"Be a babe and pass me the apples would ya?" Llyod requested from Dina who was intent on setting mouse traps in secretive corners of the kitchen. "Dina?" She drawled in frustration.
"I'll get them, don't worry," Zena offered with a roll of her eyes. "Because she isn't going to leave that spot until she sets the trap that would catch the despicable rat that has been eating her chocolate cake," she joked and made her way into the pantry.
Dina was hunched over in a corner of the kitchen as she went about her "radical dose of intervention," as she called it. Her forehead was furrowed in deep concentration and a small part of her tongue stuck out to the side of her mouth. She meant business.
"A rat that is as tall as the fridge," I commented with my finger pointing to the top of the fridge to show its height. "With human hands and a whole lot of strength," I added, trying hard to hold in my laughter.
"And remember he preys only at night on unsuspecting victims," Zena slid the basket of apples to Llyod who caught it and stalked towards the centre of the kitchen in a tiptoe.
"Defenseless victims who are coated in delicious, tasty, gooey chocolate," Lloyd added in a grim voice.
"Oh! the horror," I swooned with a hand to my forehead.
There was a moment of silence after I said that and when our eyes met we doubled over with laughter all at once.
"For the record anyone who has the audacity to steal my chocolate cake is a rat," Dina explained, righting herself to her feet. "And in order to catch a rat you need these things," she added with a gesture towards the mouse traps.
"But it's a pack house open to all pack members surely you don't think any of your pastries would survive the attack of the masses," Llyod reasoned with a giggle.
"The fridge is common property. My cake is not," Dina replied with a defiant pout.
"Well the cake is in the fridge, right?" Zena dragged out.
"Yeah," Dina answered with her back to Zena as she opened up the fridge and stood on her tippy toes.
"So that's common property as well," Zena shrugged and moved to sit by the counter.
"Will see about that once this bad boy fires up and cracks down heavily upon the unsuspecting hands of the chocolate cake murderer," she grinned wickedly and I peered into the fridge behind her.
"That's going to hurt...." I said when I noticed that she had placed a mouse trap, hidden, at the back of some bottles but angled to the cake in such a way that when you reached in to grab the plate you were sure to get smacked. "......a lot," I concluded.
She smiled smugly at her devious plan and closed the fridge.
"Okay so were we?" She asked with a dust of her shorts.
"It depends on whether you want a continuation of the part about the chocolate rat thief or the part where the traps would hurt," Zena joked, taking a sip of water.
"I would love to talk more on that, maybe even think up more ways of torture," Dina smiled with a mischievous glint in her eyes.
"Don't encourage her," Lloyd warned, playfully. "Or the wolf might be in more trouble than he already is,"
"So it's a he huh?" Dina turned to Lloyd for confirmation.
"Even when it's a she, the history of gender pronouns still veers towards the usage of he. So don't blame me if I said that," she shrugged and finally finished the wrapping of the food. "There, all done," she announced with her hands to her hips.
"So where are we going to, again?" Zena enquired.
"I haven't told you yet," Llyod smirked. "That tatic isn't going to work," she shook her head and Zena humphed.
"What's with the secrecy? We are going to find out anyway," I reasoned.
"Then there's no problem waiting for a few minutes," she countered, placing the big basket in the middle.
The large handle which went across it was decorated with a pink bow and it's intricately woven parts contained the numerous food stuff that Llyod had packed. She had caught me on time today as I prepared to take a shower and she had thoroughly fussed over my appearance despite my resistance. However, a few moments later of generous latherings of organic body scrubs, herbal body oils and flower-scented perfumes, I soon realised that being pampered wasn't necessarily a bad thing.
I just felt guilty that she held me in such high esteem because naturally I was to be her Luna by virtue of being her Alpha's mate. But she didn't know that I had no interest in the position.
Once I emerged from the shower, I shrugged into a pair of jean trousers with a flannel top. Thankfully it was one of the clothing items I had packed, however, with the one month prospect ahead I was certain my flimsy excuse for a packed bag wasn't going to last. In addition, the weather today was relatively warmer than yesterday, however, Lloyd had said that I shouldn't be surprised if it changed abruptly in the evening.
As long as I was getting a few hours of warmth. Who was I to complain?
When I was dressed and ready to go, she ushered me out of the room and into the kitchen where I had breakfast with Zena and ever since then she's been packing lunch for a wolf of thirty and we were just five, if you counted Kiba who was still incommunicado.
"By the way where's Kiba?" Dina asked. "He's usually never far from your side," she commented as she picked up some bottles of water and added it into the already full basket.
"He'll be here in a few," Zena answered, popping some grapes into her mouth.
"We won't have any grapes left if you keep pinching on them," Lloyd whined and Zena mouthed an apology.
"What about Aryn?" I asked. "He never seems to be around," I added.
"He's always been like that. I can bet he's probably nose deep in pack work and the like," Dina answered. "But you'd think he'd at least take a day off to be with his mate," she added, plucking some grapes to the deep sigh of an annoyed Lloyd who closed the grape container hurriedly.
The previous night before I had welcomed the europhic depths of deep slumber, I had heard Aryn leave the room but I had no idea if he had slept the night on his roll-up mattress or not. It was routine to wake up and not find him anywhere in sight and that was how it continued till the end of day. His absence gave me space to breath and think but as much as I might deny it I was beginning to miss his presence and the mate bond demanded that I moved closer to him.
"But wait a minute," Dina announced, looking at me intently. "Does that mean you two don't sleep in the same room?" She asked with widened eyes.
Lloyd looked at her with a roll of her eyes as if to say that it was impossible. "You forget their mates not engaged Christian couples," she sneered.
Thank you Lloyd for the save. Because how was I to explain that we were indeed acting like engaged Christian couples with me on the comfortable king-sized bed and Aryn on the roll-up mattress a few paces away. This was definitely going down in history.
"I mean when he carried her to a room after she fell asleep on the couch did you think he was being a nice gentleman and dropping her off at a guest room?" Lloyd added with a quirked eyebrow.
"I don't put it past Alpha Aryn to do just that," Dina countered. "Besides she said she didn't see him that often so I just speculated," she shrugged.
"If we are done talking about the Alpha's sleeping arrangement..." Zena chimed in, pulling a repulsed face. "....then can someone tell me where we are going with that basket load of food?"
Bless you for the diversion, I mind-linked, relieved.
Anytime, she replied.
"Zena it's a surprise," Lloyd whined, frustratedly.
"I'm not a patient wolf so surprises don't sit well with me," Zena countered, plucking a few more grapes from the container. Wasn't that closed just a minute ago?
"How did you get that back?" Lloyd asked, alarmed. "I thought I packed it away," she commented in disbelief as she looked at the container of grapes and then to Zena and back again.
"I have my ways," Zena replied, smugly. "Now if you don't want me eating all your grapes then fess up," she negotiated.
"We are giving you a tour of the pack," Dina offered up the information as she bent to fasten up her boots. She was dressed in a pair of flower embroidered shorts with a crop-top and her long dark hair was french braided to the side.
"Dina?" Lloyd shot her a disapproving glance but she just shrugged, nonchalantly.
"You mean the whole pack?" I enquired, excitedly.
"Yes," Llyod dragged out. "It was meant to be a secret though," she added, still glaring at Dina.
"What about the pack members? Do I introduce myself as Aryn's mate?" I asked, panicked.
Aryn hadn't announced me as his mate yet and that was because of our ongoing deal. So, I didn't want to raise the hopes of any pack members by promising them something that I wasn't sure I could keep.
"I think for now we will just stick to the distant cousin story because Alpha Aryn hasn't introduced you to the pack as his mate yet," she reasoned and I felt the slight sadness that emitted from her body.
"I still don't understand why though," Dina mused. "You are his mate, our Luna. Why hasn't he claimed you or at least publicly announced your arrival?"
"I'm sure he has a reason behind it," Lloyd placated.
"Besides I just arrived two days ago from a completely different world.... and an attachment to someone else," I said, reserving the last phrase within my thoughts. "So it's going to take quite some time to make such a decision," I finished, looking them both in the eye to give them false hope for what I wasn't sure was going to be.
"Sure take your time," Dina smiled and Lloyd nodded in agreement.
"Look who's here! Kiba the man," Zena abruptly announced and Dina, Lloyd and I's eye connection was broken.
"I apologise Princess for my lateness," he said as he approached me but he soon stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Dina who smiled brightly at him.
He didn't acknowledge her greeting but rather pulled his eyes from her exposed flesh and moved to sit next to me with a warm smile which I returned.
"That's rude you know," Dina's expression turned sour and she crossed her arms. "Saying hi won't kill you," she added.
"The cold might," he replied, cooly, turning to eye her manner of dressing.
"Aww do my exposed legs get you flustered?" She asked in a puny voice.
"Not at all," he said deadpan, unwilling to elaborate more on his words. Dina was visibly annoyed by his silence and she sought to comment more but was cut-off by Lloyd.
"Hi Kiba. I'm so glad you are here," she beamed.
"Hey Lloyd," he replied in greeting and Dina huffed, incredulously.
"I need help with this basket because today I'm taking you all on a tour of the pack land," she announced.
"A tour?" He asked, confused.
"Yep, I think it's a great idea for you all to at least experience what our pack has to offer. To see the wonders of this world as opposed to just hearing about it all the time," she reasoned.
"I agree. I'm actually really excited and as she said we do need to see with our eyes all that she has told us," I said.
"Okay then," he agreed and moved over to her side to assist. "But why did you pack so much food?" He asked, surprised. It was the same question I wanted an answer to.
"To feed your humongous appetite," Dina retorded with a smirk.
"Don't mind her," Lloyd interceded. "You'll all know when it's lunch time,"
"You and your secrets," Zena mumbled and Lloyd laughed.
"So if that would be all then let's go," she announced, turning to look at each one of us with a smile.
I've said this before but I'll say it again.
The Black moon pack is absolutely amazing, soul-snatching, breath-taking and a whole lot of indescribable words. The architecture, the greeny and the natural landscapes all blended well together to create a stunning view of a well-crafted town that hustled and bustled with energy.
Each cabin was designed in it's own unique allure to encapsulate the very essence of its inhabitants. The she-wolf who dressed prettily with a flower garland adorning her bright, red hair sauntered out of a cabin which was coloured with lively hues that told a tale of an artistic soul. Her porch was littered with potted plants and a lovely ceiling mounted hammock but before she ventured further out of the cabin, she was whirled back into the arms of her mate who kissed her goodbye.
"Don't ever leave without giving me a kiss," he growled, playfully, and she made a half-hearted attempt to escape his hold while giggling uncontrollably.
Just a few paces from them was another cabin, designed in stark contrast to theirs with glass panels, a sloping roof and a complimentary array of soothing colours. This was how the rows of cabins continued. Each even much more enchanting than the next.
It was simply divine.
"Are you a unicorn?" I stopped walking and so did Kiba, Zena, Lloyd and Dina. I looked down at my jeans and saw a little girl, no older than five, tugging on it.
I crouched down to her height and returned her inquisitive look with a smile. "I don't know what that is,"
"It's an animal with a horn on its forehead and white flowing hair like yours," she replied with doe brown eyes.
"I certainly don't have a horn," I laughed, reaching up to pat my forehead but that didn't dissuade her.
"Are you a fairy then?" She tried again.
"I wish," I replied, chuckling.
I didn't even come close to the beauty of a faerie. Not even close.
"Emma that's not how you greet a person," Dina smiled, ruffling the little girl's hair but she didn't for one minute acknowledge her as she continued to stare fixated at my face and hair.
"Emma!" The agitated shout of a she-wolf could be heard and the child finally turned her head towards the direction of the sound.
The she-wolf was the exact replica of Emma with blonde hair and high cheekbones and with each frantic turn of her head, she sought to find Emma, who I was guessing was her child.
"She's here," Llyod assured the she-wolf and waved her over. She sighted Emma and sighed in relief then she bent to pick her pitcher before she walked towards us.
"What have I told you about running off?" she reprimanded with a slightly annoyed tone. "Mummy's going to get heart attacks if you don't stop that," she hissed.
"But mummy I saw a unicorn that's why," she pouted.
"A unicorn?" The she-wolf's eyes finally left her child and strayed over to my face.
"I'm Yil," I said in greeting with a smile.
"And this is Kiba and Zena," Lloyd finished with a point towards her side where Kiba and Zena stood. "They are my distant cousins from Germany. Aunt Olivia's kids," she introduced.
"Oh it's so nice to meet you, I'm Sarah" she smiled and I returned the gesture. "It's been a while since I saw Aunt Olivia. Hope she is doing alright?" She enquired.
"Of course, she's hale and hearty," Llyod announced.
"So you see mummy, she's a unicorn isn't she?" Emma persisted.
"No she's not, sweetheart," she placated with a calm chuckle. "But that doesn't excuse you from giving mummy a fright," she furrowed her forehead and Emma looked to the ground.
My vision moved from Sarah to the large pitcher that lay at her feet. It's ceramic body embodied the intricately designed flower that sprung from it's base, coiled around its handle and then came to bloom at its middle. It was a single dandelion.
"Do you like it?" Sarah asked, disrupting my silent scrutiny.
"Of course, it's beautiful," I cooed, reaching out to feel it.
"I made it myself," she announced, proudly. "If you are interested I could show you around the pottery centre," she offered.
"Sure why not. Lloyd was actually giving us a tour," I said, looking to Lloyd for confirmation.
"We were actually going to start from the pottery centre because the interior is to die for," Lloyd gushed. "Moreso, she knows the place better than I do so lead the way," she said referring to Sarah who motioned for us to follow her.
"Stay put behind me Emma," Sarah ordered.
"It's okay, I'll look after her," I offered and she sent a relieved smile my way. It was unbelievable how a slight child like Emma could cause so much trouble. I opened my palm up for her to hold unto and she didn't hesitate in taking it.
"I still think you look like a unicorn!" Emma squealed, prancing next to me and I laughed.
We approached a stylish patio littered with spinning instruments which were worked by she-wolves who maneuvered the brown-like substance with their hands as they engaged each other in animated chatter. Once we stepped unto the landing, they quieted down and turned to regard us with curiosity.
"Ladies," Sarah called out in greeting. "These are Llyod's cousins, Yil, Zena and Kiba. Let's welcome them into our midst," she announced and there were choruses of cheerful hey's and hi's as they acknowledged our presence.
"I thought I'd give them a tour of the pack and your centre happened to be first," Lloyd said.
"It's the pride of the pack anyway so it's only befitting that you do that," a brunette with round, rosy cheeks called out and the remaining females nodded in agreement.
"Of course and while we are at it maybe we could teach you about pottery and you all could make your very own pots to be put on display during the festival," Sarah clapped her hands excitedly and turned to face me.
"I don't mind," I agreed before looking towards Zena for her opinion but she and Lloyd were already crouched close to a she-wolf who showed them the tricks and tips associated with the creation of a pot.
"So this is a pottery wheel and this is the clay," Zena repeated, pointing, respectively, towards the items.
"Yes and this is how you go about it," the she-wolf explained, motioning her over with a tilt of her head and once Zena was seated next to her, she asked for her hands and placed it on the rolling clay.
"Wow that feels weird," Zena pulled a face and the she-wolf and Llyod laughed.
"She's preoccupied so I guess that's a yes," I chuckled.
"Princ- I mean Yil?" Thankfully no one had caught Kiba's slip-up as he quickly reverted to saying my name, tentatively.
"Yes, Kiba," I answered with a reassuring smile.
All this female energy must have unnerved him and I knew what he wanted before he even uttered the sentence.
"I'll stand outside while you and Zena....." he started but was soon cut off by Sarah
"Nonsense," she shunned, playfully. "You can learn one or two things as well," she said, pulling him towards a blonde she-wolf who eyed him hungirly.
I'm not even exaggerating. I mean who could blame her?
I wouldn't say this out loud but the man looked hot in a pair of jeans coupled with his long dark tresses and full beard which gave him a rugged, hard look. One that was clearly enchanting as she wasn't the only she-wolf entranced by his charm. However, the plot twist was that he was oblivious to the charms he possessed.
"I'll just stay outside," he insisted with a hard gulp. "I don't even have any interest whatsoever in these things,"
"There's nothing to it," the blonde she-wolf cut him off hurriedly. "You just take a seat here and I'll teach you all about it and more," she purred as Sarah guided a reluctant Kiba gently towards the pillow next to the she-wolf. "I'm Robin by the way it's a pleasure to meet you," she drawled in a sultry tone and scooted even closer to an uncomfortable Kiba who by now was tongue-tied.
Robin was oblivious to the death glares that were targeted her way from the numerous she-wolves in the room but there was one in particular that was deadlier and more hostile than the rest. It was that of Dina.
I don't know what's going on between them but I know a jealous she-wolf when I see one, Zena commented down the mind-link, monetarily taking her eyes off the spinning wheel to throw a confused look my way.
I can't even begin to fathom the reason behind it, I replied
"He doesn't have to sit there now does he?" Dina asked sweetly, hiding the venom that laced her words.
"Robin's a very good teacher and seeing as he is the first male wolf that we have ever cornered into learning poetry, he should get the best right?" Sarah threw the question back to her with a smile, oblivious to the fact that Dina was internally seething.
"I'm a good teacher as well," Dina ground out.
"Yeah! At breaking pots," Llyod scoffed and Dina turned to shoot her a glare before she attempted to put in another argument when she got distracted by Robin....who let's just say was playing with her life.
Robin had placed her hand around a skittish Kiba as she guided him on how to direct the pottery wheel with her chest flushed against his back.
Okay maybe just maybe she was overdoing it.
However, Kiba was a grown man. He didn't need me to fight his lady battles. The hot-headed teenager here, on the other hand, with unexplainable obsessive tendencies and an equally confusing humongous infatuation with Kiba needed a reign in before she barreled herself into the unsuspecting she-wolf.
"And where do we sit?" I whirled Dina around much to her surprise and posed the question to Sarah.
"Oh you two will just sit here with me," she pointed to a space at the head of the patio which was far away from Kiba, thank goodness, and began to lead the way there. "Emma you be a good little girl and go sit quietly over there," she instructed Emma who obeyed.
"I never said I wanted to sit with you," Dina resisted my pull and stood rooted to the ground.
"Well you are not sitting with him either," I hissed, lowly. Her behaviour towards Kiba had to stop. "What's your deal with Kiba anyway?" I asked and she smirked at me.
"Nothing, I just don't like to see the weak get exploited," she shrugged and I almost choked on my spit. "It's clear that he gets flustered around a large gathering of women but by the looks of it he doesn't seem to mind anymore," she stated, coolly, before looking towards Kiba with a level of detachment that was almost too scary.
Kiba was currently engaged in deep concentration as he maneuvered the wheel expertly and actually cracked a smile at Robin who beamed in return.
Boy! If you don't wipe that smile off your face.
"Let's go then," she announced and sauntered over to Sarah who was waving us over.
Strange things were happening here. I couldn't place my finger on the exact reason behind her behaviour but it was either she had an affinity towards older men as I'd never even seen her with a male her age or she was just one to derive great pleasure from confusing mind games. Whatever it was, I was on a mission to find out before she chased Kiba back to our pack with his tail between his legs. I needed him here.
Sarah enlightened me on the process of creating a pot. The feel of the clay as it swirled rhythmically between my hands was exhilarating and I could feel my cheek bones hurting from the too large grin that was fixed permanently on my face. Much more exciting than that was the painting of the flowers. I settled down with fixed determination as I painted a peony. Rae's favorite flowers. The flower and it's petals were ingeniously placed in such a way that when you peered closely at it the shape of a face would take form and reveal it's true art. It was going to be my gift to Rae after all this was done with.
Odin would like it very much, Ava cooed and I beamed.
Indeed he would, I mused.
Once we were done we had to leave the pots out to harden and after thanking them for their hospitality, Llyod procceded to lead us to another part of the pack but not before a few parting words to you know who.
"Don't be a stranger okay," Robin purred as she attempted to drag her finger down Kiba's shirt. He was none the wiser, however, as he evaded her gesture and nodded before walking out of the center.
"See you soon," she called out to his retreating back and I chuckled and turned to see Dina who silently mimicked her with a sour face.
"So have you found your mate?" I started, falling in line with her steps so that we now walked side by side.
It wasn't the best opener to a conversation but I was on a mission to find the reason behind her sudden infatuation, if you could even call it that, with Kiba. So I'd take what my brain could offer
"No, I only turn sixteen next week and that's the only time I can sense him," she replied simply, bending under a slanted iron pole and I followed suit.
I looked at the area with keen interest and by the grunts and numerous menacing weapons that littered the space I knew we had ventured into the fighting arena.
"I'm guessing you don't have a boyfriend then," I probed. I knew I wasn't supposed to encourage her, I mean look where that got me, but I was trying to piece together this very confusing puzzle.
"What's the use when you'll eventually break-up to be with your mate?" She enquired with a raised brow. "Waste of time if you asked me," she muttered and I turned to stare at the sights surrounding us because it was almost as if her eyes were judging me.
Okay, okay don't come for me.
"But you know what's worse. Wolves who cheat on their mates. They're the most rotten of the bunch," she spat out in disgust. Okay that escalated quite quickly.
"What exactly do you mean?" I enquired.
"Kiba has a mate doesn't he? He probably has pups running about at your pack but he's over here fraternizing with Robin," she pointed out. "But why do I care anyway? I just can't stand she-wolves being treated like that, I guess," she mused with a sad shake of her head.
I almost guffawed at her statement. If not for the fact that I didn't want to catch the attention of the sparring wolves then I would have given into the compulsion. Kiba was an unmated wolf as sad as that sounded but there was a plausible reason behind that. He didn't have a mate, he was a lone wolf and once he found out at a young age he had dedicated himself to his first love, fighting. I had built a connection with him on my numerous wanders to the fighting ring and he would always escort me home with a baffled laugh as he tried to understand why a four year old was so interested in sparring.
Gradually, his incessant tendency to walk me home when he found me lurking by a game of arm-wrestling between male-wolves as I played referee or by the wrestling ring, roaring my lungs out for my favourite fighter, he became my guard and my parents wouldn't have had it any other way. For now I could go to fighting arenas because he'd be there to keep me out of trouble.
"Kiba doesn't have a mate," I chuckled, softly.
"Why?" She asked, furrowing her forehead. "He looks older than twenty-seven," she noted.
"And how would you know that?" I laughed.
"I happen to live among old, unmated wolves. Roy is twenty-seven, Alpha Aryn is twenty-nine and a whole bunch of others," she shrugged. "But what do you know I have another unmated wolf to add to the stockpile," she smiled and looked towards Kiba who was currently engrossed in a fight between two males who fought viciously with their muscles bulging and flexing in a show of their unrefined prowess. "Thanks for the information," she beamed before prancing over to Zena's side with an occasional wave at the teenage wolves who looked, longingly at her.
I couldn't even focus that much on what was going on around me. For it dawned on me that I might have been played and with the evil smirks that Dina sent to an unsuspecting Kiba, I knew I might just have done more harm than good in my failed effort to dissuade her off Kiba.
Sorry Kiba, I tried but you are now officially on your own.
"Okay guys let's go to one last place before we have lunch," Llyod announced before leading the way.
"Any clues as to her fixation?" Zena whispered when I caught up with her.
"I might have made it just a tiny, teeny, little, bit bad by unknowingly giving her motivation to go about her teasing," I said, whistling.
"I would not like to know what definitions you give to tiny, teeny, little, bit but Kiba can hold his own. She's probably just bored and uses Kiba for her own fun. I'm sure it's nothing major because I don't know how I'll feel if it turns out that she has a crush on someone fifteen years older than she is, yuck!" She pulled a face and shivered at the thought.
"Yep it's nasty," I agreed with a laugh. My laughter attracted Kiba's attention and he turned but I waved him off with a smile.
As I followed Lloyd's direction, we passed by vast farm lands that stretched far and wide. They were filled with grown maize stalks, rice paddies, orchards, every and any kind of food.
"The pack operates its own subsistence farming?" I asked, impressed. It was the same with our pack as well.
"Yep all our food is grown organically to feed the whole pack and the river basin and fertile soil makes it all the easier," she explained, pointing to the crystal, clear river that flowed undisturbed, across the farmland. "Speaking of which it's almost time for the ceremony of festivities because we had a really good harvest this year and we need to offer our thanks to the Sky Lordians," she beamed.
"It's the same festival that Sarah referred to right?" Zena asked.
"It's the one and it's the most beautiful festival ever. We get to dress up and show out," Dina squealed, animatedly. "We actually need to go shopping for more clothes, especially, for you and Zena," she mused.
"Exactly. Casual clothes to wear around the pack and a nice dress for the festival," Llyod agreed.
"It's going to be so exciting because you get to see outside the pack and maybe Alpha Aryn will let us take you around the city to our favourite spots," Dina announced with a bright smile.
"Okay now I'm pumped up. When do we leave?" I asked, excited at the prospect of venturing outside the pack.
It was almost like a déjà vu moment because the last time I ventured out of a pack I got myself in trouble but surely with Aryn's permission all should be well.
"I don't know yet but it'll be soon," Lloyd promised before stopping abruptly. "We are here," she announced.
"Okay so what are those?" Zena enquired, quietly.
These unknown animals stood high and majestic on all fours. They were a mass of muscles with long flowing manes and strong lean legs.
"They're horses," Dina giggled at our shell-shocked expressions and pulled me towards the wooden gate of one horse. It's black mane shone radiantly in the sun and it's chestnut-brown, beady eyes regarded me with interest as it trotted forward towards me. Then it hung it's head over the gate and nuzzled my neck.
I was a little bit apprehensive and I immediately shied away from it but Dina patted my back in a soothing manner and pushed me gently towards it.
"He's name is Midnight and he really doesn't take to people but I guess he likes you," she chuckled.
The horse moved to nuzzle my neck again in a show of affection and I petted his hair gently. "He's all right," I cooed and he passed a rush of air through his nose in answer.
"I can buckle him up and get him ready for you then I could teach you how to ride him," she offered and I followed her into the stable and watched as she got about readying Midnight.
She explained each gardle to me, its use and how to strap them on. I watched with keen interest as Zena and Lloyd's excited screams filled the atmosphere. Llyod was faster in setting the horse as opposed to Dina who took her time to show me the basics. Consequently, she had started to teach Zena how to ride long before I made it out of the stable.
"Hey Yil take a look at this," Zena called out. She sat, straddled atop a brown-coloured horse and with a movement of the reins she was able to maneuver it to run and jump over a hurdle. "Did you see that?" she screamed excitedly.
"Of course, you were magnificent," I praised and was now itching to learn as far as she had.
"And she's a darn good student because she learns fast," Llyod agreed and rode over to meet Zena.
"Okay let's do this! I have a competitive streak and I need to be on par with her if not better than her," I chuckled, referring to Zena.
"No problem. Just follow my lead," Dina assured me and true to form I was able to sit on Midnight without falling off the side and finally I could get him to jump over hurdles and run as I felt the wind blow through my hair.
It was a wonderful experience and when Llyod announced that it was lunch time I was reluctant to leave the horse. We made it to the grassland beside the river and with a spread of the mat and a whole lot of other wolves who joined the picnic, I finally understood why Llyod had packed so much food in the first place. More introductions were exchanged between wolves that didn't know us and with the steady rush of the water and the sunbeam warming up the land I tucked into mouth watering food.
Sky Lordians why am I not a male? I would have loved to have Dina as my own to cook and feed me.
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