Hol Horse: Devil's Advocate
Hol Horse slowly grabbed a handful of Swedish Fish. He knew something was up. He felt some dark aura around him. He remembered ever since he was 13, a red demon started raiding his mind. He remembered it like it was yesterday. He saw a city destroyed by a demon. And it started speaking in his head, like some telepathic bond. And now here he is. Standing at a bus stop eating Swedish Fish with the hell beast speaking to him, demanding the Cowboy to take action.
"DO IT HOL HORSE!" RED said in his mind.
"THE ROBBER MUST BE DESTROYED!" RED yelled out in Hol Horse's mind.
Hol Horse quit eating his Swedish Fish. and replied to RED in his mind.
"Kill who? I see no one." Hol Horse asked RED in his mind.
"See that guy," RED said while summoning his hand to point to some caucasian man with blonde hair, wearing a Seattle Seahawks hoodie. "He killed many people in his robberies, he ruined countless lives of innocent people. He should be sent to hell. He should PERISH FOR TORTURING THE MASSES. He SHOULD BE TOURTURED FOREVER!"
Hol Horse turned and faced the robber. The robber had a Glock in his pocket, smoking a cigarette on a cold night near the bus stop. The smell of smoke pollutes the innocent air, creating cancer in its wake. It is death, he is death. Everything is wrong in the world due to this man.
Hol Horse closed his bag of Swedish Fish and stood up. The Cowboy decided to follow the Hellbeasts demands.
"Sure. I'll do it." Hol Horse said in his mind.
He walked towards the man. Pulled out his stand, The Emperor, and aimed at the man.
Hol Horse slowly pulled the trigger and shot the man.
A bang sounded off as the Robber landed on the ground. A wet crimson liquid poured out of his wound. He was killed on impact.
Hol Horse walked away. His deed was done.
"CONGRATS HOL HORSE!" Red yelled out "You sent the robber to hell!"
Hol Horse ignored what RED said. Suddenly, he found out something. He was death, he took the life of a man. Not only that, he is the devil's advocate. He had the Hellbeast give him commands. He was now the servant of RED. It was a tragedy.
Now all was there to do was go and rest, pain will come tomorrow.
The end.
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