chapter thirteen
They stood by Harry's bed, everyone talking, then Harry's eyes snapped open,
"Harry!" Fred exclaimed from next to her, Sophia could feel his breath on her cheek, that made go red, "How're you feeling?"
"What happened?" He asked, Sophia looked down,
"You fell off, luckily Goldie caught you" Fred put his arm around her and pulled her closer, which only increased the amount of mud she was covered in, but it also made her turn scarlet,
"Thanks Soph" Harry smiled, she smiled back at him, now comfortable in Fred's embrace.
"Anytime, but don't do it again" he laughed, then they had to tell Harry they lost, they then tried to explain how they could still win the championship, but it would be difficult. After a while, most of the team was kicked out but Sophia had been allowed to stay. They then had to explain to Harry what happened to his broomstick.
Over the next few days, they spent all their time with Harry, not leaving his side. Except at night, and for the fifth year party,
Hermione was still reluctant to go, but after another round of begging from Sophia she agreed. Sophia wore a nice top and jeans and Hermione just wore a jumper and jeans as they left the dorm, Jazz had been staring at Sophia as she left.
"Took you long enough, come on" Bree smirked as they led them out the common room, the trio snuck off through the corridors until they came across a passage,
"Where exactly is this party?" Hermione asked as they walked down a stone passage, lit by torches.
"Underneath the Three Broomsticks" Bree answered, Hermione's eyes widened,
"We're leaving Hogwarts! Oh Soph, we can't"
"We're already out of Hogwarts" Bree smirked, Hermione went pale and Sophia pulled her along, assuring her it would be okay. "Once you leave the party, you can't go back in, it's to stop anyone bringing a teacher over" Bree explained, Sophia took a deep breath and the three walked in.
There were people from every house happily talking as they walked through, drinks were being shared and she could tell many people had drank too much, Bree wished them luck and ran off to find George,
"Okay, so we find Fred, then what's the plan?" Hermione asked, Sophia shrugged.
"I didn't plan past getting here...." Hermione rolled her eyes and they kept walking,
"Hey! Sophia!" They both froze as they heard her name being called, Cedric Diggory was running up to them. Confused, Sophia smiled back.
"Oh hey Cedric" she replied, folding her arms slightly, he did look very attractive.
"How'd you get in here, not that I'm unhappy you're here" she laughed slightly, clearly sensing the flirting,
"I have my ways" she smirked, it was fun to mess with people sometimes,
"Amazing flying by the way, and amazing broom... that's a firebolt right?" Sophia nodded,
"Thanks and yeah, you weren't too bad yourself" his smile grew,
"I was thinking, maybe we could hang out sometime..." Sophia had to cut it off there,
"I think Oliver would throw me off the team for even talking to you" she replied, he laughed and nodded before walking off.
"I don't think Wood would care that much, you've already played Hufflepuff" Hermione expressed as they continued their search for Fred,
"I know, but Cedric is too god damn perfect I needed an excuse to reject him" Hermione laughed and nodded, eventually they found Fred, but she wished they didn't find him,
When they found him, he was making out with Angelina, Sophia ran off, Hermione hurriedly followed. Her heart shattered into a million pieces and she rushed into a bathroom. Hermione hugged her as she sobbed, Sophia's tears spilled into her best friends chest,
"What did I say about crying over stupid boys" Bree walked in, folding their arms, "wait... did he hurt you!" Hermione hurriedly explained what happened, and an angry Bree had stormed off, Sophia then took a breath in and pulled herself together,
She marched off, looking for Cedric. She was changing her mind, if only to make Fred jealous. Or hopefully make him jealous, Hermione was hurriedly following her.
"I changed my mind" Sophia stated, Cedric turned around and smiled,
"Oh yeah?" She nodded, and looked up into his eyes. She couldn't deny how handsome he was. She didn't notice Fred approaching from behind, Cedric rested his hand on her waist and leaned in to kiss her and she kissed him back,
She didn't feel much, he was a good kisser but this wasn't how she expected her first kiss to go. She certainly didn't expect the person she was kissing to get punched in the face, mid kiss.
Annoyed, she turned to see Fred. Red with anger, looking like he may punch Cedric again.
"Woah, what was that for Weasley?" Cedric asked, as he was helped up by a few others, Fred was still seething,
"You stay away from her" he snapped, gesturing to Sophia, Sophia's eyes widened, so Fred didn't want to date her but no one else could? She may have been in love with him but he was really annoying her right now,
"What am I your property?" She snapped, folding her arms. Fred's eyes widened at her, almost shocked she'd be anything but loving toward him.
"Last time I checked, you and Angelina were kinda dating kinda not, you're not Sophia's boyfriend so leave her to do as she likes" someone else snapped, Sophia didn't know who the person was but she offered them a small smile.
"Because...." Fred started, he was trying to think of something, then Sophia smelt the alcohol, he was drunk, "because she's my brothers best friend, and I'm looking out for her"
"Cedric is a much better guy than you" someone else interjected, Sophia normally would've stood up for Fred but she needed the jealously plan to work, so she didn't,
"Oh what is going on!" Her sister stormed over, Sophia's eyes widened, everyone looked annoyed as the elder Malfoy came over, "Sophia! What are you doing here!" Celestia glared at her,
"Snogging people she doesn't even know" Fred snapped, Sophia's eyes widened and she glared at him,
"Impressive" Celestia whispered, "thought you'd never get over your crush on that ginger oaf" Celestia walked off, Sophia felt her eyes widen, she knew everyone knew about her crush on Fred. But hearing her sister tell him, that was well, Fred looked at her almost sorry now, she sighed and didn't know what to do,
Seconds later, Fred walked off, looking upset and hurt.
"Is this a jealously thing?" Cedric questioned, pulling her into an empty closet, she looked down,
"Yes, I'm sorry"
"Don't be, I actually want to make someone jealous too" he told her all about this fourth year girl he'd been crushing on for months but she had a boyfriend, so they made a deal. They were going to 'fake date' for the majority of the school year or until they both agreed to call it off, in order to make their respective crushes jealous. But in order for the plan to work, everyone had to believe they were actually dating, which meant that they left the supply closet with Sophia attached to Cedric's arm and they acted like a couple for the rest of the party,
Sophia had been standing with Cedric's arm around her, Hermione was standing nearby and they'd all been talking with his friends. She thought his friends were nice and they didn't seem too confused that they started dating so quickly,
"Soph? What are you doing?" Emberlynn was walking over, looking extremely confused. Sophia's eyes widened at her cousin, who she was close to.
"Oh hey Emmy!" She smiled, Emberlynn smiled slightly before glaring at Cedric,
"Hands off my cousin Diggory" the dark haired witch folded her arms,
"He's my boyfriend" Sophia replied, Emberlynn's eyes widened, she clearly didn't believe her. "I'll explain everything later...." Emberlynn nodded slightly,
"Don't hurt her" Emberlynn pointed her wand at Cedric before walking off,
"Love you too!" Sophia called after her favourite cousin,
"Emberlynn Black is your cousin?" Cedric asked, she nodded, "well okay" they mingled some, before running into another one of Sophia's cousins.
"Oh hello Sophia.... Cedric" Alya smiled broadly, she looked and saw Cedric's arm around her, "oh that's nice... wait until... OH cupcakes!" Alya then ran off,
"Another one of your cousins?"
"You got it"
They once again returned to mingling before Cedric announced he was walking her to her dorm, Hermione left too.
Cedric had kissed her goodnight before returning to the Hufflepuff rooms, Sophia secretly explained the situation to Hermione. Who said 'that's actually smart', before they went to bed.
News of Sophia's fake relationship had spread like wildfire, Wood had told her that he didn't mind but was still offended she couldn't find a non quidditch player to date. And Fred was mad, perfect, Sophia thought.
"But I don't understand when and how it happened?" Ron asked. "We spent the whole weekend with Harry" he looked incredibly confused,
"We snuck out to a fifth year party" Sophia explained, Hermione nodded. The boys stared at them shocked.
"You what!" They half shouted in unison, causing Sophia and Hermione to laugh. She wanted to tell the boys the truth, that it was all an act, but she knew they'd tell Fred and that would ruin the plan, so she kept it a secret.
"Oh I'm so jealous of you" Katie Bell said as she rested her head on the table next to Sophia's food, "Cedric's just so...."
"Handsome" Angelina finished, Sophia offered Angelina a fake smile. She knew she should've been mad at Fred but she couldn't help but hold a slight resentment toward the girl dating her crush. Also, why was Angelina thinking about Cedric when she had the perfect guy, Fred Weasley, in the palm of her hand.
On their way to DADA, Cedric had appeared and offered to walk her to her lesson, smiling she'd accepted and clung onto his arm, she spotted a Ravenclaw girl glare at the sight and Fred glare too, her and Cedric shared a knowing smile, their plan was already working. He'd kissed her once more before they entered the lesson,
Lupin had cancelled their homework which caused everyone but Hermione to celebrate, apparently she'd already finished it,
Sophia spent the whole of November building up this fake relationship, going on Library dates, joining Cedric for different meals, going flying, just spending time together. They'd come up with rules they had to follow,
1) No one could know the relationship was fake (other than Hermione)
2) They had to have a 'date' once a week if possible, if not once a fortnight
3) PDA was a must, they had to make sure everyone knew they were 'dating' and that everyone believed the ruse
4) Both parties have to agree to end the ruse
Sophia liked the fact that they had rules, it reminded her that it was a fake relationship and that it wasn't real.
Truth be told, she was enjoying the activities of her fake relationship. And she had to admit, everytime he saw them together, Fred did seem even more angry. But as did Jazz, Sophia had forgotten about Jazz when she concocted the plan until Cedric told her,
"Hey, are you aware there's a red headed gryffindor, kinda creepy who is obsessed with you and thinks they own you?" Sophia groaned,
"That would be Jazz" Sophia then explained the Jazz problem to Cedric, who seemed shocked at the whole thing. Apparently, Jazz threatened to kill Cedric if he didn't leave Sophia alone, but they'd run off when Cedric's hand had moved anywhere near his wand.
"You're dating Diggory?" Draco had stormed over to her, she rolled her eyes.
"And?" She folded her arms,
"He's very dreamy..." Pansy smiled longingly,
"Back off" Sophia snapped, but she didn't know why. It was a fake relationship. Not a real one. But it caused Pansy to glare. "What about it Draco?" She was already sick of the questions, everyone had questions.
"I'm just glad you're over the Weasel" and with that he'd walked off, Sophia did feel kind of bad for hurting Fred but she knew in the long run, this would make sure she got him. So it was worth it.
Eileen had congratulated her on her new relationship, whilst also saying if she ended up needing someone to beat him up, she'd happily do it.
Roxie had seemed shocked Sophia was dating Cedric, she'd said she never thought that Sophia would get over Fred. Sophia felt bad about lying to her sister, but knew she had to.
Jazz was even more clingy than usual, Sophia sought Cedric out to attempt to keep them at bay, it worked.
Sophia was also called into McGonagall's office, like always she was offered tea and biscuits.
"It has come to my attention, of a certain relationship...." Her eyes widened, her Head of House was really going to question her about her fake relationship to make her crush jealous. "And my only concern, is in regard to the Championship...."
"The Quidditch championship?" McGonagall hastily nodded,
"I fear he may be trying to steal information, or throw Gryffindor off its game" Sophia laughed slightly, she knew she was going to have to explain the situation to McGonagall,
"I guarantee you that's not the case professor. The truth is we both wanted to make other people jealous, so we decided to pretend to date" McGonagall breathed a sigh of relief,
"Well thank Merlin for that! You had me worried for a minute Sophia" although, Sophia wasn't entirely sure Quidditch was McGonagall's only concern, "if you don't mind, who is the other person?" Sophia looked down and smiled,
"The one who will be my boyfriend" she answered, McGonagall smiled at this and allowed Sophia to leave, swearing she wouldn't tell a soul anything Sophia had revealed.
During the Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw game, Sophia was supporting Hufflepuff, as was Hermione, much to Harry and Ron's dismay. Fred was annoyed at her support for Cedric too, this made Sophia happy.
Once the game was over, she'd gone down to meet him.
"Hey...." She smiled softly, they'd lost very badly,
"Hey" he smiled, lifting her into his arms and hugging her close,
"Personally I think you played very well" he laughed slightly and kissed her, everyone around them made a kind of 'awe' sound.
"Thank you my love" her eyes widened slightly at the nickname, but she didn't complain, she rather liked it.
"Although, I am convinced you let Cho win" he flushed red, "oh I'm so right, you're blushing so much and...." But he didn't let her finish, closing the gap between them and kissing her to shut her up. She felt her eyes widen but she kissed him back, he really was a good kisser.
Sophia and Cedric decided to have a date in the Hufflepuff common room. The common room was large and decorated with countless plants, Sophia thought it was beautiful. Whilst on their 'date', Roxie had spotted Sophia and started to walk over to talk to her, but had turned and left when she saw Cedric.
A few days later, they were signing up for the next Hogsmesde trip. And Sophia knew, she needed to plan another date,
"Soph!" Cedric called, running down the corridor to her. Smiling she turned to him,
"Hey Ced, what's up?" He smiled and tucked some of her hair behind her ear before leaning in so no one would hear their conversation, they made a plan to go to some fancy romantic tea shop whilst in Hogsmeade, they'd then spend some time together before splitting off,
The day of the trip arrived quickly and Sophia knew she had to dress kind of nice, because she was supposed to be going on a date,
"I still think it's mental, you and Diggory" Ron commented as they made their way to the courtyard, she'd become very good friends with Cedric over the last two months of their scheme, since they spent so much time together they had to talk, he told her all about his family and she told him about hers. She also told him that she believed Sirius could be innocent and he said he couldn't fault her for trusting someone who'd shown her so much kindness,
"Hello there my love" Cedric smiled, running over to them, he placed his arm around her waist and kissed her softly, she laughed and kissed him back, she caught a glimpse of Fred glaring, smiling, she continued to kiss her fake boyfriend. She was also growing to enjoy kissing Cedric Diggory.
Once they reached the tea shop, her eyes widened in horror, it was pure pink and bows and flowers and ew.
"This is...." Cedric started, sharing much the same expression she had.
"A bit much" Sophia finished, she guessed if people were actually in love it might've been a nice place to visit, they found a spot in the corner, they discussed how their plan was working,
"I think it's going well, Fred has made it very clear he hates me" Cedric laughed, Sophia did too. She wasn't sure she was doing as well at selling the fake relationship,
"I haven't heard anything from Cho... so we might have to keep up the ruse" he agreed, they then switched to what Cedric called 'couples conversation' as more people filed into the tea shop. She didn't hate this 'couples conversation'.
Cedric then walked her over to where Ron and Hermione were and bid her a romantic farewell, they decided they needed to buy each other presents. Sophia couldn't decide what to buy Cedric and her and Hermione's efforts drove Ron crazy,
"Just buy him a fancy broom care kit or something!" Ron huffed, "honestly, this relationship stuff is so annoying" he slouched against the wall as Sophia and Hermione continued to try and choose a gift. Then Sophia found something, it was a replica snitch, it was handcrafted and golden. When a small ident was pressed, it revealed a message.
Always be true and honest
She liked that, so she bought that for Cedric, eventually she'd gotten the rest of her presents and was now exploring honeydukes and trying to block out Ron and Hermione's bickering,
Harry's appearance caused short break in their argument and they took him to the Thee Broomsticks. Ron went to get the drinks whilst the three others made their way to a cubicle.
Five minutes later, Ron came back with the drinks calling,
"Happy Christmas!" Sophia chuckled and sipped her drink, they began to chat happily until the door swung open.
McGonagall, Flitwick, Hagrid and Fudge, the three hurriedly shoved Harry under the table in an attempt to hide him.
Hermione cast a spell and a tree hurriedly hid them from view, they began to listen in to the conversation. They began discussing Sirius. Fudge thought he was still in the area. Sophia's eyes widened, she'd almost forgotten about Sirius in the chaos of the last two months.
Sophia felt her eyes widen once more when it was revealed Sirius had been best friends with Harry's dad. He was also Harry's godfather. Sirius was also revealed to be Bree's dad. And apparently, Sirius was the one who betrayed Harry's parents to Voldemort. Sophia's eyes widened in horror, if this was true, there was no way she could defend him.
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