The Malfoy Family. Practically perfect, or that's what they claimed. From the eldest daughter, Celestia Malfoy to the youngest ward, Lexie Lestrange. Everyone of them was perfect. Or were supposed to be;
Celestia Malfoy. January 1st 1978. The Princess. The one who followed all the rules.
Draco Malfoy. June 5th 1980. The eldest of the triplets. The only one to follow the rules. He was the heir to the Malfoy title and fortune.
Sophia Malfoy. The middle child, and middle triplet. The first rebel of the family, the biggest disappointment.
Roxie Malfoy. The youngest triplet and secret child. Born without the Malfoys features, she was hidden away from the world, until their arrival at Hogwarts.
Leo Malfoy. 2nd May 1981. The youngest Malfoy child. The spare. The forgotten one. Raised by Sophia.
Lexie Lestrange. 30th October 1981, in November of the same year, the Malfoy family gained custody of their niece.
Sophia hated growing up a Malfoy. Her life consisted of what she deemed Pureblood Propaganda. This was lessons upon lessons. She was taught about Pureblood history. Death Eater history. Etiquette. The 'way of a Malfoy'. How to be a Pureblood woman. That one was mostly telling her that her only propose in life was to marry the rich child of an ex death eater. As a result, Sophia swore she would not do this. Each and every day, her parents attempted to indoctrinate her into the Pureblood lifestyle. But, she never fell for it. Her brother did, Draco ate the lies up. As did Celestia. Roxie listened and pretended to agree but Sophia knew that neither Roxie or Leo would follow the teachings. She knew this because she taught them the better way.
Every source in her life told her she was wrong from her Great Aunt Walburga who always instructed her to marry well and be a respectable Pureblood woman, to her grandparents, who said much of the same. Her grandfather allowed her a little leeway to express herself, but still instructed her she was wrong nevertheless.
Sophia still occasionally questioned if she was wrong, constantly being told that everything she believed made her a disgrace made her believe she might've been wrong. Then, when she was five years old, she met someone who assured her she was right.
It was her first time visiting Azkaban. Apparently, her mother desperately wanted to see her sister and her father thought speaking to their Death Eater aunt would teach the children some good moral lessons.
It was cold and dark and Sophia felt incredibly depressed as she walked around, her aunt was lecturing them about how great Voldemort was. Annoyed, she'd snuck off. Several criminals stared at her as she walked, it scared her so she kept moving.
"You shouldn't be here little girl" she turned, a man with long black disheveled hair was sat staring at her. He had several tattoos and didn't look too old.
"Who are you?" She asked, folding her arms, he stared at her curious. Every ounce of courage in her body caused her to step forward toward the cell.
"Sirius Black, who are you?" He returned, a Black. So they were related. Then it hit her, Sirius Black was her mother's cousin. Disowned for hating the rules, just like she knew she'd be one day.
"Sophia Malfoy" she responded, his eyes widened, instant recognition.
"Last time I saw you, you were a baby with a pink bow in a fluff of hair" she smiled slightly and he returned the smile too, "say, why are you here?"
"Mother wants to visit aunt Bella and father said it would be good for our training" she told him, he laughed,
"Good Pureblood training, what a load of shit that was" he expressed, her eyes widened at his language but she smiled all the same.
"It's stupid! It doesn't make any sense, how can you be better just because of who your family is" his smile grew,
"You're right kid, it's stupid. You're right" he looked around for her parents, "it's possible to turn out alright though...."
"But you were supposed to be the one to turn out alright, and you're in here...."
"I was framed kiddo. Didn't actually do it" he looked down, her eyes widened, confused.
"Really?" He nodded,
"Yeah...." Then her mother came storming around the corner,
"Sophia Narcissa Malfoy! Come along this instant!" She waved to Sirius as she was dragged off along the corridor.
Since then, everytime she was forced to enter Azkaban, she snuck off to visit Sirius. He told her stories about Hogwarts and taught her about the real values of society, in turn, she taught Leo and Roxie.
By the time she was seven, she was confident in speaking out against her parents. Whenever she got the chance, when she was younger she would just mumble it, but now, she shouted it.
"And a Pureblood woman greets others with what Sophia?" Her mother asked, Sophia looked up from her desk,
"Her middle finger in their face" she snapped, Roxie's eyes widened in fear from next to her and Draco and Celestia rolled their eyes. Leo huddled away into his desk.
"Oh sorry, she shoves their wands up their arses whenever they try and tell her how she should behave" her father heard this second comment,
"With me now young lady!" He commanded, grabbing her arm and dragging her off through the house. Her eyes widened in confusion and fear.
"Dad?" She questioned, he kept dragging her,
"You're going to learn what happens when you act up" he seethed, he unlocked the door to a room she'd never seen before. It was pitch black, this scared her. "In" he commanded, she looked up at her father shocked and scared,
"I said get in there Sophia" the child stepped in and felt herself be on a staircase, once she was inside, the door was locked behind her.
"Hey! Let me out!" She banged on the door, attempting to get someone's attention. But it was useless. Sighing, she walked down the rest of the steps. This was an attempt to break her, she couldn't let it.
Before long, her blue eyes become accustomed to the darkness and she could see the light switch, a smile spread across her face as she switched it on. It was a stone room. It had a flickering light, there was a pot in the corner. There were also some shelves lingering on the walls, they had some cans of food and bottles of water.
Sophia didn't know how long she was in there. It could've been hours, or a night. However long it was, she had enough time to sleep.
"Sophia?" Came her father's voice, she hurriedly got to her feet, "is there anything you'd like to say?"
"Sorry" she lied, she wasn't sorry. She hadn't done anything wrong. Her father nodded and beckoned her out, hurriedly she left the cellar. It had seemed smaller than when she'd arrived. "Go have a bath, you're filthy" he snapped, she nodded and ran off to her en-suite.
As she left her bathroom, Roxie ran over to hug her.
"Are you okay Soph?" Roxie whispered, she nodded.
"I'm fine, promise"
This punishment became a repeated pattern for Sophia. Constantly in trouble, Sirius found it funny. He told her he'd had the same label as a child. Celestia nicknamed her 'troublemaker'. She rather liked that, she intended to stick to that. She intended to make sure she never followed Pureblood rules.
And when she reached Hogwarts, she would be sure to be in any house but Slytherin.
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