Chapter Two
The sweet, pungent smell of the salty water consumed my body.
Nothing had ever felt so right before. Nalani was perfect, and so were its waves who crashed onto the warm sand that speckled beneath the suns golden ray's. I was home again. This was where I belonged, my dream finally coming true.
It was currently five in the afternoon. The sun had died down a bit, and the waves were slowly inching further up the sand. The water appeared to be a bit rough, but at the same time, soothing. It looked appealing.
I sat towards the middle of the beach, where the amount of people was scarce. I laid back in my beach chair, admiring the way the water moved along the shore. My feet were grazing the cool water, which only increased my want to go in the water.
Normally, I'd have gone in already. But I really didn't like swimming alone, especially when it was this late for the beach. The lifeguards had started packing up for the night, too. It just didn't feel safe.
Ha, but like that was going to stop me. I've waited six years for this. I was going in.
I stood up, quickly leaving my comfortable chair behind me as I ran into the water. It's chilling coolness felt amazing against my skin. My smile widened each time a waved crashed up against me. As I got farther out, I had to dip my body underneath the surface in order to avoid being tumbled by one of those big, forceful waves. It brought back memories from when I used to come here nearly everyday as a child.
I didn't think much about the safety of the water anymore. It had just become irrelevant due to the fact that I was enjoying myself. However, maybe I was enjoying myself a little too much. Before I knew it, I had drifted out too far.
The sand seemed to be so far away now. That's how I knew that something wasn't right. I feel like I would have noticed If I was swimming too far out. I decided to try and swim back in, but for some reason, I couldn't.
It wasn't because of my lack of swimming skills- I've always excelled in swimming. Something was holding me back out there, dragging my body out farther then it already was. When I tried to swim back to shore, a new wave would surface, push me under, and then pull me back out again.
I didn't understand what was happening- until I remembered the only thing my father had warned me about before coming up here. Riptides.
"Shit." I spat, realizing I was screwed. Being caught in a Riptide was the last thing I'd expect to happen to me- especially at this time of the day.
As much as I'd never want to admit this, I'm thankful my dad spent so much time teaching me how to get out alive. Don't panic, and let it take you away. Eventually It will drag me back to shore. I just needed to keep my head above water, and remain calm. I can do that.
I laid my back on top of the water, beginning to float peacefully. In all honestly, it was kind of relaxing- something I could get used too, which was good because there's a possibility I might be here for a while. Everything was going according to plan- until a loud, recognizable whistle blew.
I whipped my body upright just in time to see one of the lifeguards running out towards me. I quickly shook my head, and motioned for him to stay put. I didn't need his help. I was already taking care of it myself.
Besides, he would only cause me to struggle some more. The more I struggle, the more likely I am to drown. I just need to ride the rest of it out.
Of course he didn't listen, and made the stupid decision to swim out- into the riptide- in order to give me one of their flotation devices. I didn't need his help, though. I was fine.
A minute later he had reached me. A tall, broad shouldered man with deep tan skin and messy blonde curls. His eyes matched the piercing blue of the ocean water around us. This man belonged at the beach. Everything about him matched that stereotypical surfer beach boy.
He held out his hand to me, "Are you alright?"
I quickly snapped out of my daze, and pushed his hand away. "I'm fine."
It looked like he tried to ignore my resistance, "We need to swim back to shore- here, I'll pull you." I watched in shock as he handed me the buoy to hold on to. Was this man for real? You honestly cannot tell me he doesn't know what to do.
"Are you kidding?" I scoffed, actually finding this hilarious. "Has anyone ever told you how to deal with riptides?"
He stared at me blankly. This only meant he believed that what he wanted to do was the right move.
I rolled my eyes, "Everybody knows you don't try to swim out of it. You calm down, and wait it out. It'll eventually take you back in."
The man shook his head, "How would you know? I'm the lifeguard here."
I smirked, because I already knew what I was about to say next would piss him off. "My dad's a coast guard."
"Shit." He muttered under his breath, enough for me to at least here the disappointment in himself. I turned my back towards him and smiled. But then his stupid buoy was shoved in front of me.
"Will you at least take this so it looks like I'm doing my job correctly?" He pleaded, giving it another shove in my direction.
I pushed it back towards him, "I don't want it."
"I don't care." He quickly shot back, pushing back towards me. "It's either the buoy you hold on to, or me."
I stared at him. Was he serious? As if I would ever hold on to him. No thanks, I'd rather drown. Why can't he just leave me alone? I don't want his help!
I made the executive decision to splash water in his face. The salt would surely ruin his sight long enough for me to escape. Besides, the dim wit clearly couldn't tell that we had already started to drift back to shore. There was no need for his help any longer.
"Are you crazy?" He yelled, rubbing his eyes.
This was my cue to split. I made like a fish and swam as fast as I could to shore. The lifeguard followed closely behind me. I guess he was a better swimmer- but that's how it should be if he's a lifeguard.
When I finally reached the shore again, I dashed for my stuff that was almost a mile back. The water had taken us so far. The lifeguard ran after me, calling out 'Wait!' and trying to get me to slow down. That wasn't going to happen. I was trying to avoid him.
I eventually reached my stuff, trying to pack it as fast as I could. My ferocious packing wasn't fast enough, though, because within seconds he was here.
"Can you please tell me what that was for?" He asked, waving the buoy around.
"I told you I didn't need your help." I said, ignoring his question and pointing out his irrelevance to the whole situation.
"Regardless, it was my job-" he explained, "-And you were waving your arms around."
I stopped packing and looked him square in the face, "I was trying to tell you to stop."
I watched as he shook his head, "What you were telling me, was that you were drowning."
Rolling my eyes, I started to pack again. "My head was above water."
"Have you ever heard of a distressed swimmer?"
"Have you ever heard of backing the fuck off?"
"I quite think you should be thanking me."
"Yes- thank you so much for literally nothing."
"You could've drowned."
"I didn't."
"Keyword- could've."
Letting out a huge huff, I swung my chair on my back. I was done bickering with him. It was time I made my leave.
"As much as I'd love to stand here all day and fight with you, I have more important things to take care of." I announced, giving him a pathetic little wave before purposely brushing his shoulder on my way out.
"Oh, like what?" He scoffed from behind me, "Telling someone else how to do their job?"
I continued to argue with him while walking towards the exit, "I'll be around if you ever need anymore pointers."
"I'm fine." He mocked, making sure to say it in the same exact way I had said it to him earlier. What a charming guy, really.
Don't you just love when people fight like this? I know I do!
Thanks for reading chapter two! Please vote/comment for me (:
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