Day Two - 30 August
Day Two: 30 August 2018
Season: Summer (2/3)
Event: none
Food: 42
Material: 44
Medicine: 11
Threat: 0
Border: 30/30
Buildings (20/30): 15 barriers (+30 space), 3 apartments (-15 space, +15 pop cap), 1 garden (-5 space, +2 farmer cap)
North: Garden (2, infested)?
East: Garden (1, infested)?
South: Apartment (1, infested, occupied)?
West: Garden (1, infested)?
The Summer is getting strangely hotter and hotter (Hint Hint) If it become anymore hotter the farmers won't be able to farm.
Everything is strangely quiet at the borders, maybe some other force is keeping the zombies at bay?
Dante, Ashton, Rachel, Icarus and Storm couldn't sleep, if they do not have a bed tomorrow they will have -1 energy
The Ravens (20/15)
[Leader] Marley F 18 (GeekGoddess484)
Scavenging: 5
Fighting: 4 (1/4)
Equipment (2/2): gun (+3 damage), 10 ammo, backpack (+1 scavenging), shield (-1 damage taken)
Skill: Climbing
Stats: Good
Energy: 2
[Captain Fighter] Lilly F 17 (LillyG99)
Fighting: 4 (2/4)
Building: 5
Scavenging: 0
Relationship: 1 (Duncan)
Equipment (2/2): gun (+3 damage), 5 ammo, shield (-1 damage taken)
Skill: Martial Arts
Stats: Good
Energy: 2
[Fighter] Serena Stormward F 16 (Unworthy-Unwanted)
Fighting: 4 (1/4)
Scavenging: 2 (1/4)
Equipment (2/2): bow (+1 damage, -1 damage taken), 12 arrows
Skill: Martial Arts
Stats: Good
Energy: 2
[Fighter] Atlas M 20 (AriesTheWoolWing)
Fighting: 4
Scavenging: 1
Equipment (2/2): axe (+3 damage, +1 materials when scavenging), shield (-1 damage taken)
Skill: Martial Arts
Stats: Good
Energy: 2
[Fighter] Julia F 13 (Oceanheart1123)
Fighting: 4
Building: 0
Equipment (2/2): axe (+3 damage, +1 materials when scavenging), shield (-1 damage taken)
Skill: Martial Arts
Stats: Good
Energy: 2
[Fighter] Dante M 24 (WarriorsNinja)
Fighting: 2
Building: 1
Equipment (0/2)
Skill: Martial Arts
Stats: Good
Energy: 2
[Scavenger] Duncan M 19 (CrimsonTheReader)
Scavenging: 4 (1/4)
Fighting: 4
Relationship: 1 (Lilly)
Equipment (2/2): axe (+3 damage, +1 materials when scavenging), backpack (+1 scavenging), shield (-1 damage taken)
Skill: Climbing
Stats: Good
Energy: 2
[Scavenger] Mai F 17 (princess_mochidove)
Scavenging: 4 (3/4)
Fighting: 2
Equipment: (2/2): spear (+1 damage), bat (+2 damage)
Skill: Martial Arts
Stats: Good, Immune
Energy: 2
[Scavenger] Layla F 14 (Oceanheart1123)
Scavenging: 2
Fighting: 4 (1/4)
Equipment (2/2): axe (+3 damage, +1 materials when scavenging), shield (-1 damage taken)
Skill: Climbing
Stats: Good
Energy: 2
[Scavenger] Aoife F 15 (LillyG99)
Scavenging: 2 (1/2)
First aid: 4
Equipment: (0/2)
Skill: Mining
Stats: Good, Immune
Energy: 2
[Scavenger] Foxen M 12 (FoxyPlayGamer435)
Scavenging: 2
Fighting: 4
Equipment (2/2): axe (+3 damage, +1 materials when scavenging), shield (-1 damage taken)
Skill: Undecided
Stats: Good
Energy: 2
[Scavenger] Victoria F 21 (Sunstruck_Pebbles)
Scavenging: 2
Fighting: 1
Equipment (0/2)
Skill: Martial Arts
Stats: Good
Energy: 2
[Scavenger] Ashton M 15 (LeftGlove)
Scavenging: 2
Equipment (1/2): bat
Skill: Climbing
Stats: Good
Energy: 2
[Builder] Hudson M 17 (GeekGoddess484)
Building: 5
First aid: 2
Fighting: 1/2
Equipment (1/2): hammer (+1 damage, +2 item building speed)
Skill: Welding
Stats: Good
Energy: 2
[Builder] Mariel F 15 (Moon_And_Maple)
Building: 3 (3/4)
Farming: 3
Equipment (2/2): hoe (+1 food when farming)
Skill: Plant Whispering
Stats: Good
Energy: 2
[Captain-Builder] Rachel F 19 (Sunstruck_Pebbles)
Building: 4 (3/4)
Fighting: 4
Equipment (2/2): sledgehammer (+3 damage, +1 building speed for buildings)
Skill: Welding
Stats: Good
Energy: 2
[Healer] Warren M 18 (TheRealZebbo)
First Aid: 4 (1/4)
Scavenging: 2 (2/4)
Relationship: 4 (Serena), 2 (Jon)
Equipment (2/2): axe (+3 damage, +1 materials when scavenging), shield (-1 damage taken)
Skill: Field Medic
Stats: Good
Energy: 2
[Healer] Vergil M 24 (WarriorsNinja)
First aid: 1
Fighting: 2
Equipment: (0/2)
Skill: Field Medic
Stats: Good
Energy: 2
[Healer] Icarus M 12 (QuintexQuota)
First aid: 2
Scavenging: 2
Equipment (0/2)
Stats: Good
Skill: Field Medic
Energy: 2
Farmers 1/3
[Farmer] Storm F 17 ()
Farming: 4
Building: 2 (2/4)
Equipment (2/2): hoe (+1 food when farming)
Stats: Good
Energy: 2
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