04 = Ice Skates & Screams
I do not own teen wolf. I only own Celeste. If I did Khylin would be in every scene I just love him sm.
Song – Wild // Troye Sivan
Celeste's POV
"So, essentially, ever since I gave you the bite, you've been having episodes where you write things that are obscurely related to the near future in a very confusing way, you healed a gun-shot wound in a matter of minutes, your eyes are glowing silver, and now you can calm down feral werewolves on the night of the full moon?"
Derek looked at Celeste in equal parts confusion and awe, regarding her as if she were a mystifying and enigmatic creation.
This worried her, seeing as he was the most experienced person she knew in regards to supernatural beings.
"Pretty much, yeah," Celeste shrugged, "except, the weird predictions and silver eyes debacle has been going on since I got to Beacon Hills."
"So," Derek looked hopeful, "I didn't do this to you? You were already like this?"
"I guess so," Celeste bit her lip in thought, "but, it's different now. I never had super healing powers."
"Do you think that's all I gave you?" Derek tried, "Just the accelerated healing?"
"That's the thing," Celeste frowned.
Derek looked at her inquisitively, and she turned her arm so the soft underbelly of her forearm was facing him. Upon the skin, there was a scab, albeit a tiny one, from where she had carelessly ripped her IV out at the hospital.
"I'm not healing like that anymore."
Derek furrowed his brows, leaning against a pole behind him as he mulled over the situation. The two were currently conversing in an abandoned subway station that Derek, and now Isaac, apparently called home.
Personally, Celeste thought the aesthetic of the shelter was all wrong, but that was none of her business.
"I'm sorry," Derek whispered, his voice hoarse.
Celeste froze at the sight of the Alpha werewolf looking so torn up over the situation. Her resistance against forgiving him crumbled at the apologetic look in his eyes, and the way he was hunched forward slightly, as if he were ashamed.
"I get it, I do," Celeste nodded, "I just feel a little violated. You know, consent and all that."
"I just," Derek clenched his jaw, his eyes squeezing shut for a moment before opening, and for the first time, Celeste saw a flicker of vulnerability in the grumpy werewolf she had grown to love, "I couldn't lose you. I couldn't lose anyone else."
"Hey," she grabbed his hand, all pretenses of shaming the older male for what he had done gone, "You didn't lose me. You still have me."
Derek nodded, clearing his throat gruffly and trying to stand taller, not wanting to linger in his moment of weakness.
"Thank you," he said, his tone filled with sincerity.
Celeste smiled brightly, and before he could stop her, she had pulled the old hag of Beacon Hills into a massive hug.
Derek stiffened in surprise, but slowly relaxed, allowing himself to hug her back, and the two found comfort in each other's arms.
He was, of course, the first to pull away, but a ghost of a smile danced upon his lips.
"I'll look into your situation," he directed the conversation back to business, "Call some people."
"What people?" Celeste scoffed, "You don't have any people. I'm your only people."
"I have connections," Derek protested.
"You have no connections," Celeste denied, "your only contacts are me and Scott."
"You're right," Derek sighed, "I have no people."
"You have me," Isaac appeared in the room, speaking to Derek, but looking at Celeste.
"The beast awakens," Celeste smiled at him playfully.
After the whole fiasco at the precinct, Isaac had fallen asleep in the car on the way to the subway station, Derek having to carry him in and place him on a dingy mattress that he called a "bed".
"Could I talk to you for a second?" Isaac asked tentatively, running a hand through his curls as he looked at Celeste in trepidation.
"Yeah, 'course," Celeste smiled at him encouragingly.
Isaac looked to Derek expectantly.
"What?" the Alpha asked, "You want me to leave? Yeah, that's not happening."
"Okay, well," Isaac was obviously uncomfortable having this conversation around Derek, who was glowering at the boy in suspicion, "I, uh, I just wanted to say thanks, for calming me down, and also I'm sorry for what happened earlier, on the lacrosse field."
"What happened on the lacrosse field?" Derek glared at Isaac.
"No problem," Celeste ignored Derek, "just, tone it down on the sniffing, yeah?"
"Yeah," Isaac laughed awkwardly, "I really don't know what came over me. It's just, you smell good. Like, really good."
Derek looked like he was about to rip Isaac's throat out with his teeth.
"Alright," she blinked awkwardly, "thanks, I think. I better get going. See you later, alligators."
She made her way to the exit, but paused upon hearing nothing but silence from the two males.
"You're supposed to say 'In a while, crocodile'," Celeste frowned at them in disappointment, "It's a very common saying, you uncultured swines."
The two werewolves glanced at each other awkwardly, neither one of them wanting to repeat the phrase.
However, Celeste was unmoving.
She stood by the exit, looking at them expectantly.
"In a while, crocodile," they both finally muttered under their breath, a blush making its way to Isaac's cheeks.
Celeste pursed her lips at their lack of enthusiasm, but relented, making her way out the door.
She had agreed to come back with Derek to get answers, but all she left with was more questions.
☾ ☽
"Our lives are insignificant in the grand scheme of humanity, and soon we will all be dead."
"Celeste, why do you always get so emo during gym?" Lydia groaned from beside her.
Celeste only pouted in response, the two of them currently standing with the rest of their gym class as they surrounded the rock wall set up in the middle of the basketball court.
Allison and Scott had somehow managed to get paired up together, and were currently situating themselves in the harnesses.
"I hate this class more than I hate Greenburg," Celeste exaggerated, "Physical exertion is horrible, and I am uncomfortable with showing this much skin surrounded by a hoard of sweaty jocks."
She was referring to the fitted black gym shorts she wore, along with a tight white shirt, as was regulation for the class.
"Physical exertion isn't always bad," Lydia smirked, making Celeste wrinkle her nose in disgust, "besides, Stiles doesn't seem to mind."
Celeste's eyes widened, turning her head around to observe the boy Lydia was referring to.
Sure enough, Stiles, clad in a baby blue shirt that suited him well, was fixated on a point suspiciously close to where Celeste was standing.
Upon being discovered, Stiles paled, immediately looking away and stumbling into a very peeved looking lacrosse jock.
"Please," Celeste scoffed, though her cheeks were tainted pink, "if anything, he would be staring at you."
"Are you still fixated on that?" Lydia blinked at her incredulously, "Celeste, the nerd is obsessed with you. In chem the other day, I caught him sniffing your hair. I don't know why you're into that spaz, but he's obviously completely in love with you. You could get pretty much any guy you wanted in this school, especially him."
"I'm not into him," Celeste snapped in denial, causing Lydia to snort indignantly, "I just think he's a really amazing person. And even if I did, hypothetically, happen to possibly sort of like Stiles, it wouldn't matter, because he's been infatuated with you since the third grade."
"You're delusional," Lydia sang out, twirling a strand of strawberry blonde around her finger.
Celeste rolled her eyes, and having had just about enough of this conversation, inched away from her best friend surreptitiously.
Her shift in view revealed one Erica Reyes, her form covered with a baggy sweater and loose sweatpants, and her hair in disarray as she trembled before the wall.
"I know," Celeste frowned, in reference to the girl's trepidation, "this class sucks. Sometimes I consider giving a witch doctor a vial of my blood to put a hex on me that prevents me from being forced to take this course. I guess I could always just break both of my legs, but believe me, that's way harder than it seems."
Erica glanced at her cautiously, a small smile on the blonde's lips. She was about to respond when she took in the sight of something behind Celeste, the girl's eyes becoming stony before she pierced Celeste with a harsh glare and walked away.
Celeste frowned in confusion, turning behind her, only to find Stiles, once again, staring at her longingly.
"Well," she huffed, slightly offended by Erica's harsh behavior.
"Uh, what the hell was that?" Lydia spoke, coming up beside Celeste.
"I don't know," Celeste shrugged, "I guess Erica just doesn't like me that much."
"Do you want me to ruin her socially?" Lydia raised a perfectly plucked brow, sending a venomous gaze Erica's way.
"No," Celeste laughed at her friend's protective nature, "I just wish I knew why. I mean, I get that some people in life aren't going to like me, and I'm okay with that, but I really hope I haven't done something to hurt or offend her."
"Celeste, literally everyone loves you," Lydia rolled her eyes.
"Obviously she doesn't," Celeste brushed off her compliment.
Her mother didn't, either.
At this moment, Scott decided to fall from the rock wall, his harness halting just above the mat. The class erupted into laughter, and Allison smirked coyly from the top of the wall.
"McCall," Coach cackled, "I don't know why, but your pain gives me a special kind of joy."
"I'll bet you anything Allison pushed him off," Celeste, too, was laughing at her friend's demise.
"Alright," Coach barked, "next two: Stilinski, Celeste, let's go."
Stiles grinned, waving at Celeste as if she couldn't see him.
For whatever reason, after her conversation with Lydia, the thought of being close to Stiles made her want to throw up.
"Coach, I was shot," Celeste proclaimed dramatically.
"So?" Finstock scowled.
"So, I can't climb the wall," she countered.
"That's bull," he shook his head, "but I like you, so I'll let it slide. Erica, you go."
Stiles pouted, and Celeste winced at the stony glare Erica sent her way.
The two got harnessed in, and began ascending up the wall.
Stiles was doing just fine, but Erica seemed to be struggling.
He finished fairly quickly, kicking off the wall and glancing at Celeste to see if she had noticed, but the girl was too busy watching Erica with concern, who was now shaking and crying as her hands grasped the fake rocks in desperation.
"Erica," Finstock shouted, the entire class moving forward, "dizzy? Is it vertigo?"
"Vertigo is a dysfunction of the vestibular system of the inner ear," Lydia showed off her intellectual superiority, "She's just freaking out."
"Erica," Coach called again.
"I'm fine," she called back in between sobs.
"Coach, maybe it's not safe," Allison frowned in concern, "you know she's epileptic."
"Why does nobody tell me this stuff?" Coach panicked, "Erica, you're fine. Just, just kick off from the wall. There's a mat to catch you."
The girl remained trembling above them.
"Erica," Celeste called out in a soothing voice, "it's okay. You're going to be okay. Just slide down, you're safe."
The blonde's shaking stilled at Celeste's calming words, nodding slightly before kicking off.
As she reached the ground, Celeste let out a breath of relief, smiling softly at her.
Erica only looked at her coldly, making her way out of the gym.
"Shut the hell up," she snapped at the kids laughing at Erica, and they immediately silenced, looking at her with wide eyes.
Celeste supposed that being considered influential and "popular" had a few fringe benefits.
The teens made their way back to the locker room, Allison, Lydia, and Celeste all going to their usual corner to change away from everyone else.
"Cute bra," Lydia complimented her passively.
"Thanks," Celeste smiled as she pulled her everyday shirt over her head, "I've been wearing it for the past two weeks straight."
"I respect that," Allison nodded.
"Hey," Celeste surveyed the dressing room with a frown, "do you guys see Erica?"
"Who cares?" Lydia pursed her lips.
Celeste was about to respond that she did, when her hand began shaking uncontrollably, and a feeling of dread coursed through her body.
Without thinking about what she was doing, Celeste raced for the locker room door, running into the main gym and ignoring the calls of her friends.
Her face paled as she spotted Erica convulsing on the rock wall.
"Erica," she shouted in desperation as the girl began to fall backwards off of the structure, only to land safely in the arms of Scott McCall.
She reached them soon after, gently placing Erica on her side as the convulsing worsened.
The rest of the class ran from the locker rooms, Stiles and Allison crouching beside Scott and Celeste in concern.
"How'd you know?" Allison's eyes darted between the two questioningly.
"I just felt it," Scott explained, and Celeste only shrugged in response.
She couldn't help but wonder if she had felt Erica's seizure directly, or if her alarm had simply been a byproduct of what Scott was feeling.
☾ ☽
Celeste looked at her phone in concern as she walked into the lunchroom. She had asked Melissa to contact her with updates on Erica's condition, and so far, there hadn't been any messages from her.
"I said fifty," Celeste heard an annoyed voice from a table near her, and turned to see Stiles and Boyd having a discussion at an otherwise empty section of the cafeteria.
She raised a brow, having never seen the two so much as glance at each other, and slid into the seat beside Stiles.
"Hey Boyd," she chirped, smiling at the boy she sometimes ate lunch with when her friends were being annoying.
"Celeste," he acknowledged her with a soft smile, before turning back to Stiles with his "tough guy" façade.
"You can't be here," Stiles pointed at her in indignation.
"Why?" Celeste wrinkled her nose in confusion, "What kind of shady ass deal are you making?"
"Wh- drugs?" Stiles assumed that was what she was referring to, "I'm not buying drugs. Why would you think I was buying drugs?"
"I don't," Celeste laughed at his defensive nature, "Boyd is too adorable to deal drugs."
With that, she held up her hand and Boyd high-fived it.
"Whatever," he groaned, turning back to Boyd, "I remember twenty. I don't know, I have a really good verbal memory, and I remember twenty. I remember that distinctive 'twa' sound. Twa-enty."
"I said fifty," Boyd countered, "with a 'fuh' sound. Hear the difference? If you can't I could demonstrate some other words with a 'fuh' sound."
Celeste snorted, and Stiles looked at her in betrayal.
"No, no, no," Stiles tried, "I think I'm recalling it now. Maybe I just got it confused with fuh-orty."
Boyd ate a Dorito in the sassiest way one could.
"Come on man," Stiles whined, "have you seen the piece of crap Jeep that I drive?"
"Don't talk about Roscoe like that," Celeste hissed, swatting him on the arm, before flinching in pain as a sharp ache ran through her right side.
Stiles looked at her in concern, but she shook her head discreetly at him to say she was fine.
"Have you seen the piece of crap bus that I take?" Boyd raised a valid point.
Stiles groaned, slamming the last ten on the table grumpily.
Boyd smiled happily, handing over a ring of keys on a leather band.
Celeste looked at them in confusion, saying a quick 'good-bye' to Boyd before hurrying after Stiles to sit with him and Scott.
"Got em'" Stiles was saying when she reached them.
"What are those for?" she pried, "Are you opening an underground fight club? Can I join?"
"Wh- no," Stiles looked at her in confusion, "Why is that the first place your mind goes to?"
"What are they for, then?" Celeste evaded.
"It's a surprise," Stiles sighed.
Celeste glared at him in disdain, he knew perfectly well that she hated surprises.
"Stiles," she warned, "tell me or I swear to god I'll tell everyone about the time you tried to seduce Dan-,"
"Okay, okay," Stiles groaned, "we just thought it would be nice to have a little fun, with everything that's been going on, so we wanted to take you and Allison to the ice rink after closing."
"Oh," Celeste blinked, "yeah, that sounds fun, okay."
"Really?" Stiles brightened, "I wasn't sure if you would want to, you know, do that with me."
"Why not?" Celeste was confused, seeing as they hung out at least four times a week, "But, could we invite Lydia, too? She's been feeling pretty down lately, even if she doesn't seem like it."
"You want to bring Lydia?" Stiles peered at her in confusion, and Scott was cringing next to them.
"Yeah, why not? It'd be fun to hang out, I want all of my friends to be friends with each other," Celeste beamed.
For whatever reason, at this point Stiles looked like his foot had been run over by a bus.
"Besides," she continued, taken aback by his horrified expression, "I figured you would like spending more time with Lydia."
She ignored the way this statement made her feel like writhing around on the floor and dying.
"Why the hell would I want that?" Stiles snapped.
Celeste was surprised at his hostility, but had no time to question him further, as the cafeteria was then presented with the sight of one Erica Reyes strutting into the room.
She looked different on all accounts than she had earlier, however, clad in a black mini skirt, a see-through white tank under a leather jacket, and a pair of cheetah-print heels.
The girl stopped by a table holding a very excited looking boy, leaning over, and giving the entire room a very vivid picture.
She stole the poor boy's apple, biting into it and smirking with cherry-red painted lips.
"What the holy hell is that?" Lydia leaned forward, placing her hands against their table as she came up to them.
"Hot," Celeste replied, only shrugging when the three looked at her in shock.
"It's Erica," Scott added, his eyes flashing yellow for a millisecond, noticeable only to Stiles and Celeste, alerting them that her looks hadn't been the only transformation the girl had gone through.
They glanced at each other nervously, grabbing their bags and rushing out of the cafeteria after her.
As they crashed through the front doors of the school, they were met with the sight of Erica sliding into the passenger seat of Derek's Camaro.
Derek smiled at them tauntingly, carefully evading Celeste's disappointed gaze before driving off with the blonde.
"What even was the point of that?" Stiles grumbled in confusion.
"To make a point," Celeste replied gravely.
☾ ☽
"So who all is going tonight?" Lydia questioned.
Lydia, Celeste, and Allison were currently in Allison's room, getting ready for the ice rink together.
"Scott, Stiles, and the three of us," Allison answered as she fixed her hair in the mirror.
"So, essentially, I'm fifth wheeling on a double date?" Lydia looked disgusted.
"What?" Celeste's cheeks burned, "Why would you even say that?"
"Please," Lydia rolled her eyes, "we all know you and Stiles are getting together, and Allison and Scott are soulmates, and then there's me. Fifth wheel."
Celeste didn't even have time to protest, because at that moment Chris Argent appeared in the doorway.
"You headed out?" he inquired of Allison, who immediately stiffened.
"Studying," she corrected nervously.
Chris nodded at her daughter to come towards the door, and she relented as Lydia began curling Celeste's hair.
"Jiminy Christmas," Celeste yelled in pain as Lydia accidentally touched the heated wand to her ear.
Allison and her father stopped conversing, turning to look at them, Allison with a smile and her father sporting a raised brow.
"Nothing to see here," Lydia waved them off, "go back to your father-daughter moment."
Celeste whimpered as Lydia came towards her with a lash curler and an evil grin.
☾ ☽
Stiles unlocked the entrance to the skating rink, turning on the lights with an excited smile.
Scott and Allison immediately rushed forward, holding hands and looking out at the ice together.
The buzz-cut boy looked down at Celeste nervously, opening his mouth to speak when Lydia looped her arm through the darker-haired girl's and dragged her away.
Celeste glanced back at Stiles' apologetically, who was currently banging his head against the wall.
"I brought you an extra pair of skates," Lydia explained, "since I knew you would forget."
"I didn't forget-," Celeste opened her bag and looked inside, "yeah, I forgot a pair of skates. Thank you."
"What would you do without me?" Lydia sighed, pulling her up onto the bleachers.
Stiles came and sat beside them as they began lacing up their skates, beginning to do the same thing.
Celeste let out an involuntary shiver, but it wasn't from the cold. The building they were in had an eerie feeling, as though something wasn't completely right. She couldn't put her finger on it, but something about the place made her on completely on edge.
"Here," Stiles dug into his bag and pulled out a bright orange hoodie, mistaking her shiver for a reaction to the cold.
"She's wearing blue," Lydia pursed her lips, gesturing to the light blue baby-doll dress Celeste wore over tights, paired with a white knit cardigan.
"So?" Stiles eye twitched slightly.
"Orange and blue?" she scoffed, "Not a good combination."
"But it's the colors of the Mets," Stiles pouted.
Lydia and Celeste both deadpanned at him.
"It's fine," Celeste smiled at him, "I'm seriously not even cold."
Stiles relented, placing the hoodie back into his backpack.
Instead, he pulled out a Reese's, holding it up for Celeste to take.
"You're a beautiful angel in the midst of a sea of demons," Celeste beamed at him, taking the chocolate and immediately opening it.
Stiles looked so proud of himself as Celeste gave one peanut butter cup to Lydia and began eating the other.
"Okay, uh, maybe orange and blue isn't the best," Stiles gulped nervously, looking at Celeste intensely, "but, you know, sometimes there's other things you wouldn't think would be a good combination that end up turning out to be a perfect combination, you know? Like, two people together, who nobody ever thought would be together."
"Yeah, I totally understand," Celeste smiled at him fondly.
"Really?" he looked at her in both excitement and surprise.
"Yeah," she nodded, "they're cute together."
She looked towards Allison and Scott, who were lacing up each other's skates and laughing together.
"Oh," Stiles muttered, "yeah them. Cute, adorable, even."
Celeste nodded blissfully, but Lydia was glaring at her from beside them.
"Celeste?" she spoke, her tone shrill, "A moment, please?"
She blinked in confusion, but complied as the two wobbled off the bleachers away from Stiles.
"What's u-,"
"You stupid little baby," Lydia hissed, waving her hands around for emphasis.
"Alright," Celeste blinked, "I'm sure I deserved that, but why?"
"The nerd has been trying to get with you all night, how have you not noticed?"
"Oh my god," Celeste groaned, "Have we not moved past this yet? He's super in love with you, Lydia. We're just friends."
Lydia's eyes bugged out, and she scoffed at her best friend.
Without another word, the strawberry blonde made her way back up to Stiles, taking the confused boy by the hand and dragging him off to a secluded section of the building behind the ticket counter.
From where they were, they couldn't see anyone outside of the section they were in, but Celeste could see them perfectly from where she was standing.
Without further ado, Lydia grabbed Stiles by the collar of his hoodie and pulled him down, smashing her lips onto his.
Celeste looked on helplessly as her heart shattered into a million pieces, and she admitted to herself, too late, that she had fallen for Stiles Stilinski.
The aforementioned boy's eyes widened in shock, pulling away from Lydia and pushing her gently as he staggered back.
"Holy shit," he stammered breathlessly, "this is everything I've been dreaming about since the third grade."
Celeste wanted to drown herself in her own tears.
"But, I'm in love with Celeste now."
Her breath hitched in her throat, hope fluttering throughout her as he continued.
"And I know she doesn't feel the same way about me, I do," Stiles frowned, "but I'm willing to wait however long it takes. Just being around her is more than I could ask for."
"Bummer," Lydia said in monotone, turning around and walking up to Celeste.
She smirked at her friend, giving her an 'I told you, you little bitch' look before skating on to the ice.
"Hey," Stiles approached her, clearing his throat and holding his arm out, "shall we skate."
She smiled at him, blood rushing to her cheeks, and grabbed his hand instead, interlacing her fingers with his as she pulled him onto the ice.
She stumbled slightly on the slippery surface, Stiles holding on to her waist to steady her.
"The last time I went skating was when I was four," she admitted, trying to ignore the feeling of his hands on her.
Stiles laughed, grabbing her hand and slowly leading her around on the ice.
Allison and Scott were probably making out in the photo booth, and Lydia was showing off the private skating lessons she had been taking since the age of six.
Celeste squealed as she fell backwards onto the ice, pulling Stiles down with her.
"Woah," he mumbled from his position hovering above her.
"Zoinks," she whispered back, their lips just centimeters away from touching.
They stayed in their position for a moment, before Stiles drew even closer.
For a chaste second, Celeste thought their lips were going to collide, before an ear piercing scream resounded throughout the rink.
Celeste and Stiles both snapped their heads to the side, taking in the side of Lydia screaming and desperately clawing at the ice on her knees.
She immediately pushed Stiles off of her, getting up and skating shakily to her friend.
Stiles looked on in shock as Celeste held her writhing best friend as she shrieked, Allison and Scott crashing into the room from where they were sitting in the photo booth.
For a millisecond, Celeste could have sworn she saw a purple petal resting on the ice.
☾ ☽
Celeste sat in the passenger seat of Stiles' car as he pulled up to her house, having already dropped off a shaky Lydia.
"So," Stiles spoke awkwardly.
"Yeah," Celeste winced at how on edge she sounded.
The two sat in silence for a moment, before Stiles' stomach grumbled loudly.
"Do you want to come inside for something to eat?" Celeste laughed as he blushed.
"Yeah," his eyes widened, jerkily undoing his seatbelt, "I would love that."
"Right," Celeste nodded, taking a deep breath before exiting the vehicle and leading him inside.
The lack of car in the driveway signaled that her mother was out, which took the edge off a little bit for her.
Stiles grinned at her, sitting down on the couch in her living room casually.
Celeste, however, hovered awkwardly before him, chewing on her lip nervously.
"What's wrong?" Stiles laughed at her antsy form.
"Well," Celeste began pacing back and forth, "you see, the thing is- oh my god."
Hesitantly, Celeste dropped to the floor, laying on her back and staring up at the ceiling awkwardly.
"What the hell are you doing?" he peered down at her, amusement and concern clear in his eyes.
"Help," she remained on her back as she spoke, "I've fallen for you and I can't get up."
"What are you- wait, what?" Stiles looked at her in shock, his eyes ready to pop out of his head, "Are you serious? You're not joking, are you? Because if you are I swear to god that would break-,"
"Yeah," she interrupted, gushing as she sat up on the floor, "I don't know, it's just, you make me feel all fluttery, and I love the way the skin by your eyes crinkles up whenever you smile, and you're so bitter and grumpy but in the best way possible, and whenever I'm around you my heart races really fast, seriously, I think Scott might be concerned, and you have a cute butt I'm not even going to lie, and-,"
Stiles cut her off by pulling her up from the ground and pulling her into a bone crushing hug.
She let out a breath of relief, nuzzling into his chest as his arms encircled her.
"I'm not going to kiss you, because you've never had your first kiss, and I want it to be special," he muttered into her hair, "but just know that I want to. Like, I really want to."
He kissed her forehead gently, holding her at arm's length, and she was shocked by the sheer jubilance that sparkled in his amber eyes.
"Thank god you took it well," Celeste was still recovering, "because if you hadn't, this would have been really awkward."
"Celeste," Stiles' gaze bore into her, "if you hadn't noticed, I've pretty much been in love with you since the day we met."
Celeste stiffened in his grasp as he used the 'L' word.
"I don't," she stuttered, "I don't know if I'm ready to say that."
She had never been this intimate with a guy before, and she wasn't quite sure how to handle her feelings.
"Hey," he tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear, "that's okay. We can take this as slow as you want. I'm just beyond grateful to have you in my life."
She let out a breath, nodding shakily.
"Thank you," she smiled up at him, "so, where do we go from here?"
"I don't- I don't really know," Stiles blinked, "I've never been in this situation before."
"Yeah, me either," Celeste laughed slightly at their lack of experience.
"We could start with a movie?" Stiles suggested tentatively.
Celeste immediately brightened at the idea.
"I have the original Star Wars trilogy up in my room," she suggested with a grin.
"Hell yeah," Stiles waved his arms around excitedly.
She raced upstairs to her room, digging around in her DVD collection before retrieving the films.
On her way out she stopped by the mirror in her room, surprised at her own reflection.
Her cheeks were rosy and full of life, and her eyes sparkled with unsung happiness. Her lips were twitched upwards into a resting smile, and her complexion was glowing in excitement.
She smiled at herself, this was the happiest she had looked in years.
Descending the stair case, she made her way back to Stiles and set up the movie in the DVD player.
The two sat side-by-side on the couch, Stiles wrapping his arm around her and pulling her into his side as if he couldn't stand to have any space between them.
He looked down at her as she snuggled into him, watching the opening credits with excitement. There was nothing but adoration in his eyes as the girl's lips began moving along with the scrolling opening sequence.
There was a lot wrong in their lives, both separately and together, and a lot of things happening that didn't add up.
The one thing that did make sense was that they were together.
Im yelling!!!!
This was super cheesy and awkward and I get that but I feel like that's how they would get together. If it went super smoothly or super fast I don't think that would make sense for their relationship, being who they are.
But guys!!!! Stileste is finally canon!!!! It took two books and a shit ton of character build up, but its happening!!!!
I'm probably more excited than anyone about this tbh, Stileste has been my baby for two years now.
I hope this was a sufficient way for them to get together???? Idk how romance works, intimacy terrifies me.
Love you lots and stay hydrated,
-Belle xx
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