"Because you are mine," he growled, huskily.
I felt my insides burn up with sudden heat and my body craved his every touch in earnest. He was so close yet so far as he taunted me with the whisper of a kiss and the beauty of his features.
Isn't he the finest thing you've ever set your eyes on? Ava purred, communicating her appreciation.
I see you're back from the dead, I retorted but she ignored me as she continued to keep her undivided attention on our mate. Aryn.
He was indeed a beauty. He had such a rugged look to him with his brooding expression encapsulating within its depths a pair of cold, steel, blue eyes. His dark, full, curly hair caught the reflection of the moons' light and together they blended to create a stunning, bright metaphorical crown of locks atop his head. His height was another jaw-dropper for he towered above my dainty frame.
However, underneath his cold looks lay a soft, sensuality which was reflected in his perfectly sculpted lips as well as the deep timbre of his voice that evoked unexpected feelings in me.
"Cat got your tongue," he sased with a smirk as he continued to stare at me.
Oh! I'm such an idiot. I haven't even stepped foot into this world for a second and I'm already mewling my pleasure at his features.
"Of course not. You are blocking my path that's all," I retorted, hoping I sounded much more convincing than I felt.
I took a step backwards, desperately in need of some kind of space before I lost it but he was having none of that and pulled me back to him. Only this time I was much closer.
"You stay put here mate," he growled, lowly. "Till I have my fill of your ethereal features," he added.
A flurry of tingles shot up at the small of my back where his hand lay and I fought hard to regulate my ceasing breath. His musky oud scent enveloped me in a warm embrace and my heart threatened to explode and shoot straight out of my body.
This was certainly not the way I envisaged this. I had Rae to think about but even that feeling was gently beginning to recede into a dull throbbing ache that would eventually die out as the electrifying fire of the mate bond burned wildly and sought to stamp out any traces that Rae once inhabited my heart.
Aryn's fingers gently caressed the root of my scalp and he let his hands run through my long locks as he inhaled my scent deeply. I was trying everything in my willpower to detach myself from him and focus on the task at hand but it was becoming increasingly difficult. The Sky Lordians didn't make it any better as I would never have thought, not in a million years, that his enchanting face would be the first thing that would greet me once I got out of the portal.
Just how exactly was I meant to stop this?
"So soft," he murmured, referring to my hair and Ava purred in delight no doubt from his praise.
I forced Rae's features back into my subconscious and I felt a slight pang of guilt for enjoying the presence of my mate a little too much and so with great reluctance and pain, yes physical pain, I pulled myself out of his firm hold.
"Don't touch me like that," I enforced in a shaky voice.
What's up with you now? Ava whined but I pushed her protests out of my mind and focused on regulating my erratic heartbeat. The maddening rush of emotions had certainly thrown me off balance.
"I didn't give you the permission to do that," I continued. "So maintain your distance," I added, moving to stand next to Zena as Kiba took a defensive stance in front of me.
He laughed slowly, throwing his head backwards. The action caused his broad chest to heave steadily and I wondered what it would feel like to trial kisses down his tantalizing neck.
Oh come on now! Feelings work with me.
"I can touch you with or without your permission," he stated, bluntly. "And you won't have a problem with it just like you didn't a few seconds ago," he pointed out with a slight smile.
"That was very unexpected to say the least," I defended with a cross of my arms, mainly as a strategy to hide my jittering fingers. "Try that next time and you'll be sorry for it," I warned with a defiant stare.
"I look forward to the challenge," he murmured, mischievousness dancing in his deep blue eyes and he stalked slowly towards me to make good on his promise.
Kiba advanced forward swiftly and blocked the path of an unsuspecting Aryn. Aryn looked down on him due to the fact that he was much taller than Kiba. Infact, he was much taller and well-built than any wolf I had ever seen.
"And who might you be?" He enquired, genuinely confused as to why a strange looking man cloth in a toga, with a full beard and long braided locks was standing in his garden and currently blocking his path.
He looked up to survey his surroundings and noticed Zena positioned beside me and it finally registered that I was not alone.
"I kindly advise that you heed the princess' words," Kiba threatened, undeterred from his defensive stance despite Aryn's intimidating build.
"So apart from your dark-haired friend, the bodyguard came along this time," he noted with a slight grin. "Pray tell darling, what exactly is he protecting you from?" he asked with amusement. "Me or yourself?" he pushed, eyeing me.
"The name's Yil McCarthy," I said, smoothly as I dodged his question.
He was certainly not going to think that I was incapable of reigning in my feelings because when I got back up, steady and upright, I would make sure to wipe the floor with his smug smile.
"And she's Zena," I continued motioning to my left. "He's Kiba," I finished, gesturing to the man in front of him.
"Yil," he echoed, testing-out the fill of my name on his tongue. "It's quite exquisite and befitting for such a beauty," he praised and my heart did that stupid high jump. If his conversations kept steering into the zone of my sentimentality, I was sure not to last the night without giving into my urges.
Yes, give into them. It's mate after all, Ava encouraged as she rolled over and yipped in an attempt to catch Aryns' wolf attention.
Would you quiet down?! Nobody's giving into anything up in this alley, I reprimanded and she ignored me.
Well if she wasn't going to help me then I would have to rely on determination and summon my inner strength because the fate of the white-wolf clan rested upon my shoulders. Furthermore, I couldn't afford to be deceived by his sweet, enchanting outer allure because there was a chance that deep down he was most definitely like the wolves I had read about.
"And you would be?" I deliberately asked, trying to direct my emotions back to the real reason for our travel here. I had to resist the mate bond as hard as I could and he also couldn't know that I knew his name, albeit the only detail I knew of him.
The Sky Lordians couldn't win me over that easily.
"Aryn Vazquez," he replied. "The Alpha of the Black moon pack which you are currently inhabiting," he said, gesturing to his surroundings.
Just like Measer Fern to portal us right into his pack, Zena mind-link with a wry tone as she took in her surroundings.
At least it saves us the trouble of finding him, I reasoned, staring at the flower bushes in awe.
It looked like a totally different world from the one we had experienced on our first journey into this world. There was so much greeny here and it was arranged in systematic patterns. The string lights casted soft glows of illumination onto the cobblestoned footpaths and they produced a soft jinggle when hit by the gentle but cool breeze. Even the air was devoid of the horrid scent that filled our nostrils during our first escapade into this world.
"It's beautiful," I breathed in awe.
"Quite different from last time though," Zena murmured, voicing out my exact thoughts.
"You were in Las vegas the other time and that's human territory," he explained to a shocked Zena who had not expected him to hear her silent musing. I mean it wasn't surprising, he was a wolf after all. "My pack is situated here in Alaska which is miles from there," he added.
"What are these places that you talk of?" I enquired, confused. "Do you not live among humans?"
"Give me a kiss and I might answer that," he suggested with a smile and I blushed furiously at his frankness.
Code red! We were veering into dangerous territory.
"Never mind," I averted my gaze and looked everywhere but at him. Deep breaths was all it took because from the looks of it, it seemed I was the only one affected by all these tumultuous feelings. He, on the other hand, looked very relaxed and not bothered in the tiniest bit.
"Or I could tell you all about this world but first I'd like to know the reason behind your arrival," he said, turning serious. "Because I remember, quite vividly, you denying that we were mates,"
"You have something that I need. The white-wolf power box," I answered, going straight to the point.
Beating about the bush equalled a waste of time and that was something I couldn't afford.
"And what if I don't have it?" he countered with a cross of his hands.
"Well you do because I saw it," Zena admitted and he raised an eyebrow.
"So are you here to get it?" he asked, suppressing a grin. "Because I would have advised that you turned down the sound effects of your portal opening. Might have helped you to pop in and out of the pack inconspicuously," he mused, feigning seriousness.
Ugh the impudent, utterly devastatingly handsome jerk!
"We are not here to get it even though now that you say it, it does sound like a good idea," I mused, regretting that I hadn't thought about it first but it wasn't too late to change plans. "I'm here to strike a deal in the hopes that you would stop looking for my pack," I proposed.
"Darling, if you're offering yourself then I accept. You can tell Zena and your bodyguard to leave," he drawled, motioning to my side where Zena stood and to Kiba who was still standing rooted to the spot in front of Aryn.
"It's not darling. It's Yil," I corrected with an annoyed frown. "And no I'm not offering myself," I shook my head vehemently and he responded with a heart-shattering smile.
I mean I was offering myself but not to be his mate. I was banking on the hope that there was in fact something else that I could give him other than that. Even though it seemed highly unlikely, especially, with the possessive stares that he continually threw my way.
"Then that's a pity darling," he smirked, putting more emphasis on the hated word. "I would have loved nothing else than to have you. Not that I won't regardless of your plans," he stated, confidently.
I was more than ready to throw in an immediate retort when I was cut off by another male voice.
"Alpha those pickleheaded, pig snort, fake donkey ass, shit-faced, snarky bastards are finally out the pack," the voice announced in relief.
Ouch! Someone sure knows how to hold a grudge and I thought you were foul-mouthed, I commented to Zena via the mind-link.
I also thought I was foul-mouthed, she echoed. But they are levels to this shit, she admitted in wonder.
"What have I said about your choice of words?" Aryn reprimanded with an exasperated sigh.
"My apologies Mr Alpha but there's just something about releasing your pent-up emotions into the outside air," he sighed. "Besides what are you doing in this confusing...." he swallowed the rest of his words in one abrupt gulp when he sighted Zena, Kiba and I.
"Was Fred able to recreate her too?" He whispered to Aryn as he rubbed over his eyes in disbelief.
What the hell is he on about? Zena asked confused.
"No, she's real," Aryn chuckled with a slight shake of his head. "And she's come back to me," he reinstated with a smug smile.
"You wish. I'm only here for my pack," I retorted and he only smiled further.
"But then how did she?.... When did she?.. Why is she?.." he rambled on, incoherently, until he settled with just gaping at us.
"What? Haven't you ever seen white-wolves before? Even if it's just pictures," Zena asked, irritated at the way he just stared.
"As a matter of fact I haven't," he answered, regaining his composure. "But then why exactly are you here? I mean not that I'm not glad, it saves me less work in locating...." Aryn stepped on his foot and he hissed in pain, cutting off his words.
That was weird. What was he going on about?
"That's enough interrogation for one day," Aryn announced and the male shot him a look as if to say he hadn't even asked a question prior to when he stepped on him. "Don't mind Roy, he can be a chatter box sometimes," he dismissed with a tight voice before his eyes glazed over and no sooner had he done that did Roy stop glaring daggers at him.
They mind-linked each other right? Zena theorized.
Looks like it, I answered. And Kiba please relax your defence he's not going to hurt us. At least for now, I think, I addressed Kiba through the mind-link and he grunted his understanding but nevertheless he kept a watchful eye on Aryn.
"Finally called him off I see," Aryn commented with a cheeky smile towards Kiba who scowled. Then he turned to me. "I have a lot of questions that need answers and I'm sure you do as well but it's late now and the atmosphere is only going to get even more chillier. So you'll all follow me into the cabin and we can continue this discussion when day breaks,"
He was right about the chill because the wind currents were beginning to pick up and the atmosphere was becoming a little too cold. Our pack was warm all year round with slightly lower temperatures during the raining seasons but never like this. Besides, the slight tremble that shook my body craved the warmth that the cabin would provide. However, my stubbornness had to rear it's huge head first.
"I can't trust that this cabin is safe," I argued, making no move to shift from my standing place.
"Would you rather a motel?" he sassed and Roy suppressed a laugh.
The meaning behind the joke eluded me and sensing that I did not understand his words he tried again.
"It's getting late and from your rigid stance I can tell that you are cold," he pointed out and I bit the insides of my cheeks to stop my teeth from chattering. I wasn't going to appear weak. "Also you know next to no one or anywhere in this world so your best bet is in the cabin, in my pack. It's a much better alternative to the garden," he smiled.
As much as I didn't want to admit it, he was actually right. I needed to rest, all of us, and it would be irrational to deny the warmth of a cabin especially when it was being offered.
"Fine then. Lead the way," I relented, holding my head high in an effort to minimise the amount of shame I felt from rejecting his reasonable offer at first.
"Very well," he chuckled and turned to tell Roy something that I couldn't quite catch. Roy nodded his understanding and he briskly walked out of the garden ahead of us. Aryn turned to look at me and he tilted his head to the side.
"You are walking beside me on our way there," he announced with finality and as much as I wanted to protest I knew he wouldn't have it any other way besides I was slowly dying of cold with every second I spent out here.
"Princess?" Kiba silently communicated his willingness to enforce my earlier spoken words, with regards to Aryn's distance from me, if need be. But I shook my head and walked confidently towards Aryn.
"Better?" I asked, feigning a sweet smile.
"Much better," he growled and he moved even closer to me as he led me out of the strangely built but aesthetically pleasing garden and towards a cabin that exuded an aurora of architectural quality with Zena and Kiba following closely behind.
As we walked, he would purposefully graze his fingers against mine and when I jolted, slightly, from the sparks that the gesture sent through my system he would look the other way, feigning oblivion. I tried to dismiss the feelings that the simple gesture was eliciting in me by focusing all my attention on surveying my surroundings.
The pack was very enchanting despite it being at night and I wondered how it would look once daylight broke. The outline of high mountains positioned far away from where we walked, shined dimly with the lighted torches placed on their watch towers and the rows upon rows of cabins that spread across the land, as far as my eyes could see, were magnificent.
We entered into the foyer of the largest cabin and a tall she-wolf with strawberry-coloured hair and pretty hazel eyes approached us.
"Alpha welcome," she greeted before she turned to smile at me. "And you must be Yil, I'm Lloyd and it's a pleasure to meet you," she welcomed with a warm smile and she did the same for Zena and Kiba. "Roy instructed that I get the guestrooms ready for our guests. That's how I knew your names," she said in answer to my confused stare.
"Oh, that explains it," I laughed, softly. "It's a pleasure to meet you as well, Lloyd" I replied, genuinely, mirroring her smile.
"If you don't mind I'll show you two to your different rooms so just follow me," she instructed Zena and Kiba.
I tried to follow them and Aryn pulled me back gently. "Where are you going?" he murmured with that deep voice of his that turned my stomach into jelly.
"To the guest room," I rolled my eyes, signifying that it was as clear as day what my intentions were.
"Nope, you are going to sleep in a different room,"
"Why?" I asked, confused as to the reason behind that. "I would very much like to share a room with Zena so there's no need for a different room," I waved off but his hold on my arm did not lessen and if I was been honest I didn't want it to.
What the hell was up with me?
"You heard her," Kiba growled, warningly. "She'll stay with us so let her go before I do it for you," he threatened and Zena also threw him a daring look.
"I dare you," Aryn growled a low feral threat of his own and on his face he had a devious smirk. Almost as if he was eagerly anticipating the altercation.
Had he forgotten that we were white-wolves? It wouldn't take Kiba five seconds to wound him and devastatingly so.
"It's fine Kiba I'll go with him," I placated in a soft voice because despite our power we were not a clan of violence nor the enablers of unreasonable fights and we were going to stick by that rule.
Furthermore, Aryn was an Alpha and this was his pack, it'd be highly disrespectful to disregard his orders. Regardless of whether he was an outsider or not, there were still ingrained hierarchies in each wolf pack and we had to respect that.
"You don't need to if you don't want to," Kiba countered. "And he has to respect that," he added.
"Exactly," Zena agreed with a defiant nod.
"It's alright both of you. I'll go with him and we'll see each other in the morning," I assured them with a small smile.
Remember guys we are white-wolves on a mission. We can't ruin our chances because the whole pack is relying on us, I implored via the mind-link and after a moment of silence they gave reluctant nods.
I tugged at my arm, signalling to Aryn that he needed to let go but he wouldn't budge.
"I need to hug her goodnight," I said, referring to Zena.
"Nobody's going to hurt her or anything and you'll still see each other tomorrow" he chuckled. "Besides I'm sure she could hold her own," he added, eyeing Zena who scowled at him.
She moved forward towards me and gave me a brief hug before staring daggers at Aryn who stared back unfazed. Then she followed Kiba and Lloyd down the corridor towards their rooms.
"Do you intend on holding onto my arms like a leech?" I asked wryly.
"I don't mind," he replied with a shrug and with his hand still on my arm he directed me up the grand staircase and down a long stretchy corridor towards a room at the very end.
He opened the two large doors and ushered me into the room. The musky oud scent mingled with a tinge of mint and lilies welcomed me into the warm enclosure. The walls were the colour of mocha with a matching leather chair and table demarcating a mini study area. A large king size bed was positioned in the middle and just above it was an open-roof window protected by a transparent wavy covering.
"Want to see something cool?" He asked, closing the door and I nodded.
I was entranced by the interior decor and sophistication of his world. The difference in comparison to our pack was by a great margin. My attention was drawn back to the open-roof upon hearing the sound of sliding panes and I noticed that the windows had now opened to grant a breathtaking view of the midnight sky adorned with its stars and soft clouds.
"So when you lay on the bed you can stare at the midnight sky all you want," he explained close to my ear, his warm breath igniting an involuntary shiver. I hadn't even realised when he came so close.
May the forces of self-control remain with me.
"How did you do that?" I enquired still staring, transfixed, at the night sky.
His carefree, soft laughter tickled my heart and I relished in the smoothly ordered symphony of his voice. "There are so many things you will learn from this world and the same goes for me with regards to your world but relax you'll know it all in good time," he assured me before I heard the sound of discarded fabric behind me.
I turned towards him to find him shirtless. His toned torso was decorated with an array of tattoos and as he moved about his muscles flexed in a show of utmost power.
Whew! What a fine specimen. Just wait till we get to taste every bit of that delectable flesh, Ava squealed in anticipation.
"Why is your shirt off?" I asked quietly, fearful that the hoarse voice that emanated from my parched throat would betray the turmoil of lustful feelings swirling inside me.
I mean Sky Lordians give me a break.
"I can't sleep in my clothes," he answered simply like it was the most natural thing to do.
I took in the design of the room once more and registered the musky, overpowering scent again. Everything screamed of the masculine, testosterone-filled essence that frequently inhabited it's structure.
Surely he wouldn't, right?
Then it all clicked. The frames of the not so subtle puzzle fell into place.
"Where exactly do you intend on sleeping?" I asked, wary of his answer.
He placed his watch gently on the dressing table before leaning against it. His jean trousers sat dangerously low on his hips but I stared hard at his face, willing my eyes not to stray down his prominent v-line.
"Why, in here with you darling," he smiled, broadly.
Sky Lordians, E A T D U S T!
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