The end.
There are so many phrases to describe this daunting and hideous word:
The final breath.
The last act.
The closing curtain.
The silence yet to come.
It sounded so sudden, so abrupt. For years on end I pondered how soon it would come. I wondered how it would happen. I feared how it would feel. My end was questionable to say the least, though I never realized that I've already experienced it once: upon the horns I impaled myself on. But that would be an understatement given that I've already escaped that fate.
Now it was back to finish it's job. Death tagged along, too, and the pair began studying my every move from the pits of this wretched hell.
Now I had a right to be afraid.
All the 'end' brought me was lifelong torture. I watched it take lives, break hearts, and destroy the very creatures I loved most of all. But, perhaps there was a good to it. I knew it meant more than just 'ceasing life' -- it had a purpose, just like me. Sure, the end was an unforeseeable mystery, a scary, unknown knot in the string of life. And yes, it prowled after me like a vulture, waiting for me to fall before it's shadow and watch it cut my string. It knew my fate.
I didn't.
But I also knew nothing lives forever. Even if you were lucky enough to flee the ruins of this world, none could escape the wrath of time. That was the honest truth. Everything's born. Everything dies. The only thing you can leave behind are the memories of your existence... and a warning for the world.
I knew fate was coming for me. I could feel the ticking timebomb within my beating heart. Everything was coming my way.
Even as I laid there, silent, I began feeling cold, invisible claws stroking over my shadow, soon to still upon the crimson tile below. His breath feasted over the warmth of my torn and mutilated soul, and the blood that gurgled from my poor wounds.
He was waiting for me...
I just had to hold out a little while longer...
It wasn't long after the Indosaurus succumbed to death, his corpse lying motionless upon the gleaming soil while thin pieces of lead dribbled from the impact zone. I tried to move toward him, hoping to reach for something to hold on to, something to grasp. My blood was on fire, and my heart seemed on the verge of bursting into ash. I'd gasped and growl, dragging my talons around like nails to a chalkboard. Strange red froth would gather forth near my maw, and I knew that the poison inside me had reached its limit.
Aside from Death watching me suffer with satisfaction, my mind was riddled with the thought of failure. I had no chance against the human monstrosity who continuously wiped back his jet-black hair and fixed his straight and perplexing suit. But I couldn't blame him for being unstoppable.
He was my father. He was my maker. He made me into who I am because that's who he is. Now he equaled my strength because I was too weak. There was no other explanation for it.
After killing the previous hybrid his sureness to win began to exceed my own expectations. the doctor would casually wander about, staring at me as if he had all the time in the world. Not even nature's sunlight spectacle could settle his hunger for power.
Perhaps this is how it should be. Even if the wounds weren't enough to break me, mankind will put me down. But I had to do something, no matter if I were on my last two feet or wheezing past my dying breaths. I couldn't let the scientist slither out so easily, not again.
That's when my amber eyes noticed a strange oval-shaped orb clipped upon the belt of the fallen INGEN soldier. I examined it from afar, the little dangling material which strangely reeked of gunpowder, metal, and oil.
An explosive... with human markings.
Do you know how to turn it on?
I exhaled shakily, I'll figure... it out
Even if you do, what next?
I think I know where it belongs, old friend, I hissed softly, looking back up at Wu. And if it doesn't work, I know how else to use it.
"Dear, friend..." Wu softly croaked, slowly lumbering over to my limp body and squatting down. "Shh... calm down. Stop fighting... your injuries are too great to ignore."
I whimpered, thumping my tail to stay awake, and coughed yet again with a drizzle of blood. Wu lowered his hand, pressing it against my flank and felt the wounds for himself. His cold fingers rippled over each slash and hole, every crevice and crack of the poor flesh, worn from age, pain, and anguish alike. He looked shaken for a second as he felt my flesh rise and fall, the shudders of death nearing close as each caress painfully rode me through a ripple of calmness. Wu sighed for a moment, his eyes lowering to meet mine, then gazed away sharply as if returning back to villainy.
"I made you special..." He then whispered, gazing at the redness upon his hand. "The world would've loved you. I saw potential in you... potential in a creature, formed by my bare hands, as a tool that could make miracles. You, my friend, you were made to save the world. If only you just... saw that, instead of come all this way to kill me."
Wu paused, exhaling sharply as his head went skyward, then lowered back down to me.
"I never meant for you to turn. I never meant for you to get sold... you deserved far better than that. Part of the reason you're here... is because of me."
He looked guilty as he stared down at me, watching me writhe and tremble as a cold feeling began to overwhelm me, and sighed as if defeated. All this time I let my tail slither closer and closer to the weapon at the belt, much to his unawareness. But my eyes watched, dilated yes, but widened in confusion, and sorrow.
He rubbed the blood upon his flank thereafter, tapping his loosened gun by the edge of his trembling finger and spoke onward with a somber stare, "But I can't fix... what's already broken. I can't change life, I can only make it... stronger. I can't save you anymore... that ship had sailed long ago when you died in that mansion. But I can save my future. And that's what you're going to help me do."
Despite all this agony I still managed to snarl back, inhaling heavy breaths through my snout. No, I hissed in my mind. I won't let you turn me into a new nightmare. You don't deserve a future after you stole mine. You're the one who brought pain to my life, you hurt Blue, and you hurt my family! I swear I'll rid you from this world if its the last thing I do!
Wu said nothing in reply, all he heard were clicks and hisses of agony and grief as I whimpered in his shadow. Not that he cared anyhow, the present he was waiting for stood at his feet, and all he needed to do was extract it for good. I shifted uncomfortably again, tears springing in my eyes as I snarled at him.
We had a chance to live! All of us! You're the selfish one! The human, who wanted nothing more than a pet to serve his rule and pay him in exchange for his abused life!
"Stop it... stop..." Wu hissed, unsure what I said before, as the sounds of a siren wailed in the distance, "No more of this. I know you're suffering, old friend, I know you're angry. So close your maw, relax yourself. No more pain will come to you, I promise. I'll rock you to sleep... one last time..."
I shifted my head to the right, coughing out a glob of blood and stared down the little weapon , still struggling to see or figure out how to reach it. Not that I had enough time for it anyway, given my tail was too thick enough to slip between the holds of the bomb. Out from behind the doctor came a trampling sound as a stampede of other panicked INGEN officers rounded the corner, guns drawn, and lights flashing. They were surprised to see the doctor hunched over the two of us, and after a quick look through, noticed he was okay.
"Sir?" One of the soldiers grunted, lowering his weapon, "Sir, are you alright?"
Wu smiled, gazing at the soldier and wiped the rest of the blood away. "I'm doing great."
"T-The police-"
"Nevermind them," he grunted quickly. "Now, do me a favor, will you? Grab the raptor, and follow me. This can't wait."
"Very well..."
As soon as the one lucky male humans dug his gloved hands into my scruff and began dragging me forward, my free tail finally found its hold and swiped the bomb from its place. It clinked for a moment, and with a hard grunt, I curled it into my nether region, protecting it like a mother to her egg. For several minutes I fazed in and out of life and death, my vision going dark, then reappearing in a different place again and again. The thumps of human feet echoed valiantly into my eardrums as I was dragged on, and for one split moment I lowered my gaze, checking to see if the bomb was still in my grasp.
This is too risky, my mind sighed. There's too many of them. Besides, we don't know what it'll do to us.
I closed my eyes and snorted in refusal. If death hides behind this weapon, perhaps its best we use it. I'm not hesitating again.
You may succumb to it, too.
I know. That's a risk I'm bound to take.
"I gave you a purpose," Wu growled to himself, pushing a door open into a darker room, "You avoided it. But they won't."
Haven't I done enough damage to satisfy your heart? I whimpered in my mind, my eyelids falling heavier than normal. What more do you want from me?
He reached toward the wall, flicking his finger up, and almost immediately thereafter a bright translucent light, much alike from the rooms before, sparkled like a glowing moon, painting the room of non-vibrant colors other than grey and blue. Through soggy and blurry eyes, the first thing I noticed was what was upon the walls of the room itself; chambers of floating and curled up dinosaurs that looked almost identical to me.
No... they were identical to me.
My eyes widened as I stared at the eight indoraptors before me, asleep and waiting in their cryochambers. I could see their skeletons flicker from the slightest blink of light, their corpses twitching at unnatural times, and their discombobulated faces curled as if gleaming. The soldiers took a moment to stare at the boxes, but regardless of what horrors were yet to be unleashed they didn't seem bothered by it all. My eyes lowered in horror.
All they needed was blood.
My blood. And then it was all over.
"Put him on the table. Quickly now."
Something injected into me quickly, causing a delayed flinch. I never thought that Wu would carry such items with him, but alas he did. In turn, the least that I'd expect him to do was to let me die painlessly, but this wasn't the case. As the soldiers lifted me onto a plated table, a second sharp stab surged into my abdomen, forcing my to spasm and quake from this sheer anguish. Even this merciless pain triggered another anomaly, and I felt it spark upon my after belly as I laid there.
It came as a jerk, and surely that was the external jolt that told me what was bound to come. Peaks of pain suddenly robbed my ability to speak or call out for help, forcing my tail to begin to shake in. It's as though my blood had become acid once again, the intent of destroying me from the inside out. All I can do is writhe, the occasional whimper escaping to echo off the walls, and watch my blood slither away from me via a tube, right into their rightful owners.
"S-Stay, still!"
Wu's psychotic stabbed device twitched when I twitched, shook when I shook, and enough of it was done to rip the vein that offered my blood away from the suction. The doctor huffed in annoyance, approaching me again and reached over to the dangling tube that I ejected. It was slightly out of reach, and after another snort he pointed to the item and sighed.
"Do you mind if you-"
"Oh, yes, one second," the soldier holding my tail nodded, letting go of the limb.
And for the first time in forever, I saw an opportunity to strike.
Dropping the bomb behind me, my tail swung out and whacked the nearest human in the skull, then whipped hard, slamming two others straight through the glass door and right to the ground. I slammed my eyes shut as my chest ripped upward against the Velcro, and as soon as the confused INGEN soldier let go of my maw I snapped my deathly jaws around Wu's hand and twisted. A horrible crack sounded, followed by his horrendous screech, and just before the two remaining men could draw, I swished my tail as hard as I could, cracking another into one of the containers, before feeling the entire table fumble over to the ground, hard. By now I only had a few seconds to pounce to my four limbs, limp myself over to the spinning grenade, and snatch it jaws first. I scrambled backward as the others began to rise, and before the first risen soldier could fire his shot, my finger swung up to the dangling string.
"Woah wait!" Wu shrieked, staring directly into my blazing eyes as I hissed, "Stop! Hey, Hey! Put it down!"
"Don't you fire anything, you understand me?!"
The INGEN men kept their guns drawn at my skull, horror flashing in their eyes. His finger rose to the trigger and my claws shifted a bit more against the string, making the scene even more chaotic.
So that's the trigger... I wondered with surprise, having not known how it worked before.
"Put it down!" Wu continued to yelp, as if speaking to a small dog, "Down, alright? Down or you'll die!"
At least it's better than being a battery for your stupid science experiment, I spat, thrashing my bloody tail. I won't let you use my blood or my body for anything. And I won't let them suffer the same fate as I did. At least, if I explode, I'll die knowing you failed.
Are you sure?
My claws began to move toward the open handle, shaking all the while, and every INGEN soldier's face flushed white.
"Sir, back away-"
"You wouldn't do such a thing, you wouldn't," Wu continued to whimper, releasing a nervous and crazed smile as he began to reach for his own gun, "I know you wouldn't! Please just stop! LISTEN TO ME!"
My eye pupils shrank deep as I glared at him, wondering what this monster would say.
"Please... drop it. Okay? You'll hurt more than just yourself... and I know you're not that vengeful."
"All I've ever done... throughout this time... was protect you," he hissed to me. "You're... not a burden to the world. You're just scared... and lost... a-and I understand that."
Wu inhaled deeply and continued on:
"The fools did made you forget your place when they showcased you that night! If that never happened, then everything would still..." He felt a familiar urge to say something unpleasant, but proceeded to ignore his heart's demands and spoke from the mind. "It's not your fault."
It has always been my fault, I growled back. Everything was my fault, because of what you turned me into.
"You would've... been a better hybrid, I know," Wu continued, taking a step forward, "I'm protecting this world and making you a part of it, that's all I've ever tried to accomplish! Just let me fix you. I can start over. We both can, just, please...drop it."
After everything you've done you want to start over? I roared back, tearing at the earth. You can't start over what you've already taken! That's not how nature works!
"Calm down!"
You can't bring back Blue or Emma or the Indosaurus because they're dead! They're gone and that's it!
"Hey, hey-"
"You MURDERED them just to say you're SORRY?!"
"Quiet! Just... listen-"
"YOU USED ME TO KILL EVERYONE!" I roared, shaking the windows of each chamber as Wu stumbled back. The doctor whirled to the agent, still holding up his hand to keep him still and took a worried step forward.
"Please... drop it!" Wu barked back, "Now! DROP IT!"
I stared at him for a moment, relaxing with a small snivel and exhaled.
I've never had a real life. They-
I gazed at the hybrid chambers and shuddered with regret.
They won't have one either. And you're a fool if you think I'll let history repeat itself.
But if there's something you're right about... I began to smile. I do have a purpose Wu. And I found it on my own. You were wrong about the world. Everyone I trusted loved me! Mourned for me! Cared for me all the same, every one of them did! But that's something you'll never understand... monster."
Never again, I shook my head, my eyes beginning to narrow through each tear. I won't let more souls fall victim under your selfish pride and failures. Which is why I'm ending this, for good."
My claw tugged hard against the bomb, snapping the cord from the oval itself. I had no thought about this idea. I didn't want to think about blowing up and dying. But if this was the only way to prove my point, to make Wu suffer, then so be it. The horrific sound of a ticking clock echoed in the grenade I held, a final warning before my life would end.
Four seconds, my mind sighed, holding me tightly with a gritted growl. This is it then...
Every single person gasped from what I had done. The soldiers bolted, dashing as fast as they could to safety. But rather than run as I had anticipated, Wu didn't give in. Instead of flee, the doctor did something rather unexpected.
He roared, jerking his weapon up and fired a single shot. All my hope went down the drain when the bullet knocked the grenade from my jaws, and into thin air behind me.
The moment the bomb left my jaws, the device went off. And, without warning, dozens upon dozens of little metal bits sliced straight through my body. The chambers themselves erupted into a violent explosion of liquid and fire, and the shockwave thereafter from a boiler inside vibrated the very air around us, throwing us both out the building like ragdolls. A huge fume of fire shot through the adjacent wall from the sheer force of the explosion, and onto the outside pavement. Once the aftermath passed, I found myself surrounded by bits of fire, metal, and burning paper.
To me, everything went quiet. I felt pain, more than ever before, but I couldn't seem to move at first. A ringing noise pounded into both eardrums as I stared at the sideways world, watching everything around me suddenly slow down and steady. It felt as if I wandering through a fever dream. I stumbled, fumbled, then weakly found my footing, and glanced upward to get a better look at the destruction around me.
Wu didn't care about what happened to himself. He didn't seem fazed by the idea that a piece of metal had dug itself into his rib for he was intrigued by something much more horrifying. While lying on the ground, the scientist grunted as he too stood up, looking around at the flying paper burning into ash and fell upon his knees.
He snatched something from mid-air, still halfway through its flight and stared down at it, blankly whimpering at the codes and tools he used long ago to make his creations.
As I watched, blood began to gurgle from a cold stinging sensation underneath my neck, and upon pressing down on it globs of dark purple blood splattered against my claws. Other parts of my body were doing the same thing, but rather than regenerate like before, each wound was too deep to be solved by myself. Waves of chills rippled down my flesh, making me shudder as the breaths I took began to weaken. Each heartbeat spilled fresh blood from the arteries severed off by the metal, even from my throat. Even the flesh surrounding it began to grow cold, and a new sleepy-type of feeling washed over my eyes and mind.
I-I think I'm...
We both are, my mind cooed, not afraid to express the truth, but you must finish what you started dear friend.
I began dragging my damaged and ruptured body toward Wu, growling, and hissing as the pain was now forming into a raging inferno, and no longer did I fear death who sank a bony claw through my body. My eyes were locked solely upon my target.
"You... you... I'll kill you for-!"
Wu never finished. Before the fractured gun could be snatched I lunged, successfully slamming my claw into his chest and smashed the scientists upon the asphalt, hard enough that a vibration rang his head like a bell and made his limbs jerk up and down.
"AGH-!" He cried out as I edged closer and closer, making sure he saw every bit of my hideous and horrifying structure. I could smell his fear rising, the satisfying stench fueling my primal bones, and sizzling upon my tongue like fresh meat. It felt so real, so fulfilling to stand as the dominant male over your alpha. Just to ensure this was all true I raised a claw and stabbed it into his shoulder. Wu let out another pained shriek as I twisted the talon in, a slight grin curling on my face as his blood bubbled to the surface.
He was mine. Mine to rule. Mine to scare.
Mine to kill.
"No please," Wu's hyperventilating voice echoed out. "Please don't...wait, wait.."
I dug my claws further into his chest, watching his legs writhe as his coat turned dark red, already spelling doom for the scientists. His death wasn't ensured just yet, all that remained was my jaws of course, and one mighty snap to seal his fate.
We're not going to last much longer, my mind whispered. Do it now...before it's too late!
"Stop... stop..." Wu groaned, tears spilling down his face. "I-I just wanted to-"
Rather than let him finish, my maw snapped open and out erupted a powerful roar. My throat spasmed as I blasted the last bits of energy left inside of me, hearing my old foe scream in terror and sob for mercy. The roar ended quickly with a sudden gurgle and a heavy wet cough that spilled more blood onto the asphalt. My vision suddenly blurred, and I felt unsteady all of a sudden.
Do... it...
I bared my teeth, lowering slowly at first, then darted at the flesh and wrapped my fangs around Wu's neck. No matter how hard he begged, fought, or strangled to get out, my jaws had found its mark. It was over for him. We both knew that.
End it...
End it here and now.
Show him how much pain he deserves, how he deserved to die like the rest of them.
Show him the true monster you've been hiding inside myself all along!
But something held back.
A voice, hidden in the dark. A voice among the ruins around us, among the fire sparks and the burning paper that had no scent, and had nobody to trail from.
You have feelings. You don't attack anymore in cold blood, and you've befriended a human. That doesn't make you a monster now, does it?
"I am a monster," The memory of myself whispered coldly back to an old friend of mine, "Can't you see that?"
"Are you?" Blue growled, her tail flickering back to life, "Last time I checked monsters are frightening, dangerous, desolate creatures who's only life revolves around murdering others for pleasure. But what I see now is something more, something the world had ignored for too long."
"But my past," I huffed, gulping quietly, "My entire life. The world sees me for what I am, not what I've become. And nothing will change what I am-"
"Unless you show it."
I stared down at Wu, heaving heavily as my limbs began to tremble, unable to stand any longer. I watched those cruel and frightened eyes, those powerful but soft hands, that heart, filled with blackness but entitled by desire and worry. Rather than see a monstrous Wu, I saw Belle, a terrified Belle staring back at me.
Kill what you see in your prey.
My jaws began to quiver as it hung over his throat, the barbed thickets of my fangs pressing slightly into his flesh. I could do it, right here, right now. All I had to do was squeeze. All I wanted was to feel his warm blood coat my snout, feel that body of his writhe and choke, and watch the light go out in his eyes. But the longer I stared, the longer I began to reconcile this entire thing. This wasn't about me. It never was. All I mimicked was his anger. His rage. I carried out his desires because I believed he was the enemy.
But in turn, he was just a victim. And we twisted each other out of existence. We led by anger. And this anger killed everyone we cared about.
My jaws shook even harder, my eyes squeezing shut as tears began to fumble down my face. I was being torn apart by these wretched thoughts, and the longer I held back that need to strike him down, the worst the anguish became. I felt it all, Blue's sad calls, Belle's painful sobs, the wolf from that very first night whimpering as I stood over his corpse and stared into his eyes.
When I saw myself flash back.
Was death really what a monster deserves?
Was it what I deserved?
Wu tilted his head, heart beating faster as I struggled to make a choice, curling my claws into the asphalt as death drew near, his eyes set upon my fading soul. I had a choice... to kill a monster...
Or tame one.
There were other ways to end a beast than to cut off its own head. In truth, there were many different ways to win a fight. But only one stood true amongst the many, only one made sense. Before I wouldn't have seen it, being blinded my my own self-hatred and rage.
All of them, the ones who I left behind in my past, they turned me into a creature I could honor, someone I could trust.
Perhaps I was the one who had to change him.
After several dreadful seconds staring at each other, I made my choice. I signaled my jaws to move, feeling them squeeze over his throat, and witnessed his tunnel tremble as he prepared to die. The pressure grew stronger and stronger, and as the seconds turned to minutes, I watched his heart began to writhe faster and faster, and as those twisted eyes beginning to squeeze in pain, and shed a tear.
Then I let go.
Wu's eyes widened. His breathing returning to normal, and, in surprise, he stared up at me, shaking his head. He didn't understand, being ripe for the taking and all. And yet I freed. I let him live.
He raised his hand to his freed throat, a confused tear falling down his face, "You're just going to... Why?"
Another tear trickled down my cheek as I nuzzled the doctor's cheek, whimpering as tears began streaming down my face. Now I knew what Blue meant all this time. I knew now why she wanted to help me break free of this destructive moral I once lived by.
I am no monster.
And I deserved to live. We all do.
Nobody was ever evil in this life. They're just afraid and angry because of a broken past.
Because they've never felt love before.
Now I knew what I was, what an indoraptor stood for.
"Why'd you...?" Wu was still confused, his eyes glistening bright, "You've could've... I-I don't understand..."
I drew back after the tender moment, closing my greying eyes and tilted my head away, "I'm sorry..."
Wu stroked my cheek for a moment, relaxing as his cold and trembling hands found the softness of my scales for the first time. His eyes were wide, and as he held me in his hands, no longer did I fear his features or what he had forever done to me. He cradled me like a mother and her hatchlings, just as he had from day one, stroking my cheek, looking into my eyes and seeing hope. A smile curled across his face as tears spilled down his own eyes. His heart has changed.
I won.
"I'm s-sorry, too..." Wu stammered, eyes searching in mine for a better way to apologize. But there was no need to. I had seen the light in his heart return, the regret in his soul flourish. The monster he had long carried succumbed to his might. And all had been undone.
I've completed what I was here to do.
A wave of fire fell over my head, and before I could say any more I buckled and collapsed.
The world went sideways when I struck the pavement, and all I could see was Wu, still on his knees, but rather than sob over his work like earlier, his eyes were welling up with tears as he studied me, heartbroken for the first time in a decade. He didn't care whether Owen or Claire and the police surrounded him, he was shocked beyond repair.
He had realized now that it was never I who was the monster, the devil who had brought destruction and misery to the world, it had always been him.
Because he never knew how to love, until now.
I stared down at the asphalt below me, seeing a puddle of red now begin to stretch out like vines across the surface, vines taking the shape of shadowed claws reaching out to me.
It was only a matter of time before all the pain I had to survive through vanished.
I know it should've hurt. The agony, the anguish, the sorrows, I know I should've felt it. But I couldn't feel the pain.
I couldn't feel anything anymore.
I saw the darkness fall over my eyes for a brief moment despite the orange sun splashing colors across the vast landscape of Palo Alto. The world around me faded like a closing curtain to end the show, a blanket over my eyes to submerge me in pure nothingness.
Upon my last blink, my eyes weakly opened, and rather than to be greeted by faces drenched of tears or the boots of humanity, I found myself dangling from two sharp horns in an old mansion, blood spilling from my maw and staining the tile floor below. I noticed Blue, her back facing me thereafter her victorious roar, but only moments later did she turn and stare into my eyes, my bright yellow eyes still barely glowing of life. I wanted to thank her, to apologize, but I no longer had to strength to speak.
We never had the chance to live our life Ripper, my younger mind whispered beginning to shut down, we failed...
But as the darkness began to overcome me, I noticed something ahead of me. There, in the corners of the darkness stood the shadow of something bony and mysterious, watching me die in silence. But when we stared at each other, he didn't appear wanting, he appeared upset. The same tears that I had seen from all prey and predators of the world I once thrived in spilled down the creature's face from his empty eye sockets, and rather than touch me or take me away from this hideous world, He backed away, allowing something else to enter my sights.
The orange Sun began to rise in the distance from a broken window in the Lockwood mansion, spilling its blood through the cracks and onto the wooden tiles beneath me. I watched it glow and breathe it's first breath, a sign of the imaginative day when my body was first bestowed upon by the warm radiance of the sun. I convulsed for a brief moment, squinting as the first morning light splashing against my black scales, already growing cold despite the relaxing rays that caressed me and consumed me.
Begging me to go with Her.
Don't worry, I whispered back to my mind with a final choking wheeze, closing my eyes as my body went limp, I did.
Thank You...
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