Dean sat in the passenger seat of the Impala, reading Jenny's journal about the rougarou she had hunted. "You get into pretty heavy detail about this, Jen."
"I need to make sure I have the details in case J lose my memory or something." Dean hummed in amusement and Jenny turned to him. "What?"
"Lose your memory? That's a bit of a stretch. You get your head knocked around a few times, yeah, but I don't think you'd get amnesia." Jenny stared at Dean for a moment before turning back to the road and shrugged. "All right, so we're gonna go have a little chat with this guy which, you know... I'm down."
Sam was just sitting quietly behind the two, staring out the window with a serious look on his face. "But I just want to make sure, if push comes..." Dean turned around to face Sam. "You're gonna shove."
Sam turned to his brother, his look staying the same. "Meaning?"
"Meaning that if this guy turns, and he will, Sam... We're gonna have to kill him." Jenny answered, glancing to Sam in the mirror.
"This guy has a name. And a wife." Sam spoke bitterly. Jenny bit down on her tongue to stop herself from saying anything harsh.
"Yeah, who we're probably gonna make a widow, okay?" Dean responded, turning back to face the front windshield. "I mean, you heard Travis. He's gonna turn. They always turn."
"Well, maybe he won't. Maybe he can fight it off." Sam hoped. Jenny didn't look like that had been the case.
"Sam. Again, I know you want to try and save this guy... But Travis specializes in rougarous. None of the rougarous he has ever hunted stayed human."
"All right, we'll just have to see then, okay?" Sam stated, clearly getting more upset as Dean and Jenny teamed against him.
"This is what I mean, Sam. You sure your emotions aren't getting in the way here?" Dean asked. Jenny turned to Dean with a warning look.
"What are you talking about?" Sam wondered with a confused look. Dean shrugged.
"You know, nice dude, but he's got something evil inside. Something in his blood. Maybe you can relate."
"Dean." Jenny warned through her clenched jaw. She glanced to Sam, who looked pissed, but stayed quiet for a moment.
"Stop the car." Sam ordered Jenny. She shared a look with Sam for a moment before pulling over. Sam was out of the car before she could even put it in park, Dean following.
"You want to know why I've been lying to you, Dean? Because of shit like this." Sam shouted, the three walking towards the front of the Impala.
"Like what?" Dean scoffed.
"The way you talk to me, the way you look at me like I'm a freak! You know, Jenny's not the only person that can sense or stop the supernatural!"
"This isn't about her, Sam!" Dean yelled, staring at his brother furiously. Sam shook his head, more pissed off than before. "And I do not look at you like that!"
"You know, or even worse, like I'm an idiot!" Sam walked up to Dean, almost in his face. "Like I don't know the difference between right and wrong!" He stepped back, turning his back to Dean and Jenny and walked a few steps. Sam then stopped, hands on hips, back still to the two, who's watching him carefully. When Sam finally turns around, Dean looked down. "What?"
Dean looks up at him again, and now he sounds a bit angry. "Do you know the difference, Sam? I mean, you've been kind of strolling a dark road lately."
"You have no idea what I'm going through. None." Sam spat. Dean outstretched his arms, gesturing to Jenny, who had been the one holding back all the anger she was feeling from the two.
"Then enlighten us!"
"I've got demon blood in me! This disease pumping through my veins, and I can't ever rip it out or scrub it clean! I'm a whole new level of freak! And I'm just trying to take this - this curse... and make something good out of it. Because I have to."
Jenny and Dean looked at Sam for a few moments as he looked down on the ground. After a while, Dean finally spoke in a calm voice.
"Let's just go talk to the guy." Sam scoffed at his brother. "I mean Jack. Okay?" Dean looked at Jenny, then down to her hands clenched in fists, watching her walk back to the drivers side of the car.
Jack was standing in the garden with a hose in his hand, watering plants. Sam, Jenny and Dean emerged through the backdoor to the garden behind Jack. As they walked over to him, Jenny stopped, the ringing in her ears as she approached Jack growing louder. Dean looked to her with worry as Sam watched his brother, a slightly angry look crossing his face.
Sam turned to Jack. "Jack Montgomery?" Jack didn't turn right away, taking a moment, and then he just looked around, over at the three. "I'm Sam Winchester. This is my brother, Dean. And Jennifer."
Jack turned around and looked at them as they walk up to him. "We need to talk, Jack." Jenny stated, trying her best to ignore the ringing.
Jack looked at her and then to Sam and Dean, who looked around a bit. Jack looked back at Jenny. "About?"
"About you. About how you're changing." Sam answered. Jack frowned in confusion.
"Excuse me?"
"You're probably feeling your bones move under your skin. And your appetite's reaching, you know, "hungry hungry hippo" levels. How am I doing so far?" Dean flashed a forced smile and Jack only looked more confused.
"Who the hell are you guys?"
"We're people who know a little something about something." Jenny answered, folding her hands behind her back. Jack looked her up and down suspiciously. "We need to—"
"We're people who can help." Sam interrupted Jenny, who glanced to him in annoyance. "Please, just hear us out."
"A-a what?" Jack frowned at Dean, who shrugged.
"A rougarou. Sounds made-up, I know, but believe me, it's not."
"Alright, I've noticed certain things. I mean, some strange things. But I just, I-I don't know. I'm.. I'm sick or something." Jack reassured himself, Jenny shaking her head.
"Your father was one of these things. Your real father. He gave it to you, and now it's only a matter of time before you cave." Jenny stated but Jack just kept shaking his head.
"No. Are-are you guys listening to yourselves? You s-sound like you're-"
"Skip the whole "you guys sound crazy", shall we? You're hungry, Jack. You're only gonna get hungrier." Dean was already looking at Jack like he was a killer, ready to put the man down.
"Hungrier for?"
"Long pig." Dean flashed a small smile at the word, sighing. "You know, a little manburger helper, may have crossed your mind already."
Jack shook his head in disbelief. "No."
"It doesn't have to be like this, Jack. You can fight it off." Sam reassured. But the more he spoke, the more Jack refused to believe any of it. "Others have." Jenny looked at Sam, who glanced to her with a warning.
"We're not gonna lie to you, though. It's not gonna be easy. You're gonna feel like an alcoholic swimming around in whiskey. But I'm telling you. You gotta say no... or-"
"Or what?" Jack interrupted Dean. Jenny hummed, catching Jack's attention. "Or what?"
"You eat someone once, and it's all over. And then we'll have to stop you." Jenny again faked a smile, fidgeting with the handle of the knife under her sleeve.
"Stop me? My dad, did uh, somebody stop him?" The three stayed silent for a moment before Jenny cleared her throat.
"Yes." She answers bluntly. Jack glared at her viciously.
"Get off my property right now. I see you guys again, I'm calling the cops."
"Jack, your wife, everybody you know, they're in danger." Sam warned. Jack pointed away from them.
"Now!" Jack raised his voice. Jenny looked around, noticing that one of Jack's neighbors was watching and nudged Dean. The three turned around.
"Good talk." Jenny and Dean mumbled in unison as the three Hunters walked away.
Sam turned around to the backseat to see Jack running across the street, to a woman's building. Jenny glanced back as well, shaking her head in disappointment.
"Damn it. Jack. No." Sam muttered, looking to see Jenny already had her flamethrower ready, editing the car. Sam and Dean were out next.
Jenny kicked down the door, the three hunters hurrying through it, flamethrowers at the ready. They met the woman, who's just coming out of her bedroom, scaring the living hell out of her with their entrance. She screamed in terror, running back into her bedroom.
"Wait!" Dean shouted, looking to Sam and Jenny for assistance. "Whoa, uh, we're here to save you, I guess." The woman locked her bedroom door as Sam looked around.
"I'm calling the police!" The woman shouted. Jenny straightened up at that, looking to the boys.
"We should go." She stated the obvious. Sam and Dean nodded, quickly leaving the house. Dean closed the door with an embarrassed laugh, which was completely broken.
The frontdoor to Jack's house slowly opened and Dean walked in first, eyes on the stairs. As he moved in, Jenny was then followed by Sam. There was a chair wth at had fallen to the floor. Jenny walked over to the carpet, where a large pool of blood soaked the white fabric. She followed the bloodtrail from the pool to behind the couch, Sam and Dean slowly following behind. The three shared a look.
Jenny slowly knelt down, frowning with a grimace as she spotted a piece of flesh on the ground.
"Oh, God. Think that's Travis?" Dean asked. Jenny slowly looked up to him and Sam sighed.
"What's left of him." Sam looked utterly defeated and Jenny stood up. "Guess you were right about Jack."
Before Jenny or Dean could respond with something nasty, Dean was suddenly shoved forward, Jack jumping him from behind.
"Dean!" Sam and Jenny shouted in unison.
Jack and Dean slammed down on the coffee table, knocking Dean out cold. Sam quickly moved around them and pulled up his flamethrower, sticking up his lighter in front of it as Jenny did, ready to light it. Jack turned around to him and jumped Sam before he can get a flame. The two slammed to the floor, Sam hitting the back of his head.
Before Sam had a chance to do anything, Jack grabbed the flamethrower from his hands and slammed it into Sam's face, effectivly knocking him out. Jenny tackled Jack to the ground, sitting on his stomach and using her foot to hold his head down.
Jack wriggled under Jenny's weight, tossing her off as she still gripped the flamethrower. She raised it to Jack's height as he stood, cursing loudly as her lighter didn't work. Instead, she chucked the flamethrower at Jack, who ducked and threw himself at her.
He slammed his fist down on Jenny, knocking her out.
"Dean? Dean." Sam shook his brother awake. The two were trapped in Jack's closet, standing up quickly.
"Jen— Where's Jennifer?" Dean attempted to open the door, slamming his fist against it. "Jennifer!"
"Jennifer can't come to the phone right now." Sam and Dean froze at Jack's voice, looking to each other. Dean's look became more than furious, slamming his fist on the door.
"Jack! If you hurt her, I swear to God Hell won't be the only place to torture you." Dean bellowed, and Jack slammed his hand on the door.
"Calm down!" Jack yelled. He slowly turned to the living room. Jenny was still unconscious, laying in a pool of Travis' blood. Jack walked over, kneeling next to Jenny, examining her, watching her chest rise and fall.
"Your friend is alive." Dean relaxed for just a moment, still attempting to open the door. "But not if you don't calm down."
Sam put a hand on his brothers shoulder in an attempt to relax him, but it still didn't seem to work. Dean wasn't just angry in that moment. He was terrified.
"Alright, Jack. Listen. Open the door. We can figure this out, okay?" Sam suggested, but Jack laughed.
"We'll have ourselves a little brainstorming session." Sam could see Dean tearing up out of desperation, resting his head on the door.
"Jack. Please... Don't hurt her." Dean begged. Jack rose to his feet, clenching his jaw.
"After what you did?" Dean and Sam exchanged confused looks.
"What? What are you talking about?" Sam asked.
"You send your friend here. He tried to burn my wife alive."
"What? Why?" Dean started shuffling through his pockets, cursing under his breath. Jenny was always the one carrying the lock picks.
"He didn't say." Sam nudged his brother as he picked up a metal hanger. Dean nodded quickly, attempting to step out of the way. "I guess psychopaths don't have to explain themselves."
Jack knelt again, tracing a finger along Jenny's hand, slowly trailing up to her shoulder.
"Listen to me. You gotta believe us." Sam begged, shaking his head. "My brother and I, Jenny... we never would have hurt her, okay?"
Jack came up to Jenny's face, who was still unconscious. His hand shook as he swept a trickle of blood off from her lip. He stared at the blood on his finger for a moment before sucking it off. He started rocking back and forthZ
"Oh, God. I'm so hungry." Jack seethed. Sam had reformed the hanger to pick the lock, Dean waving his hands for Sam to hurry up.
"Jack, don't do this." Dean demanded. Jack turned towards the closet door.
"I can't ever see my family again." He turned back to Jenny. "You three... your friend. You made me into this!"
"No one's making you kill us." Sam stated, grumbling as the lock wouldn't agree with him.
"Listen to me." Dean looked to his brother. "You got this dark pit inside you. I know. Believe me, I know. But that doesn't mean you have to fall into it. You don't have to be a monster." He started working at the lock again and Jack laughed.
"Have you seen me lately?" Jack spat, looking at Jenny.
"It doesn't matter what you are. It only matters what you do. It's your choice." Jack sat still for a moment before grunting in pain. He moved up to Jenny's head again, mouth open and looking ready to eat her alive.
Jenny, who had been conscious for only a few seconds, started fidgeting slowly with the knife attached to her arm. She slid it out, quickly opening her eyes and shanked Jack in the side. He cried out in pain as Jenny rolled over.
"Jack!" As Jack held his side he whipped around to the closet door. Sam and Dean were standing there, flamethrowers ready. Jenny grabbed her own, now on one knee, aiming her flamethrower. Jack sat still for a moment as if he was deciding something. Jack lunged for Sam and Dean, who flipped the light and everyone's flamethrowers went off.
Jack screamed in agony as he was burned alive, Jenny turning away as the flames burnt her face. After a moment, she turned to Sam and Dean.
Dean dropped his flamethrower and lighter, rushing to Jenny and lifted her to her feet. He hugged her tightly, holding the back of her head as Jenny stayed still before embracing him. "I'm okay, Dean." She reassured quietly, releasing herself from his grasp to look at him. "I'm alright."
Dean and Jenny looked to Sam, who stared at Jack's burning body with a defeated look.
Dean sped down the road through the night, silence filling the Impala. Not even the music played.
Dean looked to Jenny, who had been staring for what seemed like hours. He turned back to the road, but not without glancing to his brother in the mirror first.
"We did the right thing, you know. That guy was a monster, there was no going back." Dean shook his head. He kept looking everywhere, almost completely ignoring the road ahead of him. Jenny nudged his shoulder and he faced forward again.
Sam didn't respond to Dean's comment. Instead, he looked down shamefully. "Sam, I wanna tell you I'm sorry. I've..." Dean trailed off as Jenny looked to him. "We've been kind of hard on you lately."
"I'm sorry, too, Sam." Jenny said softly, turning around to face him. "I shouldn't have expected you and Dean to end up okay after what happened." After what happened. She meant her dying.
Sam lifted his head again, looking out and then to Jenny. Her heart broke at how broken he looked.
"Don't worry about it, guys."
"It's just that your, uh, your psychic thing, it scares the crap out of me. Just as much as Jenny's psychic thing does sometimes." Dean glanced to Jenny to see she had frowned, turning to him.
"She can't do the things I do, Dean. Just sense the supernatural." Sam shrugged, and Jenny turned away from the two.
Even her own abilities scared her. Of course, Sam was right. She wouldn't send demons back to hell with her abilities. But she could sense every monster. And the ringing. The ringing was the worst part of it all. If there were enough monsters around her, her head would probably explode.
"Look, if it's all the same... I'd really rather not talk about it." Sam said after a moment, looking over at Dean. His brother looked back, a little smile playing on his lips.
"Wait a minute. What? You don't want to talk? You?" Dean joked, but Sam didn't smile or reply for a while.
He shrugged again. "There's nothing more to say. I can't keep explaining myself to you. I can't make you understand."
"Why don't you try?" Dean wondered and Jenny nodded in agreement.
"Yeah, Sam. If you explained it to us, I'm sure we'd find a way to help you." Jenny suggested, Sam shook his head.
"I can't. Because this thing, this blood, it's not in you guys the way it's in me. It's just something I got to deal with." Dean shook his head.
"Not alone." Sam stared at Dean as Jenny nodded in agreement. He sighed, looking out his window and stayed silent for a while more.
"Anyway, it doesn't matter. These powers... it's playing with fire. I'm done with them." Jenny and Dean looked at each other with a twinge of hope, looking at Sam. "I'm done with everything."
"Really?" Jenny spoke. He stayed quiet again. Jenny turned back to the window.
"Well, that's a relief. Thank you." Sam turned to face Dean and scoffed.
"Don't thank me. I'm not doing it for you. Or for the angels or for anybody. This is my choice."
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