Jenny and Molly entered the bar first, followed by Sam and Dean. Molly's eyes were huge as she looked around at all of the costumes the bartenders were in, as well as the entire setting in general.
"Have you ever been in a bar?" Jenny asked Molly, who quickly turned to her. She strained out an 'uhm' and Jenny gave her a knowing look.
"No. No I have not." Jenny nodded at Molly's answer. "But I have been in a casino. That's close enough, right?"
"No. No it's not." Sam spoke up as the four walked towards the bar. The woman from earlier was behind the counter, handing two beers to another waitress.
"I remember you guys." The blonde woman smiled. Molly flashed a quick one back, glancing to Jenny and her brothers.
"And we remember you. Look, we're just going to keep it short: We're looking for Ed Brewer." Jenny started, and Jamie raised a brow at her.
"What do you want with Ed?" Sam, Dean and Jenny pulled out their fake badges, Molly quick to do the same and checked ti make sure her badge was right side up this time. Jamie, the waitress behind the counter, stared at the badges in surprise.
"Mr. Brewer was witness to a serious crime. We just need to—"
"Wait a minute. You're feds? Wow, you guys don't come on like a fed. Seriously?" Jamie interrupted Sam, and the four Hunters glanced at each other again.
"Yeah. Look, he's the only witness to this crime, we just need to talk to him about what he saw." Jenny stated as she shoved her badge away.
"I told the cops everything I saw. No one believes me. Why should you be any different?
"Believe me, Mr. Brewer, we're different." Dean reassured. Ed sighed quietly, shrugging.
"I spoke the God's honest truth. And now I'm the town joke." He complained.
"Marissa Wright's murder is no joke to us. And we want to hear everything, no matter how strange it may seem." Sam stated. For a while, Ed was quiet as he debated telling them what he saw. For all he knew, the four would make a joke of him, too.
"We have a lot of experience with strange." Jenny flashed a quick smile, nodding her head. Ed grabbed her beer stein and uncapped it quickly,
taking a sip of it.
"It was just after midnight. I just left here, and like I do every night, I cut through the park on the way home. At first, I thought it was a couple kissing. But she was... struggling too much. And this man, he was— well, he was biting her neck."
"Can you describe her assailant?" Sam asked, raising a brow. Ed huffed loudly and nodded.
"Oh, he was a vampire."
"Okay, right. And by that, you mean—"
"You know, a vampire." Ed interrupted Dean, who looked to Jenny. She turned to him, shrugging.
"So... This vampire looked like..?"
"He looked like a vampire. You know, with the fangs and the slicked back hair and the fancy cape and the little medallion thingy on the ribbon." The four furrowed their brows in unison, knowing that that was not what a vampire actually looked like.
Jenny glanced to the three Winchester's before looking back to Ed. "You mean... like Dracula?"
"Exactly like Dracula. Right down to the accent." Jenny bit down on her tongue to stifle a snicker.
"The accent?" Sam wondered and Ed nodded. "What did he say?"
The man shrugged. "You know, something like..." After a moment, Ed raised an arm over his face as if he were wearing a cape.
"Stay away, mortal! The night is mine!" He spoke in a Transylvanian accent before dropping his arm as Jenny and Molly slowly turned to look at one another in disbelief. "You do believe me, don't you?" He asked and they all went back to staring at him.
"Dieser Mann ist verrückt." Molly whispered to Jenny, who choked on a laugh before clearing her throat. Ed frowned at the two in confusion before looking to Sam and Dean.
"What did she say?" He asked. Both of the Winchester brothers shrugged. They didn't speak a word of German. Molly stood up quietly, walking away. Jenny, Dean and Sam all followed her to the bar.
"What's your strongest drink?" Molly asked Jamie, who hummed quietly.
"Aunt Roberta. 100 percent alcohol." Molly's eyes widened as Jenny grinned, nodding.
"I'll take one." Jenny smiled, then gestured to Molly. "She will, too." Jamie nodded and started to walk away. "And two beers, as well."
"You got it." Molly looked to Jenny, who was smiling as she turned to her.
"Will now be a good time to tell you in my 400 years of living, I've only ever had a single bottle of beer?" Jenny's smile dropped to shock as she stared at Molly.
"Oh my god you're an alcohol virgin." She mumbled and Molly pressed her lips together tightly, nodding slowly. Jenny quickly turned to Sam and Dean. "She's only ever had one beer."
"What?!" Dean shouted, shaking his head. "That's changing. Today. What did you get?"
"Aunt Roberta. Whatever that is." Molly said a little nervously. She cleared her throat as Dean started to talk.
"So, what do you think? Goth, psycho, vampire wannabe, right?" He asked Jenny, who shrugged.
"Definitely not our kind of case." Sam answered, Dean turning to him.
"Agreed. But who cares?" The four walked towards a table, Dean scooting his chair closer to Jenny. "Room's paid for, and it's Oktoberfest. Come on, brother. Beer and bar wenches for you."
Sam scoffed. "Pretty sure women today don't react well to the whole "wench" thing, Dean." Dean looked to Jenny, who shrugged as he turned towards Jamie.
"Hey, bar wench, where's those drinks?" He called out. Jamie grinned, nodding towards him.
"Coming up, good sir!" Jenny glanced to Jamie before turning to Dean.
"Guess some don't care." She commented and Dean draped his arm over her chair, smiling.
"Oktoberfest." Jamie walked over with two beer bottles and two cocktail glasses on a tray, setting them in front of the four.
"There you go." Jamie smiled before walking away. Sam stared at his bottle for a moment before sliding it towards Jenny. She picked up her cocktail, sniffing it for a moment before reeling back. It felt like her nose hairs were just burnt to a crisp.
"Jesus Christ this is going to ruin me."
"Ruin you? C'mon, Jen." Dean laughed as Jenny took the smallest sip. She immediately made a face, shaking her head and Dean frowned. "Wow. Haven't seen you make a face to alcohol in a while."
"Are you kidding? I think Castiel fixed everything." Jenny set her drink down and the three Winchester's frowned at her.
"Come again?" Sam questioned and Jenny gestured to herself.
"Look at me, guys. I mean, I came back from the furnace without any of my old scars. I haven't had my hair up in over a decade because of that damn scar on my neck." Jenny flipped her hair off her shoulder to reveal her scar-free neck. "No bullet wounds, no scar on my arm from that Lake case. Even my nose is fixed, and that broke three times. I mean, my body is as smooth as a dolphin." Jenny pressed her lips into a thin smile before turning to Dean.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" Jenny raised her brows at him before turning to the twins. Dean slowly went to sip his beer.
"If my alcohol tolerance is as weak as a four year olds that got his hands on daddy's beer, then that means the worst. My virginity is back."
Dean did a spit take away from the table, Sam and Molly's eyes widening as Jenny looked at them all.
"What?" Molly mumbled. Jenny shrugged.
"I have literally been re-hymenated. Even the fucking tampons hurt last week." Sam grimaced and turned away, shaking his head before laughing. "What?"
"Please. Jenny, maybe angels can pull you out of hell, but no one could do that." Jenny scoffed.
"Sam, I think I know if I've been turned back into a virgin." Molly kept frowning at Jenny and Dean, gesturing to them.
"So, the entire month or so that you've been back from Hell... You two haven't... you know?"
"Considering the fact that we've been busy, no." Dean said, almost complaining. Jenny nodded, sighing. Molly laughed.
"All right." Sam sighed, turning to Molly before back to Jenny and Dean. "Well, you two go do whatever you got to do, and I'm gonna go back to the room and get some sleep."
"I think I'll join." Molly said before looking down at her cocktail. She glanced to Jenny, who nodded and dragged it over.
"I need to build my tolerance again." Jenny raised her glass, glancing to Dean before nodding. "Beifall." She took a very large gulp of the cocktail and set it down, covering her mouth with her fist. "Oh, Mother Mary."
"You good?" Dean raised a brow, placing his hand on Jenny's back. She nodded, exhaling sharply.
"Yep. I'm going to have the worst hangover."
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