I can't be feeling what I think I am
He was sitting on the beach when she came, half asleep, half watching the other dragonets when blue flashed in the corner of his eye. There she was climbing up out of the water and, to his surprise, walking towards him. the first thing he noticed: she was beautiful. The second thing he noticed: she was angry. she whispered urgently and Ripcurrent almost missed the message from the tingle that went up his body when her snout brushed his ear.
"My mother needs to see us. Now." And she pulled him into the water, his talon in hers, and they caught a current. Ripcurrent felt a surge of importance and nervousness. For once, it was him doing something important, not his brothers and sisters. On the other hand, what did the queen need from him?
His thoughts were interrupted as a whale plowed them both over and onto the seafloor. She was on top of him, their snouts pressed together. She rolled off, and for the first time, she looked embarrassed instead of angry. She flashed her stripes to apologize, and whirled around, but not before he noticed the red tinge in her cheeks.
They kept swimming, this time without interruption. All he could think of was her cool blue scales on his and her surprised blue is looking into him. He shuddered. She was so beautiful.
They finally arrived at the palace. Queen Anenome was waiting for them. Ripcurrent opened his mouth, but before he could say anything the queen began to speak.
"I need your help. Both of you. They Skywings are angry at us. The Talons of Peace have been hiding a Skywing named Avalanche. Riptide, the leader of the talons, should be banished as a traitor to our tribe. But of course he isn't, he's my sisters husband. They told me they need to return Avalanche for punishment and execution but we can't let that happen. They told me if I didn't give her up, they'd take revenge on the whole tribe. I need you to go on a diplomatic mission." Her words hung in the air.
"Why us?" Burst out Ripcurrent. "we're just dragonets. What could we do that you couldn't."
"I can't go. I must protect the tribe. Your my sisters son, who has more energy than her? You'll be fine. Besides, Coral is an animus. And you seem well matched together." She gave them an odd look. He thought about it.
He could spend more time with Coral, and get away from his siblings.
I can't get closer to her.
I don't love her.
I don't want to feel that again, with her snout against mine.
I'm not feeling this.
He knew he was lying to himself.
"I'll do it" He burst out.
"NO!" screamed a voice. "Ripcurrent you can't."
He whipped around. It was Seastar. She had followed them here.
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