"I like your hair down," he frowned disapprovingly at my ponytail.
"Well, I like it up," I shrugged before placing the book back into its position at the shelf then I moved to sit by the couch opposite him.
Much space was needed from this darkly handsome specimen.
He had retired to the couch opposite me once we had entered his study and ever since then he had remained satiated with drinking in my features to his heart's content.
"Are we going to play this staring game till you deem it fit to talk," I drawled with a nonchalant expression.
"I have much more interesting games to play if you are keen," he smiled, mischievously.
I repeat I will not succumb. I will not succumb. Deep breaths, in and out.
"Unlike you I don't have all day. Time is of the essence here so I'll go first," I hurried on with a wave of my hand.
"That's no fun. It might be a deal meeting but we can make it interesting," he pushed with a pout.
Detached, cold, formal. Phffft! What a joke! More like annoying, irritating and nerve-wrecking.
"Look Alpha Aryn I'm not playing sexual games neither will I indulge in anything remotely intimate. So with that out of the way can this meeting commence?" I sighed, heavily.
"Firstly it's Aryn," he corrected. "And get your mind out of the gutter, I meant a game of introductions where I ask you a question about yourself and you have to answer or else you forfeit your chance to ask me a question," he explained.
"Oh," I mouthed, blushing furiously.
Dammit Yil. Mind get out of the abyss of ecstasy now!
"But why do we need to do that?" I asked, still not convinced that was his real intention. He was a master at masking his feelings and also a great trickster. I couldn't be sure about anything around him.
"I like to know a potential partner beforehand. That way I can evaluate your proposition against your background information to determine whether you are a worthy candidate or not. It's, however, rather unfortunate that you don't have an online database that can be stored. It would have been particularly useful in running background checks, criminal records and the like," he articulated, fluidly with his smooth, velvety voice.
I swooned internally at the sound but that feeling was short-lived because I finally registered that I didn't understand half of the meaning behind his words. I saw his smirk and I was convinced that he was aware of that fact.
He was toying with me.
"You know I didn't understand that load of garbage that you just spewed," I growled, angirly.
"Words, darling, words," he soothed with a laugh. "I don't want to have two foul-mouthed wolves in close proximity to me. It's terrible with one as it is," he sighed.
"I'm really not in the mood for this Alpha Aryn," I emphasised his title and he looked at me with a raised eyebrow. Two could certainly play this game. "So let's just get straight to the point," I ground out.
He chuckled softly and regarded me with icy blue eyes that flickered to dark blue. "In simple terms, I just want to know a little more about you, Yil. Even though whatever you have in mind might not last long, I'll still like to know something about you and your world. No sexual or intimate questions I promise," he assured me, softly, and I melted at the gentleness behind those words.
I looked down at my fingers and tried to think carefully about it. I mean there was nothing to think about, really, but I was cautious of saying or revealing too much. Especially with a man that could literally tell me to jump and I'd ask how high.
"Yil?" He called out and my eyes moved up, of their own violation, to hold his gaze. Almost as if I was compelled by far greater powers within him.
"Do you give me your word?" I asked with a quirked eyebrow.
"Yes, you have my word. Do you perhaps want to seal it with a kiss..." My eyes widened in disbelief and I gaped at him. He had just promised a second ago. "...on the cheek?" he finished with a slight smile.
"You just promised me a second ago. You liar!" I shouted, shocked.
"Hold your horses, tigress. A kiss on the cheek is considered good natured greeting in many cultures," he explained and I stared on, still unconvinced. "Italy, Spain and Portugal are some of the countries that practice this and sometimes individuals prefer to brush their cheeks together and just make kissing sounds. So you could have very well opted for that," he chuckled.
"What are these places that you talked about just now? Are they clan names?," I enquired, my earlier fury gone only to be replaced with steaming curiosity.
"Is that two questions out of your five?" He asked with a grin. "Choose wisely," he drawled.
"Yeah, just get on with it," I agreed, impatiently.
I had been hungry for knowledge about this world since the first time I came here and him stalling was not helping with my nerves.
"Very well then," he smiled. "This world is very vast and it contains seven continents. Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America and South America. Furthermore, within these continents are countries, hundreds of them that are inhibited by wolves, humans and the whole lot," he stopped to ensure that I was following him and I nodded a confirmation.
"In North America, which is where you have been portalled to, there are five predominant clans. For one we have my pack which is situated in Alaska, right here," he motioned to his surroundings to emphasise his words before he continued. "Then we have Alpha Leto's pack in New Mexico and Colorado, Alpha Orson's pack in Arkansas and Missouri, Alpha Kali's pack in Louisiana and Mississippi, and Alpha Demetri's pack in Oklahoma and Wisconsin. They are all wolves and in order to reduce wars and disagreements over ownership, even though it still happens regardless, we demarcate the lands with markings. These markings are more prominent on a map," he said standing up and walking to a pinned up map on the wall behind his desk and I followed closely behind.
Then he pointed out all the packs to me together with their sub-packs and explained that miles, kilometers and meters were the metric units used to calculate the distance.
"Wow that's much more advanced than my world," I breathed.
"How so?" He asked, genuinely confused.
"Is that one of your five?" I smirked and he nodded. "Well my world is much smaller than yours with a whole lot of vegetation and greenery. That's not to say that we don't have well-built cabins and the like. It's just that we don't have those small-like gadgets with screens or the machine on four round things that carries people around,"
"You mean this?" He brought out a similar gadget to the one I had seen the people with on our first adventure here. He pressed a side button and the thing came alive, emitting light from within it's containment. Much more jaw-dropping was that it responded to the touch.
"Here try it," he encouraged and I went wild, tapping and continuing to tap on random icons and shapes. It was a blast!
"This is an i-phone. It's one of the technological affordances that our world provides," I continued to stare in awe but I abruptly stopped my finger assault when it started to vibrate.
The i-phone slid from my hands but Aryn was quick to catch it before it fell to the floor.
"Why is it moving with so much force?" I choked out as I regarded it with mild apprehension.
I was starting to think that the gadget had sucked in my soul.
He gave into a fit of uncontrollable laughter and I was starting to think that he had lost his wits. Maybe that thing had something to do with it. "With the numerous literature that I've read, I would never have thought a vibrating phone would scare a white-wolf senseless," he shook his head in disbelief before he looked at the screen. "It's nothing to get white-faced over," he goaded with a wiggle of his eyebrows. "You dialled Roy, that's all," he said, amused and waved the phone in my face.
"What do you mean?" I asked, still confused as to why the phone kept on vibrating. It stopped suddenly and a very familiar voice projected out of the device.
Yes Mr Alpha what do you want? Roy droned out, his voice sounded groggy with sleep.
"Why are you still in bed?" Aryn asked with a taut tone and I could hear quick rustling from the other end. Almost as if Roy was sitting up straighter in bed.
It was still very disconcerting that Roy's voice managed to fill the whole room through the device despite the absence of his physical body. Witchcraft, if you asked me.
I've got today off, remember? he groaned back.
"The day-off was rescinded when you failed your earlier assignment or would a greater punishment be befitting in this scenario?" Aryn mused.
I'll be on my way Sir, Roy drawled, his tone was laced with defeat and I wondered what he had done to lose the benefit of his sleep.
"Anyway I wasn't even the one who called you. Yil wants to say hi," he motioned for me to come closer and I did, tentatively. "Say something," he mouthed but before I could Roy cut in.
Oh hey Yil! Hope you had a much better night's rest than I did? He chirped, brightly with an underlying sour tone.
"Yeah, I did. Thanks for asking," I replied, softly not knowing what else to say.
Furthermore, I was still reeling from the shock that I could communicate with him without seeing him. Almost like a mind-link.
"Well that'll be all punk. You have ten minutes!" Aryn ordered before he cut the phone link.
"How did it feel?" He asked.
"Surreal and confusing but nevertheless it's very ingenious," I praised.
"That's technology for you and another invention would be the car which you saw," I scrunched up my face in confusion. "The machine on four round things," he enunciated in just the way I had said it and I blushed. "That machine is a car and it helps in getting from one place to another," he explained. "The reasoning behind these inventions was to make life much more easier and convenient,"
"Wow that's a whole lot to wrap your head around. Also why is your pack different from the one that I portalled into the first time I saw you? And don't you live among humans?" I rushed out the most important questions before I forgot because I was now much more curious than I was a few minutes ago.
"That's now four questions Yil," he chuckled. "Let me get my chance,"
"I actually forgot you have to ask as well," I laughed. "Okay shoot," I urged.
"If you all live in one pack does that mean you never get to see anywhere else and if that's the case why don't you guys venture out more often?" He moved to open the windows and I rested against the sleek mahogany office table.
It felt smooth to the touch.
"The white-wolf clan is only situated in one place," I answered, cautiously, not wanting to give much away. He turned to face me and nodded for me to continue. "But we are pretty close to the faerie world so we get to go there often. With regards to not venturing out often, I'm sure you already know the answer to that," I crossed my arms and turned to look around his study.
It was just like his room. The embodiment of utmost masculinity and power from the placement of the furniture to the arrangement of the books at the mini library. It reminded me so much of my father and I took a deep breath to stop myself from crying. It had only been some hours and I was already missing both parents, dearly.
"I know about the separation era from the literature," he agreed. "White-wolves just upped and left leaving behind their mates and pups. But the reason behind it is still a mystery," he mused.
"White-wolves are never paired with no other than white-wolves," I laughed at his absurd suggestion.
"Tell that to Alpha Kali," he countered. "He hails from a generation of white-wolves who were always mated to the ordinary lycanthrope," he stated as a matter-of-fact.
This was certainly news. I was always told that white-wolves were always mated to white-wolves and never anyone else but he was adamant that this was not the case. Or maybe such pairings only happened in the past.
"It's not that hard to wrap your head around," he chuckled, moving close to where I sat. "You are a white-wolf and I'm a normal lycanthrope yet we are mates," he reasoned.
"I'm an exception," I insisted. "It usually never happens like that," I argued before moving towards a couch. He was too close for comfort or my sanity.
"You really are on a mission to put the world's largest space between us, aren't you?" He chuckled.
"There's something called personal space that you keep trespassing into," I remarked.
"I can't help it if your intoxicating scent keeps pulling me towards you like a moth to a flame," he growled, huskily, with dark blue eyes and this signified that his wolf was near the surface.
Oh boy!
"It's veering into the intimate zone," I cautioned with a wag of my finger.
"I said no intimate or sexual questions," he clarified with a shrug. "Intimate innuendos and sexual actions were not part of the deal," he smirked.
What did I tell you about the devastatingly beautiful prankster?
"Anyway, why don't you live among humans?" I disregarded his suggestion and tried to turn the conversation back to its original course.
I don't know what your plan is but I vow to steer you off that course, Ava promised, fiercely.
Why don't you go ahead into his arms and trample upon the hope of the pack, huh? I taunted, finally fed-up with her unyielding persistence.
Don't mind if I do, she sassed.
"Humans and Lychantropes are two different species who should be kept apart," he remarked, deadpan. "It's much better that way, besides, with the amount of chemicals and dangerous gases that inhabit the air in those areas, I'm sure wolfsbane would be a far better option than exposure to that," he remarked in sheer disgust.
"What are chemicals or dangerous gases?"
"Trust me, you don't want to know. It smells horrid and is very harsh to the nostrils," he grimaced with a twitch of his nose.
I wanted to coo at the cuteness. The gesture reminded me of Snowball. I won't cry, I promise not to cry.
"That's why your pack smells different from there. It really was strong and foul-smelling," I agreed.
"Yep and the different scenery between the two places is just due to differing preferences. Skyscrapers, humongous malls, train tracks, roads and a whole lot of other things are needed for the life that they lead," he said, counting off his words. "We are smaller than they are and so we don't need much of the things that they need," he explained. "And no I won't be elaborating on the terms that I just used," he drawled before I even got the chance to ask the question. "You need to see most of these things to get a better understanding of them," he assured me. "Besides, your questions are up," he smiled before moving to the couch opposite me.
"We can just add five more," I suggested with a sweet smile and a batt of my eyelashes.
"Very tempting but I'm not taking anything less than a deep kiss and a run through your hair," he laughed and I sighed.
"You never give up, do you?"
"Nope. My third question," he announced and I raised an eyebrow. "I was keeping count," he laughed and I rolled my eyes. "What elements do you, Zena and Kiba control?"
"Well," I started with an uncomfortable shift on the chair.
I didn't have any problem with telling him about our powers but I wasn't sure whether I could tell him about my control over all the elements. What attention could that garner if I told him?
"Zena is a seer with Forlin blood, Kiba is a throl and I'm a hybrid with the ability to control water and air,"
Yep, I had decided to lie.
"That's very interesting," he commented. "So what exactly are you here to bargain with?" he asked, smoothly transitioning from our questions to the real reason behind the meeting.
"You still have two questions remaining," I reminded him in an attempt to stall. I hadn't thought of a proposition dammit.
How about satisfying all his sexual needs or if that's too forward then how about being his to use as he wishes? Make sure to bite your lips and wink when you say that. It works all the time, Ava suggested.
Since you missed the memo. We only get freaky for Rae no one else, I groaned.
Trust me mate is better, she countered.
"I'm keeping those for special occasions," he answered as he moved to the edge of the seat with his hands clasped in front of him. "So lay down your offer, I'm eager to hear it," he encouraged.
"You need me, or rather a white-wolf, for something. I'm not sure what but I would do it in exchange for the white-wolf power box," I cringed internally at my failed attempt to sound sure of myself.
"How would you know that I needed you and what if it's for something sinister?" He interrogated with a relaxed smile.
"For one you already had the power-box before we met meaning that you were well on your way to finding my clan," I hypothesized. "And I hope it's not something sinister or I would have to break a clan code," I lamented.
"And that would be?"
"Taking it by force with the aid of my powers," I shrugged.
"And that's wrong because you wouldn't want to hurt or kill any wolves in the process," I nodded and he looked perplexed as if he thought it was absurd that any wolf would think in that manner.
"You don't go around killing wolves now do you?" I laughed, nervously, to calm my racing heart as the book of horrors played over in my mind.
"If it's merited killing then yes and maybe some senseless killing just for fun but it all depends on the wolf," my breath hitched and I struggled to hold his gaze.
So they could be just as the book portrayed them to be.
"That doesn't bother you, does it? I mean it's in our nature. It'd be weird if you never had such urges," he mused.
I have urges. That was undeniable but the difference was that they acted on it. I'd be naive to think that wolves or any clan could live in absolute peace but we tried to think of alternative ways to pain, torture and death.
"Yeah, you right," I whispered, trying hard to control my emotions. "What's your proposition?"
"I want you to stay here for a month," he replied, simply.
"A month," I gasped. That was much longer than I had envisioned. Infact, I wasn't expecting that he would request this.
"Your very limited wardrobe can be taken care of," he assured me, referring to my small backpack. "And if Kiba and Zena can't stay that long they can go," his barely repressed smile hinted at the fact that he would've liked nothing more than that.
"If you are hoping that I would miraculously fall for you within that time frame then forget it," I retorted, determinedly.
"If that's the case then it shouldn't be a problem, right?" He pushed with a patronizing smile.
"But is that what you need me for?" I asked, incredulously.
"If I asked you to be my Luna right here and now would you agree?"
"Of course not," I answered. I couldn't. I was tied to another.
However, I caught the fleeting countenance of another feeling cross his face. Hurt? I couldn't be sure.
"My point exactly," he pointed out in reference to my reaction. "We barely know each other," that's what you said. So I can't be sure that you would stay true to your end of the bargain. Hence, the reason I want you to stay a month here. Sooner or later the reason why I went after the power-box to find a white-wolf would become much more clearer,"
"But is that what you want? For me to be your Luna?" I asked, quietly.
"Is it that daunting to rule by my side?" he joked. "We are mates Yil whether we agree on a deal or not, it is only natural that you be my Luna. I didn't reject you, remember,"
"So once all this is done," I said with a nervous lick to my lips. His eyes followed my movement and I mentally kicked myself. I sincerely wasn't going to start anything. "Do I get to go back to my pack?"
"Only time will tell," he shrugged.
It was so confusing. He needed me for something but he wouldn't say instead he wanted me to stay a month here to figure out what he wanted from me. Then the whole Luna topic, the conflicting feelings triggered by the clash between the mate bond and my attachment to Rae, the need to protect my pack and now my sanity. I was sure to have lost some of my powers when all this was over.
"So what's it going to be Yil?" His guttural voice brought my attention back to him. "Do you accept or not?"
I mean it wasn't like I had a choice. It was either this or a war. Nevertheless, Zena and Kiba had the right to know about his proposition before I took any final decisions. Because for one, I couldn't keep Zena away that much longer from Kent and I needed second opinions. We were in this together after all.
"Give me a day to think it over," I negotiated.
"That sounds fair enough," he mused, before getting up from his couch and in one long stride he stood in front of me.
Before my brain could register his imposing closeness he caged me to him with both hands placed by the side of my thighs and brought his face close to mine. "But I eagerly anticipate working with you," he growled and I fought to resist the pull of the mate bond. "And also seeing your face more often and those green eyes," he hummed moving closer to me.
Knee him or give into your urge? No! knee him because he crossed the line, again. But then again one kiss never hurt nobody.
Thankfully, the moment of tumultuous feelings and intoxicating spells was broken by the honeyed voice of a she-wolf.
"Alpha Aryn," she sing-songed before opening his office door. Then she stopped mid-step to stare wide-eyed at our positions.
"Tina, how many times have I told you to knock before entering my study?" Aryn growled a warning.
That's his own opinion, I on the other hand thank you unknown she-wolf for saving me from the irrationality of my actions.
"Excuse my manners," she apologised with a slight bow of her head but when our eyes met I felt the feeling of hostility waft off her. Okay what was her deal?
"And who might she be, Alpha?" she asked, softly.
"My mate," he replied, simply, as he righted himself to his feet and with an outstretched hand which I accepted he was able to pull me up from the couch.
"Oh that's great news," she gasped, more from surprise and disbelief than the happiness that was portrayed on her face. "It's so nice to meet you,"
I could smell a lie from miles away so when it was placed directly in front of me, you best believe that I would have no trouble in sniffing it out and right now I cried foul.
"It's so nice to meet as well," I said, smiling genuinely at her.
I wouldn't judge her so quickly. Maybe she really wasn't how I perceived her to be. I would give her the benefit of doubt.
"To what do I owe your presence?" Aryn asked, dryly and she turned to him but before she could answer I cut in.
"Since we are done here, I'll take my leave," I smiled at Aryn and moved towards the door
"I never said we were done," he glowered and I rolled my eyes. Someone was in a bad mood.
"I'm pretty sure you need to work right now so I'll see you later," I dismissed with a smile then I exited the study before he could protest further.
I needed to think right now about what he had said and the decision that I would make. I didn't have time to get distracted by his magnetic allure or dwell on my hunches about a she-wolf I barely knew. This concerned my future and I needed a clear head to make the right decisions.
However, I wish I had thought my hunch through that day because I might have caught the resentment that burned bright in her amber-coloured eyes.
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