"PREGNANT?!" Molly shouted and Jenny immediately clamped her hand over her soon-to-be sister in law's mouth. The two looked over to see a teen staring at them, gripping a box of tampons.
"Don't say that!" Jenny whispered, flashing an awkward smile to the girl before turning back to the aisle she desperately wished she wasn't in.
Molly looked overjoyed about the fact she might potentially be an aunt. Jenny, on the other hand, was trembling at the thought of having a kid. She wanted to leave hunting before she even considered having a child. She glanced down at her hands, watching her fingers shake as her heart thundered in her ears.
"I can't be pregnant. I can't have a kid. Not now! I'm on a case! I can't just... Dean is going to make me go back to Bobby's, I know it." Jenny covered her face and sucked in a shaky breath. Her eyes stung with tears as Molly slowly grabbed a pregnancy test for her friend.
"Look on the bright side of this. Dean talks about you all the time. And I've been around you long enough to know I think you'd be a great mom." Jenny peered through her fingers to stare at Molly, who was grinning as she waved the test.
"I appreciate your effort to try and make me feel better, but I might actually puke." Jenny snatched the test out of Molly's hands. "Dean isn't even aware that I might be. Even then, we have so much going on that neither of us will have time to take care of a kid."
"Maybe Sam and I can handle things. You and Dean can be parents and then—"
"If you even think for a second that I would ever let my kid live this life, I will stab you." Jenny spat, turning to face Molly. "I grew up in this life. Dean did. Our kid wont."
"Will this be all?" The cashier behind the counter asked Jenny as she set the pregnancy test down.
"No. That Jack Daniels behind you, too." The woman raised her brows before grabbing the whiskey.
"I just need some ID." Jenny pulled out a fake ID and handed it to the cashier before a stack of cash.
"Keep the change." Jenny grabbed the bottle and test before rushing out of the Walgreens. "I don't want Sam knowing. As much as I love him, he'd try and dope me up on pregnancy shit and I'd pop the baby out early."
"All I'm hearing is that if you're pregnant, you're keeping it." Molly smiled and Jenny stopped, looking to her.
"No. I'm not."
Jenny sat on the toilet, staring at the pregnancy test that laid flat on the sink beside her. Her leg bounced up and down as her eyes remained glued to the blue stick, watching the digital screen blink as she waited for an answer.
"Jen? You okay you've been in there for a while." Jenny's heart spiked at Dean's voice and she shot up from the toilet, walking towards the door and cracked it open.
"I'm fine. I was just about to take a shower, is all." Dean's look perked and he smirked at her. Though his look was tempting, she shook her head. "Alone. Sorry."
Dean pouted and nodded in understanding, looking back to Sam and Molly. "We were about to go to the sheriff's department, ask them about Frank."
"You guys go on. I'll try and um... Find some other stuff that might be useful." Dean gave Jenny a concerned look and leaned closer.
"You sure you're okay? I can stay here if you—"
"No. No I'm okay. Honestly it might be good if it's just the three of you. You and Sam can get to know Molly. I'll be fine alone." Jenny gave Dean a false smile and he sighed, leaning closer to give her a kiss. "I love you." She whispered, a smile crossing Dean's face.
"I love you." He whispered back before turning to his siblings. Jenny shut the door, leaning against it and listened to the motel door open and close.
Slowly, she approached the sink, staring at herself in the mirror for longer than she wanted to. She glanced to the test before averting her eyes, too afraid to find out what it said.
"Just read it." She whispered to herself. "Either way, you aren't having a kid."
She picked up the test quickly and held it to her face, eyes glued shut. She inhaled sharply, trembling with fear and slowly opened her eyes to look at the screen.
Jenny walked backwards slowly, sinking to the floor as tears streamed down her face. She rested her arms on her knees, dropping the test as she cried, covering her face.
Sam, Dean and Molly walked down the street, slowly heading back to the Impala. Molly appeared jittery, looking to Dean in a strange way every few moments until he eventually spoke up.
"No way that was a heart attack." He cleared his throat, and Sam shook his head in agreement.
"Definitely no way. Three victims, all with those same red scratches. All went from jittery to terrified to dead within 48 hours."
"Maybe it's the gel the sheriff was using. He put a lot on." Molly suggested but Sam shook his head again. "Okay. Maybe he's just a germaphobe."
"Something scared them to death." Dean mentioned and a thought flashed through Molly's mind before it disappeared.
"All right, so what can do that?"
"Lots of things, Sammy." Molly chirped, her brothers glancing to her. "Like needles. Heights... Unplanned pregnancies—"
"What?" Sam and Dean asked in unison, and Molly smiled.
"Those are normal fears, Molls. Ghosts, vampires, chupacabra? It could be a hundred things." Dean waved his hand and they kept walking.
"Yeah. So, we make a list and start crossing things off."
"Let's cross of that pregnancy thing first. I don't think any of our male victims can get pregnant." Dean turned to Molly, who shrugged.
"Who said they were the pregnant ones?"
"Stop talking about pregnant people, Molly." Dean demanded and she raised her hands in defense.
"Alright, who's the last person to see Frank O'Brien alive?" Molly asked, changing the subject as Sam hummed in thought.
"Uh, his neighbour, Mark Hutchins." Dean turned to face ahead and stopped, causing his siblings to slow down.
"Hang on, hang on." The twins frowned at their older brother in confusion, looking to where he was. A group of teenagers were talking near the Impala. "I don't like the looks of those teenagers down there." Sam and Molly shared a confused look and Dean walked a different direction.
"Tyler, Perry and Kramer. Huh. Just like Aerosmith." Mark chuckled as Molly and Dean looked around the room. Molly kept glancing down at her phone, quickly texting before hiding her phone as Dean glanced over. He frowned i. suspicion.
"Yeah, small world. So, the last time you saw Frank O'Brien?" Sam asked Mark as Dean made eye contact with a large lizard and suddenly stood up straight and faced forward, swallowing nervously.
"Monday, he was watching me from his window. I waved at him, but he just closed the curtains."
"Did you speak to him before he died?" Molly wondered, and Mark nodded slowly.
"Did he seem different? Uh, scared?" Sam questioned. Again, Mark nodded.
"Oh, totally. He was freaking out." Molly and Sam looked to Dean, who also looked freaked out. Molly looked down at her phone, shaking her head.
"Do you know, uh.. do you know what scared him?" Dean hesitated to ask, a stirring concern growing on Sam's face.
"Well, yeah, witches."
"Witches?" Sam raised his brows, sharing a look with his siblings. "Like...?"
"Well, "Wizard of Oz" was on tv the other night, right? And he said that green bitch was totally out to get him." Mark chuckled quietly in amusement before falling silent.
"Anything else scare him?"
"Everything else scared him. Al-Qaeda, ferrets, artificial sweetener. Those pez dispensers with their dead little eyes. Lots of stuff." Dean nodded, glancing to all the other animals in their aquariums.
"So, tell me. What was Frank like?" Sam asked, leaning back on the couch.
"I mean, he's dead, you know? I-I don't want to hammer him but, he got better." Mark shrugged
"He got better?"
"Well, in high school he was, he was a dick."
"A dick?"
"Stop repeating everything he says, Jesus." Molly told Sam, who shot her a quick glare. Mark laughed before the three stared at him and he cleared his throat.
"Like a bully. I mean, he probably taped half the town's butt cheeks together..." Dean snickered and Mark glared at him. "Mine included."
"So he pissed a lot of people off. You think anyone would have wanted to get revenge?"
"Well, I don't...Frank had a heart attack, right?" Mark frowned as Molly's phone chimed. The three men glanced to her when it chimed again.
"Just answer the question, sir." Sam ordered. Mark sighed.
"No, I don't think so. Like I said, he got better. And after what happened to his wife."
"His wife? So he was married." Dean hummed. Mark shrugged and nodded.
"She died about 20 years ago. Frank was really broken up about it." Dean started staring at the snake around Mark's neck with wide, nervous eyes. Mark looked to his snake and chuckled.
"Don't be scared of Donny. He's a sweetheart. It's Marie you got to look out for." Mark nodded to the couch and Dean slowly looked down, freezing in terror as a large snake slowly slithered towards him. "She smells fear."
Molly's phone rang and she stood up quickly. "Sorry I have to take this." She walked out of the house, pressing her phone to her ear. "So are you going to stop being secretive or are you going to tell me what it said, Jenny?"
"I'm going to lose my mind."
"What did it say?" Jenny stayed silent as Molly grew more impatient, crossing an arm over her chest. "Jenny?"
"Negative. The test was negative."
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