Tainted was her columbine habiliment. Saturated was her embellished regalia in sanguine hues so deep they soaked through each layer of icy fabric. The earth had accepted the tint as a sacrificial offering, one of many. Likewise, the Gods had hummed in content; finally, the definitive moment had arrived. Sixth Prophecy.
Atmospheric conditions chilled by the presence of snow enclosed an array of
Animated chatters kick-started by
A compelling oration granted to a thousand eager ears,
All witnessed in part by one she-wolf in dire need of the earth swallowing her up.
Her fingers flexed, inconspicuously, in odd angles, bending and morphing into ancient signs as she tried to will the snow-clad earth to do her bidding.
If you grant this one wish, I promise to give you my first-born son ...and maybe my left kidney as well; she promised its silvery-white essence, which lay unbothered beneath her boots, accepting each drifting flake from above unto its ever-amassing heap.
Murmurs rippled past in time to the harmonious shuffling of feet. The colosseum had drawn quite the crowd. Farmers hard at work had long forgotten the toil of their labour. Rowdy youths sauntered over with keen interest and ageing wolves, hugging steaming cups of coffee to themselves, leant over the railings with alert orbs eyeing the whole scene. There was no truer saying than news spreads like wildfire especially when one considered the vastness of the Black Moon pack.
Instantaneously, her distracted attention was drawn from the crowd and to Aryn who boomed, loudly, from within the ring.
"It is a known tradition that in times where an unmated wolf refuses to desist from pursuing the mate of another then a bonded match is usually agreed upon to settle the disagreement once and for all,"
His stance wielded unquestioned supremacy and exuded confidence as he morphed, effortlessly, into his role as Alpha.
"The sparring wolves would usually showcase their skills to the watchful eyes of the object of their affection...." he paused, scanning the faces of his pack members, a tactic to ensure that he was carrying them along. A show of enthusiastic nods confirmed that they knew exactly what he was talking about and he proceeded.
"....more like an appeal, if you would, to the wolf side and whoever proved to be the strongest of the two won the affections of his mate or to be marked mate," he cast a glance towards the white-wolf standing upright and relaxed next to Yil and scowled.
He wasn't one to be easily consumed by emotions, be it on the extreme side of the spectrum, bothering into destruction or the feelings one might regard as warm and wholesome. Especially for persons he barely knew. However, everything about this particular wolf irked him. Flashbacks of the sensual act he had witnessed not long ago arose in colourful holographic illustrations to taunt his psyche. Just as similar depictions of what he had shared with Star materialised to tug at his conscience.
Wasn't it quite hypocritical that he had now assumed the hurt, betrayed mate when he had done the same behind Yil's back?
He blocked out the doubtful voice with an inconspicuous shake of his head and inhaled, deeply. Looking back at the chain of events, everything had taken a turn for the worse the very day he had beheld the one white-wolf, responsible for his failed relationship with Yil. For with Rae's presence came the pain and hurtful realisation which had ultimately led to him seeking comfort in the hands of the one who so willingly offered it.
In short, Rae was the genesis of the problem.
"I'm sure we're all eager to know the competitors in this match," he smiled, thinly in an effort to maintain his relaxed outward persona. The crowd hollered a rowdy cheer and he chuckled, lightly into the microphone. "I'm glad to know I'm not the only one excited for what is to come," he rumbled, darkly and clenched his fist so tight, the skin stretched thinly over his visible knuckles. The white wolf was within his sights again. Anytime now and he'd get his revenge.
Yil caught the ominous look Aryn threw, yet again, in Rae's direction and intensified her silent plea to the earth to open up and swallow both her and the strong-headed wolf. Never in her lifetime had she thought she'd refer to him as that. It was quite laughable, to be honest, considering he was always the more rational one. However, in that moment she just about held herself from bashing his head in with a well-deserved knock.
You've still got a chance to call it quits and just let me accept the blame for what happened, she hissed down the mind-link for the umpteenth time.
Maybe this time would mark the final key of reasoning that unlocked his moral sense of right and wrong...
White wolves aren't quitters, he simply replied.
Or maybe not...
White wolves aren't stupid either, she growled, finally drawing his eyes away from the ring and towards herself. Satisfied that she had snared his full attention, she went off on him. Firstly, we don't engage in meaningless fights. Especially the ones that can easily be avoided. This show of masochism isn't going to end until one of you is devastatingly injured and calls it quits. Secondly, Aryn clearly bears a certain level of abhorrence for you, as I'm sure you do as well and that's the more reason why this fight is dangerous. Her hardened gaze softened and she took his palm in a firm but warm hold behind her back. I was in the wrong. You have no fault in this and that's the reason why you don't need to fight for me. I'm not worth the hassle or pain... she persuaded. ...and I'm certainly not a damsel in distress. I can hold my own, remember? She joked, lightly, hoping with all her might that he'd listen and pull out of the fight.
You don't understand Yil, he argued, fighting an internal battle that she was unaware of as his gaze turned even darker than usual. It's not just about you, he rasped, vibrating with anger.
Then what is it about, dammit? She cussed, frustratedly and dug her heels into the snow.
A whole lot of things that'll leave you wanting to bash his face in, he snarled.
Wait, what? Yil doubled back, not expecting his response and not receiving an answer from Rae who had withdrawn into his troubled thoughts.
Aryn's surname had always sounded very familiar but for the life of him, he could never reconcile the familiarity with any one mental recollection. His memory was quite fuzzy nowadays and the only anchor he had to the lost pieces were his dreams. It was the habitation of a certain raven-haired enchantress and the plaguing grounds of ghoulish screams and unbearable torture.
Stories of unbearable torture that he had gleaned from an ancient book, hidden within the glassy confines of the faerie library. One that Queen Lira had subsequently burned and for which he had been made to promise never to tell a soul.
What will you gain from enlightening your generation on the extensive details of the inhumane acts of the past? She had choked out as he tried to rake in his pound of flesh, targeting destructive whirlwinds at her. Your kind had it in them to forgive my kind. Surely, you can do the same for others who have wronged your ancestors, she pleaded as he blindly went after her, lashing out and punching. She narrowly missed his blows, content to avoid his attacks rather than fight him head on. He needed an outlet for his anger and rightfully so, she had thought.
Only because my generation didn't know that your ancestors had turned a blind eye to the sufferings of our race! The elders think it's wise to protect us from the truth or had we known, I for one would never have welcomed your kind into our world! He had roared, eventually collapsing from exhaustion, and breaking down into a huddled mess of groans and tears.
The faerie queen had stood a considerable distance away from him, letting him cry his heart out till he was content.
We can never move forward if we are tied to the past, she had voiced into the still atmosphere. And as much as it pains me to think of what your ancestors went through, it's for the best that such memories are kept in the past.
He had taken her advice, albeit reluctantly, and in true white wolf fashion he had learnt to forgive and repress. After all, he'd never have the cause to come to the outside world or meet the descendants of the ones who had caused his ancestors so much pain. However, in that moment when he had stood, facing Aryn by the banks of the pond and seeing beyond his calm facade into the rage that mirrored the grotesque illustration he had viewed years ago. The repressed memories had come pouring back.
Fighting for Yil was only an excuse. He'd get his pound of flesh regardless of what he had been taught. This case was an exception and thus allowed for the gradual receding of wise words he would have otherwise heeded.
A white wolf shall not seek revenge for it burdens and enslaves. Therefore, do not be
fooled by its
This white wolf was seeking out revenge regardless.
"Would someone mind telling me why we are having a bonded match when the last one occurred eons ago? Also, why is the Alpha competing in one? And who is the opposition?" Roy rambled with a huff. Wisps of frigid mist escaped his lips as he rubbed his mitten-clad palms together to generate heat.
Rae was again brought back to the happenings around him, noticing that from his view by the arched gladiator entrance the crowd in the colosseum had doubled in size.
"Same thing I'd like to know," Kiba mused, looking towards him and then to Yil who avoided his piercing gaze. "I'm not one to pray but I'm praying hard right now that it isn't what I think it is. Seeing as you two have successfully blocked me out of the pack link," he mumbled only to their hearing.
"Isn't it as obvious as day who the opposition is?" Star droned with a pull on her hoodie strings. "In case it slipped your mind we are standing just under the gladiator entrance arch," she motioned to our surroundings.
"Only because it's slightly warmer here," Roy rolled his eyes. "Besides which one of us would you reckon was the opposition?" He drawled, looking back at a couple of inquisitive teenagers, playing excited tourists as they snapped away on their mobile phones and posed, vainly, by the olden structure.
Then his gaze swivelled to the rowdy bunch of wolves, clinking huge mugs of beer in high spirits and sporting knockoffs of the gladiator apparel. Their cheeks were decorated with colourful lines, matching the ribbons they had plaited their hair with.
"I mean you don't think the opposition would actually emerge from here like in the old times," he laughed at the absurdity and thought of the fact that the colosseum hadn't been in use for ages.
When he had caught wind of the bonded match, he was shocked and had vowed that he'd only believe the news when he saw the event in action. Lo and behold, there was nothing more realer than the sight facing him now. The situation was quite odd and out of the blue. Much more confusing was that Alpha Aryn was the initiator behind the whole affair.
Most times, as recorded in the literary readings, the competing wolves would agree to a match and then invite the Alpha as the ceremonial head to witness the whole ordeal. Never had he heard of an Alpha officiating a bonded match much less participating in one.
Who'd be stupid enough to challenge an Alpha for his Luna anyway?
Tuning his ear back to Alpha Aryn's speech, he soon found out that indeed such a creature existed. One stupid enough to challenge an Alpha for his Luna.
"Let's give it up for the opposition, Rae!" Aryn bellowed in time to the thunderous applause that followed.
"Rae?!" Roy sputtered, choking on his spit as he turned to look at the solemn wolf beside him. "Didn't you just arrive?" He squeaked, coughing.
"You've got to be kidding me," Kiba hissed, eyes wide with shock and disbelief. "Tell me you two weren't that stupid as to do something you shouldn't have," he stared, alternatively at Rae who bore an expression of utmost determination and then at Yil who coloured in shame.
He was well aware of the deep feelings both wolves bore for each other and if not for the Sky Lordians pairing Yil with an outside mate then he'd have loved nothing more but for them to be together. However, in the circumstances in which they found themselves it was absolutely ridiculous that Rae had challenged Aryn for the affections of Yil. Not because he thought the white wolf couldn't win Aryn in a match but because there was so much animosity between the two races that a bonded match was a recipe for disaster and a doorway to pandemonium. Two deadly elements that white wolves steered clear of and the major reason he, himself, hadn't fought Aryn on the countless occasions that he had wanted to.
"Oh, come on. Answer me!" he growled, snagging Rae by the cuff of his shirt, and hoisting him up into the air.
You know better than to get wrapped up in this, he mind-linked with a much softer tone, his outward aura of anger receding at the fact that he knew that Rae would never agree to the fight if he hadn't been provoked beyond reasoning. Remember white wolves act out with a rationalised mind. Whatever he did, just tell me and we can think it over and find the best way forward, he persuaded the white wolf who only had one thing to say.
No, Rae resisted, iris turning dark and electric energy radiating from him to cripple Kibas' hold on him.
Kiba shook his hand to ward off the excruciating sting and in turn Rae, it was hard to reconcile this ominous image of his fellow pack member with his previous recollections of him. Misunderstanding his actions as one of immense fury, Yil put a hand against his arm and halted his actions.
"Kiba, you will not disrespect me like that," she rumbled, lowly with a hooded stare. "Put him down," she ordered as Roy watched on in confusion, quite startled by all that was unfolding before his very eyes.
Star, I know you know something. Spit it out, he mind-linked the dainty she-wolf who was content with staring, calmly, into space. What the hell is going on here? He pushed when she wasn't forthcoming with the answers he so badly needed.
Had Alpha Aryn been right when he had sensed a much deeper connection between Rae and Yil? Was that the reason for the earlier animosity and hate? Had Rae actually challenged Aryn for Yil's hand in matehood just a few hours after he had just started to recover from a bad case of deteriorated health? Was he insane?
Kiba's altercation with Rae had drawn the attention of a few teenagers who now directed their cameras to the duo in excitement.
"Kiba..." Yil groaned more in embarrassment than actual anger. "...please just put him down," she sighed with a resigned tone and pleading eyes.
"Yeah man, just listen to her. None of us are going to get answers like this," Roy corroborated and from the intense stare that both Kiba and Rae shared, he could sense that they were locked in a mind-link, but before he could voice out another word the boom of the microphone interrupted him.
"I'm guessing the opposition has pulled out with his tail behind his legs. What a wuss," Alpha Aryn taunted, cracking up at his joke. The crowd erupted in boisterous laughter just as he heard Rae's still, compelling voice.
"Let me go, Kiba. I won't say it again," he commanded.
Reluctantly, Kiba set him on his feet and moving aside, he made way for the white wolf who was none the happier at being called a wuss. With carefully guarded strides like that of a predator to a prey he walked, pointedly, into the arena, ignoring Yil's final attempt at changing his mind.
"Ah, here he is. The man of the hour," Aryn introduced as the cheer rose in crescendo.
The four walls of the amphitheatre vibrated with the sheer force of it just as the atmosphere lit up with the sizzling epinephrine essence that breathed fire into his bulging muscles and filled his bloodstream with maddening excitement for the fight that was to occur. He shrugged out of his shirt, all the while keeping an eye on Rae who walked purposefully up the ring steps, ducked under the ropes, and entered into the ring.
"I was convinced your fair princess had managed to steer you off the fight with the big bad wolf," He snarked, circling his opponent to the right with steady steps, the loud chants and calls, a distant soundtrack, dulled by the seriousness of the moment. "Was she afraid I would devour you and your basket of wisdom and piousness?" he grinned, fangs elongating and irises turning steely blue.
Rae chuckled a cruel laugh, one chilling to the bone and one that foregathered a small assembly of dark stratus clouds that added to the ominous aura he exhibited. "Pride comes before the fall, Aryn Vazquez or shall I say Belasco." He tutted in a condescending tone. "In your case it'll be a great one," he promised, darkly, mirroring the circling actions of the outside wolf.
"Whatever you say Rae," Aryn dismissed, not in the least bit intimidated by Rae's show of repressed power but a little disturbed by the crazed glint the white wolf harboured as well as the fact that he knew not just his surname but what the pack was anciently referred to as.
Just how much did the white-wolf know about him and his clan? More than anything in this world, he hated going against an unpredictable enemy. Especially one whom he couldn't read or gauge.
Waving off his concerns and suspicions-something he sought to look into later-he reiterated the most important rule. "Just don't forget that relying on the use of your power to enhance your performance in any way is an instant foul and in that case I win and you lose," getting no signs of acknowledgement from Rae, he tried another tactic to hammer his point home. "I mean I'm sure you wouldn't want to reveal your true identity to my whole pack. That would defeat the whole purpose of Yil's secrecy and the fact that-"
"Oh, do I scare you now outside wolf?" Rae interrupted with a taunt, quite bored of hearing Aryn rant non-stop and eager for the match to commence. Before Aryn could put a word of resistance in, he added again. "Then stop the yapping and let's begin," he hissed.
"S-u-ure," Aryn dragged out, trying to contain his annoyance and anger at the rude interference and signalling to the referee that they were ready.
Now it so happened that both wolves were positioned, facing one another with postures poised for attack and muscles flexed to inflict pain and havoc. A silence so great fell upon the colosseum as everyone anticipated the fight of the century, with breaths hitched, between their Alpha and the unknown wolf they dubbed the gladiator.
It was quite laughable to them that someone had challenged their Alpha to a duel over his mate, their future Luna. However, in retrospect it only made sense that if there were ever a time where an Alpha would be challenged for the affections of his mate, a non-pack member would be befitting for the foolish role. They deduced that the wolf had to be a rogue, not conversant with the codes guiding a pack, but even rouges were not that clueless. The bonded match had to be a façade against whatever sadistic sport the Alpha had in mind. They all settled with this reasoning. For after all, a fight was a fight and boy, did they love their fights.
Yil looked on in apprehension, ruminating over what Rae had said about bashing Aryn's face in and for the life of her, couldn't decipher the hidden meaning behind his words. Aryn anticipated what was to come, wanting nothing more than to teach the white-wolf one or two lessons about crossing an Alpha. Finally, after that he could claim Yil as his own, once and for all.
Rae observed the happenings around him, silently, as all the repressed vengeful feelings he had kept locked up for years, burst out of their confinement to buzz fervently within him. The electric, fiery sensation was circulating wildly around him again and looking back to Yil and Kiba, he prayed that they found it in their hearts to forgive him for what he was about to do.
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