"Alpha I really don't feel like celebrating my birthday today. I'm alive, aren't I? That's enough celebration," Dina whined, huffing exasperatedly.
"Dina today's your sixteenth birthday..." I paused, momentarily, taking my eyes off the road to peer back at her as I grinned from ear to ear. "...your sixteenth birthday," I repeated when I got no response from her besides her unimpressed look.
"So," she probed, crossing her arms before she gasped. "ooh is it because I get to finally meet my mate? My prince in shining armor. The one destined for me...." a saccharine smile lit her face as she mimicked a high puny voice and clasped her hands together with a faraway look.
Yil stifled a snort next to me and when I sent a question concerning Dina's attitude through a gesture of my eyes in her direction, she shrugged. "...or wait even better!" she abruptly continued, wiping the starry-eyed façade off her face to look at me through the rearview mirror. "I get to drink alcohol now?" she asked hopefully, rubbing her hands together, mischievously.
"No," I replied, emphatically and she groaned before falling back against her seat. "What's up with you anyway?" I questioned, confused. "You've been excited for your sixteenth birthday ever since the beginning of this year and you've been preparing for it for weeks on end now. So much so, you've even overdrafted my account," I mumbled the last sentence much to myself. To say I was shocked when I had read my bank statement would be an understatement.
At the rate at which she was spending, I was sure to be broke in a few years' time.
However, I would do anything in my power to make her happy, which was why I had gone through the trouble of making sure that she had the birthday party of her dreams. More so, she was turning sixteen. An age that the spiritual elders had prophesied she wouldn't make due to her regressing gene.
It was a prophecy of foreboding that I had disregarded. However, upon further empirical research, it was found that the lycanthrope gene did indeed die out after a span of fifteen years. Furthermore, the subsequent deaths of regressing lycanthropes, not living up to the stipulated age of sixteen, contributed solid evidence in support of our scientific findings.
In effect, the death of the lycanthrope gene leaves behind a weakened human gene, susceptible to mutations due its detachment from the binding elements of the individual's wolfs' essence. This alteration then leads to the development of lethal alleles that cause the premature death of its host.
Why can't she just turn into a normal human being when the wolf gene dies out, you may ask.
Don't worry it's a legitimate question. It's a question I asked as well. Even though it hurt to have my sister be transformed into an ordinary human.
However, you must understand that we are werewolves not humans, it was how we were created. So just as how the Ying and Yang work interdependently to maintain the harmony of the universe so does the wolf and human gene work together to ensure the lively essence of its host. One without the other is simply death.
"I just don't feel like it Alpha," she restated, bringing her knees up to her chest on the seat. "What does it matter anyway?" she huffed, quietly.
"It matters a lot," I countered, my voice rising slightly. "For one... you're the only regressing lycanthrope who's alive at sixteen and for that I'm hella grateful even though you might not remember me most times. And secondly, this is a pack affair because everyone is just as happy that they didn't lose their Alphas' sister," I mused internally, not daring to say it aloud as I continued to stare at her through the rear-view mirror.
"Hey, eyes on the road," Yil's melodic voice together with her soft touch on my wrist brought back my attention to the task at hand and I smiled at her pristine features.
"Yeah, I couldn't stand those puppy love eyes you were throwing my way and what was with that zone out?" Dina complained, shivering in disgust. "Fine, I'll be sure to smile when we get to the amusement park but that's all I'm agreeing to. Okay?" She finally gave into my demands before plugging in her headphones and staring out the window.
"That's all I wanted anyway," I called back to her, omitting the fact that after our trip to the park, her initial birthday plans were still in full swing under the supervision of Lloyd and Roy. But she didn't need to know that. "Also, I definitely was not looking at you with puppy love..."
"It's a bit too late for that, she can't hear you," Yil interrupted, laughing.
I soon discovered that she was right when I peered at Dina. "But I really didn't look at her like that, right?" I asked, hoping I hadn't diminished my hot Alpha credibility. Only Star was allowed to witness my mushy side since I wasn't trying to make a move on her.
"I think a few tear drops escaped your eyes," she doubled over with laughter and I grumbled about how susceptible I was to feelings as well. "But I'm touched by what you are doing for her," she settled comfortably in her chair and looked at me. "It really is a miracle that she is still alive and that deserves a celebration," she smiled, looking back at Dina who was still engrossed with the sights outside the window.
The past few days had seen the development of a closer bond between Yil and I. I had divulged a lot about my life to her on nightly walks and alone time spent together. She had done the same, albeit sparse information, nevertheless I was glad that she was much more relaxed around me. I could confidently say that we had formed a tight friendship. It was a lot of progress considering where we were coming from.
The defensive front, that was characteristic of her, still came up on the occasions where I tried to get close to her, but I wasn't giving up anytime soon. I didn't come all this way only to abandon ship.
"Thank you for coming with me to celebrate privately with her even though she probably hates me for it. Any idea why that is?" I turned into the parking lot and started the hunt for an open parking space. I'd be lucky to find one among the hustle and bustle.
"There's no reason to thank me. She's like a little sister to me now," she waved off, smiling. "I can't be sure why she's in a mood but I'm sure she'll be alright once she starts having fun," she placated.
With my eyes still on the lookout for a parking space, I thought back to this morning and the tense atmosphere in the kitchen. It was a surprise that Dina wasn't her usual bright self, and everyone had walked on eggshells around her.
She had remained engrossed with her i-phone during the morning happy birthday song and had blown out her candles half-heartedly. She complained that the weather was too cold at 18°C, mind you it's the beginning of November and that's hot compared to what's about to come. Then the complaint shifted to the stale tasting bread, which was baked that very morning.
Lest I forget, the hardy stares she kept sending Kiba were sure to turn him into a well dug grave and the surprising thing was that he was unbothered by it all. In fact, he was the only one unfazed by her odd behavior and that, confusingly, irked her even more. I just didn't get it and Roy was being hushed lipped on what he knew.
I finally cornered into an open parking space, cutting off a driver who thought revving up his monster truck engine would intimidate my Jeep Cherokee.
"You sure we were meant to do that?" Yil questioned, looking back at the driver who was fuming behind the wheel with a raised fist.
"Small and steady wins the parking space. It's not my fault he bit off more than he could chew," I sassed, smirking. "O-okay birthday girl, let's get this party on the road," I clapped my hands together, excitedly and got out the driver's side.
I had the biggest, teenaged, starry-eyed grin on my face, but I didn't give a rats' ass. Today was a joyous day and absolutely nobody was going to spoil it.
"Do I really, really have to do this? It's freezing," Dina grumbled, begrudgingly once I opened her door.
"We both know it's not freezing and until you come clean with what's bugging you then I won't deter from my mission," I smiled, infuriating her further. "Besides you promised," I recalled, placing a 16th birthday tiara made of rare jewels on her head.
The lettering was carved in diamonds with a flag of sapphire designed heart-shaped ornaments outlined by gold finishings.
"You really got it for me?" she gasped, wide-eyed. "Are you kidding me!" she squealed, jumping out of the car to regard her reflection at the cars' side mirror.
"Yeah, I did," I chuckled as Yil got to our side. "At least now they match your ear piercings," I mumbled.
"Are you still salty about that Alpha?" she giggled, turning from the mirror. I had passed a few remarks about her piercings every time I had the opportunity. It wasn't as if I had a problem with the trend, it was just that my sister had gone overboard with it. The daith, helix, industrial, snug and orbital conch hadn't been spared. Now I feared she'd come back home one day with tattoos the next time I allowed her out of my sight. This was what I called the Fred effect. "Thank you so much for this," she barreled herself into me and wrapped me in a warm hug which I returned.
"Of course. Come on let's get our tick─" I was cut off by an angry shout from behind me and turning around, I didn't immediately source out the reason behind the disturbance. Looking down, I finally noticed why.
"Shit head that was my space!" the midget, hollered up to me.
The man couldn't have been taller than 5'1 with sandy hair, beady eyes, a truckload of tattoos and a bulked up upper physique that weighed down heavily on his lower half. It was a mystery how he had even gotten down from the monster truck. Thinking back to the number of minutes it had taken him to finally express his grievance, I hypothesized that such a descent wouldn't have been an easy feat.
"What do you keep looking at?" he puffed up his chest, asserting his masculinity. "Eyes up here you fuck!" he spat out, aggressively, pointing two stubby fingers at his eyes.
"My dear sir, if I looked up, you'd completely disappear from my line of sight," I smirked, purposefully misunderstanding what he had said. "This space is mine now seeing as I parked into it first. First come, first serve as they say," I dismissed, eager to get on with my plans.
"Shove that bullshit where the sun doesn't shine!" he snarled, dragging on his cigarette. "Get that jeep out of there now before I destroy it for you," he walked up to me and blew out a thick smoke of those dreaded cancer sticks out of his nose for added effect. He then moved backwards when he realized that I was now looking down at him with a conceited smile.
"I'd like to see you try, you overcompensating masculine prick," I dared, crossing my hands as he's face turned bright red.
"That's enough," Yil interrupted before the situation escalated, placing a hand on my chest as I sent her a questioning look.
"He called me names first," I argued, quietly, but she shot me a restrained look.
"We are really sorry for that," she apologized to the midget who calmed down somewhat. I mean why wouldn't he? His eyes were opportuned to sight the ethereal wonder cloth in a grey turtle-neck bodycon dress paired with tennis shoes and a crown of silver-white locks. "We could move out of the parking space and find another one," she suggested, and that sentence pulled me out of my momentary trance.
What? Move out of where? That wasn't happening.
I tried to communicate my distaste with the idea when the midget beat me to it.
"No there's absolutely no need for that," he waved off, smiling sheepishly. "I'm sure you and your sister would love to get on with your celebration and finding another space would only take time," he chuckled, gesturing to Dinas' tiara. She smiled radiantly at him and I rolled my eyes. Even my own sister was turning against me. "I'll just find another space,"
"Thank you so much and we apologize once more," Yil stated again.
"There's no we. If only you'd given me five more minutes with him, I'd have floored him by now," I grumbled and received a painful side poke from Yil in return as the midget smiled brightly.
"If you ever need a better eye candy by your arm besides this chiseled plastic, you can always give me a call," he winked, walking backwards towards his truck. No doubt mesmerized by Yil's beauty.
The flirt was wasted on Yil who had no comprehension of what he had just uttered. However, I still growled a low threat at the nerve of the stunted, peanut butter jar size, chucky looking chimney pot. So far lost was he in Yil's emerald eyes that he failed to hear my sinister message and thus had the effrontery to stick out his tongue at me.
I was hunting down this motherfucker......excuse my French.
"See how painless that was," Yil muttered as we all made our way to the ticket booth. "Not everything is solved by violence. A simple apology would suffice especially when you are the one in the wrong," she reprimanded, taking in the sights that littered our surroundings.
"It's called feminine charm," I argued. "The only reason he didn't have that faraway look in his eyes when he apprehended me was because he unfortunately doesn't swing for the other team. If he did, I would have had him blushing like a high school girl as well," I sassed as Dina burst into a fit of giggles. "Not that I would put any effort into getting that outcome if that was the case," I made a face of disgust as his features flittered past my line of vision. Hell no! "You two just wait here as I get the tickets, okay?" I diverted the conversation and went to join the queue as I heard Yil ask Dina what feminine charm was.
Her argument was expected, considering her background and even if I was to disregard that, it was plausible as well. I could've just apologized or promised to buy him a burger or whatever people did to avoid conflicts. However, my assumption into the role of Alpha, saw that I was a constant magnet for confrontation. Regardless of how petty the conflict was.
Werewolves were proud creatures; An Alpha was even ten times as proud. Moreover, he was a mere human and I was certainly not apologizing to him. However, the humility she had shown when she placated his anger was admirable. Yil was an Alpha in her own right, just as I was, and in addition she was twenty folds more powerful than he or I was, yet she had done that.
Getting the tickets from the female sales assistant, who was trying way too hard to snare my gaze, I went in search of Yil and Dina. Following their distinctive scents, I sighted them by the pond feeding the ducks with a baguette. The sound of their laughter flittered lazily, in the air, to where I stood and the tenderness with which Yil stroked the ducklings warmed my face into a smile.
I almost didn't want to disturb their compact atmosphere of serenity amongst the bustle that plagued the environment around them. Dinas' closeness to a particular male, however, dissuaded me from my earlier thought and taking long strides, I swatted the males' arm, slung across her shoulders, away.
"Hey dude, what was that for?" he questioned, stunned by the unexpected action. "O-oh Alpha A-aryn," he stammered, bowing when he turned to face me.
I should have known it was none other than Cree, a werewolf from William's pack. He was the only male wolf who still had the audacity to sneak into the pack, in fruit trucks, to see Dina who I thought hated his guts. I mean the wolf was just as pompous as his Alpha.
There was probably something in the water in those parts.
"Buzz off," I deadpanned, staring him down.
"Alpha he's a friend. Can't he stay? I mean I'm not a child anymore," I was surprised by her response. Her behavior was now beyond weird.
I shot Cree another hard glare and he understood the meaning behind my unspoken words.
"My, my look at the time. I have to catch up with my buddies," he laughed nervously as he checked his non-existent watch before backing away. "See you later Dee," he waved, walking away.
"So, where were we?" I smiled, waving the tickets. No one would ruin this moment. No midget or annoying teenaged air head. Deep breaths was all it took.
"Party pooper," Dina mumbled, snatching her tickets as she walked ahead of Yil and I.
"You sure you don't know what's up with her?" I asked Yil for the umpteenth time.
"Maybe forcing her out despite her reluctance and then chasing away her friend could be the reason," she answered, shrugging innocently as she walked faster to catch up with Dina.
I was just trying to celebrate her birthday and protect her from scumbags. Mind you, I even asked repeatedly what got her in a mood, but she never gave me a straight answer. How did I do wrong? Females, I could never understand them.
Putting that behind me, I caught up to them and engaged them in light conversation as we walked up to the first ride, the Merry-Go-Round. The afternoon went smoothly with a lot of laughter and giggles. Dinas' countenance finally brightened and Yil wore an ever-constant amused stare as she set eyes on the different rides and learnt about them.
Seeing the smiles on their faces warmed my heart, greatly, and thinking back to Star, I planned to bring her here someday, just like old-times. The cherub looking she-wolf worked even harder than I did. Maybe I'd give Roy a day off as well.
Speaking of which, he was calling at the moment. "What's up, punk?" I excused myself from the conversation and left the rowdy queue to hear him better.
"The surprise party has been set up and everything is ready to go. When are you all coming back?" he asked. Place the glowing balls right there...yes there, he said, off the phone, to someone in the background.
"We just have one last ride left but on second thoughts coming home now won't be a bad idea," I mused, feigning nonchalance.
"Lemme guess it's the loop gap roller coaster ride, isn't it?" I could hear the repressed amusement in his voice and I didn't like it.
"It's not smartass," I lied. "It's the merry-go-round," I corrected as Yil called out, excitedly. Come on Aryn, it's almost our turn on the roller coaster!
She was too hype for this. Why?
"You were saying," he sassed, laughing. "Don't worry Alpha, just close your eyes and chant your ancestors' names ten times and they'll come to your aid," he guffawed.
"If that'll be all..." I mumbled, wishing I could choke him.
"No, no wait," he interrupted, hurriedly. "There's a human here by the name of Mirabel. She's here to deliver Yil's gown and she insists that she has to help her into it lest it gets ruined again," he whispered, knowing that I hated having human beings in my pack.
"Does Lloyd know about this?" I sighed, certain that she and Dina had something to do with this.
"Of course," his tone was one of undiluted glee. I could imagine him making faces at Lloyd, quite happy that she'd be at the receiving end of my wrath. You are so going to get it, he taunted off the phone to Lloyd. I told you this man-child was happy. I can explain, I heard Lloyd argue in the background
"Let her in. We'll be home soon and once Yil is fitted in her gown, I want her out," I ordered, promptly cutting the call before he and Lloyd began to tousle with the phone.
I looked back to the queue and noticed that Yil and Dina had gotten on the ride. To say I was ecstatic would have been an understatement. However, narrowing on the slight disturbance that I had initially overlooked, I noticed that Dina had put her foot against the gate. Consequently, delaying the ride. I didn't even need to hear her argument with the ride operator to know the motive behind her actions. The cheeky little thing was waiting for me.
"What took you so long, Alpha?" she demanded when I got closer, completely ignoring the red-faced human male who was breathing heavily from the verbal sparring.
"I'm here now so we can go in," I rushed out, taking her foot off the gate and ushering her into the seat. "You didn't have to do that," I reprimanded, sitting next to Yil, who was at the back of Dina.
"Same thing I told her but anyway the ride is moving," Yil squealed, excitedly.
"Yeah, I see that," I gulped, trying to control the wave of unease that washed over me. "If you ever feel scared you can always hold onto my hand," I winked, unfolding my palm.
"Are you okay though? You're pale," she asked, concerned, staring at my face.
I couldn't answer her question for at that exact time the ride started and let's just say I got off with a lot less pride than I had when I rode it at first
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