it. Danny covered his eyes from the bright light, just as every living being on the ship. When the laser reached its destination, it simply cut the cruiser in half, and even reached the ones behind it, and shutting five ships off. Phantom grinned once he saw the damage one shot did.
The enemy increased his speed, trying to reach the rebels as soon as possible. That was just what Danny wanted his opponent to do. To increase the speed he would have to lower the shields or turn off the cannons. Either way it was on hand to the white haired ghost. He was disappointed, however, that they slowed down once being closer. So the admiral was not a complete moron. It made the game more interesting.
Finally, they reached the required point. And as the original Phantom noticed that, both his duplicates did as well. The one who was commanding the fleet behind the moon got the message.
"Starfighters and bombers in the air!" He commanded.
At his order an enormous swarm of small ships flew out of multiple hangers. Most of them were small starfighters the times of Old Sith Empire. They were largely unprotected, they didn't have shielding, or hyperdrives. It was typical Imperial tactic. They made a huge amount of cheap fighters, compensating with numbers what they lacked in strength.
The swarm flew around the small red moon. It took the imperials by surprise, and the first wave managed to land a big damage with minor losses. The next attack wasn't that successful. The admiral didn't lose his temper, he moved corvettes between the bigger ships and the moon from where the starfighters were attacking. The corvettes were valued for their speed, maneuverability and small weaponry to stand against the starfighters.
The old yuth also send the attacking ships of his own. The fleet itself now had a form of one narrow line made of several smaller ones. First three lines consisted corvettes positioned in checkers form, forming a wall which prevented most of the ships from coming through. Other lines were made of bigger ships. Phantom decided against using the laser again, it will completely drain Hyperion's energy. Instead he concentrated the fire of turbolasers on the corvettes, attempting to create an opening for the starfighters, who meanwhile engaged in dogfight right in fire range of corvettes.
It didn't mean that the imperials were just waiting for the enemy to finish them. They unleashed their power on Hyperion, so Phantom had to transfer the energy from the engines and unneeded weaponry to strengthen the shields. He knew that they couldn't hold back the attacks forever. So, Phantom ordered to close the trap. The ships hidden behind the moon started to move as fast as possible. And, Danny also decided that it was the best moment for a diversion.
He opened the portal in the hangers, which was a signal for Komand and HK. The Jeda'ii apprentice and the assassin droid went through.
"Alright, droid, you have a map downloaded in you, right?" She asked once they were on the other side.
"Affirmative: Master has acquired the blueprints of this ship. I know where the bridge is, follow me, meatbag."
Despite HK's insult, Komand didn't say anything and just followed the droid. However, they didn't make a step out of supposed...janitory, maybe, when passing patrol found them. So much for being unnoticed. They immediately started shooting, but Komand used the Force push to pin the small squad of ten men into the wall. HK didn't waste time and swiftly turned them into pieces of burned flash with his heavy weapon. The sound of minigun and screams of pain and horror were hard to ignore, and even more troops came into the narrow corridor. Komand activated the lightsaber and started to deflect the upcoming fire, while HK stood behind her.
HK took out a thermal detonator from his belt, pressed a small button and threw it in the crowd. They ducked out of the way, but some unlucky ones were blown in pieces. This let the diversants to continue their way. In one jump Komand got to the troops and killed them. After that they kept moving, eliminating every soldier on their way. The only 'injury' they received was a dent on HK's corpus. Not relevant.
"Why do you think Phantom didn't make that portal closer to the bridge?" Komand asked.
Even though she was now his apprentice, the young woman refused to call Danny her Master. He wasn't persistent, saying that it was simply an old tradition he was not going to judge her for.
"Explanation: Master obviously wished to test your abilities. If he simply transported us to the admiral than you wouldn't have to kill so many useless meatbags."
"Yeah, I guess you are right. How long it is until we reach the...bridge..."
They weren't on command deck, that's for sure. Instead they were in a huge room with multiple generators, which coils sparkled with dangerously looking electricity.
"Why. Are we here?" Komand said slowly.
"Explanation: I want to blow up them all. For this task I have bombs of my own creation."
HK took some explosives out of nowhere. They looked like small boxes with wires sticking out of it.
"Statement: Plant this one on that coil. I'll take care of another ones."
Komand nodded and took one of the boxes. HK briefly explained how to prepare it. She ran to the furthest generator and planted the bomb on it. HK meanwhile did the same thing with remaining generators.
After they finished, the diversants continued their way up. Thankfully they weren't far away. All they needed to do is to use the elevator. Then it stuck and the lights turned off. Komand groaned.
"Just perfect."
Back on Hyperion Phantom wasn't having the best time. The shields were about to be shut down under the fire. He called for his duplicate, and saw that they were about to fire
The attack from behind was successful. The rain of red turbolasers poured with unstoppable stream. The first to blow up were some corvettes, which didn't stand a chance. Finally receiving an opening they needed, the starfighters flew straight to the cruisers behind the corvettes.
The imperials started to regroup, they couldn't let the enemy continuously shoot them in back. Original Danny sighed in relief. His ship started to emmit smoke in different places. He had already sent fire extinguishers' brigade to fix the problem. Hyperion substained some serious damage, and it was only a temporary break. Phantom knew that once he regroups, his opponent would attempt to escape. And the easiest way for that would be going through him, since he was alone.
"Come on, guys, you can do that," Danny mumbled, looking at holographic projection of the battlefield.
Meanwhile Komand and her droid companion broke through the final defenses. When they approached the door, it was locked.
"Ah, curses, any ideas how to get through?" Komand asked.
"Statement: I would have offered to hack into their systems..." HK took out a bazooka, before turning around and firing.
A massive explosion blew up the elevator behind them, in order to prevent anyone from escaping. "...But I don't think Master gave us that much time. Use your weapon to cut a hole in that door."
Komand nodded and turned on the lightsaber. She stabbed it through the door. She slowly moved it in circle, leaving an orange trace of molten metal behind. Finally, when the circle was done, Komand looked back at her companion.
"Prepare your weapon, they will wait for us."
"Sarcastic question: What makes you think I'm not ready?" HK asked, spinning his minigun.
Rolling her eyes, Komand pushed the metal piece using the force, probably hitting the fellow behind it, if a loud scream was any indication.
However, once they entered the room, Komand's eyes widened.
"Father?!" She exclaimed.
"Komand?" The admiral asked, equally shocked. The soldiers lowered their weapons at his motion. "It...was you down there?"
"I-I didn't know you are the one who commands here!"
"Realization: Oh...I can see what's going on."
"You see what's going on?!" Komand yelled at the droid, turning to him. "Why didn't you or Phantom told me anything that it was my father who he is fighting against?!"
"I'll tell you why, my daughter," the admiral said, stepping forward. "Because he is an alien. How many times were you told that you can't trust any race except ours? I don't know what he told to convert you on his side, but I'm ready to forgive you, and no one in the empire will know about it."
"I...I don't know..." Komand mumbled, turning off the lightsaber.
"Statement: This fleet is about to be destroyed, your offers are pointless. My Master ordered your capture. Consider this an act of mercy."
"I'd rather die with my ship than being imprisoned by some prepubescent boy!"
Suddenly the entire ship shook from impact. The rebel starfighters were doing their job rather well, the shields were gone.
"Threatening statement: You either come with us or die in a fire. Or I can just slaughter your goons and drag you away from here."
"Komand, why are you letting this droid say such things?" The admiral asked.
"Father...please, come with me. I don't want you to die here. Your honor may not let you surrender, it for me, please. I already lost my brother and mother, I don't want to lose you too," she begged.
Komand had a huge lump in her throat, she didn't want anything to happen with him. As a sign of her intentions she threw away the lightsaber.
The admiral's face scrutinized in thought. With a sigh, he dropped his blaster as well.
"I'm going. My soldiers will go with me."
HK used his inner communicator, "Report: Master, our job is done, but there is an extra bargain."
This phrase earned the droid multiple glares, but he didn't care what meatbags thought about him.
"Good," Danny's voice sounded from another end and everyone heard it. "What kind of 'bargain' exactly?"
"Question: Shall we bring extra soldiers or you wish to execute them?"
"Hm...they must leave weapons behind. Hurry up, though, I don't control every ship."
To everyone's surprise a green tear appeared in the air.
"Statement: You heard him, meatbags. Move inside and drop your weapons."
The soldiers did as was told with dropped heads. The admiral was the last one to enter, giving a glance at his daughter. Komand sighed sadly.
"Phantom has some explaining to do," she growled, using the Force to grab the lightsaber.
"Threatening statement: I'll kill you if Master says so."
"I'll see what you will do about that, tin can."
With that she entered the portal and the droid followed. The portal led directly towards the bridge of Hyperion. Phantom's back was turned to them as he watched the battle outside.
"Admirable job, Komand, most impressive," he turned around with a wide grin, clapping his hands and coming closer. "And right on time, I must say."
Suddenly Komand turned on the lightsaber and pointed it at his throat.
"Stand down," Danny ordered, raising his hand. All droids and people did as was told. "Is there a reason for such harsh reaction?"
"Why didn't you TELL ME?!" She exclaimed loudly.
"Tell you what?" Phantom asked genuinely confused.
"That you want me to hunt down my own father! You promised me that you won't force me to harm my family! Yet the FIRST your task was against what you said!"
"I don't have any idea what you are talking about...Wait, that guy is your father?!" He asked shocked.
"Don't pretend like you didn't know, scum," the old man rolled his eyes.
"Yes, he IS my father, Phantom," Komand spat. "And YOU lied to me!"
Danny narrowed his neon green eyes. Then he slowly wrapped his hand around the lightsaber. It whizzed, whined and sparkled with red electricity - the color of the energy blade. Phantom moved it away from his throat.
"Are you implying that I didn't hold my promise?"
"What else can I imply?"
Danny's look kept becoming darker. "I promised to my friends and family that I'll never use my power to kill all life on my planet. I still hold it, despite my desire to do so sometimes. Now, my friends are dead and my parents are the ones who killed them. And, my promise remains intact. I NEVER break my promises. I didn't know that your father is the admiral. I wouldn't have done that if I knew. But, that surely changes things. No harm will come to him. I can get my information painlessly, even if he isn't willing to cooperate."
"We'll see about that," the admiral grumbled, before being taken away after a hand gesture from white haired leader.
Phantom sensed a huge conflict in his apprentice. Komand looked out of the window as the last remnants of her father's fleet were being obliterated. A small gentle smile appeared on Danny's previously serious face.
"Komand," Danny said. "I honestly didn't mean it to go that way. I will fully understand if you decide to leave us. I won't stand on your way."
Her head snapped in his direction. "What?" She asked in shock.
"I taught you a lot. Now you probably can more than the most powerful Force users of the empire. You can return to the capital and advance in ranks with rapid speed. I won't stand on your way."
"But what about my father?"
"I'd like to let him go, but he is too dangerous to let him go. I'll be honest, after receiving an information I would have killed him. Now, I'll let him go when he won't present any threat, meaning that it will last till the end of campaign. He put up quite a fight, I'm getting reports about lost ships, he destroyed one sixth of our fleet while being surrounded, having disadvantage in numbers and taken by surprise. You must be proud."
Komand raised her eyebrow, "He is your enemy, and you praise him?"
"I admire strong opponents," Danny shrugged. "It's wrong not to admit enemies' abilities."
"I'll go for a walk," she whispered.
Komand walked away, leaving lightsaber behind. Then HK approached his Master.
"Query: Do you want to press this button?" He handed Danny a detonator.
"What is this?"
"Question: So you don't want to?"
With a deadpan expression Phantom pressed the button and the enemy flagship exploded.
"Defeated statement: I so wanted to do that.
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