Chapter 10: A Jedi and his companion
So far everything was going as planned. Danny had a feeling that the hyperspace beacon was built by chinese kids in underground facility near Shanghai for two pennys in hour. It fell apart after the first bombardment. Most probably it wasn't intended to be some powerhouse, it wasn't a battlestation, after all. Yuths' disadvantage was a small bonus to him. Unlike the 'known' galaxy, Yuths and Chisses required that beacons to travel between planets. The reason for such an unusual way of travel was the lack of astromech droids.
Besides their usual duties of repairing any damage done to the ship, they also calculated the route towards another system. Yuths had battle droids, which can even be considered to have A.I, but somewhat they lacked astromechs. Chisses didn't have any droids at all, they won all their wars with their natural intelligence, cunning and warrior skills. Something what Yuthanean generals completely lacked, apparently. It was still a mystery for Phantom how such a state could exist in so dangerous place like the Unknown Regions.
However, they needed further course of action. They may had had a powerful ship in their disposal, but going against the entire fleet was foolish. Danny had an idea about how to build a fleet for free and almost instantly.
He could use the Star Forge, if not for one thing - it was destroyed by Revan. Bogan and Ashla taught him some of the history of the galaxy, which Danny might require, from their unusual point of view. They sided with their side, of course, but Bogan still despised the Sith despite being on their side. Understandable, from what Phantom learned, the Dark side user eventually becomes its slave, and only a few can get out from its grasp. That's most probably the reason he dislikes them, despite what he says. He treated them like the slaves they were.
Returning back to the matter at hand, the Star Forge was in no condition to use. Danny's idea was to go to another Rakatan base, which served the same purpose as the Star Forge, even if not in such big amounts. There was a problem, however. It was located on the Republic territory, even if no one cared about that sector.
Phantom wasn't worried about it TOO much. Bogan, feeling surprisingly generous, taught him the technique of hiding his potential, which was used by the Sith a lot. The Force settled down since he arrived there. The disturbance was like a typhoon. A gust of warm or cold wind gets to the certain place, creating a massive storm, but after a while the storm calms down. So, the disturbance wasn't that big now, it couldn't be felt across the entire galaxy. Danny's new ability helped him to cover his unusually strong connection to the Force, so he couldn't be tracked that easily like back on Coruscant. However, if some Jedi passes nearby, he will undoubtedly feel Phantom's presence.
The rebels were finishing their preparations for departure. The droid access codes brought the crew under Danny's command, but he still took a plenty of his soldiers. A hundred men and women fit inside the ship just fine. Turned off droids didn't require much space and were stationed in their own place in the dreadnought. But with the living personnel they needed to take food and water with them. Too sad Phantom couldn't get his hands on the Infinite Engine, it could make all the living needs from nothing. Rakata were geniuses, no surprise they conquered the galaxy so easily.
Danny left Haseas on the planet, so he could report him about the situation there while he was absent. Not a single sign of Pax anywhere, maybe he had gone rogue. As for the prisoners, they were left on Valorrum, as Danny preferred to call the planet, without that pause in the middle. Except for the 'sorceress'. He decided to bring Komand'r with him. Phantom actually enjoyed their small chats, which she undoubtedly thought to be interrogations. Danny thanked Jazz a lot lately, her psychology babbling seemed to play their part in the conversations.
He didn't need to use the Force to feel something deep inside of her. Struggling, conflict, all of that was there. Danny was hoping to unravel that secrets and eventually help her. However, she was still as arrogant and proud as always. It was going to be hard, that much was obvious.
While the preparations were being finished, Danny spent his time in the captain's room. It was rather comfortable, and resembled the governor's chambers a bit. They weren't very original with design. A big table with the holographic screen, a bed, a shelf with different alcohol drinks, a wardrobe and a shelf with different books. Electronic ones, sadly. Danny liked paper books more, most probably because he was used to them.
His thoughts were interrupted by the beeping noise of communicator. Phantom pressed a few buttons and the image appeared.
"Sir," the ensign stood still, before relaxing her stance. "We are ready to go, your presence is required on the bridge."
"I'll be there shortly."
Danny simply made a portal and stepped through it. He liked this ability the most.
The bridge was lively, if you consider the droids living beings. There was a comfortable chair in the middle, reserved for the commander, namely Phantom. The ensign jumped slightly from surprise when I appeared. His ghostly nature loved scaring people like that.
"Ensign, get this ship to the orbit," Danny ordered, sitting in the chair.
She nodded, before giving commands to the droids. The dreadnought started to ascend in the air. After a while, everything Phantom could see were the stars and the endless darkness of space. He couldn't help but, pun not intended, space out. He loved space, and at the moment he was childishly fanboying at being like Captain Kirk from Star Trek, you know, sitting on a chair, in the middle of the bridge...Danny hoped his excitement wasn't that obvious. Sure, he could fly in space, but being inside the ship felt different.
Danny was thinking about the name for the ship. It should be powerful, magnificent, something which will later made the enemies fear it. But he had another things to do, so naming the dreadnought became a secondary objective. Oh, well, he'll have time later.
"Commander, what's the next order?" The ensign asked.
Danny took out a space map Clockwork gave him and connected it to the table with a special included wire. He didn't know where the Time Lord got it, but it was useful as hell. Danny turned it on and the map projection appeared. He searched for one system in particular.
"It should be riiight here," Phantom mumbled, rubbing his chin, before finding the needed place.
The way was strangely easy. It was one straight line across the galaxy. One problem, though. That way they will have to go through the core, where one big bad black hole was located. Going straight through was a suicide. He liked his afterlife too much, mind you. They will have to pick another route, around the core. The map offered special passageways around anomalies, in order to get out of the Unknown Regions. One of that corridors was their first destination. All in all, they will get to the Nanth'ri system in a week. Stupid slow hyperdrive.
Danny ordered to set the coordinates manually, since the map gave them to the owner. The first point was the entrance of one corridor, the second one was the exit from it. And only then they will be able to set the course towards their destination. But they had to go carefully, the Republic would notice the ship of their size size and freak out. Danny scouted the route beforehand, picking the planets without any scanners. It was exhausting to say the least.
"Entering the hyperspace on three..." one of the droids informed in its usual low voice, ""
The droid pulled the lever. Danny was actually interested how the lightspeed was like and he was not disappointed. Pearly white lines covered the entire view outside of the ship, before they entered the hyperspace with a light push. How to describe the hyperspace itself? Surprisingly, the Ghost Zone was the closest definition. This two places were very similar, besides the fact that the hyperspace was a mass of blue and black instead of green, black and purple. Oh, and the first one didn't have any chunks of land.
Danny didn't know how much he was gazing into the swirling mass. The ensign called for him.
"Sir, I don't recommend you to look for too long out there. People are drived insane because of that," she warned.
Phantom smiled slightly. "Thanks for the warning, I'll be careful."
She nodded. "Why do you stare out there so much?"
"That's because it reminds me of home," Danny chuckled. "Or, actually, the place I came to call home."
The ensign nodded and walked out of the bridge. Phantom sighed, leaning back in his chair. It was going to be a long trip.
It felt lonely during the sleep time. While everyone was enjoying their sweet dreams, wetting their pillows with their drool, Danny was the only one awake. Of course, he could do a lot of things, but during the nights it really was lonely. And since the droids weren't the most chatty company, it wasn't much different on the dreadnought, where the troops followed the time shedule, letting the droids pilot the ship during the 'night'.
Phantom spent most of that time meditating and reading the books he had read thousand times before. But it got boring. During the sixth day of the trip Danny was on his usual walk around the ship, trying to entertain himself somehow, going as far as walking on the ceiling and looking down at everything upside down. Or going with closed eyes and hitting the walls by accident. He wasn't using the Force, it kept things interesting. He even fell into shaft once.
People say you can learn about the person by seeing what it does when no one is looking. Danny's childish acts could tell about the childhood he never had. Not often he could allow himself to be like that. When your parents are neglectful bastards, you have to mature fast. Sometimes he could rely on Jazz, but she wasn't always there for him, despite her best efforts. Danny missed his big sister. But he couldn't allow himself to be consumed by grief. He could turn it into anger and use it against the ones who did that.
In his musings Danny hadn't noticed where he was until hearing the voice.
"You done stomping around like a herd of nathacks?"
Phantom looked around and saw that he was in prison ring, and the voice came from one of the cells.
"Good evening, Komand," he smiled, looking at the prisoner behind the energy field.
"It's long past midnight," she groaned in her pillow, causing Danny to chuckle.
"Yes, yes it is...Did I wake you up?" He asked concerned.
"Don't pretend like you care," she spat, glaring up at him with her dark purple eyes.
"Alright I won't, but the question remains," Danny shrugged, leaning against the wall.
Komand'r looked on the ground, shifting on her bed. "No, you didn't," she mumbled.
Danny raised his eyebrow. He didn't expect her to be honest. Most probably she didn't see the need to lie.
"Insomnia?" Phantom asked.
"When you smell like a gorn during mating season it's a bit hard to fall asleep," she deadpanned.
"If want a shower all you needed was to ask," Danny smiled.
Komand got into sitting position and blinked in surprise.
'Is he really...'
Her thoughts were interrupted by a sound of the energy field turning off. Danny was smirking at her from the opened doorway.
"C'mon now, I'll show you the way," he said.
"Are...are you just letting me go like that?" Komand asked.
"Well, I will be guarding you, after all. We are in the hyperspace, so you can't escape either. Not to mention that without me you won't be able to find your way home. You simply don't have any way to stab me in the back."
Danny shouldn't have closed his eyes while shrugging. He suddenly was pinned to the wall as Komand started to choke him.
"Even kill you and force the crew to obey?" She smirked with a malicious gleam in her eyes.
Phantom simply became intangible, letting her hands fall through. Komand didn't lose the stance, however, in a few kicks and one swift motion Danny pushed her back and lifted her off the ground with the Force, narrowing his toxic green eyes at the sorceress as he started to choke her.
"Let me rephrase what I said - you CAN'T stab me in the back," Phantom said. "All I have to do is to snap my fingers to crush your neck. Remember this next time you try to end me."
He let go of Komand, making her fall on the ground with a thud. She gasped loudly and started to pant. Danny's look changed from anger to worry in a blink. He shook his head slightly.
"I'd hate to fulfill my threat, Komand, so you know."
"Go to hell," she coughed.
Danny sighed, before turning the energy field on. He turned away and walked out of the room. Yes, it was going to be hard.
'But yet again, when it wasn't?'
Phantom spent the rest of the night in meditation. He shouldn't have reacted like that. Sometimes it was hard for him to understand the Force. He could choke his enemies or shock them to get information, as long as he wasn't enjoying it. However, such reactions could not be allowed. It's not like he did it with the intention to harm her. He protected himself, but went too far. The choking act was unnecessary, she was defenseless against him.
He didn't want to become a soulless monster like Dan. All conditions for it were right there: the loss of the loved ones, extra crucial pain he went through, and finally a burning hatred towards certain people. Everything that cocktail needed was a rough shake. Danny was walking down a dangerous path, where every his decision could affect the fate of millions. Dan was limited with one planet, which he turned lifeless. If he gets access to the entire galaxy with all the newfound was too horrifying to even think about that.
Danny heard footsteps and a loud chatter outside of his room.
'Is it a breakfast already?' He thought.
The response was made by his core. Yes, core. Since it was the only organ in his body, his core signaled with certain pulses that he needed to eat. Different kinds of ectoelectricity surge through the body, causing different feelings. It worked similarly to the electricity in nerves of human bodies. It was something Fentons and the GIW refused to acknowledge, which could have calmed down their conscience, if they had any.
Danny got up on his feet, outstretching his sore limbs. His night accident reminded him that he hadn't had a shower for a long while. Phantom went to the toilet close to his quarters. He never actually visited his new bathroom, since he didn't have, well, human needs. It was less futuristic than he anticipated. It wasn't different from the ones back on Earth, yet again, everyone has to dispose of the food remnants, besides the ghosts, they just refined the food entirely.
Phantom cleaned himself up rather quickly with some weird shampoo, or at least what he hoped was a shampoo, the bottles weren't labeled. It smelled nice, though, with some fruits maybe. Danny looked up at himself through the mirror, before noticing how he changed during the last months. When he had just escaped, he didn't even want to look at the young man in front of him. Months of trainings and good nurturing did their job. Danny even returned packs on his chest.
'Sam liked them a lot,' he chuckled with a smile.
The only thing ruining the view was a network of scars and one Y-shaped vivisection remnant across his chest. The GIW butchers clearly wanted to leave something to remember about them.
But there were some positive changes. Danny's eyes started to shine brighter, on the contrary to the dull light during his imprisonment. His stark white hair became even purer, without any sign of their former raven black color. So white that they seemed to emmit the light of their own, without his aura.
Phantom searched for any spare clothes in the drawer. Luckily for him, there was some. He threw his robes inside the special tube in order to clean them up. The special cleaning droids should do their job. Danny's newfound clothes included surprisingly comfortable black officer uniform with green buttons, black pants with lower leg pockets, white boots with black belts and white leather gloves. (Basically what you see on the story cover picture, just without axelbants and his symbol)
Phantom raised his eyebrow, it was like the clothes were made specifically for himself.
'Clockwork, if you have something to do with this, then you have a sense of style,' Danny smirked, before putting on the clothes.
He then became intangible and jumped through the floor, since the cafeteria was rightunder his room. Needless to say that everyone was scared as hell when he suddenly jumped from the ceiling. Danny grinned toothily at the rebels' surprised faces.
"Morning!" He said cheerfully, receiving multiple 'yeahs' and 'sure' in response.
Mostly they got used to their leader's appearing and disappearing acts. It didn't mean that they were always ready for his surprise visits.
Danny took a metal can from the carton box. That was an army ration in the empire. Even if the nathack stew tasted like rubber, it fulfilled the need to fill your stomach with something. Phantom picked the knife and pried open the can, before taking the spoon and starting to eat. He didn't seat anywhere, and generally avoided the conversation with anyone.
'I guess I'm becoming a sociopath,' Danny deadpanned mentally, eating the last spoonful of the stew and putting the can on the table.
He then proceeded to the elevator, which brought him up to the main room of the ship.
"The commander is on the bridge," the ensign informed as every present rebel stood still, even droids.
Danny grinned widely. "Looks like it's the last day of our journey, huh?" He said loudly, sitting on his chair. "At ease, soldiers."
Everyone returned to their duties, while Phantom was contemplating the following course of action. He knew a little to nothing about the station itself, only what it could do. Its defensive qualities remained unknown. Heck, he didn't even know if someone was present there for sure. The Republic's ship production was held in a tight grip of the Stellar corporations, such as Kuat and Corelian Drive Yards, and the shipyard which could make all the ships for free was a threat to their businesses. Plus, with the Republic's pacifistic ideals it was very unlikely that it was using the Foundry.
In his thoughts Danny hadn't noticed how all the remaining time passed, until the droid spoke.
"Sir, we are moving towards an asteroid belt, what are your orders?"
"Get as close to possible to it without any risk."
Phantom stood up, and came to the illuminator. Very soon, the ship exited the hyperspace, and as the white lines disappeared, the crew could finally see the surroundings. As the droid informed, there was an asteroid belt. As was previously stated, the Foundry wasn't as powerful as the Star Forge, it couldn't build the fleets from nothing. That's why it dug minerals from the vast number of asteroids. After a few minutes of silence, Danny finally saw the station.
They were out of reach for the Foundry's protection just in case. After all, it had turbolasers, which could be still operational, and damaging the station with the fire of their own wasn't Danny's plan. The station was built inside one of the biggest asteroids, with its parts peaking out from the giant rock. It could be easily spotted with the naked eye. Phantom hummed, raising his hand.
"I recommend to step aside, ensign," he said.
The second she did as was told, Danny's lightsaber flew on rapid speed into his hand.
"Ensign, do not approach the station unless I say otherwise," he said, putting the lightsaber on his belt.
"What are you going to..."
She didn't have time to finish before Danny jumped through the wall right into the open space. From the other end Phantom grinned at the shocked faces of his subordinates. He waved his hand and some even slowly waved back through their shock.
'How did he do that?' They all thought.
Danny turned around and flew towards the station on the top speed, becoming invisible in the process, so the scanners won't be able to track him. It took him a few minutes to get close. Danny stopped near a closed boarding deck and phased through. And what he saw was suspicious enough. The station seemed uninhabited from the outside, and Phantom thought that on the inside he would have to light his way in the dark corridors. However, everything seemed to work inside. Whoever took over the station was smart enough not to turn on outer lights. Still, it wasn't the part of the plan.
Phantom took his way through the corridor, without any destination in mind. Again, he didn't know the station's layout. He kept hearing some strange noises on the distance, obviously made by some animals - very nasty mix of screech, whine and howl.
Suddenly, when he was passing one of the doors, the sounds intensified.
'They are close.'
The moment he thought that, something started to claw the way through the walls. Danny immediately took and turned on his lightsaber and prepared to meet whatever gets out of there. Seconds later a giant spike broke through the wall and created a huge tear, then another one, until the list of metal was torn to shreds and a creature climbed out of the hole. It had a serpentine body, but instead of slithering it walked on multiple sceletal legs. The creature had a mouth was a gaping circular maw filled with concentric rings of razor sharp teeth.
It immediately noticed the ghost teen somehow, lack of eyes made it a little confusing. The creature quickly approached him with a screech. However, one slash of the lightsaber and it was dead. Then, more of the slugs poured through the hole. Danny charged an ectoblast and shot at the hole. The blast blew the rocks and blocked the path, smashing the creature trying to get through. Phantom then used the lighting to kill the ones who managed to get through.
Suddenly the wall communicator went off and started to beep. Phantom's eyebrows shot up in surprise, but he decided to respond.
He pressed the button, "Ehm, hi?" Was his greeting.
"Statement: You have picked the wrong time to come here," a weird voice sounded from another end, "Your presense is generally unwanted, and as much as it dissapoints me to say this, your assistance is required."
"Okaay," Danny said longingly, "What do you need?"
"Explanation: Those slimy slugs' reproduction has gotten out of hand, there is too many of them now. As the meatbags they are, they eat everything on their way. If they get to the generators, then we will have a problem. They are too stupid to realize that we all are going to die from the explosion. As much as I'd love to make a bracelet from their limbs, I'm in no condition to do so."
"And you want me to protect the generator?"
"Objection: It will be pointless. Explanation: More will come, they lay about 300 eggs during their lifespan. My defences will protect the generator from those meatbags. You must blow up their hatching place, it should stop them."
"Yeah, and where am I supposed to do that?"
"Inquiry: Do you have a datapad in your possession?"
"Yes, I do."
Understanding what the mysterious and weird person wanted, Danny took the datapad and used the special wire to connect it with the communicator. Immediately the map of the Foundry was downloaded in the database.
"Explanation: Their hatching place is located inside the caves leading to the asteroid surface. You can plant the explosives down there, and lock the meatbags inside. Once they are hatched, they will start eating each other until only one remains. And then it will die from starvation without having anyone to eat or reproduce with.
"That's...quite cruel," Danny commented, "Fine, I'll do it."
"Excited statement: Yes, go kill those meatbags as slow and painful as possible!"
And with that the transmission was over. Phantom looked down at the map, humming under his nose. On the map were free glowing red dots, which showed where he should plant the bombs. One problem, though, he didn't have any. He would have to blow them up on his own. Thankfully, well charged ectoblast could do even more.
There was no reason to trust that person who spoke to him, but that slugs were a bigger threat. Phantom needed that station, and if the Foundry is destroyed, it won't be much of use. Danny had a feeling that he was speaking with a droid, the manner of speech was very much alike. If that was truth, it was one bloodthirsty droid.
'Sammy, if you are watching this from up there, don't be mad,' Danny thought sarcastically.
After all, he was going to exterminate a huge population of animals, even if cannibalistic and disgusting ones.
Following the way the map was showing, Phantom moved through the enormous corridors without any more encounters with the slugs. The person also downloaded the information about that creatures, filled with different snarky remarks. K'lor'slugs they were called, which was a pretty accurate name. They were known to hide inside the ships, where they reproduced and ate everyone on their way. When starving, they could eat metal just to fill their stomachs with something. The person made a theory that they were brought to the Foundry by one of the old Imperial Star Destroyers.
Danny stopped when he hit the huge metal doors with his head. They led to the surface of the asteroid and were shut tight. Rubbing his sore forehead, Phantom became intangible and phased through them. The surface of the asteroid wasn't much different from the moon's surface. Same gray barrens with craters and small rocky hills. From his position Danny noticed some slugs on a distance, who roamed around without any purpose but food in mind.
Phantom jumped down from the platform he had stood on, before landing on the surface. The station had its own gravity, so he was pulled down. He created two duplicates to do the job faster, before they split in three directions. Because of the shared consciousness, only one had to carry the map, others could see it through his eyes.
The original approached the nearest cave with the hatching place, eliminating all the slugs on his way with the lightsaber. Once inside the cave, he charged a red ectoblast, before hitting the cave's ceiling, causing a chain reaction and a massive destruction. He had to avoid stalactites falling on him, though.
The duplicates were left without the lightsaber. Weapons couldn't be multiplied, unlike the clothes. Once he entered the cave, he was immediately surrounded by the slugs from two sides. Danny kicked the first one, throwing him into the wall, before electrocutting the approaching groups. As more of the slugs started to come, he came up with the idea. He shot an ectoblast right above himself, becoming intangible in the process. The rocks buried the slugs and locked the remaining ones inside. Another duplicate faced that slugs from the last remaining exit. Danny repeated the trick, before dispersing.
The real Danny flew back inside the facility. His hearing caught the sounds of blaster fire on the distance. Phantom ran through the corridor, trying to get there in time. He ended up entering one huge hall. It was a circular room, with a stone staircase being the only way down. There were ceveral giant statues, showing the Foundry's creators - Rakataneans. They had thin bodies, with tall heads and the eyes hanging on their sides.
As much as Danny would love to examine the remnants of the forgotten empire, he jumped on the lower floor and ran to another door. Opening the door, he saw the breaking fight. A squad of gray colored droids of humanoid shape were shooting the slugs like hunter on safary. Their aim was very precise. Rapidly shaking his head, Phantom engaged in fight, jumping right in the middle of the swarm. They immediately turned against him and tried to bite. Danny's eyes glowed bright blue, before he was surrounded by the field of the same color.
"Time for a new trick!" Danny exclaimed excitedly, before swiping his hands wide.
Immediately the snow storm ravaged around him, freezing everything on its way. Phantom dispersed the storm before it reached the droids. They were on his side. Probably.
Danny turned to face the droids, putting hands in his pockets. The droids stood still and didn't move.
"Soo, you have a boss, don't you?" Danny looked up, "If you are here then show yourself, please!" He raised his echoing voice.
In the middle of the room was a cylinder. It started to slowly open, before the master of the Foundry stepped out of it. As Danny guessed, it was indeed a droid. He was built just like the other droids. He had something skeleton like about his appearance, however he didn't have any exposed limbs, all of them were covered by the lists of armor. He was painted in rusty orange color, and no, he wasn't rusty himself, it was just the paint. He also had orange visors and a big blaster rifle in his hands.
"Question: Are you done already?" The droid asked.
"Yep, didn't you hear the explosions out there?" Danny pointed towards the exit with his thumb finger.
The droid looked at the frozen slugs. "What kind of technology did you use to turn them in popsicle?"
"None. Just my natural abilities," Danny made an ice crystal in his hand to prove his point.
"Surprised statement: My database doesn't know any race capable of that."
"Why do you need a database about the races' abilities?"
"Explanation: So I could most effectively slaughter them, of course."
Now Danny was becoming wary of the droid in front of him.
"And...what are we going to do now?" He asked.
"Statement: To my greatest joy, you shall be vaporized, meatbag."
The droids immediately pointed their blasters at Phantom. Danny narrowed his eyes and turned on his lightsaber, taking a fighting stance.
"If I don't cut you in half first."
Danny was preparing to attack, but then he felt something. Something he didn't feel in a long while. A small vapor of ice cold air came out of his mouth as he gasped. Instead of attacking the droids, he suddenly turned around and just as abruptly stopped the movement of his blade.
"Show yourself," Danny demanded.
The ghost did as was told and dropped invisibility, showing that the lightsaber was right under his chin. The ghost was dressed in long robes with a hood. The strange mask was covering his face. Unlike the ghosts Danny got used to, this one was see-through. The ghost was obviously surprised, but regained his composure quickly.
"HK, stand down," he ordered, before the droids could open fire.
"Objection: This is a trespasser, Master. Are you sure that I can't kill him?"
"Not right now, at least. I'd like to have a conversation with our guest. If he removes his lightsaber, that is," the ghost looked at Phantom as HK and his droids lowered their weapons.
Danny followed the gesture and turned off the lightsaber. He may had had more ghost power than the one in front of him, but he believed in diplomacy.
"Good," the ghost said. "Now, who are you?"
"Daniel James Phantom. I would have said 'Nice to meet you', but there are armored machines behind my back," Danny said, crossing his hands.
The ghost chuckled. "You are a snarky one, aren't you?"
Danny shrugged. "My sister called it defence mechanism."
"Why are you here, Sith? And don't try to deceive to me, or HK will open fire."
"Statement: Please do that."
Danny decided to be honest, but then he got what the ghost said. "Wait, you think I'm a Sith?"
"I have seen only one person who had such a powerful connection with the Dark side. You also seem to wield the Sith lightsaber."
"My people have a phrase: 'Don't judge a book by its cover'. I have a strong connection to the Light side as well. As for the lightsaber," Danny shrugged, "I took it from the Dark side user I defeated. I needed a weapon."
"Hm, interesting," the ghost commented, "But you haven't answered my question."
Danny sighed, "You see, I came from the far reaches of the Unknown Regions. Out there is an empire. Not as big or powerful as the Sith Empire, but just as tyrannical. The Republic wouldn't help, it's too busy getting out of its own corruption. It can't even stop the pirates from robbing their citizens. I came here to get the war power to free the innocents from the cruel nobility."
"Commentary: That was quite a speech," HK said.
"I think I start to like that guy," Danny commented.
"I don't sense lies in your words. But you are keeping something from me."
"Well...let's start from another topic so it will be easier to explain. I'm not a human, I'm like you. A ghost."
The ghost sized him up and down. "You? A ghost?"
"Heh, how to put it," Danny rubbed the back of his neck. "You are a Force ghost. Jedi or Sith, I don't care much about that. I am another kind of ghosts. As you can see, I have a physical form, along with the pack of unique abilities. I wouldn't have considered myself a ghost if not for one fact - I'm a walking dead. After all, how can a human teen survive a ten thousand electricity shock?!" He exclaimed, before taking a deep breath. "I'm sorry. The last thing the ghost should do is to recall his death."
'Or half-death,' he added mentally.
"I guess, it has own pros," Danny continued. "By a mere accident I gained something every Sith dreams about - immortality. I don't age if I don't want to. However, it comes with a price. Ghostly obsession is what gives us power and at the same time straps us with its use. My obsession is to protect. If I won't do that, I'll be ended. That's why I want to help, not only because my very being demands that, but because I want to give that people something I hadn't."
" unusual," the ghost hummed. "Fine. The Foundry now is in your disposure. HK."
"Query: What do you need, Master?"
"Help our guest here and do not harm him yet. But," the ghost looked back at Phantom, "When you are done with giving commands, come to the hall and meditate. There is something I'd like to discuss with you. Farewell."
The ghost dissappeared and Danny looked at HK with a grin.
"Threatening statement: Don't even think about it, meatbag."
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