Jenny sat with her head in her hands as she stared at a large book in front of her. Several more books were stacked around on the desk, most being different variations of the Bible. Bobby was sitting in a chair reading another book while Sam was sitting in a chair in the opposite corner talking to Dean, who was standing.
"Well, then tell me what else it could be."
"Look, all I know is Jenny was not groped by an angel." Dean argued and pointed to Jenny, who slowly looked up.
"I don't know, Dean..."
"Don't tell me you actually believe Castiel is an Angel?" Dean frowned and Jenny shrugged, unsure.
"Why would he lie about being an angel?" Jenny asked and Dean scoffed.
"Maybe he's some kind of demon. Demons lie."
"A demon who's immune to salt rounds and devil's traps... and Ruby's knife? Dean, Lilith is scared of that thing!" Sam argued and Jenny shook her head.
"Don't you think that if angels were real, that some hunter somewhere would have seen one... at some point... ever?"
"Yeah. You just did, Dean. And so did Jenny!" Sam guest urged to Jenny again, who looked back down at the book she was reading.
"Look. If you guys want to keep arguing about what's what in religion, be my guest. I'll be waiting for you to finally pay attention." Jenny said as she stood up with the book, raising it a small bit. Sam and Dean looked to each other before they walked over to Jenny, Bobby following.
"Bobby's got stacks on stacks of lore on everything." Jenny started as she flipped the page of her book. "Most of it's pre-biblical, some of its in cuneiform. But all of it says one thing: Only an angel can raise a soul from the pits of Hell."
"Are you sure it's only an angel that can do it?" Dean asked and Jenny sighed, nodding. "You're sure?"
"Dean, I've read most of these books forwards and back since I lived here. And as much as I don't want to believe it... Only angels can raise a soul."
"Jenny... Dean, this is good news." Sam smiled and the couple looked at the young Winchester.
"Good news?" Jenny raised a brow.
"Yes! Because for once, this isn't just another round of demon crap. I mean, maybe you were saved by one of the good guys, you know?" Sam shrugged at Jenny, who shook her head.
"Okay. Say it's true that angels exist. What next, God is real, too?" Jenny asked. Sam turned away for a moment in thought before shrugging.
"At this point, Vegas money's on yeah." Bobby commented. Jenny shut her book and tossed it onto the desk.
"I don't know, guys." Dean mumbled.
"Okay, look. I know you and Jenny are not all choirboy about this stuff, but this is becoming less and less about faith and more and more about proof."
"Proof?" Dean and Jenny asked in unison. Sam nodded.
"What proof do we need? Proof that God gives a shit about me? Personally? Sorry, Sammy, but I don't think I'm that important to God." Jenny scoffed, walking towards the window.
"Why not?" Sam frowned. Jenny turned to face them all.
"Because why the fuck would God give a shit about me? Yeah, I've saved people, put my life on the line, but so have a lot of other people! Firefighters have died for people, policemen, but what makes me so damn special that I gotta get my ass dragged out of Hell?" Jenny shrugged hard, slapping her hands to her thighs.
"No, seriously, Sam. I'm a shitty person. I make promises I can't keep, I steal, I lie. Not to mention I have freak abilities that God certainly shouldn't like. Why do I deserve to live? What kind of person am I?." Dean turned away from Jenny, unsure of what to say. Sam sighed quietly.
"Apparently, you're a person that's important to the man upstairs." Sam shrugged. Jenny stared at the young Winchester for a long moment before shaking her head in disagreement.
"Yeah. Alright. Well, I hate being singled out in public areas like birthday parties, so this? ... I hate it." Jenny crossed her arms.
"Okay, well, too bad, Jenny, because I think he wants you to strap on your party hat." Sam stated firmly. Dean looked close to blowing a fuse again about the whole thing, huffing quietly. Jenny glanced to Dean, waiting for him to at least say something.
"Fine. What do we know about angels?" Dean asked Jenny, who knelt down. She came back up with a large pile of weighty looking books, dropping them in front of Dean. Deans eyes widened as Bobby slapped the top book.
"Start reading." Bobby said with a smirked and walked away. Dean slowly turned towards Sam, then to Jenny, who was smiling. He turned back to Sam.
"You're gonna get me some pie." Sam frowned at his brother as Dean grabbed the top book, opening it and went to find somewhere to sit.
After around a few hours or so of Sam being gone and Dean reading so slowly, Jenny heard the rumble of the Impala as Sam finally returned. Bobby was already out the door heading towards the car.
Jenny turned back to her old GameBoy, which had Tetris paused on it. She glanced up at Dean, who looked ready to fall asleep. "Dean."
Dean hummed in response, turning away from his book. Jenny stared for a moment, not truly sure what to say. There were several things she wanted to say: The truth, for starters. She wanted to ask him what he did in the last four months she was dead. She wanted to know if he kept hunting for a while.
"You alright, Jen?" Dean asked as he closed his book, setting it down as he sat up. Jenny turned off her GameBoy.
"Yeah uhm... Never mind." Jenny chuckled awkwardly, pretending like she had forgotten what she was going to ask. Dean frowned as Jenny got up, standing as well and held a hand out to stop her.
"No. No what's going on?" Dean held his frown as Jenny shrugged, looking up at him.
"I don't know... I just want to make sure we we're okay." Deans frown hardened at Jenny's words, tilting his head slightly as he chuckled, a nervous look crossing his face. It looked like he was nervous for himself.
"Of course we are. I.. I don't know why you'd think— Why would you think we weren't? Is something wrong?"
"No! No nothings wrong with us... Right?" Jenny gave Dean a nervous look next. He nodded quickly.
"Yeah. Yeah. We're okay, right?" Jenny nodded. Dean sighed quietly in relief and hugged Jenny. He planted a kiss on her forehead before Jenny craned her neck to kiss him. "I still love you, Jen. I always will." He whispered into her neck as he still held her. Jenny hugged him tightly.
"I love you, too, Dean." She whispered, looking out to the window to see Bobby and Sam still talking. "I think we should start getting ready."
After a few minutes, Jenny and Dean were out the door and heading towards the Impala. "Yeah. We're gonna go check on her. You guys follow me." Bobby said as he pointed to the three of them before going to his own car.
"Scoot over." Dean gestured to Sam, who rolled his eyes as Jenny slid into the front, followed by Dean. Dean grabbed the bag of food from Sam as Jenny looked in the rear view mirror and frowned, nearly snapping her neck as she fully turned to look in the back.
Now she knew why the Impala had felt so empty when she got back. Her stuffed dragon was missing.
"Dude where's the pie?"
"Dude where's the dragon?"
Sam turned to Dean and Jenny slowly as they stared at him.
"Sorry, Dean." Sam mumbled as Jenny raised her brows. Sam didn't meet Jenny's eyes and she looked to Dean.
"The dragon is safe." Dean reassured and Jenny sat back down in her seat, still worried about the safety for her purple dragon with the Sam indent.
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