Jenny stared at the girl who claimed to be Molly Winchester. Shocked was a complete understatement to everyone. Jenny couldn't even stop herself from dropping the shotgun in surprise.
"No. No you're not." Dean shook his head quickly. He looked just about ready to cry. "Molly Winchester is dead."
"I'm standing right here. Castiel said i need to look for Sam and Dean. And Jennifer. Are you them?" Molly questioned. Jenny turned a complete 180 to face Sam and Dean. Sam was the first Jenny looked to. He was beyond confused.
"Can I have a word with you two? Right fucking now." Jenny said as Molly raised her brows in confusion. Jenny turned her head to face Molly. "Don't. Move."
"I don't think I want to." Molly mumbled, glancing down to the shotgun. Jenny picked it up, pushing the Winchester brothers back towards Bobby's house. Bobby had stayed on the porch, but he had heard everything.
"You too, Bobby." Jenny said and the three walked into the house? leaving Molly behind.
Jenny entered the living room first, turning to face the three. "Okay. I want answers. And I want them now. Who the fuck is that outside?"
"Our little sister." Dean said after a silence that went on for too long. "She died in the fire. At least— That's what I thought."
"I have a sister?" Sam looked broken, to say the least. "How could you not tell me this, Dean? Or Jenny!"
"Dad didn't want me to tell you! He already was dealing with Mom—" Dean cut himself off, turning to the window. Molly was staring at them all, arms crossed. "She's younger than you by five minutes."
"Wait. Sam's a twin?!" Jenny raised her brows, looking to Bobby. "Did you know about this?"
Bobby shook his head. "If I had known, it still wouldn't be my business to say." Bobby looked out the window next.
"She was a baby when she died, guys. There's no reason to bring her up." Dean said and Sam scoffed loudly.
"No reason to bring her up? Dean she's my sister! My twin! I think I should have been aware that I have a sister."
"Have, Sam! Molly died 24 years ago! Whatever is out there isn't her! It can't be! She was a baby!" Dean shouted, even closer to tears than before. He turned to Jenny. "Did you sense anything when you were near her?"
Jenny hesitated for a minute. She had to say yes, because she did sense something. But she didn't see any demon eyes, and she couldn't tell Molly was a shapeshifter.
She didn't want to upset Sam. Or Dean. If there was even a sliver of a chance that the woman outside was the real Molly Winchester... Then she wanted her to be apart of their life.
"Jen." Dean said a little harshly.
"Yes. Okay, yeah I had that damn ringing in my ear. But I'm getting it now standing next to Sam! Maybe it was him that I was sensing!" Jenny shrugged hard, looking out the window. Molly was still there, trying to figure out what they were saying.
"Only one way to find out." Dean walked over to a desk, grabbing a silver letter opener and walked outside.
"Dean. Dean wait!" Sam shouted as his older brother marched towards Molly. Her eyes widened and she backed away quickly.
"Hey wait— Hey wait I'm not a shapeshifter!" Dean paused as Molly raised her hands in defense. Jenny, Sam and Bobby all waited on the porch.
"How do you know about those?" Dean questioned as Molly lowered her arms.
"If you would give me a minute to explain everything instead of jumping to conclusions, I'll tell you. If you haven't noticed, I haven't tried killing any of you." Molly looked to the porch, where Sam and Jenny exchanged an uncertain glance.
Dean lowered the letter opener. "Inside."
"How are you alive? Matter of fact, how are you not an infant?" Dean asked as he sat on Bobby's couch. Molly stood near the window, looking around at everything.
"I can't lie to you or else you'll probably try to kill me, so here it is. Yeah, I did die in the fire the night Mom died. I don't remember anything for a while, but I was sent to Hell." The four Hunters all stared at Molly, baffled. "I didn't commit mass genocide to be sent down there, alright?"
"Then how did you end up in Hell?" Jenny crossed her arms, and Molly sighed.
"Azazel took me." Sam and Dean turned to each other quickly.
"The yellow eyed demon?" Bobby frowned, and Molly nodded slowly. "Why?"
"He wanted to make sure his 'children' would be strong. Powerful." She said with air quotes, humming. "And I say 'children' in quotes because we're actually his fucking science experiments to end the world."
"So he tortured you or what?" Jenny asked a little bluntly. Molly shook her head.
"No. Actually, he was pretty decent at taking care of me when I was still a child. But, after I was able to form coherent words, he started to. Since I was dead, Azazel would torture me until I was put back together if I did something wrong."
"So that's where he's been all these years." Sam mumbled. Jenny turned away for a moment, covering her mouth. "You couldn't find Nathaniel because he was in Hell... Still being possessed by Yellow Eyes."
"Nathaniel?" Molly raised a brow. Jenny sucked in a deep breath and turned to Molly.
"He was my brother. Possessed by Azazel for the last couple decades." Molly waited a moment. "How did you get out? When did you get out?"
"Last month. Sometimes, Azazel would have me come to Earth, take out someone who knew too much, or a demon that he didn't want to escape. I hated doing it. When I found out he was killed by you... Jennifer." Jenny and Molly stared at one another for a moment, and Molly flashed a smile. "I was... Ecstatic. I knew that if Azazel was gone, then I could finally put my plan into action."
"What plan?" Sam wondered.
"Escaping Hell. Of course, that was harder than I thought. I couldn't escape Hell on my own. I had to be let out by Azazel. So with him dead... I couldn't leave. I was still trapped." Jenny thought for a moment, raising her head up.
"Time is different in Hell. How long were you there?" Sam and Dean turned back to Jenny, frowning at her. She didn't look at either of them but kept staring at Molly.
"... Almost three thousand years." They all were staring at her now, eyes wide and mouths open in disbelief. "Despite the fact that I look incredible for my age, Azazel put a hex bag in me so my soul would stay young. I don't know what it was, immortality or invincibility but... I don't think I can die."
"You can't die? That's impossible." Bobby scoffed. Molly shook her head.
"Everyone I've ever gone after that was aware of Azazel has attempted to kill me. I've been shot in the head, the heart. Nothing works."
"What, so you're God?" Jenny joked. Molly stayed quiet for a moment, and Jenny's brows raised. "Holy shit are we talking to God right now?"
"No! I'm not God. But I can't stand not being able to die. Do you know how awful it is when you can't die but can still feel pain?" Jenny stayed quiet and Molly sucked in a breath. "Right. I forgot."
"Forgot what?" Sam and Dean asked in unison. Molly gestured to Jenny.
"Castiel filled me in on everything. Told me about Sam dying, the deals you two made. Raising Jenny from Hell. That's how I got out."
"Castiel raised you from Hell?" Jenny asked, and Molly nodded. "Explains why you got out the same time I did."
"He told me I had to be prepared for your reactions before meeting you all. That's why I have all of this." Molly pulled out a small bottle and a silver knife from her pockets. "Holy water and silver. So you know I'm real."
"That still doesn't explain why you didn't escape the minute Azazel let you come to Earth." Dean stood up from the couch and Molly lowered her hands.
"You don't think I've tried? He kept a very tight leash on me. No matter where I ran, where I hid, he always found me." Molly argued. Silence followed for a while, and Dean turned to Jenny.
"You never answered my question from before." Jenny crossed her arms and Molly frowned. "What are you?"
"Right. Your psychic powers. Just like Sam and I's." Molly looked around for a moment, rubbing her hands together and turned to Bobby. She scrunched her face for a second. "Do you have any dead plants? Or a dead dog?"
"Thanks for the painful memories, Molly." Jenny nodded. She still missed Rumsfeld, even four years after that dog had been wiped off the face of the Earth.
Bobby hummed for a moment before walking away towards the stairs. After a few minutes, he came down the stairs, holding a dead flower. Jenny frowned at it and he paused. "From your grave."
An awkward silence settled for a while. Bobby handed Molly the flower, which immediately perked up and regained its color. The fours eyes widened in shock and Molly grinned, showing them all.
"Well, that would have been helpful five months ago." Jenny complained, Sam and Dean nodding in agreement. "That's all you can do?"
"It works on anything that's died. Human, monster, plants. But for monsters, if it was once human, they turn back. Say you kill a vampire. You just put their head on the neck and it's like they were never decapitated. Or a blood sucking monster."
"Okay." Jenny nodded her head quickly as she shrugged, gesturing to Molly. "You're God."
"I'm not God."
"Okay then you're Jesus fucking Christ." Jenny flailed her arms up. "Sam, Dean. Another word." Jenny walked towards the kitchen, quickly followed by Dean, then Sam.
"This is great." Dean smiled, turning to look at Molly. Bobby slowly reached for the flower in her hand and she smiled, handing it to him. Bobby touched one of the petals, eyes wide in surprise. "I mean, really great."
"Great? Dean, how are we even sure that what she's saying is the truth? I mean, I'm happy that you guys have your sister back but..." Jenny shook her head, sighing quietly. "I really want to trust her. Seriously, guys."
"What if she went on a case with us?" Sam suggested, Jenny and Dean turning to him. "If she can prove to us that she doesn't want to kill us... Maybe she can help us save the world."
"Save the world? Jesus, why do we have that kind of thing weighing us down?" Jenny turned to the fridge, pulling out a beer. "I mean, seriously. An angel raised me from Hell and forgets to mention to any of us that your twin sister is alive and well?"
"Yeah... You have a point. Why not try and summon him? See if Molly is telling the truth?" Dean suggested and Jenny shook her head quickly.
"I've been trying to summon him, Dean. For weeks. I haven't heard a single thing from him. Not a sign, or a shriek that can make your ears bleed. Cas is off the board." Jenny sat down on a chair as Molly walked in.
"Sorry, I heard you talking about Cas. I saw him yesterday." Jenny slowly turned to Molly, who looked more than eager to join the conversation.
"You saw him yesterday?"
"Yeah. He said you guys might be ready to meet me." Jenny nodded slowly, standing up. She raised her beer bottle.
"I'm going to dig some of these out of the trash and shoot them." Jenny brushed past the three Winchester siblings, walking out of Bobby's house.
is it right for me to make Jenny suspicious of Molly and angry at Castiel? no. but i'm doing it anyways because my excuse is that she spent 40 years in hell and has a lot of pint up anger because of it.
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