A knock on the door alerted Jenny and she opened it. Samuel was standing in the doorway, brown now raised as he looked at Jenny's attire. She was dressed in a nun uniform without the hat. Her hair was pinned up, revealing her scar-free neck and a small smile was on her face.
"Sister, I see you beat me here."
"The Lord is funny that way." Jenny commented with a hum, gesturing to the woman behind her. "Beth Whitshire, this is my associate, our senior, senior priest, Father Chaney." Jenny joined Samuel outside on the doorstep.
"Please accept our deepest condolences on behalf of the county diocese." Samuel said as he clasped his hands together. Beth nodded slowly in thanks. Jenny turned to Samuel.
"Mrs. Whitshire was just telling me all about Tom, and how normal and ordinary things were the day before his death." Jenny mentioned and Samuel nodded.
"I see, so you didn't notice anything unusual, ma'am?" He asked and Jenny raised a brow at him, turning to Beth.
"You mean like my husband's guts fertilizing the back 40?" Samuel looked at Beth, stunned into silence. Jenny held back an amused smirk, turning to leave. Jenny walked up to Mary, who was talking to a boy, Charlie.
"Charlie, would you like to tell the Sister here what you just told me?" Mary suggested as Jenny approached them.
"Dad drank sometimes. Sometimes he got rough with Mom." Jenny stayed quiet, nodding slowly as Mary cleared her throat.
"And that's when the stranger came?"
"I just thought he was some Bible thumper, like you all. He showed up about a week ago."
"What was he saying?" Jenny asked Charlie, who started tearing up.
"Did I want the beatings to stop? I just thought he was crazy, I didn't think – and the next thing I know, Dad's dead. Am I going to jail?"
"You didn't do this, Charlie." Mary reassured, rubbing the boys shoulder.
"Did the stranger want something in return?" Jenny asked with a concerned tone, Charlie shaking his head.
"He didn't want anything."
"Come on, he wasn't just handing out freebies now, was he?"
"He did say something about comin' a callin' ten years from now. Maybe he'd want something then." Jenny's brows rose at Charlie, looking at Mary then back to the boy.
"Something like what?"
"I don't know, okay? Look, I told you he was nuts." Jenny was taken away by Mary, who had a firm grip on the woman's arm. "Hey! Gentleness never hurt anyone."
"What do you think?" Mary asked Jenny, who rubbed her arm in the spot Mary had gripped her. She sighed quietly.
"I think he just gave away his soul to a demon and doesn't even know it." Jenny looked over at Charlie with a solemn look, turning to Mary. The two walked back to the boy.
"Charlie, do you remember what this stranger looked like?"
"Yeah, he was about 5'10, white, normal looking really." Charlie explained as Jenny nodded.
"Anything else?" Mary asked.
"There was one thing." Charlie answered, thinking. "It's just, the light hit his eyes in a weird way and... for a moment I coulda sworn –"
"What? That they were black? Or red maybe?" Jenny wondered. But Charlie shook his head, looking to her.
"No, they were yellow. Pale yellow." Jenny felt a lump form in her throat and she turned to Mary. Mary looked at Jenny, wondering why she looked so nervous all of a sudden.
Jenny slammed a map down on the dining room table. Deanna was in the kitchen chopping bananas. Samuel walked over to the table.
"What do you say we just slow down and talk this thing through."
"There's nothing to talk about, Samuel. I know exactly what's going on." Jenny said as she stared at the map, leaning against the table. If only she had the Colt. She could stop him now. Before Sam was born, before her and Dean. She could save everyone if she just. Had. The Colt.
"Except you're saying it's a demon, and none of us has ever heard of a demon with yellow eyes."
"Yeah, well, I have. This thing killed my brother. And it killed my boyfriends family."
"Just calm down, Jennifer." Samuel raised a hand towards her and she thwacked it away.
"You don't get it, do you? You are in danger, we are all in danger. In fact, you need to get yourself someplace safe before this thing kills you, too!" Jenny shouted, but Samuel shook his head.
"Not until we know what we're dealing with here." Samuel demanded. Jenny opened her mouth to say something, stopping when Deanna walked in. She was carrying a fruit salad.
"Sam's right, Jennifer, it could be a demon, it could be a shapeshifter, it could be any number of things."
"I know what it is!" Jenny let out an annoyed laugh, slapping the table and turned around. She raised her hands to her head, scrunching her hair in agitation. Deanna walked back into the kitchen. "I already know what it is. Alright? And I'm going to kill it, wether I get to ur help or not."
"You're gonna kill a demon? How?" Samuel asked as Jenny turned around to face him. She thought for a moment before her look softened into realization.
"Daniel. Daniel Elkins! He lives in Colorado, he has Colt's gun. The Colt." Jenny stated and Samuel scoffed.
"Yeah, I heard about the Colt, used to tell it to Mary as a bedtime story." Jenny shook her head.
"It's real. And it's exactly what I need to kill this thing." Samuel looked to Deanna, stunned. Clearly, the two didn't know what to think.
"Alright, say that it is. You got some kind of crystal ball telling you where this demon's gonna be?" Jenny turned to look at herself in a nearby mirror, thinking again.
"Yeah, maybe I do." She mumbled before pulling John's journal out of her jacket, flipping it open.
"What's this?" Samuel asked, going to peek only for Jenny to pick it up to hide the owners name.
"It's a list." She answered quickly. Samuel gave her a suspicious look.
"Of what?"
"My friends dad wrote down anyone he thought ever came in contact with the Yellow Eyed Demon: who, where and when."
"Why?" Samuel asked with a confused frown.
"Because... the more he could learn about the demon, the more he could figure out why it killed his wife. And possessed my brother." Samuel's look softened for a moment.
"The thing is possessing your brother?" Deanna asked quietly, and Jenny shook her head.
"No. Not anymore. That's why I need to find it." Jenny flipped a page of the journal. "Look, Whitshire Farm. I told you that name sounded familiar."
"Whitshire Farms, that was two days ago. How the hell is that on your friends fathers list?" Jenny was quiet for a moment.
"Uh... my friends dad could see the future. Look at this, it says he's gonna hit here tomorrow night."
"Liddy Walsh?" Samuel frowned, looking to his wife.
"Haleyville, that's close, right?"
"I mean, yeah, it's about three miles, but..." Samuel looked over at Deanna again. She was leaning on the door jamb, and shook her head slightly at the whole story. Samuel looked back at Jenny, who had a clear look on her face. She knew that they didn't believe her.
"I know. You guys must think I'm crazy."
"You seem like a really nice kid, Jennifer, but yeah, you're crazy." Jenny simply shrugged and closed the journal.
"Yeah, maybe, but I know where this psycho is gonna be, and I'm going stop it, before it takes anyone else." Jenny stated with a confident look, which made Samuel nod.
Jenny walked into the living room to see Mary listening to music. She cleared her throat loudly and the blonde turned it off. "Just wanted to say goodbye."
"Really? So soon?" Mary pouted and Jenny nodded.
"Yeah, I got a job to do." Jenny started walking towards the door, pausing to turn. "Hey, Mary."
"For whatever it's worth. Don't listen to your dad. John..." Jenny turned away, shaking her head before looking back at Mary. "John's a good guy. I think you two are meant to be together."
Mary smiled at Jenny's statement, raising a brow. "Really?"
"Yeah." Jenny smiled at Mary, staying in a comfortable silence for a moment. "Can I ask you a question?"
"What's he like? John."
"Why do you ask?" Jenny shrugged, glancing around the house.
"Just curious."
"I don't know. He's sweet, kind." Jenny slowly turned to Mary, raising a brow. "Even after the war, after everything, he still believes in happily ever after, you know? He's everything a hunter isn't. No offense."
"None taken. He sounds pretty cool." Jenny said, even though it was a lie. Mary still nodded.
"He's gonna ask me to marry him. Tomorrow, I think!" Mary beamed, Jenny raising her brows as Mary stood up. "Oh, Dad's gonna explode, but I don't care. I'll run away if I have to, I just... I love John, and..."
"And what?" Jenny frowned, watching as Mary started to nod as if her plan was already set in motion.
"I wanna get out. This job, this life, I hate it. I want a family, I wanna be safe. You know the worst thing I can think of? The very worst thing? Is for my children to be raised into this like I was. No, I won't let it happen." Jenny couldn't help but nod in agreement. "How long have you lived like this, Jennifer?"
"My whole life. I hate it." Jenny scoffed. "I went through something awful recently and it's made me realize how much I truly hate being a hunter. I could never let my kids live this kind of life."
"You're the first hunter I've met that agrees with me." Mary smiled, only for it to disappear as Jenny shook her head.
"That's just it. I want to leave this life. But I cant. People need saving, and I have to be there for them." Jenny was quiet for a moment, staring at Mary, who gave her a strange look. "Can I tell you something?"
"Sure." Mary shrugged.
"This will probably freak you out for the rest of your life. But please promise me something."
"Okay..." Mary gave Jenny a nervous look. She took in a deep breath.
"On November 2nd, 1983, don't get out of bed. Please. No matter what you hear, no matter what you see. Promise me you won't get out of bed." Mary stared at Jenny for a long time, unsure of what this woman was sayings
"Okay. I promise." Jenny smiled softly, taking Mary's hand.
"It was really nice meeting you, Mary. I hope we see each other again." Mary gave Jenny a smile and nodded in agreement, watching as the dark haired hunter left her home.
Jenny drove down the road in silence. She went to turn in the radio, pausing when she spotted a shoe, which was attached to a leg.
Attached to Castiel. Jenny jumped in surprise. "Jesus Christ, Cass! Do I need to put a damn bell on you?"
Castiel said nothing, just stared at Jenny. "What I got something on me?" Jenny looked in the rear view mirror, checking her face. Castiel stayed quiet. "Well, you sure are a Chatty Cathy. You know Sam and Dean would have wanted in on this. They would have wanted to meet their mother. Why didn't you bring them with?
"You had to do this alone, Jennifer." Jenny scoffed, shaking her head.
"Right. I had to deal with something that involves someone else's family. And you don't seem to care that Dean is probably destroying the planet looking for me?"
"Dean is not looking for you." Castiel said sharply, Jenny clicking her tongue and nodding. "Though he is worried about your safety."
"Alright, if I do this, then the Winchester family curse breaks, right? Mary and John live happily ever after, and – and, Sam and Dean grow up playing little league and chasing tail?"
"You realize, if you do alter the future, John, Dean, Sam – they'll never become hunters. You will never meet them. And all those people you saved together, they will have only been saved by you." Castiel stated as Jenny stared at him for a long time.
"Sam and Dean will never have met me?" She repeated, and Castiel nodded. "You want me to save Mary. And in turn, I lose my best friend and my fiancé? Absolutely not."
"You don't care if Mary dies? If John dies?" Castiel asked and Jenny pulled over sharply.
"Do you understand the situation you put me in, Castiel?" Jenny asked in a harsh tone. Castiel clenched his jaw, staring at Jenny. "You are making me choose between my best friends and their parents. A mother I've known for less than 24 hours. A father I've known for most of my life. Someone I am getting married to. And my best friend that I'd risk everything for."
"It's an easy decision. You go for the parents." Castiel answered and Jenny shook her head quickly.
"No! Oh my fucking— It is so difficult talking to someone that doesn't feel anything." Jenny slumped in her seat and covered her face.
"I do sense that you're distressed." Jenny let out a laugh, turning to Castiel.
"Again, Castiel, you're asking me to stop Mary from dying. I can't lose Sam and Dean. You know what I've done for them."
"You must save Mary, Jennifer. That's an order."
"I don't take orders from men. And I especially won't take an order from an angel, whether you raised me from Hell or not." Jenny leaned towards Castiel with rage, clenching her jaw as Castiel stared at her, unfazed.
"You will realize one day, that when I need you to do something, you do it."
Jenny blinked. Castiel was gone.
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