Be my Gangsta
ΦSeme Joker Levi x Uke Harley ErenΦ
ΦKinda DC universe (kinda)Φ
¤key points¤
⌘ = scene change, 1st person p.o.v
➳ = scene change, 3rd person p.o.v
BackUpSapphire here is what you requested queen I hope you like it! (please consider the fact that I have never written Riren before so it can suck. And also sorry for the beginning)
Honestly it's been such a while since I went out with my boyfriend. Jean.
I love him. I really do. And I hate the fact that I recently didn't have any time for him uptill now. It's just that at my work place Arkham Asylum there has been a lot to handle since they enrolled a really big underworld personality there. I am suppose to be assigned to work on him from tomorrow.
But atleast I can spend the few last peaceful moments with the man I love.
But right now he doesn't seems like his bashful self. I think something's wrong with him.
"Hey Jean are you ok-"
"I can't do this anymore." he said it with a hoarse voice. Almost like he had been crying for a long time.
"Baby what happened-" I raised my hand to touch his cheek but he just slapped it away harshly. It was like a gloomy shadow casted over him. I hated seeing him like this.
"OH! you know what happened to me!" He said, raising his voice a too little harshly making a few people at the cafe watch us with concern. I gave them a silent sorry look and then looked back at jean.
"Jean if it's about that I already told you that I can't-"
"Help me? Oh! Trust me I know. But the reason why is so stupid." He said it while gritting his teeth with anger.
Jean had depression. He had depression due to his last boyfriend Marco's death and he came to me for private counseling sessions but after some time I told him that I had feelings for him and that I couldn't counsel him anymore because I had a rule of not counseling someone whom I had relations with.
He agreed with but recently he started saying that he needs me again and his new doctors aren't being any help to him. But due to my rule I tried to set him up with some other colleagues of mine.
"He still haunts me you know. And I can't take this haunting anymore. I just can't Eren. And at this point I don't think so even you can help me if you wanted to."
"Jean please don't talk like this you will get better I will look for someone better-" "SHUT UP!" now almost everyone was looking at us but this time I didn't care. I was too busy getting scared by his words.
"Jean I-"
"Save it! Save it for my funeral!" my eyes widened at the sudden statement and before I could even process what was happening he took out a gun from his back and pointed it at his forehead.
"JEAN NO!" I screamed and stood up to take it away but before I even got the chance he-
"This one's on you and your damned rule Eren." And he shot himself.
He shot himself...
My love shot himself
Because of me
I was screaming. People around me were screaming but I wasn't able to hear any of them. All my senses went numb leaving the ones which could feel his blood drops on my face.
Jean's not the only thing that died today, my sanity did too.
Yesterday was horrible for me Due to obvious reasons. Well my boyfriend comited sucide. And worst part is I didn't even shed a tear.
I was just numb.
People who never knew him around me were crying and I was there feeling un-effected. It's like his death triggered some hidden parts inside of my mind that never should have been clicked.
And here I was walking through the dark halls of Arkham Asylum going to my new patient's room. Numb.
I was so numb that if someone saw me right now they would claim that I was a zombie just how my colleagues did this morning.
I stopped and turned to my heal to face the glass wall that was detaching me from him.
A said to be psychopath going by the alias Joker.
He was in the Conner of the room in the hospital's straight jacket. His raven hair hid his face. Something's different about him.
He had a different aura surrounding him. It was so crazy that it was beautiful.
And for some Apparent reason I started to feel less numb. He suddenly held up his face with a jerk and looked right into my eyes. His crazy midnight eyes which almost had a sliver touch to them pierced through mine ocean green ones and jolted them with a strange light.
He noticed that too and started laughing.
His melodic and manic laugh.
Gosh it was so beautiful for my soul alone. I craved more.
It removed my numbness.
It gave me a strange sense of pleasure through out my whole body which was more addicting then most of the drugs this world has to offer.
I subconsciously wanted it more. A Drug with which I will gladly like to poison myself.
I entered the pass code and to step inside his room. As soon as I was in the glass door shut it self. Locking me in the room with him. The Joker.
His pale face looked at me with a psychotic smirk almost like he won something.
"Hi my name is Eren Jaeger and as you can see I am here to assist you with your damaged little mind there."
I moved my fingers in a teasing way as I made a reference to the tattoo on his forehead saying 'Damaged'.
He scoffed at me. Clearly displeased with my way of approach but laughed it off snapping his neck and turning to look at me. Beautiful.
"Huh! What makes you qualified of healing me." He said it with a little attitude and clear annoyance for the place he was in.
"Being damaged enough to be your vaccination." There it was.
That spark in his eyes. That addicting spark. Enough to make my heart do a black flip and release Dopamine throughout my whole system.
"Names Levi, Levi Ackerman." He was serious. Seeing his all laughing self this was weird but welcoming.
I clicked my pen and opened my note pad. "Shall we begin?"
Days passed on but that didn't matter to Eren.
Everyday he use to wake up about thinking about Mista J.
His counseling sessions with Levi were more of a healing for him then they could ever be to Levi. With each day passing by seeing Levi's beautiful face and his wonderful words Eren was losing touch with reality and entering more of a world in which Levi talks and he listens, listens carefully while admiring the broken man.
It was more of a understatement to say that Eren fixtated on the clown prince of crime. But you couldn't explain it any other way.
And by this point his fixation was far beyond his understanding and reach. Levi was his addiction. His strange addiction and he loved every piece of this addiction. Every piece.
"I live for these moments with you, Dr. Jaeger." Eren blushed. He loved it when Joker cherished him like this. He felt enlightened. He felt full not numb.
Eren reached his pocket and took out a fluffy toy. Showing it to Levi.
"What you got there?"
"I got you a kity!"
Eren almost squeaked and showed it to Levi playing with it for him as his clown was restrained in a straight jacket.
"How thoughtful."
Levi said with pure gratitude behind his voice and Eren could almost feel his soul brightening at the way Levi used his words.
He thought he was curing him,
Images flashed of Eren leaning towards Levi to capture his lips at the back of his mind.
But he was falling in love.
"Can you help me with something?"
"Anything.. I-I mean yeah."
"I need a machine gun."
"A-a machine gun!"
"yeah... "
Talk about workplace romance gone wrong...
Guns blazed and gushed through several bodies around Eren and he couldn't do anything but take that sight and mentally scare himself from that.
Some guards took him to the shock therapy room and strapped him on the table while he struggled with all his might. Helpless.
Saying that he was scared was a small thing to say when his emotions and thoughts swirled with chemicals like serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine and such.
He could hear that beautiful manic laugh bashing someone's head open with a bat. Enjoying himself.
Eren got even more scared for what was going to happen to him and tried to mentally prepare himself for the worst.
Again, he heard that manic laugh and footsteps of Levi approaching him.
"What do we have here." He said it, moving his arms around and putting the lamp directly on Eren's face. Enjoying himself.
He loomed over Eren seeing him as if he was his favorite toy giving him thoes crazy eyes which always send a shiver down Eren's spine no matter.
"Why are you doing this to me... I helped you!"
"Help me! You helped me by removing the few Sane. Memories. I. Had!" He said banging hard around his heads showing his anger at the mansion of 'help'.
He leaned down, resting his elbow on the table, parting his hair side ways. "You left me in the black hole of razing confusion."
"So what you gonna do? Kill me Mista J?"
"What!?" he laughed hitting his head by the end of his palm and laughing out that beautiful manic laugh.
"Oh! I am not gonna kill yeah, I am just gonna hurt yeah really-really bad" He said the last word with a venom full wisper to it.
He took a belt and clenched it between Eren's teeth.
"Don't want anything happen to your, porcelain! Prefect teeth, when the juice hits your brain." he made crazy eyes and screwing actions on his temples then took the shocking buds to give Eren a treatment of his life.
Images flashed through his mind. Images he couldn't process right now when high level voltage ran through his whole system but were gonna make a lot of sense for his up coming future.
Anger and irritation rushed through Eren's mind while he chased Levi's car on his bike.
How dare he try to leave him.
Eren screamed at Levi when he came face to face with his window. Levi just gave him a annoyed look and continued driving.
Seeing that Eren speed up and came to a good 100 meters distance from him, slided his bike, making it drag on the road and when it stopped, stood infront of it facing eye to eye with Levi in his car.
Seeing this Levi laughed snapping his neck and raced the accelerator then pressed the brake coming close to Dr. Jaeger.
"p-p-p pain in the ass" Levi said it almost like a wisper and came out of his car and stood infront of Eren.
A truck stoped just behind them but it was much less of their concern right now.
"I have done everything you said, every trial, every test, every initiation to prove that I love you just accept it!"
Eren said with full of anger breathing heavily.
With annoyance Levi rolled his eyes and and said,
"God God God god... I am not someone who is loved-" He claped his hands infront of him making Eren flinch, widening his eyes, "I am a state of mind." Just when Levi could continue the truck behind them horned but was ignored.
Levi continued while circling him "I execute my plan according to my will! And doctor, you are not a part of my plan." He again stood infront of him and Eren cupped his cheeks, tears threatening to come out of his eyes as he looked at Levi like he was his last hope. The truck horned again.
"Let me in I promise I won't hurt you I promise-" Levi escape Eren's touch as he said this turning and standing away and teasingly said "Promise, you Promise ha!" Continuing to laugh at Eren when the truck driver came out, "Hey dick face! Mind yelling at your bitch somewhere else-" before he could even continue Eren took out Levi's gun from his coat pocket and shot that annoyance dead.
Levi turned to look at it and then turned his face back to see Eren "oh man, I wouldn't do that if I were you-" before saying any thing further Eren pointed his gun at Levi and he raised his hands in surrender position.
"please don't hurt me I will be your friend" he smiled insanely nothing but insanity on his expression.
"Do it, do it do it do it do it" he started chanting his eyes Turing manipulative doing nothing but forcing tiny drops of tears out of Eren's eyes.
"My heart scares you but a gun doesn't."
"DO IT!"
He screamed but laughed and in a jerk took away the gun from his hands and continued with his laughing.
"Gosh you are so crazy I thought you were insane." Levi laughed at his face. "Go Away!" Levi screamed at his face but this time Eren didn't flinch.
"I said you are not leaving me and I meant it! So there is no way in hell I am leaving right now without you anywhere!" Tears leaving his eyes in small amounts seeing the man he loves so dearly like this hurted him in the ways he never wanted.
Levi just laughed at the way this doctor reacted to his words. It amusesed him yet irritated him.
"Trust me doctor you don't wanna be a part of my plan.." he said it with heavy breaths head moving around out of his control.
"Oh trust me I do."
"You do! HAHAHAHAHAH! You do!!" He started laughing his lungs out looking at the night sky then stoped suddenly looking the doctor eye to eye.
"Then come with me." he breathed out.
Joker took him to a chemical factory, taking him to a floor and below them where acids boiling hot and extremely hazardous.
Eren look down at it and Levi not so behind him.
"Question." Levi said it in a deep voice making Eren's attention swift towards him. He caressed his arm looked into Eren's ocean eyes.
"Would you die for me?"
Eren didn't even took his time and replyed. Levi moved his gaze and said,
"That's to easy. Would you, would you live for me."
looking deep into those midnight blue eyes glowing sliver under the moon light Eren replied,
"Careful." Levi pointed his finger at him. "Do not say this oath thoughtlessly." Levi puted his hand above Eren's lips covering his lower mouth and closeed his eyes.
"Desire becomes surrender, surrender becomes.... Power!" He opened his eyes with a sudden jerk in his body and dragged his thumb on Eren's Lower lip.
"You want this?"
"I do."
Eren said with a insane glint slowly growing at back of his eyes and a insane smile started to make his way on his face which didn't went unnoticed by Joker. He enjoyed it. The glint of insane submission Eren was showing made him quite hungry for even though he wouldn't like to agree it did.
"Say it, say it, say it pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty-"
That voice, that submissive voice. That submissive pleading did things inside of Levi that where getting hard to control now. It was clear on his face by now that he was enjoying this out of this world. And the voices inside his mind claimed that he wanted more.
"Mmm God! You are so...... Good." nothing but dominance amusement behind his words used for Eren.
He stepped back and motioned Eren to do the deed. Eren looked back at the view below and then looked at Levi. Eyeing him with a proud insane smile before he took a dead fall right into the acid below him.
Levi came closer to the edge to watch Eren falling into the acid breathing heavily in content and turned his back on him, walking away from the sight.
But something clicked inside him. He couldn't process or control it but, it stopped him from moving away any further.
He snapped his neck with a grunt deep inside his chest as he threw his jacket away and jumped into the acid bin where his pretty little Eren has jumped into too.
He swimmed inside bring Eren in his arms on the surface of the tank and kissed him back to consciousness.
When Levi detached his lips Eren took a big gasp for air before looking at his Joker and smiled with happiness and desperately kissed him back.
After ending the kiss Levi laughed full hearted-ly and his laugh echoed in the whole place. Eren laughed with him too finally feeling like he found his place.
Eren opened his eyes and found himself on a soft comfortable bed which he never had.
He pushed his body to sit up straight and found himself in a foreign room and panicked a little.
What is this place?
He felt a very light silk touch on his body and looked down only to find out he was in some expensive silk robe which was red and blue colour coded. This confused him but before he could fall more into dark pits of confusion he remembered the events which led him to be passed out on a strange bed.
He was with Joker.
They were in the chemical factory. And there was this certain memory that made him blushed and happy at the same time.
Joker kissed him.
Even though tainted with chemicals thoes were such soft lips that made Eren to never let them go. To always capture them and have their wonderful taste on his lips.
He removed the soft quilts from his lower body and set his feet on the cold floor so that he can walk around and find out where he was.
He stood up and turned to his right to see the open gateway to the balcony where his Joker was standing admiring the full moon.
He was with his joker.
And the little hope that he was at his place made Eren flutter with good kind of butterflies inside.
He started walking to reach him and nervously stood besides him. Resting his one elbow on the balcony railing Joker tiled his face and puffed out a smoke cloud right at his face from the cigarette he was smoking this whole time.
Eren coughed a little but nothing too serious still made the crime clown laugh a little in his clasic style.
"Can't even handle a smoke and you want to be my queen." Levi said it in a teasing manner. It was clear by his expressions that he was just joking. Then again who knows when the Joker was just joking or was serious.
"I think from the little stunt I pulled for you proves enough about how much I can handle for you." Eren teased back still though there was seriousness behind his words.
He came this far just to be with him and he wasn't ready to back down now.
"Oh yeah!?" The Joker laughed again but much to his surprise Eren just looked At him in all serious mode and gave him a firm nod.
"Then let's see if you can handle this." Before Eren could even think of saying something Levi took a big suck at his cigarette, forcefully attached his lips with Eren and exhaled the cigarette smoke down his throat making a moan vibrate out of Eren's chest at such hot action.
Levi threw his cigarette away and detached his lips. Eren again coughed out a little, tears forming in his such from such forceful hotness which was every much welcomed by his hormones.
Before Eren could even think of recovering from that levi captured his lips again, sucking the life source out of him making Eren's internal system go crazy by these sudden hot action.
Levi continued with the kissing and forcefully entered his tongue inside the younger's mouth dominanting each and every essence of it.
Levi's arm snaked around Eren's torso and reached the back of his head only to grab a bunch of his soft messy hair to pull his head down to kiss him better. This action was very much welcomed by Eren as he moaned loudly through his mouth making Levi feel the sound vibrations on his lips.
One hand already in the hair another one snaked down to his ass to Grop it.
All of this sudden touch was making Eren's mind go dizzy and just the thought of more pleasures were awaiting for him this night was too much to handle.
What seemed for like forever Levi finally detached his lips away from Eren's much to his dismay but still had his hands around his hair and ass.
"Mista J-" Levi shushed him away and gave him soft peck on the nape of his neck and whispered in his ear.
"You and I both know that's not my name-" before continuing Levi slaped his butt making Eren moan, "Come on I wanna hear you scream my name under me tonight. Say it!" Levi whisper yelled in his ear and slaped his butt again.
"Levi-" Once more spanked.
"Louder." with a venoms hot whisper he said it and spanked his ass again.
"Levi~" Spanked again
"LEVI!" Eren screamed it for the whole night to hear with a slutlry voice he didn't know he had uptill now.
Levi smirked in content. Foundling with his ass he said, "Hop on you got a whole night ahead of you." Eren didn't even wasted any time thinking about it and warped his legs around Levi's waist in his strong hold and they started making out again.
With the sensual rough kiss Levi made their way inside and roughly plopped Eren down on the bed making a sluty whimper in the longing of Levi's lips again.
Levi hovered over him, rubbing his crotch with Eren's making him shiver in anticipation. Levi removed his silk robe and throwed it somewhere not caring about it. Now in just his briefs Eren eyed over his tattoo filled body, hard core abs and semi erected tent forming in his briefs.
Levi dragged a finger over his happy trail, "Like what you see?" he cockly eyed Eren while he was only able to create a moaning sound in response to this sexy action.
Levi chuckled continuing with his rubbing dragged his fingers gently on Eren's side slowly reaching his hands and with care Puting them above his head.
He softly kissed Eren's pecs and dragged the tip of his tongue till he reached his Adam's apple determined to leave a mark or two on it.
Eren closed his eyes in pleasure and arched his back wanting to feel more from the man above him. He was driving him crazy and he almost couldn't take it anymore.
"Yeah sweetheart?" Levi looked him in the eye just making Eren more horny just from the look of it.
"Ah~Please-" From the looks of it Levi understood but wanting to tease him more and traced his hand down inside Eren's briefs and starting rubbing his dick.
"Ah!~" Eren's face started to heat up he shut his eyes tightly clenching the bed sheet beneath his.
Levi reached his ear to sexily wisper "Beg for it." And he clenched his dick tightly enough to make Eren scream from pain but nevertheless enjoying this treatment beyond imagination.
"PUDDIN I BEG OF YOU PLEASE JUST FUCK ME ALREADY!" he didn't even know from where that name came from but he was too hot and bothered to think about it.
Levi raised his eyebrow at the name but didn't seem unimpressed. "As much as I would like you to call me that tonight I prefer you to scream my real name only." He said it with authority but there was still the joking and cocky attitude behind those words.
Levi quickly threw away Eren's robe too including his briefs. Leaving him in his all naked glory.
Those swollen lips from rough kissing, those hickeys around his neck were like Levi's masterpiece on him and his dick fully erected and painfully throbbing. This sight alone made him took deep breaths, he laughed Turing his head around before looking Eren directly in the eyes.
Eren was breathing heavily from all the treatment he has gotten up till now by the beautiful male above. He wanted nothing more from Levi but to use him for his own pleasure however the hell he wants to.
Levi raised three finger infront of Eren's mouth, "Suck it." He ordered. A order which Eren full filled even without wasting any second. He rolled his tongue around the three and sucked it with all he could.
Levi retreated his fingers back and patted on Eren's thighs to put them above his shoulders. Eren compiled to his wish and did that. Levi slowly trailing his tongue down on his happy trail to his v-line to his inner thighs while forming little circles on his entrance.
He bit a little harshly on his inner thigh while entering a digit inside him making Eren moan loudly. He pushed in and out while Eren arched his back too horny to process anything happening to him.
"Ah~AH~! Levi-More!" Eren screames with pleasure wanting Levi to just fill him up already but Levi pushing him down trying to keep him in one place.
"Calm down and just enjoy the care you are getting right now and don't greedy." Levi spanked him but that just increased his pleasure and wanting.
He Keeping on pleading like a little slut. Levi ignored all that and entered the remaining two fingers without any warning making Eren scream in pain. He loved it.
Seeing his reaction Levi harshly started to penetrate with his fingers. Finding his prostate and abusing it with all this might.
"AH! AH! AH~ Levi you are~ Ah! Gonna make me cum-" At this the dominant clenched his dick painfully stopping the per cum coming out of his dick.
"I dare you to cum before I finish and you will face consequences." Levi said it with a firm harsh look that sent shivers down Eren's spine in fear. He loved it.
He just nodded at Levi with a expression full of fear but eyes looming with lust. Levi adored that expression and grunted over it.
Finally done with the preparation he took his fingers out and removed his briefs which were bothering him for a very long time.
Again Eren stared in awe. He minds wasn't able to comprehend the fact that he was going to have THAT inside of him making him screaming his senses out.
Levi just looked him right in the eye maintaining the eye contact when he rammed his member inside Eren's entrance. "LEVI!!~ AH AH! MMmmm~" Levi laugh at the beautiful expression the man under him made and rammed is dick inside his tiny little hole.
Levi enjoyed himself way too much then he would like to admit. Boy's soft skin was silky to his touch, his eyes held such a crazy look for him that amazed Levi, the way he screamed his name again and again was like angel's song to Levi. Not to forget the way his ass was clenching his dick as he pounded at an insane rhythm hitting his prostate every time making Eren's eyes roll back and drool leaving his mouth.
Levi subconsciously let out a moan or two appreciating the tight ass he was getting right now.
Eren was feeling heavenly. The way Levi's members felt inside him, thought of Levi's abusing him like this too good for his poor soul. He screamed and screamed Levi's name like it was the only thing he knew.
"Ah~ shit! Your ass is too good Eren! Ah~ fuck!" Levi never wanted this to stop it was too much of a good feeling to end just like that but after pounding so much inside of him at an insane pace he could feel him self nearing his end.
"AH! LEVI~ LEVI! DON'T STOP~! NEVER STOP PLEASE! AHH!!~" the pleasure was all to much for him to handle that he just had to claw Levi's back down although it didn't anger Levi. It just clicked something inside of him and if it were possible he started pounding even more faster.
"Ah! Fuck fuck fuck FUCK! I am gonna cum Eren!" Just That statement only made Eren clench his ass involuntary and ride out his orgasm Making a mess on his chest and stomach some drops landing of Levi itself.
Seeing his like this Levi orgasmed inside of him. Breathing heavily after coming down from his high and plopped down besides Eren looking him right in the beautiful sea green eyes and Eren doing the same.
For a minute none of them said something but just looked at each other breathing heavily before Levi decided to break the silence.
"You know? Now I think it's shouldn't be such a problem having you around in my plan." Levi smiled. He genuinely smiled.
Eren's eyes lit up at that. His mind filled with the future possibilities of them together ruling the underworld.
"It means a lot to me Puddin." Eren returned the smile and at the mention of his given name a content growl came out from deep inside Levi's chest.
"Say that again." Levi said demanding it.
"Puddin." Eren said smiling. Levi held his head up above Eren.
"Again." Levi growled. Something inside of him loved it.
"Puddin-" Levi kissed him, deeply and he returned the kiss as much as deeply.
And together they become the king and the queen of Gotham city.
I know this is very very long and most probably trashy because I suck at language but I really hope whoever reads this enjoyed it.
Please try to remember this my first time writing any sort of LGBTQ+ content and this is the first time I wrote a Yaoi smut so forgive me if it was cringe to read 😔.
Anyways it was a lot to write. this is the first time I have written something this long and I really enjoyed writing this so if you have any request please tell because I want to keep writing Riren and I don't want this book to end soon.
Thank you once again for reading and sorry if I made you cringe anywhere 😔✊🏻
Words: 5195
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