I was running late and I never ran late.
I quickly put on my leather pants and struggled into the oversized pink crop top. Measer Asher was surely going to have my hide for his coat. I slammed the walk-in closet door noisily and rushed into the bathroom to brush my teeth all the while trying to tie my hair up in a ponytail.
The opening of my room door brought my rushed actions to a momentary halt and I poked my head out to source out the reason for the disturbance. Zena's face was flushed red due to the physical exertion of rushing up the stairs and her black hair stuck out in odd places all over her head. She was dressed in an oversized black t-shirt and on her feet were a pair of horrid looking multicolored socks.
"I can't seem to find my underwear, lend me some," she said, trying hard to stifle a yawn.
"First drawer on your right," I called out. It was where I kept new packaged underwear because for some reason Zena could never seem to find hers.
"I need decent underwear, not sexy, sinful lingerie," she giggled as she held out my red lace thong. "Who do you even wear this for?" She mused studying the intricate lace patterns.
"Right Zena not left," I groaned before gurgling some mouthwash. Zena's sense of direction usually deteriorated the more agitated she became.
"Oh, I could have sworn that was my right or was it your left," she mumbled, turning back into the walk-in closet.
I finally finished brushing and moved to the King-sized bed where I had placed my throw knife pouch. Moving quickly, I gathered my knives, placed them into the pouch and fastened it snugly to my thigh. Then I moved over to the shoe rack, picked up my boots and placed them on the floor.
At that moment, Zena walked out from the closet and looked towards me expectantly.
"It's training practice," I sighed, bending to lace up my combat boots. "Even if you showed up in a paper bag no one would notice."
She had tucked the oversized t-shirt into one of my black training shorts. On her head was one of my face caps and she also had laced-up boots fastened to her feet. "They might notice, however, that you're fully clothed" I smirked.
"I can't believe I'm showing up like this," she wailed as she scrutinized her reflection in the full body mirror.
Zena was more of the, less clothes the better, kind of fighter. Booty shorts, sports bras and bare foot combat was more up her alley but right now I couldn't care less if she opted to go naked because our punishment was doubling by the second.
"Well, unfortunately, time's not on our side," I pulled her gently away from the mirror and towards the balcony. "And unless you want to recount the true story behind your lateness..." I commented on the overpowering male scent emanating from the t-shirt. "..open up a portal to the training ground this instant,"
She blushed furiously, probably at whatever had gone down the previous day and struggled to make eye contact.
"Zena, now's not the time to think about how great of a lover Mr hunk is," I groaned and she opened up her mouth to protest. "We are fifteen fricking minutes late," I nearly shouted and this was enough to stop her from commenting further. Her eyes widened in understanding and she turned swiftly to open the portal.
The air source in the room gathered together and the magnitude of their force caused the curtains to move violently against the balcony window. It continued to swirl until the opening of a portal stood before us, it radiated bright red essence and tiny sparks of light burned brightly within. Zena stepped into it first and I followed closely behind her.
We soon arrived at the element's training grounds situated in the middle of the flower fields next to the lake. The land in the middle was filled with soft grass and the huge rectangular fighting ring was barred off with ropes attached to four poles. Right now Lorn, a Nyrlian and unmated wolf, was engaged in hand combat with Rae.
Their grunts filled the air and their swift dodges and attacks only fuelled the loud cheering of their adoring fans, gathering a few paces away from the fighting ring urging them on. Rae had been disbalanced from his feet and Lorn took this as an opportunity for a full on body slam but not before Rae created a water barrier between his body and Lorn. Then he rose to his feet quickly before Lorn broke down the barrier with a flick of his wrist.
Because Lorn was a Nyrlian, Rae was forbidden from air bending as that would give him an unfair advantage. However, element benders could agree to hybrids using their full power in a bid to strengthen their skills but from the looks of this fight, Lorn had opted out of that agreement.
Lorn darted swiftly along the grass and jumped up towards Rae bringing his knuckles down hard unto his nose. Rae was not able to deflect the blow on time and the impact produced a sickening crunch of bone. I flinched slightly from the sound and grew furious at Lorn for hurting Rae.
"How dare he," I hissed, drawing Zena's attention
"That was a good one," she shouted above the noise, grinning wildly much to my annoyance. "Lorn's skills have grown so much since I last saw him," she praised. "At this rate he might beat Rae," she announced.
"Not before I get my hands on him," I replied darkly much to Zena's confusion.
Before she could question my odd behaviour, Lorn's inability to quickly render another punch allowed Rae to administer a procession of rapidly following punch after punch to Lorn's stomach, chest and thighs. It was his signature move, rabid punch. To finish it off, he jumped high, rounded his body on his way down and gave multiple side kicks to Lorn's side. Lorn's tall frame made it's short descent to the ground and on the count of three he failed to rise up and Rae was announced as the winner.
"Now, that was a good one," I shouted back at Zena, cheering loudly and jumping excitedly.
Immediately, the spectators poured into the ring, jumping over or going under the ropes, to congratulate Rae. They patted him on the back, shook his shoulders roughly and ruffled his hair.
"You've never been this happy when he won, so what's up with you today?" Zena question, examining me closely. "Do you have a high fever?" she asked, feeling my forehead. "Or have you lost your memories?" she moved to check my eyes.
"Nothing is wrong with me," I said, smacking her hand away. "Can't I be happy for a ...." the remaining words stuck to my throat as I noticed Nara's close proximity to Rae. One arm was wrapped around his now bare waist as she smiled sweetly up at him.
Unconsciously, I let out a low feral growl.
Ours, Ava snarled, possessively with her teeth bared, ears flattened against her body and her hackles raised. Even though Ava yearned for our mate more than Rae, she couldn't deny the intimacy we had shared with him and so she fought to stake her claim.
"Yil are you okay?" Zena asked cautiously as she followed my line of sight. She looked back at me and was even more confused as to why I was reacting like this towards Nara.
I took one slow step towards the ring with a deadly intent to cause Nara harm when a very loud clearing of the throat broke my revenge mission and I diverted my attention towards the source of the disturbance.
"You both finally deemed it fit to join us, thirty minutes into the first fight," Measer Asher announced, moving to stop before Zena and I with his apprentice, Kali, stopping behind him. "Someone woke up from the wrong side of the bed?" He asked, eyeing me.
I fought to control my emotions as they swirled violently within me. The bracelet on my wrist burned into my skin, signifying that my powers were about to consume my being and throw me into a fit of rage. It had happened before and it wasn't a pretty sight. So with two deep breaths, I managed to calm down. Somewhat.
Measer Asher regarded my silence in deep thought and his eyes lit up with understanding. "The she-wolf under your radar better watch out," he declared, much to Zena's further confusion. But before I could reply he continued. "Any worthwhile excuses?" He asked, looking at Zena.
For a male white-wolf, Measer Asher was too short with deep blue eyes and long sandy coloured hair which he kept braided. However, regardless of his height he remained the top combat fighter in the whole of the white-wolf pack. His prowess, agility and control were unmatched and even I had failed to beat him.
"The mate ceremony was really tiring Measer, you have to understand," Zena said with big doe eyes, trying to gain his sympathy.
"Hmm I do understand," he agreed, appearing sympathetic to a smiling Zena. "Finding one's mate and spending hours in electrifying love making, fuelled by the irresistible pull of the mate bond can be very tiring," he smirked, staring straight at Zena whose smile fell rapidly. Oh, how could I forget the man had a mouth with no filter. He was as blunt as they come.
"Hope you don't feel too sore?" he asked, concerned and I coughed awkwardly. I was not expecting this conversation to take such an uncomfortable turn. "Might take some getting used to," he added, smiling.
Kali was trying hard not to laugh and Zena's face was redder than a tomato. It was a good thing that everyone was preoccupied at the moment by the new fight between two she-wolfs or Zena might have very well buried herself out of embarrassment.
"Princess, what's your story?" he asked, turning back his attention to me. "Tiring night for you as well?" He winked and Zena blushed even more at the reference.
"No, I woke up late," I stated simply. I was not about to talk about my sexual life with him.
"Woke up late huh?" He questioned. "You rarely get here late, your love for training is greater," he mused. "Late mate appointment?" He tried again with a slight smile on his lips.
"I wish," I replied, winking. "But he decides on hiding so that will have to wait," I stared straight into his eyes refusing to back down and then he smiled, widely.
"Guts," he growled. "Keep that up and you might actually beat me," he stated coolly to which I smirked. "Ten times round the field in human form!!" he suddenly bellowed.
"What? ten times?!" Zena asked in disbelief. "This field is humongous," she cried.
Measer Asher had already turned his back to us and was walking closer to the fighting ring to oversee their progress.
"He is going to be the death me," Zena complained, looking over the field.
"The faster we get it done with, the better. Come" I said, determined to get this over with.
Zane followed behind me and together we broke out into a slow jog. As I passed the ring, Rae sighted me and waved, I was about to return the wave when I saw Nara still beside him, trying to get his attention by touching his chest lightly. I growled low in my throat and sped up faster along the pathway, much to Zena's protest, but I wasn't seeing the flowers anymore, I was seeing red and heaven help Nara if after this run I wasn't calm. She was as good as dead meat.
"Care.. to.. explain.. that.. show.. of.. utmost.. insanity," Zena said, referring to my speedy run as she paused to catch her breath after each word. She wobbled slowly towards me and collasped on the flower bed under the oak tree.
I sat down next to her and leaned against the tree trunk. Relishing in the cool that the shade granted from the scorching sun. It had been three hours since Measer Asher granted us the punishment of running ten times around the huge flower field. The fights had finished about an hour ago, much to my dismay, and the only sounds that filled the field was that of our loud laboured breathing as we struggled to regulate our erratic heartbeat.
"I wanted to get back to the fight on time," I replied as I closed my eyes, enjoying the state of calm that I was in.
"To bash Nara's head in," she accused and sat up straighter opposite me with her legs crossed. At the mention of Nara's name, my eyebrows furrowed in anger but I worked hard to settle it. "What's your deal with her? You've never even spoken to her," she questioned.
"Silence," I shushed. "Just enjoy the calm and be one with peace," I soothed. "Past anger is forgotten only to move on with love," I spoke in a solemn voice mimicking Measer Fern.
"Oh cut that Measer Fern crap," she snapped. "Just a second ago you were more than ready to chop my head off for mentioning her name,"
I peered at her from under my lashes and saw that her arms were now crossed, determinedly, across her chest. She wanted answers and she was ready to fight to get them. I opened my eyes slowly and sighed.
"She was close to Rae," I stated plainly.
"So?" Her eyebrows shot up and she continued to stare. I kept quiet and allowed her a few minutes to figure it out. Soon enough her eyes widened and she gaped at me, shocked. "Rae is your mate," she whispered, surprised at the revelation. "I always knew it," she squealed excitedly, bouncing up and down. "You guys were always so close, most times I felt I was third wheeling. Then you both built that secret treehouse and the way he always looked at you and the way you always tried to act as if he didn't have an effect on you," she rambled on, excitedly putting the pieces together. But boy was she wrong. "But wait why did you never tell me or your mom?" she asked, perplexed. "Did you two just find out?" she asked, confused.
"We are not mates," I stated as a matter-of-fact.
"What?" she shouted.
"We just feel really strongly for each other and the fact that we've been together for years," I rushed out. "Well, technically," I blushed.
"So that means he's yours," she finished, still staring at me in shock. I nodded and concentrated on picking at the grass by my thighs. "Did you two ever get intimate?" she asked, hesitantly. Almost as if she was scared to know the truth.
"Yes," I replied, still picking at the grass. "It was my choice and I'd have him as my mate if only he'd mark me," I stated, staring back at her.
"What of your mate? What of his?" She asked, silently.
"They might be dead for all I know," I spat out, angirly. "I haven't found mine in four years, yesterday makes it the fifth year and he hasn't found his in like forever," I reasoned. "And I love him," I blurted out. This revelation shocked me as well as Zena and we both stared at each other, dumbfounded. Then I looked far into the fields in an attempt to avoid her gaze. "And he loves me too," I whispered, remembering his declaration of love yesterday at the tree house.
After a brief moment of silence, she spoke up.
"What about your parents, Yil? What about Rae's?" She questioned. "I also felt like this towards Colt, in fact I was just as convinced that I was in love with him," she said, referring to her past crush. "But once I met Kent," oh that was Mr McMuscles name. "I have never felt such raw and utmost love that I feel for him and he feels the same way too," she declared, misty-eyed. "And now Colt is hurting because of that," she stated, sadly. "But he's human side will heal because his wolf is not connected to me, we were never intimate," she looked at me and held my hands.
"What do you mean?" I asked, perplexed.
"If either of you happens to find your mate. The other person is going to hurt badly and if it so happens that you both find your mates, one half of both of you would always be connected to the other," she stated. "Your mates are going to suffer the shortfall"
"I don't have a mate," I whispered.
"What of him?" She persisted. "And what makes you think you don't have one? I found mine after four years. You will find yours as well," she encouraged.
"Because he's not in this pack, I can feel it," I ground out, getting irritated that she sought to push this conversation. "Either that or he's not yet born," I declared. "Or his from the outside world," I mused.
"Outside world," she gasped. "Never"
"Think about it," I pushed. "I'm an Alpha's daughter, I should have found him way before any of you but I still haven't," I persisted. "He's not here," I announced.
"Yil he can never be in the outside world, it's not possible," she said and moved to get up but I held her down and grabbed both of her hands.
"You owe me Zena, you promised. Besides, I have a plan," I pleaded.
"No way, we are forbidden from going there. Alpha and Luna will have my head for breakfast," she shook her head vehemently.
"No they won't," I giggled trying to lighten the mood but this had the adverse effect as she scowled. "Okay, maybe they'll be mad," she raised an eyebrow in disbelief. "Okay a whole lot, raving mad," I amended. "But they won't know, I'll make sure"
"Yil, you are going to get us killed, we can't go there," she persisted.
"But everyone keeps insisting that I have a mate, maybe he is out there," I reasoned. "It's for the good of the pack," I said, trying another tactic.
"No good will come out of this because he will never be accepted," she spat.
"But we can't continue to bear ill feelings against people that we don't know. Peradventure they even turn out to not be the best, it's not like we are saints and above ill feelings," I tried to make her see reason, but she wasn't budging. "Aren't you just a teeny tiny little bit curious about their world? For how long will we remain sheltered under the packs rule hmm?" She kept staring at me defiantly. She was rooted in our ways and nothing was ever going to change her mind.
"Zena, you promised," I sighed, trying one last tatic. "A white-wolf keeps her word," I stated. I knew I was guilt tripping her but I'd always wanted to see the outside world and this mate conversation was the perfect excuse to get her to help me.
"What if you find your mate?" She stated unconvinced. "What happens to Rae?"
"You said so yourself, it's impossible," I smirked.
"So it's all for the love of adventure?" she asked, resignation apparent on her facial expression.
There was no need lying now. "Yes. But to make you less guilty, it's a mission to find your future Luna's mate," I said, getting up and offering her a hand.
"Neither makes me any less guilty, you blockhead,'' she mumbled as she accepted my outstretched hand.
"Thank you so much, I love you," I squealed, hugging her tightly.
"Whatever," she said, shaking me off. "It's only just this once anyway," she said, walking ahead with me behind her.
"What about Rea?" she abruptly stopped to ask. "Since we won't ever find your mate in the outside world," she said, emphasizing each word to which I rolled my eyes. "Is he going to mark you and when do you tell your parents?"
That was something I hadn't discussed with Rae and I was sure it wasn't going to be an easy one. However, after yesterday's rekindling of our relationship, I was so sure that I wanted him as my mate and future Alpha.
"That's another secret you are keeping until otherwise stated," I winked and walked ahead leaving a gaping Zena behind me. Before I journeyed further into the fields I heard her mumble.
"Yil you are playing with fire and you'll get burned"
"I'm the fire, babe. I don't get burned, I burn," I called out to her while swaying my hips as my rambunctious laughter filled the air.
Finally, the outside world.
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