Crack §Please Fucking Read This§
Consider this as a filter episode that every anime has.
I will put many different short paragraphs of crack inspired by the video above. Aka this is That video but in words.
Read it if you want to. If you don't then you probably don't want your brain cells to die prematurely. Smart move on your part I must say.
And for those who already have killed their cells by the help of Yaoi and Death Note, you are welcome ;)
•Anyways if you don't read this whole just read the note in the end because I think I have a bomb idea which has never been done before by any one shot book owner so I would like your views and suggestions.
Honestly I am saying that read the note at the end before reading this shit because I need you to hear me out and give your opinion. You did it? I am waiting...
I am assuming you have read the note by now so good, I would see your comments there•
Thanks you for listening to my rant now let's jump into it by saying the golden words.
“Writer's block,
suck my ass not my brain”
I was bored... I was so bored. Because of this quarantine me and my half brother both were stuck under TEH same roof for such a long amount of time that it was both irritating and fun. But mostly irritating....
So uptill my quarantine I was doing the same thing every popular high school senior does... Trying to be a instagram influencer!
I opened my phone and started a live stream, "Hey yo! What's up people!?" trying my best to laugh and look entertaining, I continued.
"I was getting super bored... Like super Super! Bored. So any suggestions or something? Like come on, I guess we all can use some laugh in these tough Times." I faked laugh by the end of my statement and looked for any replies and recommendations on what to do.
I checked and all of my friends were watching and few were commenting on what I should do and don't.
Jean: Prank someone with that gun!
What gun I asked and he replied with the one my dad has in this study room. "Dude how can I prank someone with a gun like isn't it kinda-" before I could comeplete my statement I saw a comment by my Levi.
Levi: Kill Zeke with that gun.
My eyes widened at that and I backed away with shock, "I can't do that! Levi what the fuck-"
Levi: I don't give a shit. He interrupted our sex chat the other day.
I am all down for Levi getting protected of our relationship and stuff but sometimes he scares even me...
Armin: guys I think we should leave, last thing I want is being a witness in such acts.
Marco: Good call
Having a fantastic idea in my brain I suddenly responded, "Guys wait! I have an awesome idea!"
Heeeheheh.. HAHAHHAHA
So here I was with the gun in hand infront of the door to Zeke's room. Facing the camera still on the live I entered his room, he was watching TV and drinking something out of the glass.
Facing the camera I pressed the trigger shooting it above making Zeke stumble out of his bed. You can hear the glass make a strong with the floor.
With confusion he looked at me and in anger screamed, "THIS IS WHY MOM DOESN'T FUCKING LOVE YOU!"
I just laughed at him and ran out of there.
I needed at attend a party tonight and I was pretty confused on what should I wear.
I picked up a few dresses I thought would go good on me and entered the hall where I saw the rest of the gang doing what ever they do. "Hey boys can you help with dress picking?"
I asked politely but got terribly ignored. With anger I screamed at them "I SAID SOMETHING!"
All thanks to my high pitch screaming I had them lined up in the dresses so that I can select out of them.
I made them cat walk and pose so that I would have no confusion in terms of choosing. It was nice.
I was in my room scrolling reddit and exhaling on good memes. I got quite thirsty since I have been doing this for an hour straight.
I steped out my room stretching my arms and legs. I saw Mikasa practicing her kick boxing skills like usual. I saw a water bottle on the top of the punching bag thingy and asked, "Hey can you pass me some water?"
All I got was a scream for Mikasa and her kicking the bottle in my face.
I held my face in my hands in pain, my noes bleeding. "WHY!?" was the only thing I could muster to say out.
Holy shit this is so boring that even I got bored of writing this.
I apologize and defend my self with the statement that this is an authors note with failed attempts at achieving humor...
so listen up! Because I think this is awesome....
I was thinking about creating a multiverse!
Like I have 3 one shots up and 2 as drafts, I was thinking about using their characters and make a multiverse battle royal chapter!
How does that sound? Like think about it ‘Joker Levi’ from ‘Gangsta’ fighting ‘Stalker Levi’ from ‘Show & Tell’
I was thinking about doing something like this after every 5 one shots... Out of 5 one will be neutral and the rest 4 will fight to death.
I decide the neutral and you decide the winner. Just vote the one which is your most favorite or who you would like to see win.
Your options:
Joker Levi x Harley Eren from “Gangsta” {Published}
Stalker Levi x stripper+prostitue Eren from
“Show & Tell” {Published}
Alpha Assassin Levi x Omega Eren from “My criminal mate” {Draft and I might not publish soon}
Detective Levi x Cult victim Eren from “Titan's Blood” {Draft and coming as soon as my writer's block is off}
The one I choose to be neutral is Teacher Levi x Student Eren from “Let me help you.”
Dude just think about it. It's like I am creating my own Hunger Games!
Choose your winner and once the rest 2 are published I will work on this project.
Remember. They most probably be really different from how they were present in their respective one shot.
Remember that this battle royal will most probably be crack.
Real crack.
Not like this fail attempt.
If all goes well, I will do this after every 5 one shots. In that way the book would be on going and more people will request to see their respective choice on the games.
I really like this idea and I hope you would to!
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